Human caused climate change has caused ancient underwater cities to emerge in the world's oceans

>human caused climate change has caused ancient underwater cities to emerge in the world's oceans

But climate change makes the sea level go up, the underwater cities are getting further and further away from emerging.

It goes down in some areas and up in others.

How is that even possible?

You're talking about beings from beyond time and space. They do what they want.

This isn't global warming, It's moonular freezing!

I thought you were referring to something happening irl to be honest


That's because you're retarded.

>thinking that there may be something in the world you don't know is being retarded

No, just one.

Just one did all of this.

We were unprepared.

And we have never been so clean.

Climate change is not real so obviously that theory is inconsistent.


Should someone as aggressively bigoted and racist as Lovecraft really be praised and celebrated the way he is?

Would it be better to forget the man and just celebrate the genre? Or is he inextricably related to cosmic horror?

Serious question.

Literally retarded. I'm willing to tolerate most right-of-centre bullshit to a point but you have to be a real idiot to not believe in global warming/man made climate change

Please read a book. Also, don't bother responding if you're going to claim that all the books you disagree with are written by Jews and that's it a conspiracy, for some reason (?), to trick people into caring about the environment

Seriously retarded. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

with fucking bullshit disguised as science for the kind of people who believe everything they hear.

increased global temperature means the ocean emits more water vapor, which more thoroughly saturates the lower atmosphere, leading to more rainfall. you don't hear about that because much of the northern hemisphere is in a substantial drought, and would welcome increased rainfall going into the soil to be stored in the form of delicious plants. so they pretend the seas will rise due to melted pack ice because that threatens cities full of people. and the industry goes along with it because otherwise half their chairs would be cut because people are largely content with the technology they have now and don't see the need for science.

sorry to kill your setting with logic, OP, but you can come up with something else

Climate change is a hoax invented by the chinese to keep our industry down.

Literally not an argument.

You're probably white (like me) so it might be hard for you to understand why some people might not celebrate a guy who fucking had a seething hatred for them?

Don't shy away from ideas that hurt your feelings. Engage with them. Pleb.

Honestly, Lovecraft is such a hilariously exaggerated caricature of racism that I barely register it as actual bigotry. That, combined with his oddly contradictory stance let's me ignore it and mostly forgive it. It's not like he actually went out and lynched anyone. In fact, his wife was Jewish.

Why must every thread devolve into /pol/ shit. You literally have your own board. Stop false flagging here.

Go away, Nigger Man.

Climate change can really be felt in the oceans. Acidification and changing temperatures(look up the first one if you like your doomsday fear spiced). You do not want your property getting damaged. So a creature with a god complex is probably gonna get quite upset that a bunch of monkeys is vandalizing its property.

Whig History will always and forever be the province of mental indigents better off aborted.

Not him, but there isn't a single accurate research that shows that global warming is created by man.

In fact the so called melting caps are actually expanding.

Exactly as Dagon planned.

>You're probably white (like me) so it might be hard for you to understand why some people might not celebrate a guy who fucking had a seething hatred for them?

Nothing wrong with that. Racist and bigot are natural positions after examining the world.

Welp, been a fun thread, fellas.

>You're probably white (((like me))) so it might be hard for you to understand why some people might not celebrate a guy who fucking had a seething hatred for them?

Ha-ha le joos r y Im not sukkessful xD Hitler le did nothing wrong guise 1 retweet = 1 trump le MAGA xD

>fuck off because you got your feelings hurt
You forgot to add
>even though my entire argument is that Lovecraft's ideology hurts my feelings
I love how progressives can't perceive the irony of their own statements.

Actually Lovecraft's racial views were pretty much normal to his era. Besides whole genre of cosmic horror is based on xenophobia.

It's totally reasonable to question the legacy of a vitriolic racist's contributions to pop culture as it affects table top you fucking mouth breather

I am 100% being sincere. I personally like Lovecraft but you should never leave anything questioned. Does the entertainment and influence Lovecraft's works spawned outweight his outward hatred for those who weren't WASPs? Can you separate the man from his fiction despite much of his fiction being passively racist AT BEST?

These are questions mature adult discuss. Not petulant man-children whose daily vocabulary includes the phrase "false flag" without a hint of irony

Remember where you are.

Okay, here is my view.

Frankly I couldn't care less if Lovecraft went lynching niggers. His works are still good, I don't give a fuck about his hatred and you sincerely can go fuck yourself if that bothers you.

>so they pretend the seas will rise due to melted pack ice
It will, for reasons that are obvious to anyone who has seen ice melt before, which would fuck up more of the world than the increased rainfall would benefit it.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill (and you're quite intolerant yourself for one who attacks a man for his intolerance). He was racist. Big fucking whoop. Few that read Lovecraft actually care. What does that change? Nada. I myself can put up with things that have left-leaning messages that I disagree with, but you don't see me on a fucking crusade to discredit those things.

>claiming others are gullible
>repeating shit that was disproven a thousand times before

Go read something written by actual climate scientists and not some right wing think tank. Rise of evaporation is not even close to being enough to counter this shit.

Same here, and I'm a fucking Bernie loving SocDem.

Shit, the man's been dead for almost a century. He might have been a racist fuck, but his hatred for black people or whatever is literally not relevant anymore beyond, "hey, did you know he was a racist fuck"?

Even if you buy or enjoy his works, or are inspired because of his works, you're not supporting his racism or anything because he's fucking dead. Jesus Christ.

Oh, look, another whitey speaking on behalf of the dumb coloured people.


>legacy of a vitriolic racist's contributions to pop culture

Yeah, because whenever I think of Lovecraft's work, it's nothing but KKK propaganda. I mean, it's not like you had stories where there were inbred hillbillies in them. Nope, white man was always the hero and darkies the enemy. It was just Mein Kampf with alien gods.

God I fucking love Lovecraft.

If you believe such thing is mostly caused by humans though

Most supernatural stuff really. Ever read Bram Stoker's less known novel, The Lair of the White Worm? It's bigoted to the point of absurdity. The hero sees the bad guy's African manservant for the first time and barely represses the heroic impulse to strike him dead on the spot.

And the lady villain wants to attract and marry a wealthy man to maintain her estate. Scandalous! She's also a giant snake monster but honestly she doesn't seem to do much evil snake stuff?

>And the lady villain wants to attract and marry a wealthy man to maintain her estate. Scandalous! She's also a giant snake monster but honestly she doesn't seem to do much evil snake stuff?
Sounds hot.

>t. overweight pasty white manchild that's never examined anything beyond his basement

You're just straight up wrong now.

You can get the e-book free off Project Gutenberg. It's certainly eyebrow raising.


>And the lady villain wants to attract and marry a wealthy man to maintain her estate. Scandalous! She's also a giant snake monster but honestly she doesn't seem to do much evil snake stuff?

I mean, shit, we have climate records going back centuries and fucking photos of earth from space going back decades, not to mention all the data from various universities and scientific institutions.

It's past the point of skepticism at this point and just down right delusion if you don't think the climate is changing.

I fucking love the Public Domain.

The movie was... interesting.

So, Pacific Rim?

>millions of years of the climate changing
>rapidly even
>all without human interference
>but this time it's all our fault

Ah yes, the new equivalent of stammering out "n-n-n-n-n-no y-y-you ;_;"

What a rebuttal

Post research showing that the ice caps are fading.

>ad hominem
When you get smarter maybe you will come with an argument.

Disney was more of a bigot than tentacleman

>p-please respond to my non-argument with an argument, y-you're hurting my feelings like this


>I'm incapable of understanding the social, cultural and scientific factors that can push people into putting different races into different standards
You being too dumb to understand doesn't make it a non-argument. But yes, keep acting retarded.

Praising a racist man for being a good writer won't make the Earth explode, if someone is so sensitive that the idea that a bad person might have other qualities that are a benefit for society or others enjoy triggers them, that's a personal problem and not something society should shift to accommodate.

T. A person who flat out dropped one of Lovecrafts story for how racist it was.

>human caused climate change
Oh cool a fantasy setting

Is denying climate change the new flat earth meme?

>HUMAN caused climate change
Pretty significant qualifier with very little scientific evidence to support it.

No shit, the climate changes. No, we don't know how much your car contributes to it or if it contributes to it at all. The hockey stick model is a meme.

Climate change is undebatable, man made is another story.

More accurately, the real thing it would expose is all that infrastructure in Antarctica made by the Elder Things. All those hidden cities and secret ruins under glaciers, snowpack, and permafrost come back to the surface.

>if someone is so sensitive that the idea that a bad person might have other qualities that are a benefit for society or others enjoy triggers them, that's a personal problem and not something society should shift to accommodate

I remember talking to a friend's girlfriend, who was adamant that even if you're poor and starving on the streets, it's morally wrong to take charity from a rich asshole. You're a bad person for not rather starving to death than taking something someone she deems to be a bad person, is giving away for free with no strings attached. She got really angry about the subject.

There's also oceanic warming and acidification.

Ever try sleeping when it's hot as fuck and the air conditioning isn't working? Cthulhu can't sleep either, so he's arisen to destroy man and end global warming so the depths cool off again.

i thought Veeky Forums was supposed to be full of smart people, you retards going to deny evolution too?

There is more hard evidence for the existence of evolution than there is for your dishwasher causing earthquakes and hurricanes.

>They're suing for the environmental damage

Huh, Jews really are the ancient race

>I parrot the popular opinion, so I'm smart

You know that saying a random insult isn't an argument?

There is far more evidence for evolution than man actually affecting the climate.

/pol/ go home

OP, stop intentionally baiting /pol/ I want to believe that you weren't baiting /pol/ and actually trying to come up with an interresting setting-twist on cthulan lore that makes it relevant to modern times, but It REALLY feels like you were just baiting /pol/. Even liberal/pol/ needs to stay in /pol/

No, evolution is real.


I mean I'm just a rando who only has literally the most minor connection with only a friend of that dude, but tell him to not stick his dick in crazy, it's just solid advice.

Too late now. He's a vegan now.

My condolences.

Could be interesting.

Rather than the waves getting so low these cities were revealed, it could be a programmed thing--they predicted the natural advance of heat and wave height and then planned to emerge then because their fungal army would be fully grown or whatever--giving the heroes a fleeting opportunity to do something about these suddenly revealed cities and, as importantly, giving people an opportunity to arrive at the cities on research.

Only absolute fucking retards practice Whig History methodolgies. You are a mental failure.

>i thought Veeky Forums was supposed to be full of smart people
It was several years ago.

Now it's just newfags who rolled in from reddit, /pol/ memers, and a handful of people who just wish their favorite board wasn't infested with such drooling retards.

Who gives a fuck.

I read some good books.

Then I learned the writer was racist.

This is going to blow your mind: they're still good books.

captha: amanda stop

Never read it but seen the movie. Many strange boners

One of the most recent major examples.


If you are unable to judge literature, paintings, music, or other forms of art without judging the ideologies of the artist then you are the worst human being deserving of neither art nor opinion.

This honestly

This is probably bait, but authors, philosophers, scholars, and scientists throughout history have often had shitty views and outlooks that would make them terrible people by modern standards, usually because of the times they lived in, but just as often because they were shitty people themselves. But you can't disregard their contributions that have helped human society and culture advance to where it is today.

The sum of human knowledge is iterative and, as an example, cosmic horror as a genre wouldn't be where it is today without Lovecraft's foundation. That's something that should be respected regardless of his original ideology.


>aggressively bigoted and racist

By the standards of his time he was a moderate at worst.

>muh racism
>muh xenophobia

the majority of people back in the 20's and 30's were like that or even more bigoted, they just didn't express it as linguistically poignantly as Lovecraft did through his works

You seem rustled.

Isn't ice land ice on Antarctica unlikely to melt any time soon if ever?

>literally reduced to stutterposting