If you combine a Fighter and a Wizard together, do you end up with a better martial or a shittier mage?
If you combine a Fighter and a Wizard together, do you end up with a better martial or a shittier mage?
You end up with a Hero (tm) from any game that doesn't use a rigid class system.
Class systems keep everyone in line though. It's why people prefer D&D to GURPS.
The answer is both.
Gurps also happens not to be the biggest precursor to the hobby, or at least 90% of it.
If everyone playing D&D also tried Gurps, there would be a bigger proportion of people preferring the latter.
>implying you can't like, run and play both
Never implied anything close to what you just said.
I did imply, however, that most people didn't actually tried many systems. Which is a shame.
A shittier mage. A wizard has to prepare spells from his/her Spellbook, which is literally casting/refreshing the magic the spell is, with the actual 6 second average spellcasting being you completeing the spell, so you spend that much time alone with the preparation of magic, leaving very little time for sword training, blade sharpening, and morning exercise rituals.
Next to that, there's the matter of spell components, mundane items taken from corpses, plants, bizzare iconography associated from the spells nature and the works, and you've got to keep track of that as a whole in order to cast spells. Then there's the matter of Hand signs and somatic spell components when you actually cast your spells, where your helmet may muffle your voice and cause you to botch the spell, or your Armour restricts the movement of your hands when forming precise symbology associated with the cosmology of the setting in casting the spell through the manipulation of forces of the school of magic the spell relates to.
It also means having to have a free hand to do it, which is difficult as a guy who's got to use a sword, so it potentially leaves on vulnerable. There are other classes featured to match up use of this kind of skillset, but they never reach the proficiency a true wizard has, at least, not without careful building to suitor spellcasting with means of support via templates, or just substituting earned skill with help from higher powers. There are ways of breaching the Martial/Magic threshold though, and these involve carefully chosen equipment, balancing out what magic can cover over what martial skill provides (Buffs) and limitation of what your sword arm uses.
This is why it's often better for people to use sorcery over wizardry in these kinds of cases, best option is picking variant class features for wizard school specialization and moving straight on to areas that can benefit one's martial skills over what is the wizard's equivalent of an offense.
I got atrocious power ranger knights. Dunno about you.
In Anima you'd get someone who's decent at both fighting and casting, but his secondary abilities are going to need a looooot of work.
Atrocious is right, HOLY SHIT!
>At level 10, I can gain a shittier version of misty step while an actual caster gets access to teleport.
Who made this shitty class? Why are all martial homebrews terrible in general?
Whatever you do, don't look at 5e's Eldritch Knight, for your own sanity.
>I will trade almost every special ability the fighter has for the ability to use 3rd level spells once I hit level 12.
>In the meantime...cantrips! Wooooo!
Why is it that even if martials gain magic, they're still fucking trash? Are they just cursed to mediocrity?
If you combine a caster-wanker and a faggot do you get a faggier faggot or a less faggot caster-wanker?
>t. butthurt martialfag
Don't you have a roll to fumble somewhere?
It gets even better, ED's have the highest ability cost in the game.
If you have a negative in any of these, you're going to be a shitter of a class of shitters.
And both it is!
We play a system that's not D&D.
We've had this thread a billion times fuck off.
We've had this thread a billion times
Yet you still reply to them. Sounds like a personal problem to me senpai.
And we will have it a million more as long as martialcucks continue to get baited.
Everyone wants an awesome board yet nobody wants to filter shitty threads that they know will piss them off.
It's called a Gish you tool
Warcasters don't need a free hand to cast spells.
I still do think though that their talents are being split up too much where they would be more efficient trying to excel at one or the other
Because of fucking 3.5e where martial classes are choked and beaten to death by the realism stick while casters obviously aren't. I agree it's pretty fucking bullshit but whatever. In my 5e games I tend to buff non-casters(including enemies) quite a bit. 4e by far had the best balance.
Really. There is no such thing as a system that does everything perfectly. There's always some system out there that does *something* better than one's system of choice. It's far more satisfying in the long run to try different games out and become ever more well-rounded.
you end up with a competent swordsman who can shoot lightning
That looks much more like a blackguard than an eldritch knight.
As a fast answer, think Geralt of rivia. Main focus on fast spells and swordplay. with knowledge of occult rituals and lore.
As someone who's played both with a fair amount of people almost everyone who I've played both DnD and Gurps with prefers DnD
the problem with gurps is it doesn't provide much for the players who like the gamist aspects of ttrpgs.
>players who like the gamist aspects of ttrpgs.
you mean, the worst players?
wow, i'd sure hate to alienate them
>the problem with gurps is it doesn't provide much for the players who like the gamist aspects of ttrpgs.
>gamist aspects
I completely agree!
>Isolate the largest portion of the tabletop community.
>Surprised nobody plays your game.
Spellswords and Battlemages are pretty cool
>mad enough to post an '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ironic'''''''''''''''''''''''''' macro
>"I-It's not like I'm m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mad, user...."
Sure kid. Keep trying to act casual, your squriming delights me.
It's hardly news that plebs are a majority and patricians are a minority.
If you want quality you have to sift out all the shit.
>g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-guys!!!! l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-look at me shrugging! l-l-l-l-l-l-l-look how little I care! ;_;
I like this feeling of you drooling over my cock, little bitch user.
You gain some special attacks that are mostly gonna tell you to reset because everything has a goddamn elemental resistance or absorption.
Dude just stop, you're not winning this one.
>posts an eldritch knight
an eldritch knight is a fighter first and a mage second
that being said, the eldtritch knight does lag behind the battlemaster in terms of damage, but people generally like the eldritch knight and it doesnt seem lackluster unless someone on the party is being a munchkin
>doesn't seem lackluster
>Doesn't gain access to level 3 spells until level 12.
2nd edition D&D has combo classes.
really the only thing I can say is you have to be very careful when making one because your abilities need to set up as to enhance the other or else you get a gimped character with a 50% exp penalty
That wasn't quite my point, which was that most people don't try both and that the overwhelming superiority compared to gurps would probably be less important if everyone had tried both.
Your answer is fair enough though.
That's a matter of preference. I'll admit DnD is nice in that aspect, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. To each his own I guess
Have you tried not playing D&D?
Better martial. I played such character, and ability to self-buff yourself, heal yourself and get you out of trouble fast makes a much, much better warrior.
You end with a third thing, different from both but equal in strength to both since both were equal in the beginning