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Looted Emperor edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

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Deader than Kennedy

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

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First for fuck /pol/

Asked just before the migrate post. Would appreciate it if anyone had the answer.


>Power level


Don't know how to quote other thread, but guy on mobile, you need to download the app. Mega didn't work for me until I did

Primaris orks when?

Where can I download 40k audiobooks?

>being a race traitor

Primaris Orks are Nobs

So what do you guys think Chaos will get when Codices drop?
I already miss my relics.

Oh look, a white supremacist AND a homophobe. The average /pol/tard.

Stop. Discuss 40k or fuck off.

>asked to leave shitposting behind
really activates those almonds

3, then +3 for each extra (up to 3 in total).

I guess I more meant some new sculpts for regular orks, like what they did with orcs in AoS

>1750 tournament in two weeks
>No FW max 2 detachments
>Missions all boil down to killpoints, little bit of maelstrom.

Whats the most fucked list I could bring?
One of the guys has all ready decided on 3 traitor knights with guns and cypher to deny the warlord.

Newguy here, I've been reading the Ynnari but I'm not sure how should I make the list. Are they a good army if I make them CC oriented?

Hey guys, my group and I are going to play DH for the first time, and the techopriest asks me if he can start by being 200 years old. Would not it be strange that a techopriest of 200 years is level 1?

Nice /pol/ meme you have there stormfag. Tell me about how much you african americans and PoC.

Primarus marines, I wonder who's gonna leak the techniques of their creation. Or maybe they'll just corrupt a bunch, or maybe Fabius Bile has had them in stasis for 10k years and just felt like bringing them out fully equiped and ready to go.

how about this
You probably get the gist of it

fairly cheesy but the lack of real melee specialists worries me a bit. It did work okay so far but haven't faced massive cheese yet so cannot say for certain.

from the looks of things, each cult legion is getting:
>unique terminators
>unique chaff/meat shields
>unique minor yourdudes characters
and nurgle at least is getting a unique tank
on top of that they all are in seperate codices, so they'll all have specific stratagems, relics etc

not sure whats going down with chaos primaris though

>Are they a good army if I make them CC oriented?
Can be.
But you're better spamming close range shooting units. For example, wraithguard shooting flamers twice when you kill something or scourges shooting after their nearby target got wrecked.

May also work for Fragons, or Dark reapers but YMMV

>So what do you guys think Chaos will get when Codices drop?
My guess is that they made 8th CSM Codex before Traitor Legions, and just rush Traitor Legions because we didn't stop bitching about 7th CSM and rightfully so

So basically 8th CSM will be basically Traitor Legions because Traitor Legions was a copy/paste of 8th CSM

>Dreamt last night about a greatcoat plastic IG box
>Similar in format to Skirarii Ranger/Vanguard box, except with Vostroyans and Steel Legion
>2 sets of 10 lasguns, steel legion folding-stock carbines and full-sized Vostroyan rifles
>2 sets of 10 heads for either regiment
>2 grizzled sergeant heads, 1 with a facial scar and the other smoking a cigar
>10 torsos/legs, could attach carapace chestplate and shoulder plate
>Special weapons were a flamer, a grenade launcher and a sniper rifle
>Wake up to shitty reality where marines get a release every month

I suspect Fabius could probably dissect a Primaris marine and figure out how to make them.
I don't really want them though, I like the cult marines.
Oh sweet, I feel bad for the lesser legions though.
So what kind of unique terminators would Slaanesh get?
I hadn't considered the chaff but between the pox walkers and tzaangors it's becoming a pattern, I wonder what the other two will be.
Who were the unique minor yourdudes characters so far?

Looking to get into the hobby but on the fence between a couple of different factions. Is it worth waiting to see what comes along in the codices before making a decision on an army? Currently making decision between black Templars, thousand sons and farsight enclave tau.

It's weird, I like the classic marine units like assault marines, Devastators and terminators, but I'm not really fond of Tacs or scouts.

Anyone else feel that way?

But Icon of Excess doesn't give Feel No Pain anymore, why would that still be an Emperor's Children thing?
It would be nice to get combat drugs back I guess.

>Is it worth waiting?
Yes. We're in the test phase for 8th.
The indices are the guinea pigs.

>Who were the unique minor yourdudes characters so far?
I meant like the bell guy, exalted sorcerer etc

it does seem like 1ksons got a lot less than DG, though maybe they've just given DG a lot extra as they're the new frontmen for chaos

Future Alpha legion guy guy here. Looking at the beautiful alpha legion contemptor dreadnaught from FW. what do you guys think of the c-beam cannon? Looks neat to me, would I be skipping on a must-have if I get it?

I know hardly anything about space marines and chaos space marine strategy

>So what kind of unique terminators would Slaanesh get?
We had Sonic Terminators back in the days.

But I don't think we will see them again.
EC have other stuff in the books.

Oh okay, I get you.
I'm not fond of Nurgle Marines being the front men of Chaos, it's nice that they stepped Khorne out of the limelight for once but Nurgle is my least favourite.

Meh, unless you are concerned with having the best possible rules, just start with what you think looks coolest and most fun to paint.

Don't lie to yourself and act like you won't collect them all eventually.

>Is it worth waiting to see what comes along in the codices before making a decision on an army?
I would say so. We don't know who's getting what. There could be new sculpts for basic units, like what's happening to Space Marines.
I know I'm not buying into anything new until they get their full 8e treatment. I don't want to be the guy who bought runty ancient ork boyz right before awesome new ones come out.

Oh well, I see. I asked before most of my favorite eldar units so far are the CC ones like incubi, scorpions and such. I do like the Death Jester and the D. Reapers though.


Run an 8th company or 9th company army with 1st company support then.


Man I feel really bad for the guardsmen in that picture for some reason.

The Icon of Excess right now is mentally retarded.

I don't think they'll touch it.

I really doubt we'll see passive rules to be honest. GW wants to take distance from free rules and instead replace them with more options.
I expect drugs and fnp to become stratagems

A guy on dakka did well with dreads + Shadowsword and that strikes me as the right way to go. Something big to draw fire and do some titanic damage, buff it if you can, and the multiple smaller units that can do real damage but have some way of standing up to heavy firepower (His dreads had 3++ save for example)

New 8 man Khorne Bezerkers with 2 handed axe option / New 6 man Noise Marine box with multiple guns
Khorneinators with dual lighting claw/chainfists or chainflails / Noisinators with shoulder mounted doomsirens and claws/ swords
Port of Khorne bloodbound meatshields with pistol sprue / Half demonette/Half women cultists
Angron / Fulgrim
Blood drinker(Khorne Chaplain) and slaughterking(Chaos lord) / Pleasure prince (Chaos lord) and Enraptured Sorceror (Sorceror)

>Codex adherence

Just make your own chapter organisation, like they shove every marine into a dread as soon as they earn their black carapace or whatever.

So 7 daemon princes and Traitor Knight?

Does anyone have the two latest novels on .pdf? I need to kill some time but I forgot to upload them on my drive.

I'm going to be honest, I'm kind of new to the hobby, I joined during 7th, built up a minor Chaos Marines army and I'm building a Daemons army now, started the daemons just before 8th was announced.
I'm still reading the books, without spoiling, what kind of cool stuff does EC have that might be released? I know Sonic Dreadnaught used to be a thing but I found out too late to get one.

Gotta say Sonic Terminators does sound cool, but I feel if they just make everything that comes from EC be sonic weapons it'll get old fast.
I guess it might be worth 10 points on a melee oriented squad if you know you're fighting Imperium.
But yeah I'm a little annoyed with how terrible it is to take most of the time.
Wouldn't combat drugs be an item you spend points on?
EC getting a FnP stratagem sounds good though.
I like it!
I am a little worried the daemonette/cultists will either be made to look ugly or look too much like my kitbashed Daemonettes.

>You will never chill with so many people painting minis.

this is warhams in japan.

With Wings and Tzeentch for a 4++ save and smite spam that might work. Haven't used DP's this edition though.

Is your store unable to get even 8 people in it?

>this is warhams in japan.
All of them pictured.

My LGS has a weekly paint night that usually has at least twice this number of people.

This is a fortnightly thing at my flgs, and I live in bloody NZ

The downside though is living in Japan

>even japan can get this kind of camaraderie

feels bad, man

What's the guy nearest the camera doing?

>I'm still reading the books, without spoiling, what kind of cool stuff does EC have that might be released?

They have Joy Bounds, that are a type of Chaos Lords (but are very different from each others. For example one of them was a mortal woman in power armor and power maul. She's pretty cool). I don't think we'll see these ones.

Then they always had plenty of Apothecaries, which sometime they call FleshShapers, because are more occupy with creating monsters and modifications than actually cure.

They have plenty of swordsmen, often described like "palatine blades but with the armor repaired countless times for countless battles". Almost every warbands have them and you see them in every EC novel, but they never got a name.

In the books they still have tacticals, bikes and raptors, so I don't think they'll get cut like with the Death Guard.

We do that every Wednesday night.

You should too, it's fun painting in group.

>My favourite space marine chapter is the Marines Malevolent

what downside is to living in japan?

Completely accurate, but have you ever actually seen someone say that?

Japanese are racist xenophobes who hate everyone who isn't japanese. Fuck them and their hatred of immigration.

perfect imperium players then. immigration is terrible, unless you like crime rate to skyrocket

Fuck that Primaris shit. Hope we never get them for Chaos. Just give us upscaled cult and vanilla Chaos marines.


Maybe to you. I never had problems, neither with youth nor old people, because I know how to fucking behave myself.
Fuck off with your lies, they only hate turkish scum who steal and russians who start fights in restaurants.

negroid detected

give it back tyrone

It's Japan. Unless you like wearing a suit, having a torturously harsh work schedule and dying years early at your desk, do not apply.

t.neet who doesn't like to work

How does this thing stand? Shouldn't it collapse under its own weight?

Never heard of Joy Bounds.

FleshShapers do sound fun, not sure how they'd work, roll a d6 for each casualty within 1", on a 6 get a Chaos Spawn?

Melee elite units would be cool too, might actually make the Icon of Excess worthwhile.
I agree entirely.

because its fictional

What if Primaris will be the new norm in a year or two?

>Primaris termies when

Oh wow, look at these racists. Go back to /pol/.

id get nothing done like this

fuck off


That doesn't work. It still has to be believable.

Promethium can't melt ceremite girders!

>your own race cant immigrate
are you dumb? i live in a town that let in a bunch of immigrants, and our car theft is up 250%, assault 175% and rape is almost 200% from before the first immigrants moved in. are numbers racist?

It's made with ceremite, a material stronger than anything in our reality.

Wee woo wee woo, /pol/tard alert! /pol/tard alert!

Quick, tell me about the jews and why they're the reason your fat ass can't get a girlfriend.

They will be, this seems pretty clear by now.

Nice stormfag propaganda there asshole. Wanna post one of your biased infographs, now with 200% less citations?

(you) are a faggot

what is wrong with you that you insist on stirring this shit up in unrelated threads?

>Fuck them and their hatred of immigration
Thing is, they'll still be Japanese in 50 years. Can't say the same for the west who seem content to flood their nations with niggers and muslims, whilst eagerly forgoing their culture for those of the invaders.

Is the honeymoon phase over with 8th Edition? People seem a lot less optimistic and happy with Nu40k and NuGW now.

>FleshShapers do sound fun, not sure how they'd work, roll a d6 for each casualty within 1", on a 6 get a Chaos Spawn?
More like something like a Dark Eldar Beastmaster leading a flock of abominations that put Spawn to shame.

>Melee elite units would be cool too, might actually make the Icon of Excess worthwhile.
Icon of Excess is actually cool against Imperium. The thing that is retarded is that only works against Imperium.

They could have simply said that it extend Death to the False Emperor to everyone, and Imperium is 5+.

It's would have been still mediocre against other races, but the idea of a upgrade you need to model your mini with that only works against some adversary is so freaking stupid.

I hate that im responding, but please stop fucking up these threads, go fight on /pol/ or /b/ or whatever.

And you are a homophobe.
Because you're a nazi. And nazis deserved to be punched.
Cool. White people are the most destructive and oppressive race in the world.
No, you fuck off back to /pol/ you stormfag.

Looks like it's already on it's way.

On the other hand, unconfirmed voices said even a normal astartes can turn into a Primaris, but what will happen with the special characters who might not want to? Would Magnus be ok with it? Hellbracht? Will terminators be left behind for Gravis armours? It's hard to tell, both lore wise and the real life scenario of a company who might want to clean it's image.

im sorry user, ill stop responding to them
on another note, im making a RG detachment for my imperium force, i want to be all jump pack guys. you think i should go class guys, or these wing guys . all beak helms of course

classic jump packs i meant

Are these the same fucking guys as last thread? report and ignore guys

it's just one guy I think

I could at the local store, but I prefer not to have dipshits telling me anecdotes from their latest Horus Heresy novel while I'm trying to paint, having an actual back rest on my chair and not having people nag me for using a diamond file instead of a shitty mold line remover.

Depends on budget really.
I love those but they are pricey and/or fragile.
May I also suggest the fancy jump packs used by sanguiniry guard?

I would have thought ot would be made of Ferrocrete.