What would happen if Doomguy was released into the Eye of Terror?
What would happen if Doomguy was released into the Eye of Terror?
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Did you play DOOM? That, for eternity but with bigger guns.
Same as Kaldor Draigo but butter.
Basically this. Are you familiar with Tuska Daemonslayer?
>Tuska Daemonslayer
I was not aware of this character but I am now
That fucking rules
It would still be called the Eye of Terror, and the host of Chaos would still pour from the Cadian gate.
Except they'd be trying to escape, instead of attack the Imperium.
Daemons, for the first time in the Imperium's history, surrender, if only for the mercy of a swift execution, rather than be ripped and torn asunder by the Incorruptible.
He'd prolly reconfigure his praetor suit to absorb warp energy. All of a sudden, he's nomming the fuck outa some demons and absorbing their power. In a millennium or 2, he's the most powerful being in the warp outside the 4.
He'd make good progress circlestrafing around minor daemons until one of three things happen
>environmental hazards disintegrate him
>some asshole cultist with a gun snipes him and instantly gets rewarded Princedom for his deed
>a Sorcerer/Horror/Greater Daemon obliterates him with magic that would put an Archvile to shame
Is it just that people who praise Doomguy to the ever-loving high heavens haven't ever played ANYTHING in the Doom franchise?
This would also potentially corrupt him into a Daemon of Khorne.
The way I see it, Khorne would keep him around and let him run free because 1. Cares not from where the blood flows, 2. It makes his servants stronger and sharper 3. his undying rage feeds Khorne and 4. It lets Khorne cultivate Doomguy over the millennia into the one thing Khorne wants and needs but can never find - a worthy opponent to kill
A long campaign across all the most infamous planets in the warp, then all the daemon primarch planets (Pert's and Lorgar's would be dope as fuck) and finally through the domains of each Chaos God. Final boss is Emps who has become a God and taken on all the aspects of the Chaos Gods and wants to die so there are no more Gods in the warp for a time.
Sound retarded? Perfect.
In about 12 hours or so, max, there'd be no more Eye of Terror.
>implying DOOMguy is corruptible in any way
>environmental damage
Are you just bad at video games? Motherfucker can teleport, you know that right?
Doom guy would be a psyker with no spells and 80 dice to roll for deny the witch. He literally angries his way out of demonic possession, wills his way out of death, and stubborn so his way to hell and back. He's a subway made out of a scowl and a really big gun. As of DOOM, he's survived in hell, chained up in a sarcophagus for generations. Magic won't stop this guy.
That was explored in the game. The doomslayer is described as incorruptible. The demons had tried for generations but he just coming back more spiteful and more powerful.
Doomguy vs. Doomrider, 1 on 1, no items, Final Destination
No can do, he's literally incorruptible. And I don't mean he's just a guy with convictions, I mean he's basically a force of nature at this point.
This only ends when the two of them have snorted literally all the cocaine.
So... does that make him something like the undying Daemon Prince of the Emperor, instead of Chaos? Progenitor or Champion of the Angry Marines?Hey, if Doomguy can't die, then dank memes shouldn't either.
Battle Theme: Through The Fire and Flames, re-composed by Two Steps From Hell, played by the Noise Marines.
Incorruptible to Doom demons. This has nothing to do with daemons, of which the only defense against them is faith. Without faith in the Emperor or Gork and Mork you're chump meat.
>Khorne wants and needs but can never find - a worthy opponent to kill
Who are Gork and Mork? I mean, the only reason those two and Khorne haven't tried to kill each other yet is because... something about them all lovin' a good fight I think.
In fact, I'm pretty sure the first thing Khorne would do is make sure Tuska Daemonkilla's still on Khorne's front lawn krumpin'/dyin' to his champions for eternity...
>implying Gork and Mork wouldn't back a Doomguy just to troll the Chaos Gods for a laff
Kaldor Draigo is a faggot
Demonato, daemonato. Same shit, different day. It's a ruinous power of hell/the warp corrupting humanity, twisting their greed, lust, anger, and schemes back on them, and turning them into monsters. Doom guy is definitely incorruptible to chaos.
What if he has incorruptible faith in really big guns?
He's Big AND Green, those are the two requirements
>all these suggestions for killing him
The reason he was chained up in a sarcophagus was because they can't kill him. Respawning, check points and save scumming aren't just game mechanics in DOOM, they're part of the lore.
Every time they've killed him he's just popped back into existence somewhere nearby and continued his rampage. Locking him up without actually killing him was the only way to stop him.
That said, someone in the warp will eventually figure that out and come up with a plan to trap and isolate him. It'll be a costly plan, but it's possible.
Bruh, Doomslayer literally went toe-to-toe with the combined armies of hell, killed the titan daemon, and could only be restrained (not killed) by an incredibly potent sarcophagus. Doomslayer forced the armies of Hell to work together for the first time ever, just so they could get a couple centuries without him tearing out their assholes.
Doomslayer is beyond primarch-level in terms of daemon-killing aptitude. He would been really useful during the war in the web way; Big E could've just dropped him off in the Impossible City and left him there with some smokes and a beer, and let him handle the tide of daemons.
He has endless faith in his ability to rip and tear.
It was kind of canon in Doom Classic as well.
They literally managed to kill him, he was sent to hell... and kept on killing them.
Argent energy should theoretically corrupt him too, like it corrupts the humans in DOOM. Except it can't corrupt him for some inexplicable reason, the demons just could not stop him. I don't see an issue with extending that same reason, whatever it is, to Warp energy.
That will lead to chaos corruption. You need a patron to protect you, atheism does nothing.
Worked for Emps
There are no gods of men, only the emperor, you fucking heretic.
The Emps is a god. Even before his internment on the golden throne faith in him allowed people to banish daemons. Plus Imperial Daemons existed before the internment as well.
The God-Emperor is the god of man, heretic.
I have faith in Doomguy.
Clap your hands if you believe in Doomguy!
Holy Doomguy, who art knee deep in the dead, incandescent be thy wrath. In one hand I shall hold the bones of my foes and in the other my fist will be filled with murder. If my cause is just, my will strong and my weapons of sufficient magnitude grant me victory in your name.
Thrice blessed Doomguy, bane of deamons, I devote my blade to the slaying of thy foes and beseech thee to bless my hands that they might rip and tear in your name be they ever so unworthy.
Glorious Doomguy, champion beyond madness, I implore you, if my might makes right then let it bring light that I might burn the darkness of this cursed galaxy away. For though darkness surrounds me I am wrothful and surrounded by its flame.
>Pre-battle prayer of the adeptus astartes. Fell from common usage prior to the Age of Apostasy.
>Gork and Mork see Doomguy ripping and tearing shit up
>Give him their blessing
He's in green. He's got the dakka and the choppa. It's close enough.
I believe it.
Good doomguy or haloguy?
>tfw some namefag tried posting and you will never ever have to read their posts
Filter doing work
doomguy confirmed for orky
Doesn't sound like you've played the games either mate.
In NuDoom you quite literally travel through the corpse of a demon the Doomslayer killed previously.
>Kaldor Draigo sux lol
He's a Primarch trained to be specifically anti-daemon and incorruptible and he's in the Warp. Nothing he's done is that outlandish.
Doomguy is already a demon so... not much.
He literally stays in hell after Doom64
Draigo isn't a primarch though. He's just a bullshit Gary sue that's infinitely better than his brothers for no fucking reason.
Why would you release Khorne into the eye of terror?
>Kaldor Draigo is now a primarch to boot
This would actually lessen his Mary-Sue bullshit considerably.
Sounds good.
He's Kaldor Draigo's butt butter
Well shit I've been trying to figure out a chapter and color scheme for some marines I want to get recently. Now I've got it.
>A foundling chapter created to fight chaos stumbles upon an ancient ruin in a world they've landed on, filled with ancient imperial history and iconography.
>Written on the walls are the story of the greatest saint of the ancient imperium, the Incorruptible, slayer of daemons, champion of the righteous and vengeful alike. A warrior who cut a bloody swathe through the warp burdened only with holy purpose and scorching contempt.
>The marines make their homeworld there, amidst the ruins, much to the confusion of their Imperium cohorts.
>But they are certain, for they have learned two truths about their mission.
>The first is that they are Doomed, for they are not the Incorruptible, they can not stand against the horror and madness of the warp as he did. As much as they may try, his is the dream they can never reach.
>But as they are Doomed, then so too will be their foes.
Bump, for great slaughter!
>He's a Primarch
Well first Doomguy and the Demons have a tea party, then a slumber party, and finally they both commit suicide. Then the Emperor turns into a cake and eats the universe, the end. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN.
He'd become a Daemon Prince
laughing necron .jpg
Tuska and his line is one of the most retarded portions of 40k lore ever conceived. It's retarded even by 40k standards.
>t. deamon just before he gets slaughtered by doomguy
Fund it
Sheer willpower is sufficient, but sense belief is fundamentally a matter of Faith, Doom Guy would have to have complete Faith in his ability to kill.
I mean, I guess he'd be to daemons what Yarrick is to Orks.
>Well shit I've been trying to figure out a chapter and color scheme for some marines I want to get recently. Now I've got it.
Oh shit yes, I too and I already had green / black as one of the schemes.
Gonna call them the "Doom Fists", imperial fists successor
>demons have got so depressed that they don't even bother fighting back; they just spend all day shitposting about Doomguy until he kills them
Just going to put it out there, that he might kill things.
Yes, and that's great.
>Kaldor Draigo, Tuska Daemonslayer, Sly Marbo and Doomguy
>Rollin' through the Warp, just...wrecking EVERYTHING, all day everyday
Truly they would be the Beatles of destruction.
Goddamnit, now I almost want to buy some Chad Marines and make the Sons of the Doomslayer.
Reminder that the majority of Mars is unexplored/lost in 40k.
For all we know, Doomguy is waiting to be awoken
>Cawl digging around in his lab as he cooks up the Chadmarines
>Discovers the Doomguy and gets a geneseed sample before he punches a whole into the Warp to start kicking daemon ass
>A fresh chapter of Doomguy Marines, released under the cover of some lesser exterminated chapter that had been lost to history
How tall was Doomguy?
From the height of the doors on the Mars base it looked like he was about 6 foot perhaps a few inch taller.
Not some giant. If anything the awesome would be intensified if it was a manlet marine or even a half-marine like Kor-Pharon. It's easy to be awesome when you are made of best parts.
Plus the image of regular dude forehead warhead Glasgow kissing a deamon prince to death is lovely.
Well, Doomguy would be Doomguy sized, but using his geneseed to make the chapter of his genetic clones, they'd end up getting turbo'd. It's just an easy explination for all of a sudden, an entire chapter of pissed-as-hell, rip-and-tear motherfuckers storming out of the depths of Mars and and waging violent pure slaughter on Daemons.
Or it could be that they were an ancient company of [Legion] that followed the traitor Legions into the Eye of Terror back in the old days. They were written off as traitorous and struck from the records because the last the Imperium saw of them was a bunch of frothing at the mouth green bastards sprinting into the Eye and ignoring all orders to turn the boat around.
Needles to say they were not joining up with the traitors, they were just too angry to stop.
It's been a few years now. Not, maybe, the 10,000 it has been because of how bendy time gets in the Eye. But it's been a long time.
Their power armour has broken down, their weapons have been replaced by simple blades, their guns are salvaged from the enemy and for centuries they have been ripping and tearing about the Eye. Mostly it's because they got lost because space is fair bendy as well. Also at some point they lost the ships.
Now they travel by getting the Librarians to punch a hole in the warp and the run to new battlegrounds. Sometimes if space is thin enough you don't even need a Librarian.
They are clad in no only green carapace. They are bane of deamons, the Angels of Death and they shall know no calm.
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That guy from Game of Thrones?