Veeky Forums makes an atompunk fantasy setting

So let's make an atompunk fantasy setting that will be talked about on the board for maybe 3 months tops. So let's start with the basics, then go into specifics.
So what flavor of atompunk will we go for? (1d100)
1-29: Space Opera. Think Starship Troopers.
30-69: Urban.Think Caves of Steel.
70-100: Post-apocalypse. Think Fallout.

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Forgot to roll dice

rolled a 31

Rolled 31 (1d100)

We use a thing called the dice feature here. dice+1d100 in the options field.

Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 39 (1d100)

Okay so we're in an urban setting. A 1950's - 60's like futuristic setting. Now for our fantasy bit.
1-29: Low. There are wizards here and there, and a good amount of monsters, but human is pretty much the only race.
30-69: Medium. Pretty much a D&D setting with atompunk technology. Elves in power armour is not unheard of.
70-100: High. Magic and tech seem to blend in with one another almost perfectly. Robot sorcerers? They exist somehow.

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Here we go.

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Its nuclear powered shadowrun

Okay so we're high fantasy, like Forgotten realms level. So now that is settled, what is the biggest global occurrence right now?
1-29: Cold-war. An intense uncertainty of who will drop the bomb (or something similar.) A war between two opposite ideologies.
30-69: Cultural Revolution. All across the world, the norm is being challenged, for better or for worse.
70-100: Alien threat. When a country is no longer at war, the media will look to aliens from outer space as the big bad to hate. But maybe, just maybe, we are being infiltrated by extra-terrestrials.

Rolled 89 (1d100)

Where is the "punk" in your "atompunk"?

Everyone says those alien conspiracies are bunk, but once you found out that they weren't, your life has been strange and dangerous ever since. Now, where to start to off our adventures.
1-29: A capitol city. The heart of a nation. Lots a politics, lots of shady dealings. Perfect for professionals such as yourself to make a hardy heap o dosh!
30-69: A large town. You'll be the roustabout, and your gear and clothes will make you out and out. No matter, you got business to do.
70-100: Big City. A place where important shit happens, not always political important, but important none the less. Think Vegas or New York! Ring a Ding!

Rolled 38 (1d100)


You're a roustabout going from town to town. Or a P.I. sort a character you'd see in a noir film.

Large town it is. Okay, this is where we stop doing dice rolls. Now we come up with a name for this town, and a backstory too.

Rolled 44 (1d100)


Originally a small mining settlement founded around a uranium mine. Think Gold mine in the California gold rush days.

After uranium became worth more than its weight in gold people started flooding in and it is now a bustling metropolitan city. Made up of mostly scientists and miners

Salton City
Francis Salton was, for the majority of his life, a lazy man, content with squandering his father's fortune. However, in the year 1866, Francis seemingly overnight became a man of motivation, and gathered up as many willing homesteaders as possible before trekking into the deserts of Nevada. Francis stopped the caravan, stated his claim to the land, then promptly keeled over dead. The town hall was built on that spot, the block surrounding it is known as Salton's Rest. Coincidentally, that plot happened to contain a host of rare earth minerals, that made Salton City rich.
The implication could be that the whole ayy conspiracy went back way longer than the 1950s, and that the whole town could be part of an ayy plot.

I imagine we're doing the typical goosing of 1950's values and culture like what Fallout and A Boy and His Dog did.

If we're smart we'd turn it on its ear and make it so that the squares are the functional ones and the hipsters the dysfunctional ones. Like in real life

Joe-1: First Soviet Atomman who took his codename from Joseph Stalin. Also known as "First Lightning". At an energy output of 22 kt he was modestly powerful but heralded the start of the Soviet's Atomman program.

Joe-1 is a Red Army conscript, a simple commune farmer just trying to do what he's told is right. He's under no illusions that failure or betrayal means the swift execution of his farming village. But he has made it clear to his handlers that he can only be made to go so far in the service of his country. Generally he's a good Communist through and through having been told all his life about the glories of the Soviet Union. Think of him as Boxer from Animal Farm.

His sub-ability to control electricity was designed specifically to counter Fatman and Little Boy by giving him a way to attack them besides raw power output. He can snuff out the electricity inside people's minds as easy as turning off a lightbulb.

>trying to force DND fantasy into every setting