Veeky Forums metathread

Hiro says we can have a metathread to talk about board problems. Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums, does this mean that the people trying to get generals and CYOAs kicked off the board will finally shut up?

>Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums

Of course not. Even if quests get put back on Veeky Forums there will still be people whining about hwo they need to be removed a second time. Because some people can't accept that other people like different stuff, and quest threads trigger them hard enough to whine but not hard enough to filter them.

>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums

What made him say that? Is there something wrong with the quest board?

Discussion about quests is not "meta" for Veeky Forums. Go back to /qst/ or /qa/.

Getting quest threads back is a start, provided we'll also shunt all the shitty anime quests to /a/ while there.

Getting smut back as well will help.

Then some more draw- and writefaggotry, hopefully without people whining about "too slow" and "shitty fanfiction" and aaah who am I kidding. We made this bed. We will lie on it. Forever.

>Is there something wrong with the quest board?
Multiple things. First of all, the only people who asked for that board in the first place are the people who aren't doing them. Nobody who runs or participates in quests wanted a separate board for them.

Secondly, the entire board fails at its mission statement. It barely gets any traffic so new quests barely get off the ground. As a result the only quests you'll find there are the ones on the verge of death and a handful of longer running popular ones. That's pretty much the entirety of the board.

The people who hate quests are literally the only ones satisfied in this situation, and /qst/ is a waste of bandwith as it stands right now.

>Anime quests
That's kind of a slippery slope.

I'd say limit them to /wst/. Then again, removing quests never stopped the magical realm and "elf slave wat do" threads.

I didn't have an opinion back when the split occured, but by now I hate you questfags so fucking much. You'll never shut up, will you?

A lot of it is that quest is more like a descriptor for another board's thread than anything else. No one goes to /qst/ because almost no one gives a shit about quests as a thing on their own. They'd go 'This is a Veeky Forums quest, I like the Veeky Forums content involved with it'.

Reminder that in the last thread it was proposed we'd all reverse our usual opinions and arguments. Questfags, seriously and honestly debate on maintaining /qst/ and how to improve it. Antiquestfags, give your best shot at arguing for abolishing /qst/ and bringing quests back to Veeky Forums. How else do you understand where your opposition is coming from?

Or just argue about the same old shit without budging an inch, I guess. What do I care.

>20+ 40k threads filtered

Feels good.

>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on /tg

Now that needs a big fat [Citation Needed].

>How else do you understand where your opposition is coming from?
I understand exactly where they come from. They are angry, because they can't shit up our board with Magical Anime Succubus Loli Quests anymore, so they constantly whine about it.

>I understand exactly where they come from
>Make up a shitty strawman
I've seen no one here that would legitimately want the anime quests back, even the so-called "questfags". You're either trolling or, despite claiming otherwise, don't know shit.

>can't shit up our board with Magical Anime Succubus Loli Quests anymore

You've evidently never seen Pathfinder General.

>it's the "ban everything I don't like, leave everything I like, regardless whether it corresponds to the tabetop gaming topic" episode on Veeky Forums
every single time

Pathfinder General does it's job of containing degenerates quite nicely, just like the system it's dedicated to.

Then quit whining about it here and go make /qst/ better, faggot.

We got rid of the fucking things once, after years of glorious battle, and we won't have them come back.

>Questfags, seriously and honestly debate on maintaining /qst/ and how to improve it.

The issue is that there isn't really any visibility to /qst/. Most people got involved in quests before by just browsing past and spotting something of interest. Basically no one went 'Hmm, I think I'll go find a quest' from step 1.

However, getting that visibility is tricky as there isn't really ways to advertise outside of the board itself/gather the interest in the first place.

I'm honestly not sure how you'd solve this problem.

But everything I don't like has already been banned.

Well, except for CYOAs. Fuck those things. Dump them back to /qst/ as well, maybe that'll bring the wasteland some (horrifying mutant) life.


Stay assblasted, my friends

Stop being a little bitch, they get exactly ONE thread for their CYOA's that's increadibly easy to filter. Are you really such a whiny faggot that one easily filterable thread triggers you? I don't like CYOA's either, so I don't visit their one thread. Same with naval wargames: I don't see the appeal, but I'm not going to whine and bitch until they get their own board whether they want it or not.

Fuck that. They already started by getting rid of quests. Why not get rid of some more shit as well? It's equally cancerous and we're off to such a great start.

That's another thread that could use a purge. /sfg/ was great while it lasted, because people actually talked about the fucking game instead of e-celeb drama bullshit.

>Cutting the trees to clean the forest
Great idea. Why not have /40k/ and /d&d/ as well because lol have you le not tried le playing le d&d xDDD?

You know that when I suggested creating a separate board for d&d/pathfinder I was being ironic, right?

40k can stay, but literally no one would miss D&D save for that one troll.

>but literally no one would miss D&D save for that one troll.
The funny thing is, the deluded fool probably isn't baiting. He actually believes it.

>they get exactly ONE thread for their CYOA's that's increadibly easy to filter.
Right now there's a general CYOA, a Towergirls CYOA, and the Jumpchain CYOA. Obviously they're NOT contained to just one thread, and they're allowed to multiply as they wish with the same fucking image dumps and tripfag circlejerks.

No, he's baiting. He doesn't think Veeky Forums has anything left worth fighting for, and is just feeding the fire now.

To be honest, I'm inclined to agree with him.

Why? WHY? W H Y would you make this fucking thread other then to bait? Literally everything you just said has already been established. I want to fucking hate skull fuck you. It's the same thing every goddamn time.
>xD just ban thing I don't like despite it being here since literally the board was created or arrived only slightly after
We get it. You hate Veeky Forums. Fuck off to somewhere else then. Worse than SJWs. At least they pretend to like most of the things they destroy. This is the utmost cancer.

There isn't one. Like the last time OP shitposted this thread, he's pulling shit out of his ass.

>Literally nobody would miss the biggest TTRPG on a board dedicated to TTRPG

Is that so? I hadn't noticed because I don't pay attention to them. Because I don't focus on things I don't have an interest in. Still, three threads? That's far from a takeover that demands a purge unless you have an incredibly thin skin (in which case, may I suggest you switch to tumblr?).

>Still, three threads?
Three generals for CYOA, another three plus the occasional stray for D&D.

That's more than enough to get a good purge going.

I vote for a single general thread for quests on Veeky Forums that links to /qst/. Removing quests has been good for the board, but /qst/ does deserve more love than it gets. I think that's a solution that can make everybody happy--it doesn't kick out a bunch of threads and allows quests to live more.

/qtg/ - Quest Thread General

That kind of thing.

>when I suggested creating a separate board for d&d/pathfinder
When was this? Are you shitposting in multiple threads?

>I vote for a single general thread for quests on Veeky Forums that links to /qst/

We already have the sticky. That is enough.

I don't want any other reminder of these things ever having existed here.

In accordance to I have switched sides. I hope this will bring me something resembling insight or at least new potential for trolling. I'd suggest you to try the same.


But only because fuck this guy:

Oh, also Field Kit Inspection.

Fuck that thing. Punt it right off to /qst/ where it belongs.

we still have to purge towergirls and other CYOA user


I'd rather have no quest shit, but I'd also rather appease questfags by giving them one thread instead of having them continue to stir up shit.

>I vote for a single general thread for quests on Veeky Forums that links to /qst/. Removing quests has been good for the board, but /qst/ does deserve more love than it gets. I think that's a solution that can make everybody happy--it doesn't kick out a bunch of threads and allows quests to live more.

This would be ideal.

Quests will still gain no traction. If you're already not a popular writer or if your quest isn't fanfiction on /qst/ then your quest will die no matter what.

Which sucks because Veeky Forums quests had a balance to it. While there were still a lot of fanfiction there was also a lot of actually original stuff that had interesting stories and premises. There was actual quality control.

You can't fix /qst/ as it was never meant to happen in the first place. The reason people used Veeky Forums was because the feedback and voting was at a much faster pace as a new poster. If people wanted to write at a slower pace there was anonkun.

Now that /qst/ is much slower than anonkun people are moving there because it has a better format for slower paced posting. The fact that the board is too slow to gain reader traction is why it doesn't work for the style of quests people have come to like here.

I feel most of the quest hate comes from Quest thread general itself, where there were a lot of anti-quest posters in there as well as toxic members of the community shitposting up a storm and creating an insular environment for it.

We would need a quest discussion thread if /qst/ was deleted and quests were allowed here again but the same shit would end up repeating with QTG.

Fuck off, questshill. Quests are gone forever, CYOAs belong with them.

> How to improve Veeky Forums?
Permaban OP.

Removing quests didn't affect the board at all really. I don't think it was good or bad for the board. It just has a negative outcome for people who enjoyed quests versus people that didn't.

>Permaban OP.
Now this is a change I can get behind!

Most of the remotely legitimate antiquest outlooks come from when the /a/ quests were all dumped in here. That was when it all went legitimately to shit.

Reverse clock to beyond that point: /a/ quests to /a/, Veeky Forums quests here, room for other kind of creative content brought to us along with quests, everyone will be happy apart from the couple guys that have been complaining since Ruby. And who cares what those guys think.

That's too bad. I actually do think the board has improved somewhat since /qst/ was spun off (it's slower which is the most important thing), but I'd hate to have it be at the expense of something people really enjoyed. Plus, while I didn't like them, there was some genuinely creative stuff being done in some of those quests and I take it as a practically an axiom that we should encourage this sort of thing. I'm conflicted about the issue.

I think CYOAs pretty obviously belong here. They're only a problem when they sprawl out to a large number of threads and the ones that get their own threads seem to justify those threads seem to justify their existence. The only compelling reason I can think of to put them on /qst/ would be to give people another reason to go there.

As for generals, the one I actually go to are not the cancer that I see generals become on other boards, though I will say that they tend to exhaust content (as is the nature of generals). I can't speak for general threads I don't go to, naturally. I don't even see them.

If we absolutely have to have /qst/, then we really might as well put CYOAs there as well, if only to give the board something resembling traction.

But I'd rather we just abolished /qst/ and returned things to as they were.

Am I the only one who does not know what a CYOA is? Is that just "Choose your own adventure?"

Hiro should just delete Veeky Forums

Ideally I'd like the use of more general's for systems and games, but the problem with that is that a general won't gain traction if there is no attention given to it. There is also the problem of cancerous personalities emerging from them, but that's not an issue of general's and building communities but of cancerous people.

>There was actual quality control.

Kek, there absolutely was not. Even the most rancid garbage could and did go to 300 posts as long as it had just a few active posters.

Smut was an arm of Veeky Forums.
Quests were a leg of Veeky Forums.
/a/ quests were a malignant, throbbing, virulent tumor hiding in that particular leg.

We've removed too much because of a vocal minority whining about shit they don't like. We should only have cut the truly vicious parts.

Yeah there was a problem when a lot of the /a/ style quests were dumped here. Because first of all there was a system where people put quest in the title and allowed the filters to work. When the /a/ quests came almost none of them used the title function and created problems.

I also think the smut quest flood and subsequent purge also posed a problem within the community.

More accurate moderation on the incursion of political memes

Smut was definitely a strong part of tg, we should just be a red board.

If we removed everything someone wouldn't like, there'd be literally nothing left on the board.

But CYOAs have absolutely nothing to do with /qst/. This would only make sense for board-politics reasons.

The CYOAs on Veeky Forums are not actually choose your own adventures. They're more like...miniature pen and paper rulesets that you use to build a character. Some of them are really detailed and I've spent hours trying to get the most efficient point spread. And some are dull "pick a picture of a waifu" monstrosities. You can guess which I prefer.

A very limited few of these CYOA builders have had enough success to spawn complete systems and P&P style gameplay.

There's also a problem with how you define an "/a/ quest" because arguably a lot of the popular Veeky Forums quests had /a/ influences.

Does it just have to be a fanfiction quest?
Was it because it was directly influenced by anime?
Is it because it was romance focused?

And etc, I could go on. There's no set definition on what distinguishes an /a/ quest from a Veeky Forums quest. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people who are attracted to Veeky Forums are also into anime and vice versa. I'm not saying the whole board likes anime or japanese shit. or even a majority but a good portion does.

If quests were allowed on both /a/ and Veeky Forums, any quest writer themselves could just make a judgement call on where they think their quest belongs. I'm positive it would work fine more often than not.

I honestly agree with this. Veeky Forums should be NSFW because a lot of pen and paper games do have NSFW elements. If it's not sex then there's hyper violence.

The only thing i care about is having daily nessica nigri threads on /gif/ again

I'm not really worried about the writer making the judgement call. More the rest of the posters. If someone made a quest that someone else feels is "too anime" it has the potential for to get shitposted into oblivion just because a few people has the opinion that it's "too anime"

Veeky Forums and /a/ stuff has a closer relationship than we think. A lot of shit that is/was big on /a/ has Veeky Forums influences and some stuff that's big on Veeky Forums has /a/ influences.

I mean, it worked fine in the past. Quest threads on /a/ were far and few. But the environment on both boards have changed a lot. I'm not sure it'll work anymore because of autists on both sides.

I for one enjoy our pure and blue board.
The questshitters tears are just icing on the cake.

Surely you know that the board is stagnating

>questfags so assmad about getting their shit put in containment that they're falseflagging worse than /pol/ crossposters

Honestly you're not even tolerable. At least /Pol/acks are funny.

>not hard enough to filter them.

Yeah. We did that with board rules.

Fuck Quest threads. They were shit. You have your own board now.

>Surely you know

>Multiple things. First of all, the only people who asked for that board in the first place are the people who aren't doing them. Nobody who runs or participates in quests wanted a separate board for them.

good fucking riddance.


maybe that's an indicator to the fact that most people don't give a shit about quests, ever think about that? if they're languishing and dying on /qst/ then we don't need them back here.

They were for a very vocal minority as shown by how slow /qst/ is and it's good riddance

>if they're languishing and dying on /qst/ then we don't need them back here.

Aren't boards only supposed to be for stuff large enough to be worth a full board?

Is this where we post our stale pastas?

Here's one:

>OP what you want is Dungeon World. It's fast, with a strong core mechanic built to enhance the story, not restrict it like the shitty D&D mechanics. Failure in Dungeon World is actually interesting, and all of the abilities are codified into the core mechanic to make it fast, fun, and
easy to use. The combat is also much, much better. A dragon doesn't need 300 hit points to be challenging like it does in D&D, it can do stuff that's actually terrifying, like rip a character's arm off. Also, armor is damage reduction so no more of this "less likely to hit, but still does full damage if it does hit" bullshit. The monster stats are incredibly light, character creation is extremely fast and fluid, with just as many options as D&D when you consider that most of D&D is trap options. There is no powergaming in Dungeon World, just a fast story-based game that still has the mechanics from D&D that you love (hit points, classes, etc) but with much stronger mechanics that lead to a more fulfilling roleplaying experience.

>My last session of Dungeon World, my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window into the castle moat. That is real roleplaying, not babby D&D shit where you have to make two different rolls and then have some autist look up how far you can move about while grappling. Dungeon World is about fun and good story, not rules and combat bullshit.

Can you objectively tell us how removing quests was good for Veeky Forums without including your personal dislike for them?

>tfw no quests on Veeky Forums

i still don't get why that ugly jumpchain shit is allowed, is it because it's called CYOA instead of quest? or just grandfathered in? in any case I have no idea what's going on in it, something about fucking pokemans.

quests should be on their own board

>if they're languishing and dying on /qst/ then we don't need them back here.

Your argument is literally "things shouldn't go on the board where they get the most replies because I'm not interested in them".

What level of flamebait is this?

CYOAs are some of the original roleplaying games, where by the results of dice guide you through the events of a contained adventure.

Yes. They're not a traditional game. They're a meta thread, they're off-topic. Keeping them out makes more room for on-topic threads that would otherwise be bumped off.

/qst/ is the board for threads.

Your question is kind of like asking "can you objectively tell us how not having fashionable shoe threads was good for Veeky Forums blah blah blah muh personal dislike no allowed".

Literally the only argument that questfags have in favour of putting quests on /a/ and Veeky Forums is "our board isn't as popular as we'd like". Ultimately that's just tough shit. You don't see /m/ crying about being a slow board.

Now go ahead, do your usual thing: pretend to be retarded, make a few 'face-saving' shitposts, and then sod off to bed.

This, hard. Desperate questfags need to STFU.

Why is there one of these with similar wording showing up in other boards, using the same terminology and argumentative tactics?

You do not give a fuck about the boards, you just want attention.

Everything is fine right now as it is.

Stop trying to stir up shit or lump cyoas with questfags.

Your argument is literally "our board for this thing is unpopular, so we should be on the boards that are about different subjects"..

Yeah, basically they're grandfathered in because TSR released CYOA novels, making them inherently Veeky Forums.

On top of this, Mods are useless piles of Shit. They only do something when they've finally been annoyed enough to do it, and even then it's always half-assed. Removing Quests but not CYOA? Half-assed. Saging this thread then deleting it as soon as it hits the archives? That's just them mitigating complaints that "Veeky Forums is being repressed by not having Meta Threads." Half-assed.

Finally, CYOA at least has the benefit of generating discussion by debating between several options and combinations, which is incredibly Veeky Forums


If quests come back to Veeky Forums, I'll shitpost all of them into oblivion. Look forwards to that, questfags.

Not him, but as I recall at the time the issue with quest threads on Veeky Forums is that we got every fucking quest.
Anime quests were sent here.
Video game related quests were sent here.
Porn related quests were sent here.

It got to the point that if you weren't using catalog view you were seeing between 2 and 6 threads per page if you had quests filtered, which was made even worse by the fact that some asshats didn't put QUEST in their titles so they wouldn't filter properly unless you made one specifically for them.
And if you weren't using filters you got to see loads of shit about some random anime, or some random game, or some random porn that really didn't need to be on this board, but because people liked to talk about lesbian little girls it was deemed acceptable by the vocal group who vouched for them.

Quests are too numerous to all push onto a board that has other reasons to exist, and the people who enjoy quests clearly don't want to have to add even one additional board to their browsing list, else they wouldn't have a problem with /qst/. So as a result the most convenient solution for them is to force /a/ or Veeky Forums or /v/ or /d/ to accept quests, which is strictly at the detriment of all the people on those boards who aren't interested in quests.

If anything, it seems like the solution to fix the quest threads isn't to move them off of /qst/, but for people who actually enjoy quests to try to introduce other potentially interested people to quests.
See a thread on /a/ that could potentially be related to a quest on /qst/? cross-link it so interested people can go there and participate.
Same if it's a thread anywhere else. Otherwise of course it's going to be a dead board.

I've seen two on Veeky Forums in as many months, just recently seen one on /pol/ when seeing how stupid they were that day and a dozen or so fail to gain traction on /x/.

>They're not a traditional game. They're a meta thread, they're off-topic. Keeping them out makes more room for on-topic threads that would otherwise be bumped off

They're traditional games though. It's just the board controlling the main character instead of people having their own characters. I don't see how they're meta threads as a meta thread talks about the state of the board.

Veeky Forums objectively did not move fast enough for "on topic" threads to be bumped off the board. Even then, threads that got bumped off were the 20th "that guy" thread or "stat me". Which can be arguably less "Veeky Forums" than quests ever were.

>Literally the only argument that questfags have in favour of putting quests on /a/ and Veeky Forums is "our board isn't as popular as we'd like". Ultimately that's just tough shit. You don't see /m/ crying about being a slow board.

The reason why boards are created are purely for demand. There are no real demand for quest threads because they don't flood the boards. They never flooded /a/ and they sure as hell never flooded Veeky Forums.

Your argument still boils down to personal dislike and your personal definition of what makes a thread "Veeky Forums related"

CYOA are just list of options with a bare bones premise for people to fantasize with.

It's basically the fidget spinner of Veeky Forums.

>Quests are too numerous to all push onto a board that has other reasons to exist, and the people who enjoy quests clearly don't want to have to add even one additional board to their browsing list, else they wouldn't have a problem with /qst/.

The issue there is that there is almost no one who's primary interest is 'Quests'. I occasionally looked at them back in the day but quests in general? I don't give a shit. I was intrigued if I saw a quest that was related to my other interests.

>Quests are too numerous to all push onto a board that has other reasons to exist, and the people who enjoy quests clearly don't want to have to add even one additional board to their browsing list, else they wouldn't have a problem with /qst/. So as a result the most convenient solution for them is to force /a/ or Veeky Forums or /v/ or /d/ to accept quests, which is strictly at the detriment of all the people on those boards who aren't interested in quests.

This is the most retarded part of the whole post. There's always shit on the boards that people don't like.

There will always be people who hate fate/stay night on /a/ but should that get it's own board?
There will always be people who hate dick girls on /d/ but they should get their own board right?
There will always be people on /v/ who hate Dark souls so where's the Dark souls dedicated board?

Nigger, if the quest policy would have been handled properly by mods then we wouldn't have even had a problem with /a/ or /v/ quests. If there even was a problem because the quests only took about 10% of the board at a time even with the mods dumping all quests here.

Remove drawthreads from Veeky Forums. They aren't traditional games.

SHH! Your retarded Satire might be taken seriously!

Not that guy but let me take this one.

>They're not traditional
Forum games have been around since the earliest internet, mail games have been around for longer, quest threads only represent those formats translated to chan style pages. If that's what you're worried about, you can chill.
>Keeping them out makes room for more on-topic threads
While it's a valid point (a lot of the quest were not related to board culture and did a better intersection at anime or otaku culture, for example), still the general quality of the board suffers as a result of the loss of intersectional qualities (namely narrative driven players that called upon narrative quest masters that called drawfags and artists) that quests brought with them. These days greentext threads rarely generate old screencap level adventures and are instead a repost of a compilation of reposts. Other websites have begun to capitalize on this and claim they invented these characters or rolled with these parties en masse, which IMO shows how stagnant the board has become in regards to producing original content. Furthermore, that void has been filled with thinly veiled conversion attempts from /pol/, /x/ related themes etc, that while related to board culture, board themes or settings are not exactly more related and even reduce post quality in some instances. Generals have also not improved quality or quantity in any significant manner since questors were banished.
>Your question is kind of like asking "can you objectively tell us how not having fashionable shoe threads was good for Veeky Forums blah blah blah muh personal dislike no allowed".
He still has a point, how come quests were extricated after the first janitorial movement of the new chan in only a few months when half the posters (if not more) were against this policy? When were the polls upheld? Who was chosen to check for correct enforcement of popular vote?


He's just trying to rally his base and get attention on the thread. Lying for the sake of hope and controversy to keep the thread bumped. So he's full of shit. Just like an unflushed toilet or these quest angst threads.

What's funny is that even if we try to ignore these threads they'll just circle jerk here and reply to themselves endlessly, so there's no good answer for putting this shit down save for more mod intervention.