Nobody cares about Angharad Brightshield because it's normal for Stormcast Eternals to have women in their ranks

Nobody cares about Angharad Brightshield because it's normal for Stormcast Eternals to have women in their ranks.

For this reason, I strongly believe that 95% of the people who support the idea of female space marines are actually transgender fetishists who like the idea of feminizing an all-male army corps more than they care for the concept of female supersoldiers. They want genderbent marines, not marines who happen to be female.

Because when GW gives them a supersoldier who happen to be female, she barely registers on their radar.

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All right, so we're doing this again.

There is nothing wrong with gender eqality.

that is beside the point

There is nothing wrong with not having gender equality in fiction.

There is also nothing wrong with admitting the reality of both physical and mental differences between the two human genders.

There's nothing wrong with a gender bender fetish

>There is nothing wrong with gender eqality.
Which is why it has no place in WH40K.
I mean, how could you possibly make equality grimdark?

Ah the Bender Marines, Slaanesh's Fury!

>And they will know no thirst

are space marines even human?

don't see why a female couldn't be made into one. After all the 40k setting is designed to be huge and containing unlimited amounts of crazy shit.

there's a lot wrong with it actually

because it would go against the macho monk boyz' club theme of the space marines.

thematic integrity > crazy shit

I want my cute fem casts now

I mean I was partially joking but what about gender bending has your panties in a wad?

Yeah, duh? When have you ever seen female Space Marines in a non-fetishized context? I don't think it's necessarily a transgender fetish, though. I mean, I'm sure that's an appeal for some people. But I think there are a bunch of other fetishes playing into it. There's the maternal/femdom fetish, a big strong amazon Space Marine waifu to protect your weak little male body. There's the basic sexy uniform fetish, men like seeing a woman dressed for war so long as they can still see their curves, and most female Space Marine fan-art has their armor cut pretty figure-hugging (somehow). There's the transgressive aspect of waifuing someone who's supposed to be this semi-holy battle priest figure, like with the Sisters of Battle. Angharad has these things, but she's just one character. She doesn't have the memetic marketshare to have as much fan-art of her.

Well think about it. Right from the start, a candidate who wants to become a Space Marine must undergo a harsh and brutal series of tests designed to weed out the weak and infirm. This is identical to my own difficult life, where I needed to catch the bus to the Games Workshop store and the bus would sometimes be late. Also there was that one time I needed $60 to buy a new unit of Marines but I only had $50 and the manager wouldn’t let me have it no matter how I complained. This is something women could not possibly understand.

Once these brutal trials are passed, the organ implantation begins. Right here we have another insurmountable barrier for women: these highly scientific and complex organs are created in such a way that, as the Codex Astartes clearly states, they are only compatible with men. It’s written right there in the page of this fictional book!

These are serious science organs like the Omophagea, which allows a Space Marine to learn by eating genetic material, or the Betcher’s Gland which turns the Space Marine’s saliva corrosive and poisonous. This is hard science! Do women think they can come in and mess with this stuff just because it’s “entirely fictional” and “could be changed at any time”? Get real! It’s like they don’t even understand how upsetting it would be for me to have to admit that!

And here’s another thing — Space Marines aren’t even sexual! Their sex drive and desire to procreate is completely bred out of them, to turn them into sexless warrior golems who exist only to kill. So what are feminists complaining about it! It’s not like they’re ‘men’, they’re just all male, and they call each other ‘brother’, which doesn’t mean anything. Do words mean things? Clearly not!

Space Marines also have access to the finest arms and armour so that they can defend the Imperium against the mutant, the witch and the alien. This technology was invented by the Emperor himself, who is a psyker of incredible power and limitless knowledge, and — pay attention here, feminists — a MAN.

Is it possible for a psyker of incredible power and limitless knowledge to transcend the constraints of society and biology and to exist as a being of pure energy? NO. The being of pure energy needs to have a dick and use male pronouns, or how else am I supposed to respect them? If we open up that can of worms I’ll need to think about a lot of things I’m just not prepared to consider.

So there we have it. I hope I’ve made it pretty clear to all the social justice warriors out there that there’s absolutely no way a Space Marine could ever be a woman. Not only could the extremely serious scientific fiction not support it, but women just don’t have the upper-body strength required for all the mental gymnastics.

I think you misunderstood the question.

Exactly. If women really want to play Warhammer 40,000 they should just collect a different faction, like the sexy BDSM space elves who wear revealing armour, or the dour and puritanical angry nuns that draw their power from worshipping the Emperor, who is a man. Or they could play the Imperial Guard, who are just regular human soldiers and have plenty of women (although Games Workshop don’t make any models for them).

It’s like, what are women even complaining about?

No, fuck you, recognizing biological reality is a progressive heresy.

>I mean, how could you possibly make equality grimdark?
Considering most conservatives are retarded and think "equality" means turning the world into the setting of Harrison Bergeron... easily?

Yes words mean things, that's why the Universities have more genders than Baskin Robins has flavors of ice cream. If the greenskins called themselves 'gurlz' they'd fucking love how progressive Warhammer is, but they call themselves 'boyz' and males are icky, so the sexless race that has chosen it's gender identity, which is respected by everybody else is just fucking ignored.
The SMurfs, on the other hand, actually have dicks, so there's no fucking hope of the femnazis ever respecting the fact that they are nonsexuals.

Even if there was, shaming yourself over it won't help you.

Just embrace it if you have it.

>ITT: Socially inept kissless autists are threatened by the idea that their virile but also entirely celibate spehs action soldiers might get more contact with the opposite sex than they do, ruining their ability to identify with these 7ft tall walls of genenhanced muscle and fury.

Degeneracy must be fought at every turn. Giving in weakens the soul.

I'm autistic not in the sexual way or by feeling threatened by it, but rather in the way of internal consistency and lack of retcons. Space Marines have always been male-only, it's been specifically stated for three decades that only men can handle the implants, and therefore they must all be men.

I'd also love it if they would give Sisters of Battle more attention.

Take your psychology out of here.

because the whole situation is so dire petty differences such as if you've got tits or a cock are absolutely meaningless? all your lives are equally disposable for the greater survival.

There are definitely religious arguments against gender bender fetishes

I don't think it's a desire for transgender marines.

Nah, it's more simple than that. It's wanting what you can't have. Space marines can't be female, so they want female space marines.

>people who support the idea of female space marines

Literally who? All I ever see are threads like this one, calling out those imaginary 40k feminist fans. And of course, this being Veeky Forums, the thread gets trolled to shit, because you start the thread basically giving instructions on how to trigger you.

Wait a minute, who exactly are these feminists you are talking to?

Repressing your desires brings only suffering. Learn how to work with them constructively, use them to fuel creative pursuits.

You can't change what turns you on any more than you can change what tastes good to you.

>Look at me! I'm not contributing to the thread and just shitting on people I disagree with rather than elaborate why I think the thread is pointless!

Anyways, I'm a little interested and have this question to ask:
If modern "feminism" stopped being a thing, I would hypothesize that many nerds that were previously critical of diversity stuff like female space marines would actually not mind anymore because they no longer have to worry about feminists shitting things up with their forced memes and man-bashing wankery.
Let's pretend that modern "feminism" 404'd out of existence. Not the gender equality stuff, just the SJW-tier feminism that the vast majority of the population secretly dislikes. Would many of you guys be ok with female space marines?

I think a lot of this """misogyny""" that is percieved by nerd communities is really just proxy hate for outsiders who act like goody-two shoes. There was an article that made me theorize this.

>Would many of you guys be ok with female space marines?
No, because it'd be breaking one of the single most established pieces of canon in the entire setting.

>that the vast majority of the population secretly dislikes
>everyone has my opinion, it's impossible that anyone disagrees with me!
>they're just hiding how right my opinion is and how much everyone thinks like me!

if autism and narcissism had a fucking super saiyan fusion


Just one question guys:

Is there actually a feminist out there right now on Terra who is conspiring to bring female marines to 40k? Or is this entire thing something /pol/ made up in order to have something to feel upset about?

easy mode - include 2 male heads and 2 female heads along with enough helmets for every unit

There now turbo-autists can just toss out the spare heads of the gender they dislike or just have all helmeted marines.

Inb4 boo hoo they'd have to get rid of a useless holster or other bit to make space on the sprue

>Space Marines have always been male-only, it's been specifically stated for three decades that only men can handle the implants, and therefore they must all be men.

So you can change Space Terminators into Wacky Egyptians, you can genocide the Squats and then bring them back, you can retcon the Tau into having FTL, you can resurrect Guilliman and give him an Eldar waifu, but Emperor help us all if your seven foot tall power fantasy smuggles a pair of boobs under their ceramite.

why would Rumi give ranma bigger more luscious titties than his love interest?

>So you can change Space Terminators into Wacky Egyptians
They were around barely a decade and were never at the very center of the whole setting and its story. It's far easier to retcon stuff of them. But since you do bring them up, I did actually prefer the oldcrons.
>you can genocide the Squats and then bring them back
An entirely different thing about biological differences or technological failures: here the case is "They're probably all dead", and it's a simple matter of some more turning up alive elsewhere.
>you can retcon the Tau into having FTL
Tau tech develops all the time.
>you can resurrect Guilliman and give him an Eldar waifu
If this were the Emperor instead of Guilliman you might have some remote shred of a point, but even then it's just the story progressing forward. Kinda same as with Primaris Marines: new better stuff being introduced and shit. (Also the Eldar is not a waifu.)

All quite different and frankly rather stupid comparisons.

With the level of sophistication humanity had during the Age of Technology there is probably (and was certainly) some machinery somewhere in the galaxy that could do a total sex change on a human in a few seconds. And also create traps, ofc.

Can't we stop resorting to name-calling and assumption that your opponent is inferior and inadequate? Calling people "man-babies", "nerd virgins", "cucks", "triggered", or "beta-males" aren't going to get anyone anywhere.

I actually believe that feminism is still relevant in America, just that they're so disorganized that it's difficult to get much done without causing collateral damage of image. Even if feminism is only unpopular solely because of image or the "patriarchy" sabotaging everything, they don't seem to understand that being unlikable doesn't get people far.

>There's nothing wrong with a gender bender fetish

>Repressing your desires brings only suffering. Learn how to work with them constructively, use them to fuel creative pursuits.

Autogynephilia is not a very good thing to have and should be actively discouraged if you have it. I've had it in at least some capacity since I was rather young, and I think it's had a negative effect on my sexual views and behavior overall, not to mention all the strange dreams where I'm female. I should work on getting rid of it.

I'm very curious to see how sexual fantasies over something that is literally impossible could be used to any constructive or creative end. I highly doubt such a thing is possible.

>I actually believe that feminism is still relevant in America

Considering the constant attacks on women's healthcare? Yeah I'd say it's pretty fucking relevant

but this even if the thread is for /pol/shitters like you this isn't the place to discuss it

Well holy shit, you really stuck it to him there. So basically only your opinion of what is right in this grimdark space opera setting counts?

The autism flows thickly today.

>he still believes autogynophylia is a real thing

Most of the people I know with a gender bender fetish have a very low level of autogynophilia to the point where it's just a thing they masterbate to and it doesn't effect how they interact with people, if you do have a sexual fantasy though that's so intense that you can't deal with it in a non harmful way you should seek help

I believe I made it quite clear what the difference was. Would you like to explain to me how they are actually the exact same and how objectively wrong I am, or would you rather settle on calling me an autist a second time?

You are probably correct, but fuck you for starting this argument, again.

You're going to have to see a lot of Girl!Ranma, you may as well draw then cute and oppai.

Akane's cuteness comes from her suffering. As the straight man (irony?) of the two of them, she can never be satisfied, up to and including being exasperated when Ranma doesn't care about exposing his body, being exasperated when he does use his feminine body, being exasperated whenever he does get uncomfortable, and just generally flipping out. It would ruin the joke if she herself had a bodacious bod: she has to suffer with the fact that a complete moron is a better fighter and more desirable woman than her.

I never read the Manga so I can only assume there's a happy ending.

It is a problem because people want marines with TITS, you already have Sisters for that, a Female Space Marines would look the same as a male marine but with an Amazon face with short bob if they aren't bald.

So there is actually no reason to have female marines unless people want to fap to them and Infinity is for that.

why do you want to play a version of yourself
do you think ork players are fungi

>Would many of you guys be ok with female space marines?

I'm not OK with ChadMarines, why would I be OK with FemMarines?

Both are perversion of canon.