I was once the most important man in Ultramar.
I was once the most important man in Ultramar
And then decided to move someplace else?
this is supposed to be In the Dark of the Night, right?
yfw you realize that there's a chance Calgar was Lord of Ultramar longer than Guilliman had ever been alive when Guilliman finally came back.
His scenes in Dark Imperium were fucking embarrasing
A Chapter Master, hundreds of years olds going all emo and "CRAWLING IN MY SKIN" because he felt Guilli kept on scolding him indirectly
It was horrific reading
It's great, because he's a powerful and capable demi-god, only that Guilliman's back, he realizes he should have done more. That the Imperium he knew was always less than Guilliman's, and he should have made it fit for the Primarch's return instead of being complacent.
Add this to prior characterization of him realizing he was a shit during early Tyranid wars, and it makes Calgar a more interesting character.
Does it even mean anything anymore?
Completly stupid.
The guy who has kept Ultramar safe from chaos, orks and a fucking Tyranid Fleet now acts like an insecure BETA fag when his fucking PRIMARCH comes back from death.
I doesn't make any sense that one of the most important warriors the imperium has goes full teen anxiety like that.
When Guilliman replaced me he made a mistake!
Marines being insecure when dealing with primarchs or other accomplished marines has been a thing for ages. If anything having those doubts makes them more interesting.
Bringing back Primarchs was a mistake.
It wasn't bloody great, he acted like a child who had been scolded for spilling milk.
Instead of a Super Human, hundreds of years old Space Marine.
Yes he realised all the things you said but it was written so badly i was not imagining a 11 foot tall Tac-Dreadnought armour wearing superhuman but a naughty little boy
Completely disagree, the way they are having him handle the suddenly Rowboat situation actually makes him a somewhat interesting character again not just PAPA SMURF LORD OF THE MEMES
You do know it's entirely possible to be okay with portraying characters as flawed and still think the writing was shit, right?
Calgar isn't that old, and Guilliman is older than Dante and the other older marines, due to being around for several hundred to thousand plus years after the Heresy.
Guy Haley said in an interview that Guilliman got whacked about 100 years after the Heresy, and the Great Crusade/HH was about 200 years together. Meaning that Guilliman was about 300 years old unless you're counting the time he was in stasis for some reason.
Calgar's first (known) credit as chapter master is 301 years before Guilliman wakes up. So He probably hasn't been Lord of Ultramar longer than Guilliman had been alive, but it's a close call, and he most likely is older.
On a side note, Cassius is stated to be the oldest member of the Ultramarines at "almost 400 hundred" in 999.M41, meaning that Calgar reached the rank of Chapter Master in a matter of decades.
That's what happens when you put a manlet near a tall guy.
Well why do you think Cassius calls him young Calgar? Other than because Cassius is actually a butler.
Because Girlyman is doing a way better job than he ever did which made him question himself.
Because Robot is a Primarch.
The Primarch responsible of everything the Ultramarines are. So when that guy you almost worship comes back and starts doing his thing Calgar goes full teenager?
It doesn't make any sense. The logical response would have been reacting to the new drive Robot brought and get motivated to push chaos back inside their Eye thing.
>Because Robot is a Primarch.
So what? A ruler is still a ruler.
it makes him feel that he did poor job. That he failed in his duty. Before Girlyman came back, Ultramar was suffering and on the brink. When Girlyman got to rule over again, Ultramar resurged and is becoming great again.
Again, thats exactly what to expect from a Primarch, a thing almost a god.
Makes no sense, you are trying too hard to spin the thing.
Did you even read the book?
Well, technically if you count the fact that Guilliman was in stasis and not actually "dead", just dying for 10,000 years, he is way older than Calgar. It's like a man who just woke up from a ten thousand year coma, rather than someone who has risen from the grave.
Make Ultramar great again.
Acctually he was dead.
Tahts why the god of death was needed to bring him back.
The armor brought him back, not the eldar god of death.
Both were needed
Show of hands,
who thinks Calgar is gonna pull a Horus?
I kinda hope he does because it'd really match the "poetry" of Robby G. realizing that his actions aren't really any better than the Emperor's i.e. lying about lots of shit and excusing religiosity because it's useful to him.
New writing is so bad. If Smurf thinks he failed - he should go crusading ine the eye of terror or work twice harder. If not - by what right the Primarch judge one of the best chapter masters in galaxy? Look how poor others do.
t. retard who hasnt read the book
I love this post
I'd like this.
Calgar and Agammon go rogue
You know how people are jealous of nice cars, houses, that sorta shit?
The reason they are jealous is because they feel insecure. Sure, they'll say "damn that's a nice car," but they have an inner anxiety about THEM not being the one to have it. They view others as higher-up than they are.
This is what Calgar feels. He SHOULD "expect" guilliman to be better than him, but it doesn't feel good. It's human.
Which is good, because otherwise all we ever get is capeshit bolterporn.
Some people want capeshit bolterporn
Getting cucked is hard user.
Hypergamy doesn't care about how much you've done for that bitch , she'll run right along and fuck the bigger better alpha as soon as he turns up.
Calgar just needs to read more TRP
If they actually went this way, it feels like it would completely justify HH going to shit.
I scoff at their intelligence
nd I love capeshit bolter porn but this ain't the time for it
All this thread is telling me is that Marneus is now Rodimus Prime. Technically did a lot of good, kept things going for a while, but at the end of the day he'll NEVER be Optimus Prime.
I hope this doesn't happen because it'd be fake and gay
I'd prefer he'd die horrifically for Rob's mistakes
Some chosen one he was
I have some bad news user, it's not women's fault you can't get laid, you're just an ugly autist who can't pick up on social cues.
Tell that to girlyman and his elf bitch.
Literally who?
Well, apparently Guiliman wasn't some NüMälë who needed ThëRëdPïll to moan how evil girls and jews are the reason he isn't a winner.
He came back from the dead, got an Eldar girlfriend and started rebuilding the Imperium.
I'll remember you Marneus.
I miss the old days where the fluff wasn't just £30 hardback codex expansion books of He-Man tier narratives.
Sooo when will lion come back to kill of rouge girlyman ?
remove nazi