He's getting his own Primaris Chapter, right?
He's getting his own Primaris Chapter, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's not canon, and Cato Sicarius is better than him, Cato Sicarius is bettern than Calgar, Cato Sicarius will be adopted as the heir to the throne after Guilliman dies and Cato Sicarius will destroy Chaos
Maybe if he ever gets a fucking sequel
Fuck you Matt, he is the better second company leader and you know it, Cato is just warming his seat.
Wait, doesn't Cato like adhere to the Codex Astartes as religious text? That's incredibly familiar-
>The next proposed game was you going renegade to deal with a conspiracy
>Leandros's constant moaning over every 'violation' of the codex and immediate distrust of you DESPITE YOU BEING THE FUCKING COMMANDER, and him ratting you out to the inquisition despite everything you did as if he almost never had any intention of having you as a leader, lacking all independent thought
Holy fucking shit. HE WAS WORKING FOR CATO SICARIUS. The need for constant unwanted feedback, interruption and disproval, his fucking zeal for you like he spent his entire life under the Ecclisarchy with his worship of the codex, all of these are traits in that annoying piece of shit's fucking company.
It makes perfect fucking sense! No wonder he denied aiming for Papa Smurf's position as Chapter Master, he has a clique of these cunts working towards discrediting his enemies to get the position he wants and deludedly thinks he deserves, surviving as he has because warpshit and his companies fanaticism for codex adherance has actually manifested itself, boosted by Ultramarine hype to boot as a part of a growing trend in his Chapter which has even affected other member's of other Ultramarine companies.
>Entire next game is you running from the law as Ultramarines came to assassinate you because you endured Inquisitorial torture as a just, loyal servant of the Imperium because fucking Sicarious's fanatical brothers had you kept there until he could assume your position and prove himself, rendering any chance of your release to naught but zero
>You escape, but they salvage the situation and use it to oust you as a heretic, and you must find the one's responsible for this and reveal them before the light of Imperial justice, as indication of your origins (possibly on Daemon World) reveal themselves to make you question your moral judgement as the conspiracy uses it to discredit you in any way they can
>The person spearheading this attempt to false flag? Fucking Leandros - who has taken on the burden of killing you off whilst Sicarius racks up the piety with his special backed up Matt Wardian flavour of bullshit
>In the end, you kill that piece of shit backstabbing cunt off, but before you can reveal the conspiracy, you go to apprehend Sicarious, who despite your efforts as he has already fucking stolen your seat as the 2nd Companies Commander, and you note that many of the battle brothers you knew are fucking dead, and you put two and two together and presume that Sicarious went out of his way to place them in mortal danger and kill many of them off so they could be replaced with people under his influence, to further cement his position amongst the Ultramarines and a figure of reverence with the support of other company commanders to boot
>At this point, you are furious, but can choose either to fucking kill Sicarius, who sends what is left of the battle-brothers you served alongside in the previous games against you, or you choose to compromise, at which point you are compensated and given the resources to start your own chapter from Papa smurf.
>If you choose to kill Sicarius, the notable theory of you being under Khorne's Influence reveals itself, as this act of seeking justice without comprimise is pretty much up his alley, and you technically lose your shit and fall to Chaos, after killing that smug piece of shit, not before beign thrown into a battle with Papa smurf himself who isn't accepting your bullshit, thinking you acted out of order and squandered your chance at being cleared of your accused crimes.
>The fight isn't intended to be won, and you're to either last as long as possible before you get fisted and die, giving you a tragic ending, but your stuff is accounted for after your unjust death and Sicarius's end, or, you say the magic words, and wake up on a lonely plane in the warp, where Nemeroth greets you
>If you did the side events by saving civilians and helping the Imperium Cypher style as you were on the run, you use this as an incentive to either stage chaotic rebellion if you fell, or they technically back you up after your death, or if you compromised during the court hearing to help you start up your new chapter.
>The first bad ending is where you Kill Leandros, compromise on Sicarius and get shafted to another company or possibly put under Sicarius's command, where you are later implied to be assassinated because you missed out the key part of Sicarius getting your Battle-brother's killed off
>The Good ending is where you kill Leandros, and do not compromise on Sicarius, instead, beating him up and humiliating him in one on one combat and reveal his implied treachery to your brothers, who you must also avoid and not harm, so now one now trusts the cunt, and your brothers later leave the 2nd company to join you in your new chapter as Siacrius's PR is damaged across the chapter as a whole now that everyone now treats him like he is in the Emperor has a text to speech device, wary of his bullshit and ambition
>The Chaos ending is where you kill Leandros, harm your battle-brothers, and kill Sicarius, then fight Papa-Smurf until you give yourself to the ruinious powers with two variants involving the ones with and without civillian support
>The tragic ending is where you kill Leandros Kill Sicarius, and fight Papa smurf until you die, differencing being with or without civilian support.
Warhammer 40,000: Space marine - Renegade.
The 3rd game would be based on the two stories following the Good Ending or the Chaos Ending respectively.
I'd play that game.
Me too.
I want this game, and I want it yesterday!
The question is what kind of gameplay would it have? A simple 3rd person Action/Shooter like the 1st one? OR what if we could bring in anouther company to help handle the mechanics like Platinum? Or would they bee too high octane for a Space Marine game?
Also, could we have a mechanic around doing damage to lesser enemy troops via the Betcher's Gland?
It's pretty much the sequel to Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine but slightly less linear with stuff to do as you find evidence to clear your name as you travel the Galaxy, before getting back to Ultramar for the final confrontation to that end, getting to see the Imperium at large, whilst also handling the like of local issues, kinda like what Cypher does when he hops from world to world solving problems and getting the wrong end of the stick for it and the like.
The goal of the game is to essentially reveal the conspiracy and clear your name, whilst also exploring the lifestyle of a renegade and learning about the reasons behind Captain Titus's apparant immunity to the effects of the Warp and it's connotations as Lendros's efforts seek to discredit him.
You probably end up fighting Chaos Cultists, a Genestealer cult, Orks, and encounter other such imperial curiosities, such as stealth missions, and showing up to assist in quelling of rebellion on Imperial worlds and gaining support through your actions of helping others, and probably have a benefactor behind your escape from Inquisition custody and the like. And most definitely you get to fight An Evervesor because Leandros wants your 'heretic' ass dead. which is a run and gun sort of boss fight because the thing is fucking relentless.
Oh right, some confrontations might be avoidable based on how you played your cards in previous missions, but you can probably also apprehend heretics wanted by the inquisition to help clear your name as you run from the law.
I'm kinda thinking the game has the kind of combat mechanics you'd expect from the previous game, but is a bit more Deus-EX like, so there's an emphasis on things like the bethcer's gland like you mentioned with some sort of point upgrade system for how an Astarte's uses his unique gifts.
The game starts with the escape from Inquisitorial imprisonment after dealing with your would-be assassins introducing you to the combat mechanics with the conspirators, then moving on to the use of stealth, cover and the importance of trying not to harm one's fellow Imperial, as well as using one's Astartes given gifts, before you escape and make it to the first area, where you'll be getting your bearings together before you venture the greater Imperium using whatever skills you used to get to your older position of Captain of the second company, used for character development and Insight into Titus's past, before things move up to interaction with elements and intrigues within the Imperium of man as a renegade.
He is canon retards, and he's dead. He has a statue in the Ultramarines hall of heroes or some shit in one of the Ultra novels.
Also, why yes, Cato Sicarius is in fact a better Captain than Titus because Cato acts like an actual military officer. Titus however doesn't seem to understand that he's supposed to lead his Company, not throw himself at the enemy with a pitifully small honor guard consisting of two dudes with no Apothecary or Champion.
Only because THQ went under.
T.Matt Ward
>actually doing field work ever.
>He is canon retards
He is canon, but comes from an alternate reality timeline, like in comic books. He is a contemporary of Cato Sicarius and the Tyranid invasions, which is why his men are 2nd Company gold and Sidonus is missing an arm from the Tyranids yet is able to be as old as he is.
>Cato Sicarius is better than him
Shut up, Cato.
I fucking love it, but the most basic problem is, how DOES a 7 foot tall superhuman go incognito among generally starving peasants and hive-scum?
Hitch a ride with either an undercover Radical Inquisitor, or some Rogue Traders?
Go to the underhive. He wouldn't stand out as much against all the other monstrosities down there.
For fuck's sake Chaos cultists and Genestealer hybrids can walk around down there without drawing much attention. Perhaps while down there Titus can do some good by purging said cultists and hybrids.
It's garbage fanwank
Same way ork Kommandos do, sheer fucking willpower
The difference there is that kommandos believe nobody can see them, which makes it true. I don't think Astartes get that perk. Then again, Cypher manages somehow so it must be possible.
If he gets warded again, or some retard makes him really canon, they might as well just add that, then again, if Cypher can do it, and Cypher is a normal(I think) Space marine, I dont entirely see why that couldnt happen
The Primarch of the Ultramarines thinks Cato Sicarius is an arrogant twat.
He also thinks Uriel Ventris (who is admittedly not Titus, but the two are reasonably close in temperament, I would argue) is at the epitome of what the Ultramarines should be.
>Titus winds up getting cornered by a bunch of hive scum looking for trouble
>queue youtube.com
Well if DoW 3 us a big enough success, Relic mught be allowed to do the sequel. Who knows?
Interestingly, Henry Cavill tested that theory on Time Square. Put on some glasses, nobody recornised him.
A youtuber I like calls it the Clark Kent effect. He showed it, filming himself without his signature glasses and shirt, while wandering a massive convention here he's one of the main attractions when he's there, again, no one saw him.
Tom Cruise did it for Collateral as well:
He thinks he has an ego the size of Ultramar. He also thinks Cato has become a capable statesman and has Cato by his side instead of Calgar in his military operations. That makes him reliable and unashamedly flamboyant about it.
I think a good chunk of the second game being Titus in service of Deathwatch would be a neat thing to do, sending him on missions while his trial is under review.
Everyone more or less assumed a Deathwatch sequel until the game was officially canned and the original devs came out with their retarded vision about Titus getting his own renegade Gary Stu chapter.
Mission to rescue Mira when?
Do you guys think Mark Strong is into 40k? Or was that just another job for him?
>tfw there will never be another game like Space Marine in the foreseeable future
They already said they wanted to do a few RTS before giving another go to TPS.
I hope they get their shit fixed for the next expansion.
Hi, and welcome to the 40k community!
What's your favorite faction? Have you decided on an army yet?
To be fair, it's reasonable of them to want to pump of DoW 3 expansions out before starting a completely new game.
>pump of DoW 3 expansions
Given how badly game has sold and has mostly negative reviews i doubt it.
All they had to do was make DoW 1 again, and they fucked up.
>we will never get porn of Mira having gang-bangs with the disheveled men of her regiment in dirty dusty bunker shelters to keep their spirits up in the face of overwhelming numbers of orks and the inevitability that every one of the men fucking her holes will probably get ripped apart by disgusting green xenos monstrosities before they eventually capture her and take her as a slave for their entertainment due to the undoubted ferocity she would likely exhibit during a last stand
Calm your lewd thoughts user.
I... I'm sorry.
I think I can feel the warp overtaking me.
it is a good pain
DoW1 with DoW2 cover system!
>Deep strike
>how DOES a 7 foot tall superhuman go incognito among generally starving peasants and hive-scum?
One of the HH books (i think it was "Serpent Beneath) describes Omegon and 2 or 3 of his Marines wearing a special kind of camo device that works somewhat like a "mirror". (for the lack of a better word). If a peasant looks at them, he will see another peasant. Maybe a bit bigger and stronger peasant, but certainly not Marine/Primarch-big.
Now if those items are common or even canon.. who knows.
I know that it wasn't meant this way, but I can only imagine a peasant walking around and catching something large out of the corner of his eye. He looks over, but just sees a reflection of himself....and thinks that the other peasant wants to steal his food and flipping him off, only to be flipped off in return.
>peasants are cats, and don't recognize their reflection.
Fap before you post, user.