What happens? He's dropped with nothing but his armor in a random part of a random human-controlled world. How does he fare?
Hard Mode: Come up with actual models, fractions and lore for a DOOM Army Fraction.
What happens? He's dropped with nothing but his armor in a random part of a random human-controlled world. How does he fare?
Hard Mode: Come up with actual models, fractions and lore for a DOOM Army Fraction.
Dr DOOM is already in the 40k universe. he just changed his title to Emperor.
Doomwankers are the fucking worst. I can't wait until Riri wrecks his shit.
My favorite fraction is 1/5.
But that's boring. Underdog Doom works best.
>he hasn't seen the light of God Doom
>supports Bendis the Cuck's daughterfu
Jeez user, how does it feel being burned in DoomHell?
A polite Fuck you to you, user.
I'm partial to 9/11 myself.
What about a 3/5 th compromise?
He tries to open a portal directly into each Chaos God, but winds up bringing Darkseid through. Omega sanctions ensue.
He makes an attempt at seizing power, becomes a planetary governor, and runs his planet really well. Then, when he starts trying to expand his power outwards, the Inquisition starts investigating, discovers his use of sorcery, then kills him.
Assuming that he doesn't get killed or servitorized by the Mechanicus for technoheresy first, anyway. Doombots are definitely Silica Animus.
surely he would just be an excellent member of the dark mechanicus
maybe even a local high ranking member
In typical Doom style he gains power, rises to prominence, defeats a mounting series of adversaries, and just as he's on the cusp of consolidating his power Squirrel Girl arrives and wrecks his shit .
>Doombots are even MORE unreliable
He takes over a planet, and rules with an iron fist. He's eventually brought down, but it takes a disproportionate amount of force. Impressed by his resilience, the Inquisition invites him to sign on.
>Doom spends all of his time quelling uprisings from Doombots
>"Perhaps Richards was not so bad"
>Inquisition starts investigating, discovers his use of sorcery, then kills him
but it was actually a doombot
Doom is declared heretek by Adeptus Mechanicus. An inquisitorial retinue is gethered to pursue and execute him:
- Sister Suzanna Strum, who needs to get out of sight after controversial miracles of faith she performed several years ago
- Johnny, a brash, hot-headed kasrkin, mind-wiped and ensalved to the inquisition after somehow coming unscathed from a direct hit by Tzeentch's daemonic fire
- brother Grimmaldi, a Grey Knight on a penitent crusade after severly damaging his Astartes armor through bad luck and no fault of his own (he calls it carelessness)
- led by mysterious Magos straight from Mars, who pulled some strings with the Inquisition to get here; he thinks Doom's appearance is simply fantastic and wants his hands on Doom's technology
Without Squirl Girl to stop him nothing stands between him and galactic domination.
I think it would be more fun to drop him down on a Tau world.
Just as bad as Wolverinewankers
>supporting Riri
Get bent, user
Well I think Doom would quickly realize the danger Chaos poses and would join up with the Imperium eagerly, though he wouldn't drink the kool-aid and actually be faithful or anything. He'd almost certainly rise up to either planetary governor or inquisitor.
The biggest problem he'd have is technoheresy, but I think he'd have zero problem turning Doombots into servitors run by the brains of convicts.
Batmanwankers are by far the worst as far as comicbook fans go.
He's easily more powerful then a Primarch and smarter then anyone in the setting (became nigh-omnipotent like 10 times, created like 2 universes with his own knowledge) and his willpower will protect him from literally any manner of manipulation or corruption. If any of this sounds like wank, fair enough, don't bring one of the most competent characters from the most powerful setting in fiction into a fucking galactic setting. Doom could unironically steal all the power of the Warp, become a god, and remake the setting inside a fucking year. Again, this is a guy who has worked on universal, and even multiversal levels. A fuckign galaxy is nothing. His armor is powerful enough to withstand attacks from star+ level attacks, his magic is ridiculously OP, and his intellect and knowledge are unparalleled. Please don't make these kinds of threads, a character with over five decades of history, existing in a shared setting where his sole purpose is to pull out diabolus ex machinas out of his ass and constantly escalate in his feats so it doesn't get stale (and because writers can't fucking control themselves) is gonna obliterate a more grounded and consistent setting like 40k. His armor, magic and will alone protect him from literally anything shot of The Emperor himself (and even then he could probably bullshit stealing his powers with his power absorbing device, it worked on freaking Galactus). Hell, he probably wouldn't even need to prep, just jump into the Warp and absorb everything.
t. guy who's read almost every Doom comic out there and loves the fuck out of 40k
Please don't make these kinds of threads, comics are bullshit.
>comics are bullshit
>40k isn't
You sweet summer child.
40k is fucking Shakespeare compared to comics, newshit. For every good comic you have ten where you literally can't tell if it's even written by a human.
Yes, 40k and comics are both pretty ridiculous as far as power level goes, however, whereas 40k will occasionally jump in power ever so often, comic book characters basically constantly increase in power from the moment of their introduction. So unless you do what D.C. does and reboot every few decades, thus resetting the process, then even street level characters will have multiple cosmic level feats on their list of accomplishments.
>a more grounded and consistent setting like 40k
Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd read.
Well, outside the context of the Metabarons, anyway.
>it worked on freaking Galactus
and the beyonder, and the other beyonders...
>then even street level characters will have multiple cosmic level feats on their list of accomplishments.
True, but there are outliers, and people generally acknowledge that. The problem is, Doom is consistently powerful/capable enough to steamroll a setting like 40k on his lunch break.