Filename thread

"second worst thread on Veeky Forums right now" edition



This needs a Veeky Forums-related file name.

>DC 5 to Spot polymorphed Druid.

>"The system isn't broken, you just aren't playing it right!".jpg

The match is metaphorical, he is talking about nuclear fusion chain reaction.








Wait hold on. Do these people just not have a goddamn clue what a pirate is or is this stupidity deliberate? Either way it hurts.

It's aimed at 5 yr olds, they aren't exactly going to go "hey dressing up as a pirate is cool, go rape and plunder your neighbours".

>ivory tower game design.png

But you need at least 16% O2 in atmosphere to start and maintain combustion. The atmosphere would get disturbed, sure, but it's certainly not going to catch alight.
If the atmosphere really is H and He, the human settlements will be perfectly safe under the gaseocline, as they'll be surrounded by He, a nonreactive gas.

But this brings up a much more interesting point; how do the habitats maintain a high-O2 atmosphere required for human life in a He atmo? Wouldn't the He just float through the walls of the hab and suffocate everyone?

Still, you'd think that was one life lesson they'd think twice about including in this particular context. I mean, what happens when the kid finds out it's a lie and decides thatso were all the other moral lessons they tried to impart?

It's not combustion, it's proton-proton chain reaction.

It's reinforcing the idea of "what you look like isn't what you are."
Like being a girl(male).

i like where this is going

Knights are usually portrayed as heroes too, when in reality they were more like a T-90 that can burn your field AND rape your daughter.

Well, yeah, but not all of them did.
A pirate's entire schtick is stealing stuff.


And keeping ninjas in check.

I feel like some people are forgetting the point of filename threads. The filename is supposed to be the punchline. If the filename isn't actually part of the joke, you're just posting an image.


Fusion chain reactions are not a thing. Protons are positively charged and require enormous pressure and temperature to make them fuse - as in hotter and denser than the core of the sun to happen on human time-scales

Wait, so she want to be made wet after it's already been shoved in? Isn't that something you do before you get to that point?

>- as in hotter and denser than the core of the sun to happen on human time-scales
Remind me again, what are the temps and pressures inside the epicenter of a nuclear missile blast?



>ex-Sammy tries out new face.

Inside the warhead of a fusion missile you can get fusion (obviously), because there is a fission bomb surrounding it to provide the pressure. If you set off a bomb in atmosphere there's no containment to provide the pressure to maintain fusion. Think about it - if there could be a runaway fusion reaction, stars would not exist




Okay, that's pretty funny.


i really hope this is an actual quote from the show

fucking glockfags

this one made me audibly giggle



X-Com 2 weapon mods



Alright, which one of them has penis?

I don't get it. I get that you're using an oculus rift to masturbate to judy hopps, how does that relate to point-buy systems?

Are you implying that point-buy is masturbation and dice rolling is the real thing?

>Build whatever you want!

The average for people/penis in that picture is actually above one.

I'm afraid of using that button


Do go on.




What's the worst thread?



I mean, if we get into that debate, pirates were also super big on democracy, and were often far more fair to their crews and fellows than any national ship.


Communism is evil and discipline is necessary friend.



That has to be straight out of Wolfenstein.





Veeky Forumsscinating



Probably from a "don't take advantage of people" episode if it is real.








That guy's neck had better be photoshopped or i'm going to get super uncomfortable



>they murdered, raped, and stole but they were democratic about it
Oh well in that case it's fine. they sound like upstanding gentlemen.

>cue the anecdote about that famous pirate captain who banned rape

Look at the dude on his left.



He stole the little asian dude's neck and added it to his own?



The left from your perspective.

Jesus Christ...

Fatty McNojawline?

Fuck meant to quote

Yes, look at his eyes...


I know, wight. Letting kid run around with sharp knife is irresponsible.


Looking hungrily at Giraffe Boy's pursed lips?
