Hey guys, can we have a made/saw/played thread? I have just finished my third successful Dungeons and Dragons game ever and this is my character. Am I doing good?
Hey guys, can we have a made/saw/played thread...
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Another player made this for me. Not sure if Veeky Forums will understand this.
Not your DM's fault that warlocks can't survive actual battle
Here's mine, but care to explain yours OP?
We are playing 5th edition and I made a fighter and wanted to turn him into an eldritch knight so I could fightan magic people to death. My DM at first was very dismissive, I think because he thought I was going to be the typical weaboo mary sue, but so far I have played him as a cocky bastard who can handle spooky shit and has seen it all, and swings around a big flaming halberd to slice assholes in half, and I tend to immediately try and get involved with whatever shady thing is happening in the towns we come across and put a stop to it, which is a good contrast to the kind of shaky other two players, who seem more interested in role playing with each other than moving the adventure along.
It is all of our first couple games except for the DM, so I've been trying to cooperate with him and figure out where he is trying to take things. I worked on the characters backstory with him before we played so he let me be a knight with a servant who I have just used as a messenger and to maintain my tower which we still haven't been to in our campaign.
I don't know why the DM thought I was making a Star Platinum referrence with my Monk. If anything I was ripping off a Hamon user.
My first attempt at a made saw played.
Ranger turned monk was a pretttttttty awsome character after that short 4 session long stink of him being a greedy ranger with nothing else going for him. After the party got tpk he lost all his money/had guilt about abandoning the party. When he hitched up with the new pc writeups he was a sourspout for about 2 sessions before we reached the mountains and he started to do meditation the night after we encounted some monks. After that he tossed all his accumulated money off the mountain and took a monk level for it. The DM let me switch out my ranger spells for Ki points and we gave him the ability to use the bow as a monk weapon.
I'll give a brief explanation since I've been asked before.
My Seneschal was the de-facto First Officer of our Rogue Trader game, circumstances leaving us without someone playing a RT, so we rolled with it and decided that they had died and the command crew was running the show as a council, pretending he was still alive.
My Seneschal was also fucking NUTS! Starting with 20 Insanity and gaining another 20 after about 5-6 sessions, annoying our GM when I reminded him one combat that it made me immune to Fear 2 or less. Like most of the command crew, I was plotting behind the scenes to ensure that none of the others took over instead of me, and while noone was outright back-stabby, I occasionally had to use the fact that my character was the one controlling the money, and absolutely crazy, to cajoll the others.
Derp, forgot the important part.
On the surface, and due to his backstory reputation, you'd expect him to be quite incompetant (he was a failed Rogue Trader himself). But I as a player have a habit of pulling crazy plans out of my ass that completely blind side the GM and save the day for the group (or most of us, one regular player seemed to go through characters every 3-4 seessions).
I would love to have Kiryu on my team. My complements.
Thanks for the explanation, mate.
As for my dude, he was just suppose to be a professional assassin in a world full of super heroes. My players just saw him as Generic Russian Man, until they took him on an mission with them. Everyone including myself assumed that his power was being really good at killing people. That all changed when, through a series of absolute bullshit rolls, he operated his way through a whole enemy camp by himself. He threw knives, tranqed people, snuck around, set up claymores, and even used the fucking solid snake box strategy at one point. Eventually he got to the boss and just straight up snapped his neck. No fight, no glory, just did his job.
I felt so bad, i had him un-snap the bosses neck so my players could have their encounter.
Now the lore might be that he can undo his fuck ups, thereby making him the best assassin, and possibly the strongest hero.
His name is Sadov. He is the World's Greatest Assassin
I made a bear. Who can become a man. Who became a masked wrestler.
He's also a barbarian.
One of the players in my D&D game is playing a gopnik Halfling. The character is top kek.
it helps when your demon patron is consumed by a party member who then becomes your new demon patron
its funny how easily things can get cartoonish in pathfinder, so i decided i might as well go all in.
Fuck you m8.
everyone was a jive motherfucker in those days.
This has to be one of the most confusing ones for me.
>Chinese guy>Omnic robot>black dude
RIP Paula, too pure for this world.
Holy shit I'm dying
the third is black dynamite, former CIA agent anti-hero and master of kung fu.
when he gets to the kung fu bad guy a weapon flies in and hits the dude and he says "I threw that shit before I walked in the room"
then the BBEG is Nixon wielding the presidential nunchucks.
First time i have ever made one of these
The fact that this cluster of insanity is somehow on GOOD TERMS with the Inquisition is what confuses me the most, and I'm their GM...
>"DY-NO-MITE! DY-NO-MYTE!"s Internally
As long as I can post my most recent GMing session.
It saddens me to be reminded that such crippling and deleterious autism still exists.
>DM gives me gloves that set my str to 20
>also 18 con now
Pretty self explanatory I think
For a Ryuutama one-shot.
Made a wolf-girl merchant.
GM assumed some sorta fursona bullshit.
Played a merchant.
Pretty straight forward, really.
how's your turkish accent?
That's a interesting book, but then most of his are 'interesting'
To be fair, it's how every paranoia session eventually ends up.
Why in god's name did you stick around for more than one?
I wish he'd release a sequel to Shades of Grey already.
I suppose?
Here's the longer more detailed version.
Dragonpact Warlock
Wound up being too Moe?
That's... a little disquieting, user.
Mid-level PF because my group is too stubborn to play anything else game. I rarely did much damage, but I always made it out alive. If there's one thing my characters are pretty consistently good at, it's outliving the rest of the party due to tactics/cowardice.
Fun fact: one of my previous characters was killed by a piano bomb that was wired to detonate if the player (in this case our NPC contact) stopped playing. My character was never warned about any of this, but he got caught in the blast because fuck teamwork.
I'd crack my nuts off on her
Black Crusade Tzeentch psyker
>Saturday morning cartoon style evil mastermind.
>DM favorite to least favorite gods are Khone, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh, in that order.
>Space marine in the party kinda overshadows everyone, so I spend a lot of time trying to power myself up, only to find out that he's got a new upgrade that leaves me in the dust.
I play up this frustration in-character.
So you made Yamcha?