Are any of the Sensei still alive?
Or still canon for that matter?
Are any of the Sensei still alive?
They're canon as a Tzeentchian cult. All wiped out by the Inquisition
Gorillaman is alive and well
They've kinda rolled the concept of them into the Perpetuals (who I also think are Shaman who never took part in the ritual that created the Emperor).
Probably not. GW seems to have nixxed/forgotten about the whole starchild thing, which is basically means no Sensei anymore
It's a shame because you don't need the star child thing for them to be interesting additions to the lore.
True. I think the main reason is because they conflicted with the "all super grimdark, all the time, no heroes no (real) hope" tone 40k moved into.
Wait, I thought that was the Illuminati, not the Sensei.
No. The Illuminati are still sort of around. Just not doing anything. Probably
The real plot twist is that the Illuminati is actually a Malice cult using humanity to kill chaos.
They don't actually exist. In the Ian Watson series, it was explicitly stated that they were invented by a Tzeentchian cult.
The one dude who may have been a Sensei turned out to simply be a red herring. He died without even appearing on-screen.
Actually, I think it's implied that the ritual had more than one survivor. The guy who got the full power-boost was the Emperor, but the survivors were the Perpetuals.
It's worth noting that none of the Perpetuals are Chaos-tainted. Some do really bad things, but none of them are remotely inclined to worship Chaos. (Even the one dude who's an assassin is an assassin for a xenos faction.)
Are humans the only race that can become perpetuals the only other race that seems to have the ability is the old ones.
Eldar live for fucking eternity and Orks usually get krumped before they grow old so it's hard to say, isn't it? It does seem like only races with souls can be immortal though (so no Perpetual Tau or Necrons).
Necrons and C'tan are immortal.
Living a long time does not a perpetual make, perpetuals are immortal and will come back to life if their physical form is killed iirc.
Tau have souls don't they? Just not big and tasty ones that leave a large warp presence. And the Necrons already got their immortality but at a price.
Honestly that would be fantastic. Doubly so if the Alpha Legion was in on it. I mean Ordo Hydra and all that
It appears to only be humans. Perpetuals have true immortality, in that they keep coming back even if they're killed. When Cyrene is retrieved, the Perpetual who comes to grab her is incinerated by an Astartes flamer, but he's back about ten minutes later, unharmed.
Like, their body can be completely destroyed, and they can still come back.
There's a big difference between biological immortality and Perpetual immortality. Perpetuals can be reduced to their component atoms and proceed to walk it off. It was implied that you need crazy as fuck Warp magic to kill one permanently, and it seems that even that didn't work long-term.
>Actually, I think it's implied that the ritual had more than one survivor.
I hadn't considered that before.
And the thoughts of Grammaticus on the subject, as well as Cyrene herself, seems to imply that there is more than one way to become a perpetual. Especially since John's status is apparently controlled by his alien masters (making several references to "them" bringing him back).
As for what happened with Vulkan. It seems more like John sacrificed himself to restore the Primarch's mind, when he used the Fulgurite, rather than trying to kill him.
Necrons are death robots. It's not magic or lucky genetics, it's being a robot.
Tau have souls. They're very thin, but they're there.
I wish i was a robot.
Being a cyborg is not enough.
and hasn't farsight been eating souls and growing his own with the magic sword.
IIRC, the Inquisition had them put to death as a chaos cult.
The 3ed rulebook has a footnote about them somewhere.
Not souls. The sword takes the lifespan of the kills and adds them to Farsight's lifespan.
Eldar used to be an entire race of Perpetuals, but then they murder-fucked Slaanesh into existence and she started eating their souls whenever they died.
HERETEK! The technoheresy of the Silica Animus cannot be obliged! By abandoning the flesh, you are abandoning your soul, as the traitor Nomen Ryne once did!
Witchfire fuel can't burn through Sensei Bones
>but the survivors were the Perpetuals.
WTF? there were perpetual being born after Emps, Emps is the oldest human being alive, including perpetuals, I thought that was canon, otherwise instead of having immortal people we would have several people of Emps` power level prancing around. Even without psyker powers, with all the dissapeared high tech from golden times (nano, gene editing, etc) they would be power houses.
The lore is so fucked up now. The whole Molech thing implies the Emperor was a Perpetual who stole the power of the Chaos gods in order to become a psyker. It was better when he was an autistic hive mind created by thousands of ancient psykers killing themselves in unison. Now he's just a normal human who happened to be immortal and who happened to gain psychic powers by tricking the Chaos gods.
Removing the Shamans was a terrible idea.
I doubt even GW knows what's what anymore. All you get is Goldie levels of autistic screetching when people refuse to accept their new fanfic as the gospel without even bothering the explain what's going on.
Once somebody can compile a comprehensive narrative from the new lore, it's just a mixed bag of things contradicting everything for the sake of edgy.
You're full of shit and none of that is true.
No, the Emperor was a psyker before he came to Molech. Almost all Perpetuals have some kind of psychic ability.
Are you dumb? He killed his uncle with mind bullets as a child.
>The whole Molech thing implies the Emperor was a Perpetual who stole the power of the Chaos gods in order to become a psyker.
I've always been of the opinion that the daemon was lying its ass off in order to goad Horus into jumping through the portal.
Also nothing so far written had made the "shaman hive mind" thing impossible. The afterward of Master of Mankind even goes into detail about how he wanted to leave a lot of the Emperor's nature and origins up for interpretation.
Okay now I am mad. I am gonna mimic your idiocy now.
No, daemon in Vengeful Spirit spoke of the Emperor's deal. Only Alivia Sureka and revelation of the Angel of Fire did. Both are not daemons but allies of the Emperor.
Also no daemon in thebook wanted Horus to go through the Gate. In fact, Red Angel wanted to prevent Horus from entering the gate.
Dude, you suck at the HH.
In the old canon, or has this been updated?
Yeah, but not on the level he's known for. He went from a slightly more powerful than normal psyker to a demigod.
Or so they claim. Unless we get an big E point of view such claims could just be ruses of chaos worshipers.
Except it wasn't claimed by them. It was given from the narrator and inner monologue.
Heck, even Horus felt the touch of the Emperor in Alivia.
First of all, Alivia said NOTHING about the Emperor stealing from the Chaos gods.
>Also no daemon in thebook wanted Horus to go through the Gate. In fact, Red Angel wanted to prevent Horus from entering the gate.
Or they were bluffing, because they know that Primarchs don't like being told what they can and can't do.
You suck because you're regurgitating the same crap as always and acting like it's unimpeachable proof.
>Or still canon for that matter?
just as squats they will be again the moment GW runs out of other ideas to push. which is bound to happen sooner rather than later.
>First of all, Alivia said NOTHING about the Emperor stealing from the Chaos gods.
Yes, she did. Don't you dare lie.
She said (paraphrasing) that the Emperir can no longer close the gate because drawing near the beings he stiole his powers from would kill him.
>Or they were bluffing, because they know that Primarchs don't like being told what they can and can't do.
No, they weren't bluffing. The Red Angel had to be forcefully kidnapped and tied down. And he never mentioned the Emperor going into the gate or what he took. He was merely forced to reveal how the door could be opened.
>You suck because you're regurgitating the same crap as always and acting like it's unimpeachable proof.
And you are a lying cunt.
Here is the text
>"It would be suicide for Him to draw so near to those whose power he'd stolen"
Now explain to me, guys. Why do Imperialfags go into great lengths to defend the Emperor. Going out of their way to outrageously lie.
No really guys I asked a question.
To not lie about the Emperor is to accept the ultimate power of Chaos and submit to the will of Games Workshop.
And would that be a bad thing?
>Siding with the selfish lunatics parasites who want to destroy all existance for their own amusement.
>A good thing.
Chaos, not even once.