How did your prereleases go?
Pic related descibes mine.
At least I could buy an invocation scorpion god to wipe my tears with.
How did your prereleases go?
Pic related descibes mine.
At least I could buy an invocation scorpion god to wipe my tears with.
I'm no Magic expert, but that card looks to be absolute garbage.
Yes. Yes, it is
got an invocation blood moon and a nico bolas.... played the blood moon anyway for lols and went 0-2
But its passive garbage for cheap. its pretty hard to remove enchantments.
3 mana isn't cheap.
pulled kefnet and razakhet, went 2-1 with golgari stomp
i had 3 2-drops in the deck, all of them effects. thank fuck for all the cycling, never got mana screwed
Went 1-2 with pic related.
It was probably the most feel bad pre release I've had so far, didn't see glorybringer once and lost due to flooding a couple of times.
also had the 3-mana damnation, came in really useful, since my creatures started at 3 mana, i let them overextend and bring me down to 8-11 life, then wipe and start playing the big stuff
I got a Bolas but nothing else. My promo was the strange green mythic that lets you search for X creatures of X cost.
I saw a lot of Bolas being pulled, they were everywhere. It's a shame that as soon as you play Grixis opponents can see Bolas a mile off.
5-0 (won top 8) with UR cycles
Used The Locust God, Hour of Devastation, Champion of Wits, Curator of Mysteries, a bit of removal from red and draw/4 of the blue serpents that have U cycle.
It was sweet as fuck. Best game was the semifinal, I was losing 1-27 and managed to put 7 tokens with Locust god and give +2/+0 to all of my flyers.
All in all, lots of fun, but the set is bad.
It is in EDH.
I forgot how much I hate small set Prerelease. Almost all of your playables are cards I've been staring at for the last few months.
It's also cheap in multiplayer casual games.
Drawing cards is not cheap.
Went 3-2 with a RG aggroy midrange featuring efficient creatures, decent removal and WE WUZ PLANESWALKERS AND SHIEET which was suprisingly OK until I think about how much that card is going to be worth
Could have probably done a lot better if I wasn't shit at the game (felt rather carried by card quality) and if Glorybringer wasn't a card
Went 2-2 with a steaming pile of jund. Didn't pull anything too amazing, but mirage mirror was the real mvp.
Not sure how you manage to go 1 - 2 with this deck. It seems really good. You have 5 2drops a bunch of midgame stuff and 3 bombs. Maybe remove the Scrounger and add some red removal spell, you are already splashing double red so might as well go all in.
Had the best pre release ever. Pulled a Choke and then went 5-0 with a w/u tempo flyers deck. Didn't pull anything else good from the prize packs but happy overall.
Flight 1: rares of the same quality as the OP, built a RG agrro deck with Underrun and a Manticore topends. 4-0 + 2 kaladesh packs from defeating a spellslinging Wizards employee
Flight 2: opened scorp and locus gods, built a GBRu ramp durdle monstrosity. 2-1-1.
Morale of the story: blocking bad durdling bad turn guys sideways first pick Underrun.
5-0'd, but got nothing in the seventeen total packs I opened. I guess that's just how dice rolls.
My Deck, 3-1-0. Was enough to win but we have really flat payout structure so it didnt really matter. But now i own a lili, so its fine.
Nah it's just a bad set honestly. Mark "We're going to start printing better answer cards" Rosewater strikes again.
that'd be fine, if I didn't get any mythics. if a mythic is 1/8, I should have at least opened one. but I got jack shit. meawhile the guy adjacent to me got a promo razaketh and a invocation.
>if a mythic is 1/8, I should have at least opened one
That's not how probability works.
I think the deck is actually worse than it looks. Also getting flooded in 4 out of 7 games was pretty brutal
>when you get your rare, it has a 1/8 chance of being a mythic instead of the normally packed rare.
yes, that is how probability works.
Overnight: Jund w/ Hour of Devastation (the card).
1-3 drop
Next day: BG -1 counters
1-1 drop because I had to go to work early
That's not the same as every eighth booster containing a mythic. Go back to school.
4-0 with this
Mirage Mirror is unexpectedly fucking good.
nigger, if you have eight boosters, with a 1/8 chance of getting a mythic. probability states that at least one of them SHOULD have a mythic, not that it is confirmed to have a mythic. that's why I said it was bad luck to not get one in seventeen packs.
In the first pack you have a 7/8 chance of not getting a rare. In the second pack you have a 7/8 chance as well. In order to not get a mythic in both, you have to have a (7*7)/(8*8)=49/64=76.5625% chance of not having a mythic. If you haven't by the third pack it's 7^3/8^3 or a 66.99% chance. Then 58.6%, then 51.3%, and on pack six you've finally gone better than a coinflip at 44.9% chance. So, while it's less likely to open no mythics than not, it's still very close to even.
This JMD Tome pulled WAY more weight than I thought it would.
I know the new sets dont have a lot of draw card spells but come on. If your strategy relies on always having the best card for the perfect amount of mana each turn then either your banking too much on luck or your fucking ascended in strategy compared to my stupid ass.
Unless your games end at like turn 4-5 this card is not the worst thing ever. sometimes your in the middle of a game and got shit tons of mana that you have nothing to spend on.
No. Probability states that every one of those booster has a 1/8 chance of containing a mythic. If you open seven of them and none of them contained a mythic that in no way impacts the probability of the last one containing a mythic; it's still 1/8.
That's not how it works.
Oh it's the magic math guy again.
Please do tell us how in 6 packs our chance of opening 20 mythics is 10565%.
rolling a d8 and getting a specific number is 1/8. while it doesn't happen with physical dice, rolling the d8 eight times should give you the number you're looking for.
If your games end at turn 4-5 you spent one of those turns time-walking yourself casting it, or if you won, did so by not casting it. If the game went long enough for it to matter, then you had to have cast a 1-mana spell in order to get it to do anything. Of which pretty much only Unsummon is good enough to play at that stage of the game. Two and three mana have plenty of realistic options, but getting the first (well, technically second) counter onto it would be an exercise in self torture.
It's colorless draw that helps out on turns with janky draws and nothing to play and still does something relevant after using up its counters. I'd rate it pretty high.
I can't tell if you're joking or not.
It's a 34,4% chance, so it's not even that bad. It sucks, but roughly one in three just happens.
Mythics are bullshit, remove now, rarewar when?
are you honestly saying that it isn't a 1/8 chance to roll an 8 on a d8?
There is one card that costs 1 mana and is top-tier tough. its that red card in hour of devestation. its a 1/1 but you can tap it to give a creature haste. basicly unless the guy has burn spells every creature has haste and its fucking amazing. i won a game with that.
here. You might have misread or I might have missed typing out the word mythic somewhere, but each pack having a 7/8 chance of not having a mythic is the same as each pack having a 1/8 chance of having a mythic. In other words I agree with you.
It's not. In 6 packs your chance of opening 6 mythics (not counting the foil slot because I'm lazy) is roughly 1^6/8^6 or .00038%
Not sure what "should" means to you but the chance you don't get the number you're looking for is (7/8)^8 which is a roughly 34% chance. If something has a 66% chance of happening, i would not say its something that SHOULD happen.
steward of solidarity is fucking T0. a ear that constantly produces threats. insult // injury was also amazing, despite being niche card most didn't expect it coming.
Yea i had someone get me with that one. farmer // market is pretty good too. i have it in my deck just for farmer really and i added a blue desert just in case.
Your calculation is for 8 packs.
Can we not
No, that's exactly what I'm saying that it is. And it's always 1/8. Rolling a d8 eight times will result in you getting eight random results between 1 and 8. It won't result in you getting every result once.
Can you two kindly fuck off and make your own math thread?
Both these artifacts are way better than what they appear to be at first. I'm surprised mirage mirror hasn't hit 8$+ a piece yet desu
(7/8)^17 is roughly 0.1, meaning you have a 10% chance of getting no mythics in 17 boosters.
Whether or not you call that something that should not happen is semantics.
You mean?
Yeah, Mirage Mirror is like double your firepower or match your opponent's.
That also only holds true if we know that every display contains exactly 4.5 mythics (that is, exactly half of every display contains 4, and the other half contains 5) and that all those boosters came from the same display.
It's a 3 mana artifact that can ramp up your pace, flood the board with threats, stall out their big drops, and finish combos. It's basically a better vehicle, except you can use it to make copies of stuff you drop without haste just to make it go off that turn even.
yes that guy! he won me games, he did.
Mardu aggro is T0 or T1, the slow and clunky cards of the set make way for lethal damage and a powerful early board to crush your opponents.
This might also build a fun, janky R/W deck with stuff like Invigorate Rampage for 8 or Onward/Victory, that kind of stuff.
What? No, if you were picking boosters from a finite set with a finite number of mythics, probability would change after each pick.
You copy the base creature, not the buffs.
Magic sets are printed in large enough volumes that the probability wouldn't be noticeably affected.
When you roll the die, you either get the number you want or you don't. Two outcomes, it's 50:50
>Promo is Leave//Chance
>put a foil Leave//Chance in my pool
>get Bolas, but no good blue support at all or mana fixing to justify going three colors
>just stick with BR beatdown which is helped thanks to Glorybringer
>go 2-1 and get 4th place somehow
>top four decide to split
>get another Bolas and the Scorpion God in my prize packs
It was alright I guess
Oh, well that's sad.
>pulled a promo and a regular Chaos Maw
>Ramunap Excavator
>The horse lord
>Endless Sands or whatever
Literally why do the fates hate me so?
I went with my buddies, opened nothing but garbage in my boosters, played one round and dropped. This has roughly been my experience for every pre-release, but my pulls were especially bad for this pre-release.
yeah not a bad one drop in red by any means
Going to mine in 3 hours I expect bad pulls
You and I both user. You and I both
I got an absurd number of spells, and my only good rares were Ammit Eternal and Ramunap Hydra. Since I had nothing decent in green, I had to go UBR. Despite having 3 deserts in my deck (the only deserts I pulled), I never drew them so my Sand Strangler and Gilded Cerodon were always awful. The only games I won are the ones where I slapped a Cartouche of Knowledge on Ammit Eternal or Gilded Cerodon.
2-0, 0-2, and 0-2.
Going to the THG pre-release, wish me luck
Bontu's proportions in Last Reckoning are completely different than in Bontu the Glorified. Last Reckoning looks much better.
You're falling for the gambler's fallacy here.
Are invocations only in the pre-release premium rare slot or can they be found in boosters too?
Pic related pretty much describes mine. I went 2-2 with a weird janky U/B sphinx control deck, running almost entirely off of Riddleform, Unesh, and Consecrated Sphinx. Unfortunately it was the midnight prerelease, and so I lost one of my rounds due to being tired enough at 3 am that I forgot I had Bontu's Monument on board for like four turns.
Won my last game with a perfect timing Essence Scatter into Riddleform blocker at 1 life to stop my opponent's Obelisk Spider from taxing me for the win though, which was awesome.
You can find them in boosters. I dont actually think you can GET them in as a prerelease premium, they pretty much exclusively will be an extra card in a booster pack. That's at least how I got my two masterpieces.
The promo card cant be an invocation, you can get it from boosters
Just got back from 2HG, both me and my freind opened literal shit and there was only a handful of decent cards while the rest was garbage, lost the first 2 games, won the 3rd and the last one we didn't play because our opponents had to go.
you poor motherfucker
1-3 with w/b zombies. I pulled an oketra, an ammit, two unraveling mummies, sludge belcher or whatever it was....had four removal spells, couple of flyers. I am bad and unlucky, it's the only explanation.
Went 3-1 with some Grixis Control shell with my only win con being Nicol Bolas. Pulled Hour of Devestation and my promo was Hour of Glory. Had a few blue draw spells and black removal. Open Fire is a trash card but I guess it's pretty great in Limited.
There's a red 3/3 for 4 that Bolts something when it ETB if you control a desert. Card is straight value, wish I was running more of them.
Pic related is my haul. Played in 2 prereleases yesterday, went 3-0-1 in the first, 4-0 in the second and took home a green deck box (door prize), free sleeves (also door prize) and 12 packs.
I'll post the decks next
Honestly, this set is utter garbage. I might open the packs for my YT channel, but I'm also thinking of what I can do to trade packs or something.
There's a chance of opening a bolas or an invocation, but the EV is just so low, and so little I want is in this set, it's just not that tempting to crack these
Whats your youtube channel?
>my YT channel
you can't say that and not link to your channel desu
for the first one, where I went 3-0-1, was frankly a larger turnout. I built two decks, rg aggro exert and wb zombies. Both had a nice suite of removal, but I didn't like the top end of zombies, so for the first three matches I played this red green.
I got a lot of desert synergies which was really nice,sand strangler is a beast and was my MVP of this deck. I got a win on the back of ramunap ruins, throne of the god pharaoh closed a lot of games for me, and having 3 open fire made the deck pretty interactive on the board.
In the first 3 matches I didn't lose a game, but in the fourth I lost to a very grindy jund removal heavy control. So I switched to wb zombies which had an insane removal package, pictured next
That's the card.
No idea if it's playable in standard since I don't play or follow standard at all. But if I ever try to throw money away at a draft that card will pull me toward red every time.
but I'm afraid that if you go and look now, all you'll see is some old amonkhet sealed stuff
Apologies. Editing is hard ><
not really hard but time consuming
This is the white black zombies. Game 2 of the fourth match I won, and then we timed out game 3 vs jund control. I had enough removal for his board and he had likewise, so we just went into top deck mode and eventually timed out.
Grind to dust and 3 lethal stings were the MVPs here, Grind to dust is simply insane; 6 mana to exile 2 creatures, or possibly more if they have put -1/-1 counters on themselves. Ridiculously OP in limited
This is the 4-0 wb zombies for the second prerelease, and the one I'm really proud of. Grind to dust did a lot of work for me here too, and I also have to mention steward of solidarity is a house. Getting a 1/1 vigilant every other turn seems slow, but when you trade tokens for their creatures and hold up removal for their bombs, the game gets really unfair.
This was also the lower attendance prerelease, and if I'm honest, I think the better players skipped this set for the low EV, or had gone to the midnight prerelease. I didn't run into that much competition in the second prerelease I played, mostly new players.
Here's how my pre-release went:
>Opened God of Scarabs and a bunch of low-tier Zombies but also Lord of the Accoursed and Unconventional Tactics
>Decent pool of White, Green and Black
>Decides to try Abzan splashing Blue for God of Scarabs
>Gets crushed by inconsistencies Game 1.
>Take a long, hard look at my Zombies. Decide a shitty zombie deck is not worth fucking up a decent Green/White. Remove all Black and keep only decent zombies in white (Mostly things with eternalize or embalm). Run Green/White with blue splash for God of Scarabs, Aven Guide and that 2/3 flying that gives flying to others.
>Play Game 2
>Playing all fine.
>Draw God of Scarabs
>Oh shit I forgot he is Black.
>I'm a fucking idiot.
>Still, have that 2/4 Naga that can create colors
>Manage to cast God of Scarabs by exerting it to generate Blue and Black mana
>Opponent removes it
>I lose before being able to cast it again.
>Takes God out of the deck
>Play Match 2 of Game 2. Deck is a lot better. win it
>Match 3. We go overtime
>I win on the last turn of the five-turn count.
And this is the end of cool stories. Lost Game 3 (The first match was really thight and I would have won if I got one more turn. Second match I misplayed. Still, opponent won fair and square, no one to blame but myself and my deckbuilding).
Won Game 4. Ended up sixth and entered the prize pool, got 2 packs.
Sold God of Scarabs to the store for a discount in the pre-release. Also got Oketra's Last Mercy in the prize pack that I sold to another player.
Fun event overall. Told me a lesson: Stick toa single gameplan, don't go for a gimmick unless you can really support it.
That shitty overrun is one of the most busted cards in the set. Won most of my games thanks to it.
What do you guys think? Pretty high Mana cost, though. I also got a Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons in a pack.
I went 3-1 with a pretty good deck, honestly, BG with big beaters
Biggest bomb: Liliana, Death's Majesty, who won me a few game on her own, thanks to reanimating fatties.
MVP: Feral Prowler. That card overperformed more then I could imagine. I had two and I dropped them early all the time, even one me a game or two since I had good blockers that people didn't want to use tricks on since they drew me a card on death. Ammit Eternal was also the nuts, especially with Cartouche of Strength.
Mirage mirror is gonna lead to some wacky shit.
It's borderline decent in limited, absolute garbage for constructed. The thing is that on average, this is going to get you 1-2 playable cards, and equally likely to get a 1-3 drop vs a 5 drop you want. The odds of stacking up after a shuffle to reveal 4 five drop cards on top is just astronomical. It's pretty much a casual, dollar bulk rare with no place in competitive, sorry.
I can't even really think of a way to break this card, and I'm trying really hard
I have a question about mirror, if you make it an enemy copy creature and chump block 1:1 does mirror get removed or does it stay?
Some think with all the death, the gods lost some power and changed sizes, ie why kefnet is small in death card but giant in trials card. Plus things look different when they are in life or death situations
It dies.