I'm terrible at drawing. Tell me what to draw.
I'm terrible at drawing. Tell me what to draw
your waifu
draw you are waifu, you as your waifu
Female Space Marine
Not a weeb but to please you have a female teen delinquent
Female I swear
I'm a weeb, though, and she's super cute. I doodled some fanart.
More believably feminine than some of the women on Tumblr.
She needs tits.
Wow thanks dude!
Heres her torso. She needed extra connection nodes for her black carpace since the female power armour is different then male.
np, just gonna chill for the rest of the thread 'cus it's your time to shine. Can you draw some ice cream?
Can do
should have stuck with the ice cream balls idea, go again.
Draw a benis :DDD
I wanna see a dragon.
holy shit that got me laughing, good job.
draw a robot
thanks for the cool drawings, OP.
I'm going to bed, draw a bicycle or something
Delivered at a deathly low cost!
That's. Terrible thing to say
Draw a skellington
You missspelled Poltergeist.
Not OP, but I've been thinking of making a similar thread for Veeky Forums memes. Do we need any new trendy memes for this board only crafted (drawn, designed)?