I'm working on an Iron Warriors army and I'm wondering how I'd go about correctly carving the eye sockets in pic related to be rounder. What tool would you recommend to round them and not fuck it up?
Gavin Scott
why not just pick a small enough drill bit? after you do the hole big enough for your needs just cut corners with a scalpel and round them with the drill a bit or the knife you said earlier based on your preference.
Cooper Collins
Oh damn, didn't think of that. Thanks user, I'll give it a try!
Aaron Anderson
Just reposting this from the other thread to give encouragement to anyone who might be thinking of magnetisation but is worried about trying. Not the highest quality image, I know, but i'm the guy who made his first model ever earlier in the previous thread (the shas'ui I should probably not have put the arms on before painting). Just made my second model ever, and it's one i've magnetised, a pathfinder with rail rifle. Was really careful and it paid off, works like a charm and looks seamless with them on. They're stable enough that I can pick the model up by the rail rifle and even give it a little shake without them budging but they come off, and go back on, with no actual difficulty. Really happy with how it's turned out and it's my first time trying this, so go for it if you're thinking of it!
Carson Ross
Know what'd help? Not forgetting the image like a mong.
Benjamin Rogers
Working on a 4 man Grim dark Future : Firefight team, 150 points. This is the basic guy, painting soon.
Blake Roberts
All my projects. Have a bunch of iron warriors from when I was 15, FSE tau and tan tau I like more because of tacticool reasons. As well as some primaris marines I'll be painting as flesh tearers.
Brayden Butler
I like the model and pose. I dislike how much paint is already on it.
Jordan Howard
Same, I kinda want to steal that idea for myself but that model could have really had a bit of a dip in something to strip that paint, when you do get around to painting it the paint might appear alot thicker.
Justin Reyes
Im hoping the layers of paint will be thin enough to not hide the detail, going with old cron style weathered silver so thickness issues can be blocked out with a weathered metal look
Elijah Ward
You should wait until you see the other models I've sculpted. I'm quite pleased with myself!
Nolan Taylor
Please post them, I have a bunch of spare crons and am really tempted to do something similar as a project
Aaron Cox
I'll get some new pics ASAP, got a new phone so the pictures should be greatly improved
Eli Martin
Set new table up so an excuse for an army shot. Camera isn't too great at this kind of thing.
Jacob Russell
that single pile of rocks looks lonely.
Levi Adams
I decided I wanted to change up my paint scheme. Ive thrown a couple of options on this image, really just looking for some feed back.
Samuel Campbell
don't think I'm gonna be doing much outside of terrain for the next few months
Robert Lopez
Here you go :) beautifu collage too.
Colton Robinson
Okay faggots, here's the thing. Local game store got two guillimans instead of one in triumvirate box so they sell them seperately now, I really like the model and have a lot of green stuff and time for converting. How would you say converting him into some ultra chaos lord would look like? I'm aware changing purity seals into something corrupted and all the imperial insyginia is shitton of work but I love working on hard stuff. Fielding him would be nice but I don't mind an amazing model sitting in my room. He has a helmet, right?
Alexander Gutierrez
Protoss themed eldar - would this custodes painting tutorial be a good start for the gold areas?
Neat! They make me think of robots that have pieced them selves together
Easton Morris
I'm going for a tomb, catacombs, ancient, cursed (Almost chaos), temple guard themed force. However the fixed themselves look is very much what I'm going for too!
Ayden Campbell
Expanding into Primaris marines starting with a couple (dozen) boxes of reivers.
Landon Smith
Thx for using my template. I like it alot!
John Sullivan
>paint in the ferrule ruins the brush How exactly does this work? If it's in the ferrule, wouldn't it be contained to the length inside it?
Joshua Barnes
what mat? I like the design
Hunter Reyes
Mostly done Bright wizard, still have to clean up some areas and add the eyes, but this should give a good idea of what it will end up as
Isaac Allen
weeabork update
need help fitting a titan, or half a titan on a 25mm base
Jackson Morgan
Hey /wip/, I'm buying my first flyer this weekend and wanted to know if anybody has any tips for painting cockpits. I want it closed but I'd like to paint it and have it just be glossy but not see through. Would doing a layer of bright silver, a layer of the color I want, and then doing ardcoat or another gloss varnish over it work or would it come out like ass?
It prevents the bristles laying together properly and causes them to splay out. The ferrule isn't packed full of bristle, there's room in there for the paint to mess stuff up.
Juan Ortiz
pretty cool but the bottom right dude REALLY needs a head
Henry Allen
(reposting from an old /40kg/) What's your preferred method of painting faces? Eyes to be specific. I see so many guides that contradict, some say paint them first, others say paint them last, some say paint the whites first, others the pupil. Is there one method that's better for someone who's very new to faces versus another?
Also, how the fuck do I into blending? My transitions are ass and I don't know what else to do to fix it. The paints are almost as thin as the water when I use them, too. Pic related is my best blends so far, but you can see the obvious color transitions instead of a smooth gradient.
Jose Davis
Hello, new minipainter here. I got memed into buying a chaos black spray for use as a primer.
Safe to say I have a seriously hard time getting the colours to pop over it and everything looks like a trashy boardgame miniature.
What should I use instead? Thinking grey or white.
Nathan Kelly
Depends what colour you're painting honestly, how translucent it is, and if you want your primer to impact your basecoat. Just like most things there really isn't an Always Correct option.
Nolan Davis
>Depends what colour you're painting honestly All I currently have are the colours in this set.
Lucas Adams
Are you using any apps or softwares to keep track on your paint collection and schemes? I find PaintRack pretty good
Luke Adams
Personally, I rarely paint eyes. I think they usually look better as just a dark line than to try and do the hyper-detailed look. When I do do them, it's usually last simply because I like my paint jobs to look ready to play at every stage rather than being shit right up until they are finished (because I know that I leave a lot of stuff half-painted).
That said, I think the best method for doing eyes in general is to leave them until last. You can do a lot of skin tones with just washes, so get that done first. Then you want to do the white, not being too fussy about keeping it inside the lines, red wash to pink it up a little at the edges, iris, pupil, lower lid, upper eyelash line, upper lid. Get the iris and pupil nice and round, then cover up the top half with the lid paint. You might need a coat of white or something to get coverage over the pupil.
For blending, try using acrylic medium (GW call it Lamian Medium, I think) instead of water and breaking up the boundaries between colours with a little bit of noise; a few specks of each colour extending beyond it's line, feathered lines and very thin secondary lines all help.
Honestly though, what you've got there looks pretty good to me. I struggle to get transitions that nice with an airbrush.
Connor Powell
Good lord, I never thought of getting that detailed with eyes. I'm mostly looking to just get the whites and the pupil so that my dudes don't look absolutely souless. Most tutorials I see just paint the whites, than a thin vertical line across the eyebrow to the cheekbone, then the clean it up and that's the pupil.
Cooper Martin
I have two armies, Word Bearers and Admech who are green and bronze. I want to do a couple Knights, and hopefully eventually a Reaver Titan to ally with either, and I've decided I want a main armour colour like pic related, black with a blue-purple sheen. How would you go about getting that effect? Preferably the purple sheen on the head, but the wings would be fine too.
Landon Reyes
Chaos black is honestly a perfectly good primer. It just means you will need either high-density paint or a lot of coats to achieve bright colours.
Army painter are rather questionable quality in my opinion, compared to GW and vallejo. Probably better to use a lighter colour under them.
When priming with white, you probably want to back up your spray with some gesso, since most white sprays don't do a great job of covering recesses or providing a nice smooth surface. Mix about two parts gesso to one part water in a spare paint pot or jam jar and just slap it on with an old brush. Work it well into the recesses and don't worry about it being too thick and covering up the detail; it will tighten as it dries.
Aiden Garcia
I want to start a little inq28 Warband as a side project. The problem is, I just started again with the hobby and I don't have a lot of bits. What kind of boxes are bits-full and really fun to convert? I was mostly thinking about the Genestealers cults for some of the bodies, maybe?
Dominic Parker
Acrylic inks, fancy mediums (pearlecent and interference) and gloss varnish maybe? Be cautious about working with inks, as some of them don't dry waterproof, as I found out a bit late on one of my models recently' fucking stuff kept seeping through every layer of paint.
Ian Jones
Any suggestions on magnetizing orks for SWA? Should I just make every option possible? How should I set it up? I know someone on here is doing just that, so I was wondering if they'd give advice.
Aaron Cruz
Yeah, he's got a helmet. Some guy made this a few months ago; I know I saved it from /wip/ but can't remember if someone here actually made it themselves or if they just posted it as an example like I am.
Jace Ramirez
What's the best material to use inside blue stuff press molds?
Andrew Evans
Working on Emperor's Children Resurgent. I need to get some finer brushes so I can do details properly and I definitely need to learn the balance for thinning my paints. But all in all, I'm pleased
Andrew Gonzalez
I'm not even a big fan of Chaos, but that's spectacular.
Matthew Reyes
>Chaos black is honestly a perfectly good primer. Chaos Black isn't primer, it's basecoat. Link anything from GW that uses the word "primer" to describe it.
Alexander Murphy
arms look very short
James Gutierrez
thin your paints. both in general, but it will help with details.
For real though, anyone? Any tips? I don't want to go out and buy a new model to completely fuck it up testing this out if it won't work
James Smith
Rate my glowing brain, teegee. The model itself is not finished. Please feedback?
Eli Phillips
If I remember right, the optimum ork build is basically just to get a boy with a choppa and knife and a yoof with a knife every time you have a chance to recruit. So not really worth magnetising.
Nolan Gonzalez
Transition on the coat looks OK, OSL is generally in the right place, but the skin around the ears doesn't look good. Get some more green in the mix; it should look like green skin plus blue light, not pure blue light. More turquoise than you have now.
Carter Ortiz
It may look like a gem more than glass imho
Jackson Reed
Michael Adams
where's bladesquig?
Kayden Myers
Carter Reed
You want to paint on the outside of the canopy and get a kind of coloured metallic effect?
First of all, don't be too paranoid about fucking up. You can repaint over the top, unlike with a clear canopy.
Silver with a colour over it only really works with translucent paints, like GW glazes and washes. With those, it should look fine, although you may need a few coats. You can also mix them straight into the silver paint before applying it, which can give a more consistent colour.
Connor Jackson
Add more colours. It looks like the brain is just white and not glowing, but good job nevertheless. You will improve, i believe.
Zachary Gomez
looking good but man do I hate that fig. I've gotta convert a weirdboy or two for myself
Leo Martinez
Thanks for the feedback, will make adjustments and post
Dominic Barnes
I'm on the fifth layer of Yriel Yellow and shit's STILL not uniform. God damn it why must yellow be such a fucking cunt. Also first paintjob WIP.
I guess technically second since i fucked up the sergeant solo first within 3 layers of paint and stripped him back down.
Angel Turner
Currently working on a Nurgle Chariot for my WoC-army. At this point I chiefly have left to determine if the fella' riding the chariot should be wielding a whip or reigns to guide the horses. What do you guys think? Any other input is welcome, particularly if you think that I could add something more to the model.
Jack Rivera
holding the reigns
Juan Campbell
What base paint did you use underneath the yriel yellow?
Benjamin Stewart
Thank you! I'm going for purple, so silver with a couple of layers of druchii violet and then gloss it up? I have a couple of leftover heads with visors if I remember right, may test on that first just to be sure.
Brayden Richardson
Yeah I was leaning towards that myself seeing as he got a brilliant pose for it and I have bitz that could easily be converted into reigns. Still, thank you!
Xavier Nguyen
Averland Sunset
Cameron Peterson
I did thin it super hard for the first few layers, to the point where it was mostly a wash. I panicked since last time i didn't thin it enough (or didn't mix it properly) and it clumped and curdled, which NO OTHER PAINT has done until now. I feel like getting the proper mixing of Yriel Yellow down is fucking art in and of itself.
David Rogers
I'd recommend not using actual white for the white or black for the pupil / iris. Colours closer to the skin tone make it blend together a bit and look more natural. A dark line above the white does a lot to define the shape of the eye and make it less cartoonish (see pic). Also, that red wash requires very little time and effort and gives a good effect.
Dominic Peterson
Hey /wip/, putting together a Lord of Change kit and this is what the neck looks like. At first I thought there might be something that's supposed to go in that gap there because it looks like it was deliberately made like that, but going through the instructions there's nothing else that goes on there.
The sides of each feather are very uneven so I can't just green stuff the gap, and while the neck is a pretty damn important piece I can't imagine GW sending me a new sprue just for this one part.
What do I do?
Luis Jenkins
If it makes you feel better, whenever you manage to get them to an even yellow, they're gonna look pretty sweet. Bright yellow always looks cool on Marines.
Joseph Wright
It's backwards
Charles Jackson
Really plan ahead on what you want your guys to look like, look at sprues for different kits and check ebay for bitz boxes.
GSC have a good selection of stuff in them, lots of head choices, weapons and a decent body to use as a base for converting, if you want to keep them human sized similar kits to use would be; Scions have alot of bits in the box, you get options to create both command and basic troops you get a nice mixture of weapons and heads. IG/Catachan Command squads, again you only get five guys but because they're command you get some nice special looking parts to use. Skiitari rangers are a bit smaller than the average human models but have some cool options. Alot of the Freeguild, the old Empire, models will work well with these kits aswell.
Again it all depends on what you want your guys to look like.
Jose Richardson
It's not backwards, user.
Wyatt Richardson
Liquid greenstuff?
Ryan Wilson
Good luck man, lately been trying myself to paint Imperial Fists, although I used a different technique cause I know painting yellow is awful.
Jackson Price
Work begins. Doing the yellow detailing, then onto the white.
Gavin Smith
Thank you user, I'll check those. Unfortunately, most of the cool stuff on bits sites is always sold out :(
What can I use for cables? Guitar strings from Amazon?
Caleb Walker
Thanks anons. I think i'll try painting the Yriel directly on the light grey primer for the rest of the squad. I have a feeling the Averland isn't helping at all since it's darker than the primer.
Alternatively, i'll try giving it a coat of Screaming Skull on the primer first for some of the squad and see how that turns out.
Evan Harris
I can't fill this gap. It would leave me with a bunch of too large lopsided feathers with weird flat spots on it.
Ian Moore
Oh the flagellent kit makes a great body base for pious cult or heretics and comes with a bunch of cool bits like giant books, scrolls and hanging trinkets.
Guitar string is alright but I heard just pewter power cables are easier to use as long as theyre thin enough. You could also try greenstuff.
Carson Rogers
This picture from the website seems to imply it's supposed to be like that
Jaxon Perry
Jose Sanchez
I'll admit I didn't look at the website. K that makes me feel a little better, but why the fuck would they do that? Looks terrible.
Anyway, thanks user.
Thomas Scott
Anthony Taylor
Hairy ball theorem?
Jaxon Wood
Fuck just give me the model and I'll paint the damn thing. What a travesty.
Connor Clark
Would you mind summing that up for me? English is not my first language and I'm mildly dyslexic, so that paragraph is a nightmare for me.
Tyler Roberts
TL;DR of it is you can't have a sphere where all the hairs (Or in this case feathers) go the same way. Even with armor gaps, the lord of change has to have areas where the feathers part, since a lord of change is topologically similar to a sphere.
Nicholas Foster
You don't have to be a dick about it. Having said that...
user, you need to take more time with your minis. It looks like you were in a big hurry to call that done. Mold lines, really thick paint, and the wash looks like you put it in a squirt gun and blasted it onto the model.
Put some love into it. You get out of it what you put in.
Asher Nelson
I am now dead
Robert Robinson
Shit, I appreciate the gif. That's really nice. Is the very last color, the one above the eye lash supposed to be the eybrow, the eyelid, or just the part from the eyelid to just under the eyebrow?
Adrian Hernandez
Hey guys, question about the Herald of Tzeentch on Burning chariot.
It states it "may be accompanied by three blue horrors", does this mean I glue them to the actual chariot?