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Fully Loaded Edition: What features do you hope to have on your first Starfinder starship?

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Gotta have hard light holograms. Oh, and I want it to have a nice swimming pool!

When are we splitting back up into /pfg/ and /sfg/?

Leave piggy piggy

Should a group of goblins be wary of bigger goblinoids? On one hand they are also green, on the other I think encounters usually end with one side being slaves.

A red-headed, curvy fembot who is there to ensure the ship runs smoothly

A cloaking device, spinal laser cannons and a pleasant AI to keep everything running shipshape.

Does she have an adorable Scottish accent?

Why would they not be wary of bigger goblinoids? Goblinoids are utter bastards when they're small, making them bigger just makes things worse.

>A design system that actually works
>Stats that actually allow use at mid-high levels rather than being completely upended by "lol high level spells".
>The ability for it to be an actual character

And obviously it's not even sci-fi if you can't fire beams significantly larger than your own ship. That's just obvious.

So Iron Gods has over a dozen apps now, is that enough to start speculating at party compositions? Or shipping??

Not soon enough. I guess it's not that bad, though. I'm just grumpy about it because I'm not keeping up with Starfinder, probably.

Yes, absolutely yes. Slaves is one possibility, food is another. There is no honor among thieves and even less among goblinoids.

Also... Am I the only one that things of goblins as coming in several colors, kind of like kobolds? Red, green, yellow, even the occasional cyan... Maybe it's because I use to read that crappy Goblins webcomic.

Fast travel through a hell dimension.

Currently open games (Closes in 2 days) (Closes in 3 weeks) (Closes in 3 weeks) (Closes in 6 days)


and a flamethrower

Don't do this "APPZ APPZ APPZ" thing man. Fuck off.

No most aren't done and several are not even serious

>So Iron Gods has over a dozen apps now, is that enough to start speculating at party compositions? Or shipping??
But hey, you're right, it's the starfinder talk that's ruining the thread. Fuck off.

I'm talking about other things too, so what's it matter? Tell me about goblins and what color they should be.

Cargo space, possibly even enough for fighter craft. Maybe some false bulkheads, and a shitton of hidden compartments from which a crew member might retrieve a variety of holdout weapons.

Being ugly enough to deter thieves is a plus.

Please no

Dude, you straight up asked for shipping. How is that /not/ cancerous? It doesn't matter if you discuss other things, people won't continue your dual topics in all of their posts. So just fuck off with the "MUH APPZ" bullshit.

Alright, sure, but I STILL want to talk about goblins, damn it. Could different colors indicate adaptations to different environments, ala white "snow goblins" and green "forest goblins" and red "cave goblins"? Or do you think it'd be better if it represented some kind of hierarchy, like red goblins are stronger than white goblins are stronger than green goblins?

What, you don't like girls with high capacity fuel cells and extra thermal plating? C'mon, man, it's 2017

>you're the village now
>restrictive rules
>'you're commoners guys haha i'm original'

>Play as a village
>You lose when the village is gone
does this mean you respawn with your own NPCs?

Impractical massive butterfly wings that are actually used for ramming people.

>restrictive rules
I mean, the point buy is on the low end and it's a low level start, but I don't see how that's supposed to be "restrictive rules" unless you're so completely addicted to PoW that you can't consider playing without it. The only restriction is basically "you can't start as a lv3 wizard", if I read it correctly.

I thought it was "you can't play as a level 3 wizard period." You can only take two levels of Wiz.

With so many options in Pathfinder released today do you guys think we are burdened by choice? Or do you guys think that because people mostly want to be optimized, we are just provided "false" choices?

The latter. Once you know how to navigate the minefield that is pathfinder, you realize that there's not too many actual options. Most options just add a different flavor to the same die rolls.

I'm honestly surprise at how many options from the early books are so insanely strong. I find my characters just never have room for weird stuff.

Going through the app rules, I realize this was worded confusingly. I've changed it to "cannot START at a level..." etc.

Inflation is a thing and most of the feats are too situational or there just for flavor so you never see them in action. Consider the Swordlord for one: If there's ever anything to do with Brevoy at high level there will be swordlords all over the place, but you will never see it outside of that except for a very VERY specific build or with a player who takes fluff always over mechanical superiority. You know, nobody who frequents /pfg/.

Is Linnorm game even still a possibility now? Was he just playing with our hearts?

>Consider the Swordlord for one
>a very VERY specific build or with a player who takes fluff always over mechanical superiority

A smart player plays literally anything else besides the "official" sword lord class stuff, because he knows that stuff sucks hot shit. He just hands whatever he's actually playing a dueling sword/longsword and says "yo guys I'm playing a character who is/wants to be a sword lord in the setting"

I wish Paizo would just release a V2 of Pathfinder and fix all the garbage. Just swallow their pride and say "Listen we know we were being ridiculous with our garbage errata."

Is there a Charisma based witch?

Pretty sure that's literally what they're trying to do with Starfinder, bro.

Seducer Witch, and it's pretty good. and lewd

My point proven. Not that I am claiming stormwind fallacy, but there are people who take roleplaying over mechanical superiority and can't say that they are a swordlord without the PRC no matter how bad it is.

But I don't want to be lewd, one of the players is 13

Don't forget! (Closes in 10 hours)

Best hope you take several IRL years before the campaign gets to lv8 then

Did your favorite Deity make the second Cut?

Gotta admit, I really like Ibra. Hope they do more with it.

I feel this burden also. There are sone interesting feats or chain feats like magical tails or the possesed hand chain. Super interesting options but out weighed by more optimal choices.

This is why I love the optional background skills rules. It enables you to put points in fluff things like proffession, perform, or craft. Most of the time people put points into skills that they need to survive the adventuring day.

It almost makes me think that they need to do something similar with feats. Enable you to have slots for "background" or fluff feats.

I love that the pirate deity literally stole her current influence.

>still no papa asmo

Refluff the sex parts with "a friendly cuddle or hug or deep conversation" or some bullshit. I mean, abilities that interact with people you last slept with in the last 24 hours? To lewd for me.

Give 13 year olds some credit
They know what sex is.

I agree background skills are great. It's bizarre the Iron Gods game isn't using them. Just move knowledge engineering out of background skills.

Is it possible to jump/dash/move forward, do a couple of melee attacks, and then jump/dash/move backwards in a single round of combat?

>summoner tries to save our monk from the area of a spell's ongoing effect by rushing in, grabbing him and casting dimension door out
>the target square was occupied by an invisible enemy
>they have to get teleported to a random place somewhere in the 3D space in a 20ft radius
>gm rolls for where to put them
>they end up back in the spell's area

An LE god that is not a cartoonish narcissist or giggling maniac who gathers a following just having a single meme picture? Has Paizo dropped the ball and, you know, actually put some thought into writing their stuff?

Dealing with others wanting to steal it sounds like it would make a good ADventure Path, or at least a gag that gets mentioned in all the other ones.

All the previous deities, except for a few who were explicitly killed, are still around. It could be that Asmo downsized his operation to make it more lean and fit before staging a takeover.

How do you argue against someone's completely autistic hate of 'intrigue'?

Who's stoaked about the Mechanic? I look forward to seeing if there are archetypes that allow you to do stuff like making the mechanics drone a backpack to do pic related or more.

Hooray, more flanderization of a previously cool god

Ibra is really cool though. I could see some good character concepts coming from its ideology

Use companion to the lonely rules and say that the lewd stuff is just handholding or cuddling

By blocking a certain space frog's posts on a certain internet chat client.

They just copied a meme picture.

In the Soldier Iconic's backstory, I did like that they basically left the pacifists alone. Yeah, they "conquered" the world, but now they have to run it and basically leave them be.

Didn't you read the Mechanic post? They literally call that out as something you WILL do. You can go Iron Man with your drone at higher levels.

What did you like about that deity before?

Choosing between that and the Exocortex is going to be difficult I feel but I suppose when in doubt always go Iron Man.

Abadar is awesome in pf.
His church actually provides a really necessary service to the community in banking, but if his followers have formed a corporation to worship him in Starfinder, then I have absolutely no doubt that Paizo will play them off as greedy bastards who only care about coin.

How do fractional saves work with say 3 levels of a slow fort save and 7 levels of a fast fort save?

Have hope, user. Hope like Abadar's money-grubbing faithful have. You know though, if Abadar's First Vault contains a perfect copy of everything that can be owned, with the advent of Starfinder do you think his vault contains asteroids now? Planets? Stars, even?

>who gathers a following just having a single meme picture

Which meme picture is this?

Which one do you think?

Ibra looks cool. But I'm only really interested in seeing Erastil or Kurgess, and something tells me they're not going to make the next cut either.

He probably means Kurgess and the picture of his pants with a bulge.


Can I ask about 3.5e here?


What do you need?


>Erastil fags are also /pol/faggots
Keeps confirming what I already knew.

Lamastsu wasn't on the list. I would include her anyways because how else am I going to Resident Evil in Starfinder?

People could just be interested in unethical genetic experimentation. The gods don't need to be behind every single fucking aspect of the setting.



Well, Hermea gone wrong, anyway. Cheliax invades or something.

I know, which would make for interesting conflicts between cults and non cults who do this sort of stuff that and I wouldn't make them prolific either like the a few members of the board of some pharmaceutical company are nasty fucks who are into fucking monsters and fell into the cult of lamastu but are ordered to try and use their power and influence to either bring into the fold or crush the opposition who are doing similar stuff

Just a reminder that Shelyn approves of pedophiles, necrophiles and beastiality. Shelyn is Neutral Evil just like her brother!

>All this hate on Shelyn and Erastil
These people need to hug their family.

Does your character wear a hat? Does he/she uses a helmet?

Duh, retard

Why would you not use a helmet?

It's part of being an inquisitor to wear a giant hat, no?

Retard confirmed.

It's 7*0.5 + 3*1/3 + 2(base)= 6.5 rounded down to 6.

Hat of Greater Disguise made to look like hair ribbons

It's Kawase, we already knew this. This has more stupid houserule shit to put StarToad to shame.

Why are you guys so triggered by Starfinder content? It's new and shiny and doesn't warrant it's own general to clog up space on the board. Besides, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from discussing PF and ignoring SF content.

I didn't understand half the modifications, and I couldn't even find what classes and materials are allowed.

I'm glad Urgathoa is still a major deity but I'm personally more intrigued by the black hole god from the first part, it sounds like they fit my aesthetic for villains quite nicely.

The worst part is people are going to unironically apply to this just like people unironically apply to Startoad games because they're so thirsty to actually get into a game.

When can I have my high-level Dahak campaign?

It's just one or two people.

Most of this thread has been good because we are discussing SF and PF stuff. I only worry when people start discussing E-Celebs.

NOW, tell me what you are most looking forward to in Starfinder

I kind of want to see what they do with the Solarian.

I am most looking forward to it being released to /sfg/ can split off and we can go back to /pfg/.

How would a pirate dress in the 15th to 16th centuries?

>Kawase game

Holy shit

I want to see how they re-balance the age-old martial vs. caster dynamic since Fighter equivalents are going to be rocking fucking copyright-friendly lightsabers and rocket launchers. Also, ship-to-ship combat. It looks like it's going to focused on ships that are size-appropriate for four to six PCs to run, but I'm hoping for rules for Star Destroyer-tier vessels.


Nah, original Pathfinder just isn't 'good enough' for him.