Lowest Value Set in Recent History

>All in all, if we add the Invocations to the rest of the cards in the set, we have a total expected value of $72, which is far below the norm (if you drop the 15% deduction because you aren't planning on selling any of the cards, the value increases to $82.80, which is still quite low). Generally speaking, over the past few years, a low-EV set has had an expected value of between $85 and $90, an average set between $90 and $100, and a great set in the range of $110 or even $120. This means Hour of Devastation is off-the-charts low—the lowest we've seen since Dragons of Tarkir.


What are Veeky Forums's thoughts?

Ixalan will continue this trend

How will it do?

>Dragons of Tarkir is not considered "recent history"
I want off this ride.

Should have called it Untested, but then people will mix it up with the regular sets...

Still a goldmine compared to every set of thermos block ;^)

>mfw I won 30+ packs of born of the gods in a PTQ trial and it felt like they were literally garbage
>mfw the 12 HOU packs I won after finishing first yesterday will get the exact same reaction

Remember when Magic was a game and not an investment vehicle?

I remember.

Prices are related to card demand, which is related to card quality. If prices are down, it means players don't want those card and the reason for that is that the cards are bad.

HOU sucks and the price is a measurement of how hard it does.

Card quality and card supply are both entirely artificial. Don't pretend that this some natural result of the free market.

>still playing magic

>For this, I mostly use the TCG Market price (minus 15% for fees and shipping), which is basically the completed listings of the TCG Marketplace and shows the actual prices that cards have sold for and not just what people are asking for their cards.
Thats from the article. The price of the cards was taken from market demand. Look at the other expected value articles in the site and you will see that they are always different. The market doesn't have high hopes for the set and we have it reflected on the prices.

Oddly enough my LGS was offering to buy cards at the prerelease. Nothing particularly much, I think the most was around 10 bucks for a God Pharaoh, but they didn't do anything like it at least since SoI when I started going to prereleases there.

Most cards will be low with the exception of some collector cards (Ex. Super Secret Tech, Mox Lotus, Richard Garfield) and of course if there's full art or the memed no art lancs They'll be some of the top ones of course.

Is there any better TCG out there that can scratch the itch?

Pokemon is a much cheaper alternative, just think of it as Magic-light. Try the Pokemon TCG Online for free.

It's cheaper, yes, but has nowhere near the depth. You may as well be advising someone looking to scuba dive to go buy a kiddie pool.

Thats good. LGS should stock up on cards to sell to their customers and retain a playerbase.

Yeah, they had a buylist with both their price they would pay for it, and the online price they found as of a few days ago, in the event anyone wanted to drop some cards and get some cash after the game.

Your LGS was ripping people off at $10 for Nic B. It's shipping at $20 right now and you'd likely get more of it in trade value by people who either really want to play with it immediately or who want to speculate it'll spike. I hope no one took that deal.

I dont think anyone did. Frankly, I'm not sure if I got the $10 thing right either, it was a midnight prerelease and I definitely wasn't paying much attention.

That's surprising to me, given how many cards seem powerful. Including some for older constructed formats.

>LGSes are making money off us
oh fucking wow, i never knew that. I thought the owner live only to serve us and eat rocks on the street.

They're welcome to try to make money and I'm welcome to mention that the price isn't remotely competitive and that anyone who took that deal got played.

Yeah, the LGS is entitled to try and make the most amount of money they can. Just as a consumer is entitled to demand the best deal for their money. That's the basis economics. Acting indignant that someone points out that an LGS or business is doing a bad practice and excusing it with "well they're SUPPOSED to try and fleece us!" just make you look like a fool.

This set feels infinitely better than Amonkhet, I don't get the pessimism


That's cause we got potential reanimator shenanigans and 3 standard playable boardwipe.

10$ is common buylist price for something worth 20$ or they wouldn't make a profit dipshit.

>it's ok to be scammed


>He only gets half of a card's value when using a buylist

>Thermos is the worst block in my opinion. It did 3 things that have tainted the game to this day, with only Khans escaping it.
>"amusement park" flavor. Instead of aiming for a deep, mythological world, they instead attempted to ape Innistrad. But Innistrad had spins on classic stories through mechanics and the world of magic. Theros just took every popular myth and only changed the name (with the sole exception of the gods because they were about the only good thing in Theros)
>(((premium removal))) started in this block, with horrible removal at common and uncommon and anything usable at rare; this leads to mediocre cards as chase rares
>Aside from devotion, shitty mechanics that did not feel rewarding to play

fuck value. all sets should be dirt cheap

While I agree it's the discrepancy that's concerning. AER and KLD currently have the lions share of the meta, which will only increase once Ixalan comes out. Sets like AKH and HOU can be largely ignored, making their draft environment feel worthless.

But it is, in the article they specifically state how AER was historically low, and HOU comfortably beats that.

isn't it technically possible for drafts to be run slightly cheaper to reflect the lower value of the set?

I know it's not likely, but if a LGS is really struggling to pull in ppl it could work.

>you'd likely get more of it in trade value
No shit sherlock. Do you often trade cards at 50% of their value? How fucking stupid are you, that you think stores should buy cards at 60-75% of their value?

At least the draft environment is kinda fun. Still not enough to justify a set being hot garbage.

Only Richard Garfield's Dominaria can save us now

>Bolas, the Bolasing™ set is as shit tier as Born of the Gods

Big Daddy Nicky B didn't deserve this. At least his card is good enough

Name some.

>being so angry you respond 8 hours late to a post that others have responded to with the same exact point already

They are trying to avoid ope,ing up several cases of cards to build a stock. The card store I went to the midnight did the same thing. Talking to an employee he confirmed my suspecions.

>current year
>buying boxes to open them

I think this set is only good for commander players.