Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Thrilling Necrons Edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>List Builder
Gone forever, like your childhood.

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

Other urls found in this thread:

hoardobits.com/cgi/hob/shop.pl?cat1=Bits&cat2=Warhammer 40k&cat3=-Imperial Guard&cat4=>IG Sentinel

Real previous thread


Will the Power Klaw arm from the Boyz box work on this torso?

Here, some Psyker cards for index

Give me pictures and I'll make one for


I think this would be enough of a change personally.

Black Templars squad. Guy with the basing got edge highliting, the rest got dry brushing.

Just need transfers and I'm done with my first spess mehrines.

>not "Don't talk to me or my father's son ever again."

Those trips are hard to deny but you're missing the point of celebrating the human form here.

In the light of the new FW FAQ, here's a list with a Fellblade in it.

I'm not sure if I wanna drop the lieutenant and upgrade the captain to Azrael for the 4++ bubble on the Fellblade and full rerolls
Sounds cheesy enough (especially considering that the Dankshrouds are there already)

Tell me about the Sisters of Battle, why do they put the panties on their helmet?

I would use darker colors on metal

>Looks like we can regain wounds through Machina Malifica on overwatch now though, so not all bad...

Happy day!

Designers had a panty fetish.

8th edition proof of actual playtesting when?
FAQs for typos proof of otherwise.
Tourney fags busy making the game shit again. Nothing new here.

Nice job for starting to paint.

Black armour is not an easy thing to paint. If I were you I would do one dark grey edge highlight and leave it at that for now. You will save a lot of time and get them tabletop ready all the sooner, and then you can go back when you feel your skills have sharpened and add a second lighter grey edge.

My two cents anyway

This looks okay too.

I'd drop the bike from the tech-marine and a coupel upgades here and there for Azrael

The FW FAQ makes me really happy as a dreadnought army player.

Also Techmarine Dread when?

Could work.
But the boobs are missing or the "this is a woman"


>Techmarine Dread when?

Apothecary Dread when?

I agree, black armor is not easy at all.
Here's my attempt at a Dark Angel with a legion colour scheme, and to be honest I wish I had a steadier hand...but will try to improve on it

Somebody photoshop Girlymans face onto this.

dread dread when

Chapter master dread when?


The V shape of the armor is a pretty standard female design.

>he doesn't know
Culln got nommed by Nids and now leads Red Scorpions as a CM Dread.

Would anyone have or know where to get spare sentinel pilots? Ebay fails me and I hate looking at the empty seats.

Cullin's a dread now right?

Bjorn's been one forever and he's practically CM

Would he still be a chapter master? Don't Leviathan Dreads drive the occupants insane?


I kind of like the bright flash of highlighted metal over the dull black of the Templar power armor. Adds a ton of pop.

Yeah, my first model I just edge highlighted with Fenrisian grey and it was way too bright. For the rest I did a dry brush with 50/50 Abbadon black/Fenrisian grey and it looks a lot better, but still very bright highlighting.

Still can't bring myself to play at FLGS. Those dudes look like hardcore grognards

>pretty standard female design.


Not this case, no. There is another Chapter (Rainbow Warriors?) with CM Dread. Plus Blood Angel's have Librarian Dreads which is insanity if you think about it. So obviously not all go insane.

I hate my Tau army. I never went WAAC fag and I only played Like 3 suits back in 6th. I have a riptide only because when he came out he was a centerpiece. I literally played old school gunlines with shit loads of piranhas, devilfish, and hammerheads. I wanted my army to feel very Guard like.

So now 8th comes around and I'm playing mostly the same list with Stealth Suits. No commander spam, I got my 4 blocks of Firewarriors doing stuff. I modeled them after North Vietnamese and even called them the Viet-Tau Sept. But now they just dunk everything. You know I even have a Razorshark Bomber? I used to use it for shits and giggles. Now it's a beast. And suddenly I'm the shops WAAC fag.

Man fuck this army now. It's so much fun to play but it feels like bullshit.

What the shit do I do.

>Apothecary Dread

>Looms over you with a gigantic dreadnought Narthecium



Currently unavailable dudebro

>No heavy flamer toes
>No Lascannon dick
6/10, see me after class.

>Reductor is a giant vacuum with a blender in the middle of the fist...

For those that missed it, EC sonic dreds are back, baby.


>Still has no rules other than a standard leviathan

I want a leviathan with the reroll misses aura

Or at least the reroll 1s

Bjorn is pretty great as a Captain dread, gives the same aura buff.

Dunno what Culln does yet but it's probably cool. I have no interest in him as a character, but a leviathan dread HQ is interesting.

I suggest Eshin grey for higlights and then use Dawnstone for the brighter parts. Maybe even a touch of white if you feel like it

After looking at those thing in person they look like having Down syndrome

Something about the flat face and every model looking down gives a strange feel to them.

Shit. All the bits sites I know of from Murrica are all empty. Sorry bro.

hoardobits.com/cgi/hob/shop.pl?cat1=Bits&cat2=Warhammer 40k&cat3=-Imperial Guard&cat4=>IG Sentinel

That's another.

Even the UK is out of them.


Even the EU sites are out.


Do you have ANY pilots? Because if you do you can make some home moulds with that putty stuff (blue stuff?).

Sorry bro.

He's due rules release in Fire of Cyraxus.

Been reading Titanicus.

>He tallied thirty-one body kills in defence of his master, the famulous. It took one hundred and nine separate hits to overcome his glanded rage and reinforced constitution. He fell half way along the tunnel, almost disarticulated by damage.

Holy shit, Skitarii are hardcore.

I now feel like I want a Titan, but I don't know what type. Warhound or Reaver? And what do I equip her with?

Anyone here walked any Titans, scored any Engine Kills? I want to hear how they perform.

An apothecary dreadnought would probably be more concerned with heavy lifting. Scanning and digging through ruined buildings and destroyed vehicles, using the fist to uncover lost or incapacitated marines.

They'd leave the finer work to attendant marines, medical servitors and/or servo skulls and mechadendrites.

You posted this last thread. Nobody really cares. Have a (You).

I mean Leviathan dreads specifically drive the occupant insane, not dreads in general. Like, they go on berserker rampages because their reactor is too powerful or something.

At 35, in the hobby since I was 10, worked for GW for formative years, in a gaming group of ppl 30-50yo I'm on the verge of being a grognard myself. Trust me, the only thing we dislike is kids who show up with entitled attitudes and bare plastic armies where half is "counts as" anyway. Be humble and don't cheat or talk shit (until you're friends at least) and you're golden.

So far you already seem like a decent dude who takes advice and actually wants to be engaged in the hobby so good on you!

No can do. I could try to make them armored but that will be.....choppy. Thanks anyway brosef. I need them for my 1k/50PL Brigade but I hate them looking shitty.

I guess I stand corrected. I meant I see it used a lot in armored female concept art as an alternative for boob armor.

I have a Warlord in my epic army...

Don't know what you could do with one in a 40k game =D

>Tau in 8th

dreadtron ready to serve

Do what I did when that happened to my eldar: quit 40k for 5 years

So happy H Bolter chimera are optimal now. The Cain novels made me love them but they were suboptimal in 7th. Does the FW double HBolter turret still exist?

Sell it and play a cool sub-par gunline faction

Also most /urdoods/ in lore of them all

Then Culln is gonna be batshit.

Sorry, user. Gotta keep watching. Or you can convert I guess?

>Can't read rules

Why bother?

A better question
Did anyone here even buy a titan or titan equiv

You're having the exact opposite problem that I am. I can't get my Stealth teams, my FW teams, my Pathfinders or my Hammerheads to pull a win out of their asses. Maybe that's just because I've mostly been playing against Dark Eldar.

How do I win with ynnari against a tau player who likes to turtle

Tau are still good in 8th.

Not sure how they end up being WAACy, but Tau gonna Tau

I'm going to try and squeeze as much as I can out of my heavy weapon team sprues.

Would I be allowed to base missile launcher teams on 25mm bases if it's clear who is the gunner and loader?

>1k/50PL Brigade
That's......that's not possible right? Guard are not THAT undercosted/overpowered....are they? With Creed that's 14 fucking CP

Do Wyches get combat drugs and Power of Death or whatever rule? If they can, make fast as fuck bikes (+Movement) give attacks to Wyches, +1S to Leliath.

Just buy extra 50mms at your local and get 6 teams by only putting one guy on each

New guy in our game group plays nids. Do you have experience against them with your tau? Never actually played a game against nids before so...

Anything nids have that I should worry about?

Revised list.
Had to drop the lieutenant in the end. Seemed like the most reasonable choice

Guard can fill slots for cheap very easily.

When my guard became WAAC tier in 5th edition, I switched to a stormtrooper army.

After several editions of getting progressively worse, now they're suddenly try hard.

>autists who walk into lava

horde spam

Dark lance spam has been very effective against my Tau so far. I lose at least two tanks on turn one, average. Consider scourges and ravagers.

Is it me or is the gun thing in the 'center' of this tank a bit off center?

But that's 3 of everything. I need to facts. I can barely fill a Battalion plus Patrol.

pic is angled too though

if you're talking about the one with three barrels, it clearly is
probably meant to be too

The main one of the triple-barrelled affair at the front? The big gun looks like it's in the middle to me.

I don't think so but you could try one of the china casters

the rules for it are in the imperial armour index: forces of the AM

It is meant to
The gunner sits next to the driver.

My question is, what is the OTHER build in the kit going to be.

Yeah I guess.

What is that gun anyway? Some sort of flamer?

Also sponsons look like multimeltas? Not sure.

Infantry platoons are 40pts, Heavy support teams are about the same. Stormtroopers are just good, and about the same.

Also, 30pt HQs. Guard break Command points.

Still considerably cooler than an empire so small it has plot armour massing more than every planet in it.

Come join the Admech, we throw away billions of lives, vatgrow more and continue to give no fucks about literally anything, because superweapons. Considerably more fluff variation, too. What's the most dramatic thing in your lore? That's right, the red dudes disagreed with the brown dudes over government and left. When that happens with the Admech, we call it Tuesday.

That's a point, there don't seem to be any vision slits anywhere on the vehicle. How do the crew see?

The only titan even capable of being taken in a normal sized 2000 point game is a warhound and it'll be 75% of your army.

They'll be foulnoun guns.

>Detachments describe the logistics of your army and stuff
>stories of guard is usually full of how their logistics are shit
>best army filling out detachments and rake CP

Isn't the Eldar junior titan like 1100 points?

>bad logistic
Think you are confusing the guys at the pen and paper division with the actual IG.

Guard have more command points but nearly always go last as their theme is often defenders.

Its like poetry.


Also i never manage to use all my CP as guard.

But I always get 2 chances to steal initiative. 1/3 ain't bad. And oh baby when I DO steal and my Earthshakers get to snipe first....

1,200 but none of its guns have macro and its capping out at a 5+ invul save without advancing.

On the other hand it can absolutely shit all over infantry and normal tanks but will get its ass handed to it by anything with a macro weapon.

>autists who walk into lava
Exactly, glad you understand