Female Primaris Marines


Why isn't she bald. The structure looks fine but the hair is absurdly generic.


Just as dumb as regular female space marines, but if you wanna make your special snowflakes even more special snowflakey, whatever. Just don't expect me to like it.

Never gonna happen

I'd rather not give attentionseekers what they want

>androgynous nigger caricature
Why is tumblr's solution to everything to make it female and ugly?

>he says as he posts in a bait thread

Why not? If Space Wolves can become furries, if Pius can become a custodes, if the Rawbutt Girlyman can return, and if Emperor can become an uncaring asshole, who views primarchs as his tools, why not defile canon even further? It's not like it's a big stretch from super space marines.

Because tumblrinas are all ugly and female or beta nu-males

Same reason Ultramarines will not become green.

For the same reason the fem!Thor comics sucked.
And for fuck sakes do I need to remind you the Sisters of Battle fucking exist.

about what i would expect a female space marine to look like.

>the fem!Thor comics sucked

Do they? My alt-right Trump supporter friend read them avidly, and even defended the "" scenes.

I'm curious as to whether you've actually read them, or just hate them based on concept alone.

>Sisters of Battle fucking exist.
They do?!

Usually when I see shit like this, I get a tad bit riled up, but then I remember, this would never happen. And I calm down.

Did you even read it because it's actually about ethics in hammer-wielding.

No one would care if they just introduced !not Astartes into the Sisters of Battle codex. It would allow

1. The fantasy of female Marines to come true
2. Make Sisters of Battle marketable and thus giving them GW support
3. Allow for very, very easy conversions to make a female Space Marine army as "your dudettes" without having to shoe-horn them into the lore

You know this would be the objectively best scenario when you consider that GW is going to include female Space Marines in some facet in the near future.Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Nah, there ain't many women that play in the first place so GW doesn't see fit to do much with the SoB faction.then out of those few players they see that the SM faction is the main focus so instead of just asking GW to throw them a bone they hop on the SM bandwagon and immediately start bitching about how the all male SM get all the attention and demand femMarines.

Basicly the cycle will never stop until all CIS white males die and GW being eternal Jews will switch their marketing over to the SoB.

I know you're memeing but I didn't, that's why I'm asking. Like I said my friend loved them despite being diametrically opposed to the political agenda behind them 100%.

Not the guy you're chatting with but your friend sounds entirely made up

Nothing in lore says that isnt one of the improvements made to the geneseed. Until spefically denied, its in my headcanon


What do you want me to say to that other than "no he's not"?

He has embarrassingly shit taste then. The only thing Whor actually brings to the table is her goddamn vagina and the "bad guys" are essentially strawman. The meme I used earlier was part of a response by Whor herself to a villain who was telling her why she was stealing some guy's role who was really popular instead of doing her own thing. That's not even getting into the shitty sales.

How about you stop using what your "friends" think, as part of an anonymous internet debate?

Do literally whatever the hell you want with your dudes in the nonsensical and intentionally internally inconsistent metal-album-cover that is the 40k setting

My friend thinks you're an idiot. My friend thinks I'm an idiot. We're all idiots!

No they didn't.

Because they suck fucking ass.

It's not a debate, I was legitimately asking him a question. I have an alt-reich retard of a friend who loved the femThor and I was wondering if it was possible.

Space marines are ugly, so female space marines would probably still be ugly and masculine.

Unfortunately that's the old 40k, which was awesome.

Nu-40k is... lacking in that it tries too hard to be coherent when it's not good at it.

Want to know why we think you're making shit up? Because even the most die-hard feminist fuckups don't read the Fem!Thor comics because they're not even turbo-feminist.

They're just Boring as fuck, and capture nothing about the Thor mythos people enjoy.

If anything, you should believe me because of how far-fetched the idea is.

Do you want me to get him to take a picture of one of his Thor comics and some Trump memorabilia or something?

>Do they? My alt-right Trump supporter friend read them avidly, and even defended the "" scenes.

Well, that whole exchange you're referencing there wasn't from a Thor comic, so I'm going to assume you're full of shit and your friend doesn't exist.

I was mistaken then. I meant more of this kind of stuff.

It got better after some super disappointing early issues, sadly most people just point at those when criticising the series.

Pretty much, NOBODY reads the Fem!Thor comics, they're doing pretty fucking badly.

No it didn't, Fem!Thor has gone from Shitleap to Shitleap, slowly grinding down the Thor Mythos into a pisspoor idea of Game of Thrones in space.

So you're saying a picture of one of them would satisfy you?

How do you know so much about what's going on in them, by the way?

Eh, if GW brought them out who cares. Doesnt affect the game at all.

Besides the games in serious decline, this will either bring in new players or kill it off. Either way is a preffered scenario to this stagnating death its facing.

I read them when they're posting in Readings-o-pain on /co/.

They're not amazing, they're basically afraid to go full Mythology angle and that's pretty sad considering Aaron's God of Thunder was amazing when it did that.

Care to elaborate on why you think the more recent issues are shitheaps?

Don'e let a few thousand 14 year olds taking a joke too seriously convince you it's not a joke anymore, even if they happen to have become the majority of the fandom.

Here, he just sent this to me.

How the hell is 40k in decline?

Profits down, sales down, customers down. Its a dead hobby my man.

Proof that SOMEONE buys these things.

>Malekith is knock off Loki
>Kull is back and also a fucking knock off Loki
>Odin is an angry old man with no power
>They keep refering to Asgard as Asgardia for no fucking reason
>Keep refering to the 9(10?) realms when Asgard is in realspace
>Shi'ar Gods are suddenly frat children who hate the Shi'ar when the Shi'ar are like the second biggest Empire ever, How the fuck does an Empire get that big with gods who act like spoiled chodes?
>Mjolnir is now a magic angry storm that hates Thor and Odin for some reason.

Timestamp with MAGA hat or I'll assume they're your books.

What's the difference from that Female Space Mariness to a regular Space Marine? Everything looks the same, even the ugly square jawed face and stupid hair.

>Veeky Forums - Comics & Cartoons

Still better than OP's topic, but he set the bar pretty fucking low.


Feminists can't stand the idea of something being male only, so they need to infect that idea with stupidity too.

>tfw I agree with everything he's saying.

Plus Thor is literally is fucking name by birth.

Solid points my dude, they don't bother me as much as someone who does't really give a shit about Thor.

i don't believe this even though I wish it were true

Is this good enough?


You do know all this'll prove is your friend has really fucking shit taste.

Does such a specific image as "an NRA hat next to a comic of Femthor" really require a timestamp? He'll sperg out if I ask him to do another picture.

>you do know all this'll prove is your friend has really fucking shit taste

I never ever contested that, I just asked whether it was true femThor sucked.

Less dumb. If they are abandoning the marines being monk-knights steeped in archaic and restrictive traditions and being relics of a revered past, then why keep the baggage around that?

At this point, why the fuck not.

It does, very very much. It misses the point of Thor Entirely, and the entire plot point for Jane Thorstor is made fucking pointless by Aaron's earlier fucking work.

>All seeing Nick Fury says "Gorr the Godbutcher was right about gods not being needed and the universe would be better off without them," Causing Thor to become "Unworthy"

>Literally the Godbutcher Arc shows Gorr wrong because Thor is fucking Thor.

Because there's that thing called the SoB.

Remind Geedubs of that. Fem-marines will happen before plastic SoB.

what are those again? I think I remember a codex about 20 years ago

Yeah it's like saying "Our COO Tom has some personal nose candy issues he needs to work out, so for the foreseeable future we're promoting Cindy to COO to handle the role. Congrats Cind-"

"Please, refer to me as Tom."

"Tom was his name, COO was his title. we would be happy to call you COO Cindy... "

"Tom, or COO Tom will do. Thanks."

Forgetting horse-Tom, and the Tom-league?

>personal nose candy issues
Tom's gonna be out of commission for a while, isn't he?

>yfw cheetah user gets banned for on-topic Eldar responses but femarine shitposting has been allowed to proliferate rampantly

Good, now the nu-marines and the nu-males can be united.


>if Pius can become a custodes
Bitch whet

>People were paid legal tender for the creation of this dialogue

He didn't literally become one, he means they retconned him into one. Pious was a guardsmen, then became a terminator, now he's a custodes according to the story.

If only assbeatings were also a form of legal tender.

Here's a /co/ favorite when raging at Marvel.

This is barely passable as webcomics art. The fuck?

>Here's a /co/ favorite when raging at Marvel.
Are you implying that this tripe was actually bought and sold for genuine money?

Is-is this legit? This looks like tumblr fancomic horseshit.

Where do you think their new hires are from?

I would target the heretical marines first and with every thing I had

Will literally never happen, and anyone who wants it to is a pathetically thirsty fetishist.

I've been here for far too long.
I have seen Goblins.
I have seen Moon over June.
I have seen Veeky Forumss abominable bastard child that is Furoticon.
I have seen whole damn card game made by Mr. and Ms.Foglios.
I have seen the infamous works of Jess Cowtits Elwood.
My soul is seared, my eyes are bleached, my mind was mushed into a fine paste and then pressed back together. Nothing you can show or describe me holds any horror to me.

I didn't realize marvel was so desperate for the armchair activist teeny bopper girls demographic

Welcome to modern Marvel. They tried to pander to the very vocal proponents of progress and equality, the SJWs and Tumblrinas, only to find their sales in decline because the SJWs and Tumblrs don't actually buy or care about comics, they just want the control. It's pretty shit desu senpai.

There is literally no reason for the Imperium to waste women as space marines. Unless the Imperium is mobilizing everyone they can to be space marines there is no point. Have women join the guard, if they survive long enough to settle down on a conquered world they can pop out a few future soldiers for the Imperium.

>Female Marines
>Gore Saints
>shitty sketch
It's as if they don't want to be taken seriously