Wants to RP an Australian character

>wants to RP an Australian character
>is an American irl

Uhm, no?

Other urls found in this thread:


>wants to RP a dwarf
>is a human irl

Uhm, no?

I recognize this thread.

>>wants to RP an Australian character
>>is an Aussie irl


just go with the sterotype of paul hogan

Cor blimey mate, who pissed down your didgeridoo?

is your name bruce?


You want to play an Australian? Be the biggest cunt you can at every possible moment.

I'm Australian and we suck

>Cor blimey

Found the irl American. You mean 'strewth'. Also Australians finish LITERALLLY EVERY sentence by announcing that another shrimp is to be put upon the barbeque.

>group plays a Turk and two cockney Brits
>all rednecks irl
Fuck yeah, mate. It's good stuff.

No one says strewth either, australians online ham up their stereotypes to appeal to americans.
The only thing we genuinely say a lot is cunt.

Can confirm cunt is national motto.

>>wants to RP a dwarf
>>is unwashed manlet irl
close enough

>wants to RP an American character
>is an Australian irl
Is this any better?

depends on how cheap sumo suits are

Instead of saying "Fuck refugees" change it to "Fuck Mexicans" and you're good

>"Fuck refugees"
you're thinking Austrian

No, was right the first time.

t. Kiwi with an Aussie father

Yes because Americans force their culture down everyones throats.

You're both wrong, it's 'fuck boat people.'

Whatever it is. You just need to change it from X to "Mexicans" to get in the proper american mindset for an aussie

Very socially just of you OP, but you can't really culturally appropriate white people.

We Americans hate muslims more than mexicans now. Mexicans are generally our bros , its sjw's and sharia law livers we hate the most now

Okay, so don't change anything then

N-no its dennis..

try not being a limp dicked pisshead then

These cunts are right

>when Americans think "Australian," they think TF2/Overwatch characters

Nice education

To be fair, I've lived in Australia for most of my life and I still think of TF2/Overwatch characters.
Mainly because the alternative is depressing.

>Uhm, no?
You know, I never understood this blanket response.
Sure, some players are simply incapable of playing a CE character, but that doesn't mean it is always unplayable and deserves a total ban.

We don't force what you willingly swallow down your throats without a gag reflex. We still play the capitalism game :^)

Why would I need to be educated about a cuck country nobody cares about lol

Which is amusing, because thanks to the accent and stereotype we probably have more sex with American girls than you do, seppo

Australian here. As annoying as fake Australian accents are in movies and video games, let him do it if he wants to. We're all playing make believe anyway.

>an entire country has more sex than a single dude.

Well slap me silly and call me Shirley.

This cunt knows what's up.

Well Shirley, as an individual Australian let me tell you the number of cute American girls I have slept with. _1

I'm doing my part to make my country proud

RIP in peace, our Lord and savior Steve Irwin

>OP is a cunt
I've already watched this episode.

American accent pulls Australian girls far better than you Bogan cunts score American women.

Source: American living here who discovered your own women hate you.

>wants to rape you in your sleep
Uhm, I guess you're a faggot now?

It's almost like women find foreign accents attractive and travelling gets you laid or something

He's right you know you cunts.

If you want to pull Yank birds, put on a pommy accent

Source: Brit who loves visiting America

But without the bad teeth I don't feel I could make it authentic

The fuck is this? Tumblr?

Pretty much.

Is Roadhog a Kiwi? I got that impression from his alt skins and real name.


We warned you this would happen.
t. /co/, /tv/, Veeky Forums, /ic/ and /pol/

Nah, it's the Germans that like fucking their refugees

Go watch the Big Lez show OP.

>implying /pol/ isn't Reddit the board

I thought reddit was sjws

Sombra is the cutest

>Veeky Forums accusing anyone of being reddit

it's all relative
reddit is sjws to Veeky Forums
twitter is sjws to reddit
tumblr is sjws to twitter

I though America and Australia were friends

In Australia its okay to be a dick to your friends.

I don't think I would like my friends to do that to me


toughen up, buttercup

Hello Mel Gibson.

I had an asian player who got offended when another player played a ninja and gave it an asian accent. The same asian player had previously played a drunk dwarf with an extremely scottish accent

As long as the chara yet is white you can do it. I think Australians are considered white.

Why not?

Aussies are basically Americans with funnier accents, less guns, fucked videogame laws, and living in a wasteland were 75% of the wildlife has evolved to kill humans.

>not wanting to be the legendary super stralian.

You'll never make it like that friend.



>tfw your country is irrelevant that nobody will ever play a character of your nationality nor do they have any stereotypes for you

Kind boring desu.

What about Space Australia?

I can dig it except for the haircut

Don't forget we don't call em shrimp, we call them prawns.
Also fuck turnbull for fucking over the internet.

May as well test on a shitpost

Everyone else is whatever you don't like. The Brand must be preserved. Behead those who insult The Brand.

No love for the sidecut? I think it's cute on the right people.

but we weren't talking about the US?

A very select few people can pull off a sidecut, Sombra is one of them.

>Implying these aren't the best contributions Australia has given to the world
Thanks for being a prison island, I guess.


t. overwatch.gamepedia.com/Roadhog

Australian history:
>Britain shitposts on the world map
>Wipes out wildlife
>Bank robberies
>Institutionalized race mixing
>Loses war to birds
>Muh ANZACs again
>more bank robberies
>God help me I was only Muh ANZACs
>Even more bank robberies
>Shitposts Moot out of Veeky Forums
>Great Barrier Reef is shitposted to death

Then litter the whole thing with repeatedly wrecking their environment with imported animals.

Fuck you OP. Either for being a complete cunt, or for this bait, that I have fallen for.


Abbott was the cunt that did it, Turnbull's just gotta follow his bullshit party line to keep the reins. Fuck abbot the fucking bogan shitcunt. Worse internet than fucking afghanistan fucks sake. Mobile data prices out my pisshole too. Buncha cunts.

>"Roadhog is depicted as an Australian citizen along with Junkrat, but evidence exists that may point to Mako as being a Kiwi."
Even your wiki aint entirely sure.

Couldn't we also have another leadership spill as well soon?
that makes what 6/7? in the last decade>

Fuck em, I just want to elect a fucking head of state but noooo its fucken leadership spill after backstab after emergency election
Fuck em all cunts

FACT: Australians love Americans


This made me laugh harder than it should have

>wants to RP as anything at all in my game or just exist in my general vicinity
>Is an australian irl

Uhm, no?


Why are there 9 episodes?
Why did I watch them all?

It's kinda funny, Americans seem to have a heap of respect for the position of President (Even if not the person) but PM? Australians don't really have any respect for it.

And something about an Irish cunt in metal armor killing a bunch of cops.