Alright Veeky Forums, in honor of Castlevania's release, come up with a character that could defeat Dracula

Alright Veeky Forums, in honor of Castlevania's release, come up with a character that could defeat Dracula.

How would you do it?

His name is Vamp Fucker

He is a tree golem filled with the souls of people who just really fucking hate Dracula.

His only goal in life is to stab Dracula in the heart with a steak. He is ready for this as his entire body can be made into a steak. He's also just pissed all the time.

His ultimate weakness is fire, which is the same one as Frankenstein's monster, so he has a connection with someone on the inside.

Solaire of Astora. all of his attacks are sun-based.

Okay I can think of a small team that could maybe do it.

A Texas cowboy, a psychiatrist and lawyer duo from Britain, and an elderly doctor from Amsterdam.

I know that's an unusual team to have take down Dracula, Lord of Darkness, but for some reason I think they can do it.

Draculas one weakness (pic related)


I'm going to go with a early middle aged British chap with a magical whip and a cursed family bloodline.

>in honor of Castlevania's release
Is it 1986?

A Gnosis 3 Mage.

netflix created a castlevania animated series.

>His only goal in life is to stab Dracula in the heart with a steak

I like it

It's like 4 episodes, right? That's really nothing more than an extended OVA.

I like how /a/, being the absolute shithole that it is, is the only board on Veeky Forums that dislikes the new Castlevania.


>Cartoon shit
>Not posting perfectly grilled meat products
Did you even try, user?

There's a new Netflix show. It's fucking fantastic but based on the pacing and length I have no idea why they decided to split it into 4 episodes rather than just make it a movie.

Seriously though, gore galore, an actually faithful representation of the Castlevania ascetic, and a protagonist who has a kinda "PC who gets drunk and kills vampires sometimes" feel to him come together to make a really enjoyable show.

Given that the total runtime is less than 2 hours and it's divided into episodes it's a pretty safe thing to give a shot even if you decide it isn't for you.

Yes. Vamp Fucker's wood can be made into meaty goodness.

probably because it's western animation.

fucking really? How? I watched it yesterday and it seems hard to imagine how you'd go into that show going "This might be a thing for me" and not come out of it going "This was DEFINITELY exactly what I wanted/expected"

>Did you even try, user?
I chose the cartoon one because it has the eye like the sword Soul Edge does

also because rib EYE steak geddit

sounds interesting, thanks mate

Settra the imperishable

Beating Dracula isn't that complicated at the end of the day, just throw enough holy warriors at the problem

I read that as "just throw enough holy waters at the problem"


I hate you more than I hate most anons, user.

I like the time of Order of Ecclesia, where the Belmonts seem to be gone and so a ton of other groups have sprung up to carry the torch.