MTG Modern General

MTG Modern General
New World Rising edition.

>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>what's your favorite shitbrew?


Other urls found in this thread:

>chalice on one
Does zoo count?

Naya zoo?

Yea. Since it's like T3, does it reach shitbrew status?

Depends how much you've tweaked the list. If it's bog standard there's not much to be said.

Any unconventional tech?

>tier 3 is shit brew loool XDDD
>Can't get past Skred in a GP

>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
Mirror match. Tron for a non-GDS specific match up
>what's your favorite shitbrew?
4 color saheeli evolution

MLGPRO Affinity

T1 Chalice on 0, Ensnaring Bridge, Deathshadow because its bad.

Deathshadow is my favorite shitbrew, its shit.

>what are you playing?
Esper midrange
>what are you hating?
Gurmag Angler
>what's your favorite shitbrew?
Molten Vortex Loam

Doesn't angler go in Esper midrange? I'm genuinely curious

So is Humans legit or just a meme

6+ discard spell decks
Is Skred a shitbrew?

>Abzan mid-range
>Working on Abzan humans

I have no idea if I like playing combo decks, and have to give them a shot. Which should I start with?

Vintage Doomsday


Death's Shadow because I can't bolt it, Stony Silence and Spreading Seas.

T4 Stuffy Doll+Blasphemous Act

C'mon now, this is modern general. I'm here to play in a format that has players

Is Waste Not still a meme, or is Hollow One helping?

Is it redundant to run a copy of Kira, Great Glass Spinner in Bant Spirits?

I had Waste Not dropped on me turn 2 as dredge when I only had faithless lootings to play and still crushed my game.

Waste Not will forever be a meme

Will mill stop becoming more than a mere memedeck with Fraying Sanity?
Could I make a decent deck that runs mainboard RIP and Lost Legacy to exile my Eternal Scourges and Misthollow Griffins while running processor Eldrazi for value?

Esper Midrange already runs Scours for that sweet Lingering value and to turn on Snapcasters, Gurmy and Tasigur seem free.

No, you'd have to play legacy food chain for that

>playing a deck that turns on DS Delve threats turns Snapcaster into a tutor for any spell in the deck auto loses to Emmy and can't beat Battle of Wits
why even live
Really though, why play Mill over Burn? Same gameplan but Burn does it better especially in a format with DS.

If you want to play a mill gameplan, play lantern.

I'm talking about the Fraying Sanity + Traumaitze combo. You have Tormod's Crypt, Relic of Progenitus, or Ravenous Trap to exile the grave before Emmy triggers.

It all depends how you want to combo, user. Counters company aims to put into the the battlefield two 2 mana creatures into play to generate infinite mana and kill the opponent with duskwatch activations into Ballista or Rhonas +2 trample infinitely.
Kiki Chord aims to play the namesake creature using chord of calling (most of the time) to copy restoration angels into infinite 3/4 hasty flyers.
Knightfall uses Knight of reliquary ability with retreat to coralhelm to make a giant attacking creature.
Living End seeks to discard and draw several creatures before bringing them all from the graveyard as soon as turn 3 while it also wipes the ones already on the battlefield.
Ad Nauseam casts the card then wins the game on the spot.

I might be forgetting about others, but these are the mainstream ones.

It can, but I'm running Bob.

I'd still like to make "Hot Wheels" (Waste Not + Burning Inquiry) work if I could. Or maybe I'll just make that fucking meme bee deck.

Reddit is trying to claim its better than Merfolk.

Im thinking of building a mono U tron deck, i mostly like the playstyle and flavor of the thing, but would appreciate any words of wisdom regarding how viable it is competativly

I want Sulfuric Vortex as an Enchantment creature

alright, but it costs 6 mana in the current standard environment

Eidolon had the same cmc as Pyrostatic Pillar, just make it RRR and make him a 2/2 with Menace or something

Sure, I'll slot that in right after we print aluren into standard too

>Reddit is one person

>A large portion of users on the social media website known as Reddit are trying to claim it's better than Merfolk.

Happy now?

No the card puts in a lot of work, especially in a removal heavy meta. Probably one of the better cards for the flex slots in the deck.

>>what are you playing?
thalia & friends
>>what are you hating?
watching bad pilots play the monowhite invitational list
>>what's your favorite shitbrew?
boom/bust darkdwellers (aka ernhamgeddon) was my favorite until they changed the rules to no longer allow casting bust off the darkdwellers trigger. i mean its still 'fine' as a value midrange deck but armageddon on a 4/4 menace dude was just the nuts.

pic related is my favorite standard shitbrew of all time. holy fuck this deck was fun.

No. I'm gonna need a source. You probably saw one thread and then made your post

I miss Cruise burn desu

I miss that interaction so damn much, literally pushed American Annex from floppy meme to wet dream.
Rip in pieces Frost Titan, one day your deck won't be shit.

The card that Modern needs to save it

Also, standard

LD is badwrongfun

>yfw when I just took some Bonfires and a Chandra out of my Ponza list to include a Kessig Wolf Run, a Wurmcoil, and a Garruk Primal Hunter
Because I'm sick of having the cunts in my opening hand, and because I want to play a stronger midrange game after I assfuck your land. Wolf Run not working under Blood Moon is so irrelevant like holy shit.

We need fucking something, this and Sinkhole to stop the Tron menace.

> A Wizards Employee comes to spellsling at the prerelease
> Tells people that they can choose to play commander, modern or prerelease limited decks
> "Commander is my home, modern is my job and 40 cards decks are just meh"
>wizards employees at limited event hating on limited.jpg

Some people challenge him to modern games. He plays an old-style Jund with Goyfs and Bobs.
People who challenge him play stuff like Burn and Affinity.
>tfw T3 wins
>tfw he can't even sideboard because spellslinging is a 1 game per match

Or how about we just ban Tron

What if Ghostquarter also searched you a Wastes when used

Humans has been putting up moderate performance for quite some time. Although Humans bleeds over with Allies quite a bit. Sometimes it's a hybrid.

What if ghost quarter was just wasteland?

How about you get good?

aether vial price rising.jpg

what if ghost quarter was just strip mine?

All for the low low cost of playing an ACTUAL Grizzly Bear.

is spectral bear!

>what are you playing?
Bant Worship.
>what are you hating?
Not gonna lie, Tron.
>what's your favorite shitbrew?
My own. I've been going back to Aura Swap for funsies, have gotten some delicious reactions from opponents who either never knew or had forgotten that was a thing.

DUDE nice

nothing with creature aggro can get past skred

Sounds like you're almost Tooth'n'Nailing.

Very nice indeed.

To be honest my list is now capable of incredibly violent openings.

Forest, Arbor Elf
Stomping Grounds, tap to put Utopia Sprawl on the Forest, tap for 2, untap with Arbor Elf, tap for 2, play Garruk Wildspeaker, +1 to untap my lands, tap Stomping Grounds for Utopia Sprawl on the Forest, tap for Blood Moon

9 mana of spells on T2 is actually possible, leading into 11 mana on turn 3 which is Primal Command into Inferno Titan or Wurmcoil Engine while tucking a land. One day I'll be on the play and pull this off against some little cuck playing a T1 Heirarch or something and leave his jaw on the floor.

What cards should every Mystical Teachings deck have in the 75?

Shadow of Doubt, Consume the Meek, Snapcaster Mage

Goblin Electromancer and Baral.

I know I'm at least going to try to make it, it seems like fun, plus it's not like humans doesn't get new cards all the dang time

I'm definitely running the other two, but why Shadow? It's a good card, but it doesn't seem like a powerful enough effect to be worth tutoring for.


No I mean it. Without mana reducing creatures, Teachings just costs too damn much mana as a deck.

You don't want to run 4 of it any more, but that's fine because you don't need to Teachings for Teachings to squeeze out advantage in the late game, like the deck did in Standard. Instead, you can Teachings for Sphinx's Rev and draw a ton of cards, or grab a Gearhulk or token spell and kill them. Teachings helps you find those win-cons, but is also more versatile when you don't want them yet.

You also don't want to make the mistake of running too many situational spells. Dropping a Path for a Blessed Alliance (when you also have Fatal Push) is okay because Alliance is still a main deck worthy card. Trying to get cute with Slaughter Pact or Sudden Death is a bad idea, though.

>calls his opponent in a trading card game a cuck
True autism

If he waifus any of the cards, he's a cuck. Can't put your penis in 2D, but other 2D can if the writers will it.

There is no outcome except cuck.

>believing in T1 arbor elf
bruh, in what meta?

your hypothetical is very specific and I'm concerned you're touching yourself while you type

My hand is on my face.

Here's how it actually goes in real life.

>t1 discard elf
>t1 remove elf

Keep playing gay meme decks though

Who the fuck is waifuing Noble Hierarch?
Or have we entered your magical realm?

I'm loving all these retards playing Mardu Burn. My Burn Mirror has never been better.
>mfw my opponent topdecks a Burst Lightning and can't kill me with it because its just a fucking shock.
>End up killing him on my turn with a topdeck Boros charm

Crackling Doom is good, fuck off.

Mardu Burn doesn't play crackling doom you dingus

Are there a bunch of people meming with whats-his-faces burn list? I think his thought process is nearing "correct", but his execution was flawed. And I definitely agree that the 2 mana burn spells are just the worst.

Are there FNM competition level decks that are also not complete trash in multiplayer? Substituting a few cards is acceptable, like swapping Thoughtseize for wider hand-hate like Rotting Rats/Liliana's Specter.

I am interested in Eternal Command, but cannot stomach $300 for Vial and Cryptic without an actual deck to slot them into for serious play. That, and I don't like Merfolk.

Are we talking Free for all or Two-headed Giant?
Because I can't think of a single deck that'd do well in FFA

Monowhite weenies and elves.

play solemnity, torpor orb, hushwing gryff or any wrath in your 75. makes that deck trash because it's a gimmicky go-wide etb trigger for counters deck.

Free for all. There's an unwritten agreement not to treat it like EDH and tailor decks for the format.
Anything that isn't single target, beatdown aggro does fine. I'd been looking at Dredge since it is removal resistant and can grind out long games.
Unfortunately, we already have a player on both.

>free for all
Gross. You can try Ad Nauseam and make Lab Maniac the primary wincon. Does it absolutely have to be Modern legal? I had some success playing Amulet Bloom in 4 player FFA focusing on Hivemind wins. Other than that, I've got no clue.

I have 30 of these. To bad it's shit...someone please break this.

Shit son, that sounds awful. In a situation like that combo decks are probably the only way to go. Jeskai Copy Cat could work, but with other players, your already fragile combo will be even harder to get to work.

It's beer and pretzels activity. Most of the decks aren't over $400 total. I had been looking at combo but wasn't satisfied with much, as it invites attention.

Thanks for the help.

Eurofag here.
I'm in California. Do I go to Wizards store to buy cards for taking them back or is Walmart okay?

What is the current state of jund?


Tier 3 and holding.

>jund has turned t3 in your lifetime
why has god abandoned us?

How the mighty have fallen.

Is it finally not as expensive?

The Antichrist has come, and with him march his 40,000 jews.
