So Veeky Forums what do you do with Half-breeds inbyour setting? Do they serve a purpose...

So Veeky Forums what do you do with Half-breeds inbyour setting? Do they serve a purpose? Are they just there because you want them there? Is there some nefarious plan involving them and or their conception

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As far as my setting is concerned, a "race" in RPG terms would be a species in taxonomic terms, with "humanoid" or whatever as a higher classification. So trying to crossbreed an elf with a human would work about as well as trying to breed a fox and an ocelot; i.e., not at all. And that's just between such similar "race/species" as humans and elves; things like half-dragons or half-orcs are the stuff of shitty horror movies.

>fox and an ocelot

>So Veeky Forums what do you do with Half-breeds in your setting?
There are really only two big-picture answers to that. One is biology ( & ), and the other is magic.

>Is there some nefarious plan involving them and or their conception
That sounds like an incredibly dangerous road to take.

For people who want to feel like special snowflake in-game

I like the idea of them sense I've always had a childish fondness for combining things. That said I do my best to keep half-breeds from being too special snowflaky.
You wanna play a half-demon half angel? Fine, just know that sense Heaven and Hell both hate you you're going to have the worst luck in the universe.
Any big power boost is balanced out by a big draw back beyond >muh torn between two worlds

What kind of halfbreeds are we talking? Are we talking "le edgy half demon-half angel" hybrids or "half-elf half-human" standard fantasy stuff, because my setting technically has both though that's more of a matter of the theme that "everyone is only human" in the setting.

They're largely considered mortals blessed or cursed depending on the parents. They tend to be the subject of folklore, their destinies being auspicious things.

Did you really just start a thread as an excuse to post touhou porn? Its either that or /pol/baiting. Too early to really tell.

I dunno, OPs image has me fascinated. I'm curious what Sanae's plan is, is it to try and breed half-youkai and weaponize them against full blooded youkai to cleanse gensokyo or something? and why is she starting with Alice of all people for such an experiment?

Humans interbred with competing hominids in the real world. We know this. Really, the question to my mind is why there's so little interbreeding in your average D&D world. I imagine a setting that demographically is more like Brazil or Mexico, a large mixed population with a few people more or less pure one thing or the other.

Half breeds exist so more "races" can exist without having to explain their cultures indepth.

Basically dragons fucked every race using magic because they wanted to bring a slave population under their control/vanity that weren't just dragons.

Goblins are human-dragon half breeds that are cripples. They are slightly smarter on average than humans, but their wanting nature overwhelms them and causes governments they form fall to corruption and savagry.

Desert Snake people are hybrids between merfolk and dragons.

Then dragons live in mountains and hills, humans live by forests, deltas and plains, and merfolk live in water and along coasts.

Any other answer than this is shit fetishbait justification.
Half breeds are cancer and anyone who wants to involve them in their settings is a faggot.

I don't know, focusing on "purity" seems like it could lead to the exact same kind of cancer.

Different "races" should just be different species that cannot interbreed.

That displays a lack of imagination.

Various types of people (and sometimes animals) called as though they are hybrids with spirits - demonblood, demigod, half-ghost and so on - are normally the children of two ordinary parents whose birth is touched by the power of a spirit. This might be the direct result of a magical working on the part of the spirit in question, or of possession of one of the parents during conception or pregnancy. Spirits might create these "half-breeds" as part of their weird whims and indiscretions, or they might create them deliberately in a long-term project to create servants with useful abilities. Imparting equivalent gifts during the life of a servant is possible but more difficult (and not usually categorized the same way by mortals.) Either way, such traits only rarely can be passed down to the mortal's descendants.

Source on the pic?

There are no half-breeds. Trying to mate produces no result and, in one case, disintegrates one's dick.

>So Veeky Forums what do you do with Half-breeds inbyour setting?
Don't exist. Each species is war too different in their origin and make-up to produce viable and/or fertile offspring.

However, I give each species/race around 2-3 different ethnicities and a shit load of sub-cultures, so you can still play as someone who follows the "child of two worlds" schtick if your smart enough. Plus, each race tends to be very much separated strongly via geography, so they tend to not interact much anyway. Plus, considering that Humans are the o ly race with permanently swollen mammary glands, the number of people willing to bone another race is rather small. Though granted some probably do exist, just as I know there are people on this board right now who would be willing to fuck most anything if it so much as waved it's hindquarters at them

just wish I had enough focus to finish making my setting

Half breeds work fine if the knly separating factor is "genus". For example, humans and elves are originally from the same common ancestor and can cross breed compatibly.

I almost always play half-elf in d&d but that's how my group sees it.

>Is there some nefarious plan involving them and or their conception
This had a pretty good take on that.

Its to breed half-youkai and weaponize them against full blooded youkai to cleanse gensokyo. She didn't start with alice. However Kaguya and Eirin have a different plan in mind

Is Eirins plan by any chance tranqing sanae and using her in her own whorehouse because it seems like thats how its going.

>Is Eirins plan by any chance tranqing sanae and using her in her own whorehouse because it seems like thats how its going.
No, She is going to take care of Sanae complexion

>trusting lunarians with anything
can't trust that girl and her shady drugs.

I agree

man, humans have it hard in gensokyo don't they?
>youkai run rampant in any place that isn't the human village and are actively protected by people far more powerful than the average human
>lunarians want to delet all life on earth so they can live there
>your only life lines are more or less on very friendly terms with youkai
>basically being raised as food by a super strong youkai bitch who tries to keep things in order under the guise of "harmony"

It's like the grimmest darkest setting got a big coat of "cute girls" paint.

Alright, sauce?
Can't find it via prostitution and drugs tags.

Don't forget.
>If a human tries to improve the village he is dealt with.
>If a human tries to free himself from his shackles he is dealt with.
>if he does anything that isn't approved of Youkai he is dealt with

>humanity's plight in gensokyo
>Junko's backstory
>Yuyuko's backstory
>Koishi's backstory
>this is supposed to be a "light hearted" series
What is ZUN smoking man.

Don't know user. but it's got to be some good shit

Maybe prohibitionists were right. Booze really does fuck with your brain.

>posts a puma/ocelot hybrid

Minus Ion?

>CP doesn't exist
>comfort women don't exist
Even less believable than Nanjing denial.

probably referring to "negative ion" therapy, which I believe does have an effect... but I never researched it

It's still a light-hearted series in the sense that everything tends to work out for the better and that people often end up on good terms after resolving things, just because darker stuff happens doesn't mean the setting is dark. Hell, the human village is actually a fairly decent place to be really, it's small city sized, pastoral lifestyle rather than small hamlet, people are friendly, its big enough that you can meet new faces its not "you know everyone". Like, people from outside world choose to stay, its not living in misery by any stretch of the imagination.

As for the state of humans and the youkai, A- are they really oppressed when the humans dont want particularly much more in general, there are multiple youkai on good terms with them and the youkai are their greatest protectors.

B- there are still multiple accepted ways of getting *more* if you really want magic so much- they either require decades of dedication if you feel like going for the hermit route, and you can still go for magician route if you fancy a faster way, that just requires the sheer brass balls to go through with it.

C-Fortune teller is not a representative example. He did multiple really fucking blatant violations of the rules, along with doing basically everything he could to piss reimu off, he broke the rule of "if you're going to do this, don't do it in the village or while associated with the village", and theres a massive difference between becoming magician, human or otherwise, and purposefully seeding rumors and cursed items around the place before you die so that you will come back as a youkai- if magic and such from his living fortune telling was so forbidden in gensokyo, he would have been offed by the previous hakurei and never came back like he did.

Meh. It's fantasy. Bringing in anything about science or genetics is missing the point.

So different races can interbreed just fine. Sometimes they look like a mix-up of the two races, other times far more like one parent with only a few bits of the other.

Any other answer than this is autism.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong here, as my knowledge is beginner tier at best, but my understanding is that humans are groomed to basically be fountains of belief and faith for youkai and the other myriad of fantastical beings to exist. From what I gather from the various things I peek into humans don't get much in the deal while youkai benefit greatly, I mean, don't youkai generally have a desire if not need to eat people? Like fuck, Yukari brings in people from the outside world to eat.

It's like some weird, less fucked up version of dystopic utopia, sure everything is happy and the place you live in is nice, but things could be so much better if the great overlord youkai wasn't really controlling you.

You speak of Treason.

>there are no good options
>all the waifus are murderous or cunts
Bad end ahoy

I need a source on OP's pic pronto.

They don't really exist. Humans, elves and dwarfs can't interbreed; if child is born by whatever magic, he\she is sterile and possibly malformed. Humans and halflings can interbreed, but the result is just more humans.

Youkai need belief and maybe flech depending on he youkai to keep going, except for the handful of ones like magicians or hermits which are counted as youkai but dont need faith in the same way.

The population in the human village believes in youkai because are you going to say the tengu dont exist when they keep fucking spamming you with newspapers? They didn't have the same tech development as outside did so that meant that with the youkai being there they kept believing in them. And that gave them enough of a buffer s that even with people from outside choosing to stay and gensokyo getting better tech itself, peopl still believe in youkai.

Spellcards and incidents also contribute- they let big flashy style over substance things occur and get resolved, again giving the youkai belief, giving faih to the shrine because of incident resolution, and it keeps things fairly consequence free- youkai want to live so they do a way of duelling that lets them challenge the hakurei for incidents and such but it stops people or youkai dying because of it- because the youki don't want to hurt the villagers, hell, they even protect the village from disasters and try to get the village favourable to their sort of youkai. And one of the rues is that when you don't target the village because then *everyone* loses including you.

As for the bits for those who need flesh to live, yes humans are taken from the outside for that but they're taken from people who are properly full on suicidal and going to off themselves anyway.

So it really isn't that bad at all.

The half beastmen are all that are left, after the Kingdom of Gorgoth was levelled. They're the last of their kind, and refugees.

The half human, half elves have their own little culture of gypsy caravans. They have no magic such as the elves, and are too inhuman to be accepted by their human kin, so they travel constantly as traders and highwaymen.


See mate, what I'm getting at is it's like life in "Brave New World" sure everybody is happy and content. But things would be so much better if they hadn't been literally brainwashed over generations.

Spellcards only exist because there's a couple really strong and smart youkai like Yukari who realize it's best to prevent the balance from going out of whack and causing humanity to get genocided by youkai and in turn cause youkai to die off as well, then this is enforced by Reimu who's pretty damn good at the whole danmaku thing.

Yukari herself pulls "people who won't be missed" from the outside world which could mean any damn thing, hell she could be lying straight through her teeth as far as we know.

As for technological development, outside of youkai bastions like youkai mountain, Eirin's crazy shady drugs and the lunarians who are smug, elitist cunts. The setting is backwards even for 1880's japan, which is when gensokyo was sealed off. I don't think I've seen anyone even mention a match lock, which would have been in fashion for the last 200 years, hell they should have early repeating rifles going around.

I generally make it so that halfbreeds don't exist. You'll be surprised by how much more depth this adds to a setting, particularly in how it promotes xenophobia.

It also emphasizes that it's hard for the different races to get along.

>it's "all technological progress is measured in weapons" episode

They have cold fusion, miracle drugs, tv/computers, whatever crazy tech bullshit Rinnosuke happens upon in general and working printing press / newspaper company.

It's not really ass backwards, they do have stuff like running water and electricity in it, there's just differences in it- they don't have cars except for byakurens motorbike because basically anywhere you can wal or cycle to, or fly to, theres only one real settlement after all. Guns are a thing, theres a bit in one of the manga chapters where it goes on about a tanuki getting shot, its just not focussed on because the POV chaaracters dont need them, and the only use is hunting as they dont do anything to youkai. There's just not much need for tech. They know about stuff like computers and understand the concepts, even if they don't really understand how they work / cant get it to work because they've skipped over the tech base.

It's really not that different from any other country town really. And its not like brave new world at all- BNW you are born into a caste and you'll be like that forever, you're indoctrinated from birth into it. Gensokyos just a fairly pastoral life which just happens to be a bit supernatural- theres some danger from youkai but its under control, you can go through with magic if you're determined enough and do it in the right way, and theres pplent of friendly ordinary interactions between people and youkai, its not like they can't be friends.

But user, if humans don't dominate everything in a singular screeching wave of HFY then it's a terrible setting.

You mean all that shit that only youkai have and use and aren't seen anywhere near the village? Honestly, I only used weapons because something I actually know about 19th century japan. But looking into it by the time gensokyo was sealed off the japanese were putting up a telegraph system, a printing press would be old news at that point.

Also all the shit Rinnosuke has, the only people who know what they are and do are himself, Sanae, Kanako, Suwako and Yukari being the only people with knowledge of the outside world stuff. Reimu and Marisa have been shown to be completely unaware of what that stuff is or does, so I think it's pretty clear that the human village lacks that kind of stuff.

I personally really like the setting especially seeing how itll go to the future- as if you think of it from a youkai perspective, this is them trying to stay in a losing game. But then you have to consider keeping gensokyo open and not stagnant as that = death but change might also lead to death if outside changes too fast.

Really the best option youkai have is to try and change the game itself but then when part of what makes youkai youkai is that they are somewhat bound by their nature it's an interesting challenge to figure out how to change it.

This. Finally someone said it. Humanity fuck yeah is nothing more than a mental illness

>t. Lunarian elitist

Really, it's also the "do we need this stuff?" thing. Gensokyo is cut off from the rest of the world, so they don't really need internet, people can piss lightning and shit thunder, so they don't need wepons, their newspaper is ran by race for whom "gotta go fast" is life's creed, so they don't really need telegraph...

All in all, Gensokyo doesn't change not because there are EVUL PLANZ, it doesn't change because it doesn't need to.

In reality it doesn't change because ZUN will never advance the same plot thread further than a few steps forwards. I mean "It doesn't need to" is really a poor excuse. It may not be "evul plans" but shit like refrigeration and running water would definitely be quality of life things that anybody would love to have. I'd bring up modern medicine as well, but I think Eirin has that cornered what with her literal magic drugs.


Electronics aren't a thing, but stuff like cars theres no need for transportation, same for telegraphs- everyone lives in the same place so no need for distance communications, no need for computers as no need for the complex calculations they were made for.

They arent incapable of understanding tech, even if they see it from warped perspectives because theyre understanding finished things from different viewpoints and without understanding of groundwork- "computers are like shikigamis" "we're building a moon rocket, it has 3 stages because they have 3 stages, even tthough its powered by magic so doesnt need fuel and tank detachings."


Lunarians are the perfect example of stagnation = death, even though I do kinda like the watatsukis because they aren't really like the rest of them, they're positively soft compared to say eirin, and given SSiBs events it would be interesting to see what they thought of lunarians plan in LolK and knowing that it was reimu and co that pulled their asses out the fire.

The real big issue is ZUN thought of "Fantasy" and rolled with a general timeline without actually thinking about progression. I mean EoSD takes place in 2003 canonically, then apparently each incident takes place at least a year apart from each other, so Reimu and Marisa are likely in their 20's by now, but you'd never think from any of the more recent stuff, he's just not really progressing things.

Dwarves, elves, and orcs each have a "domain," where they can exert supernatural powers that aren't truly magic; For dwarves it's Mineral Mastery, for elves it's Vegetable Mastery, and for orcs it's Animal Mastery. They also get +2 to Con, Dex, or Str depending on race and some minor racial abilities.

Humans also have their own weird "domain," that involves the power of the written word; one thing they can do is create and use spell scrolls, even if they aren't typical magic users.

I had to get all that out of the way in order to say that in my setting, half-elves and so on get the ability bonuses and racial powers of their non-human ancestry, but get the domain of their human ancestry. So you can have a tribe of orcish raiders where most members have a 'pet' dire wolf, but two or three families have a stockpile of Scrolls of Bless they use to help keep their tribesmen alive during a raid.

Youkai all need some sort of "essence" of humans. There are plenty of youkai who absorb this essence by eating humans (either because it's the only way they can, or they're just bloodthirsty fucks), but there are youkai who get their fill simply by eating food made by humans, or interacting with humans in other, non-destructive ways. Tengu are youkai, but most of them get all the essence they need simply by gossiping about humans. No, I don't know how rumor-mongering gives Aya physical sustenance.

>Thread about halfbreeds
>becomes full-on lore discussion about how fucked up the touhou lore is
>all because OP posted some dumb hentai with a dark twist to it
>In the grim darkness of gensokyo, there is only yukkuri
Veeky Forums is a thing of wonder.

Here you go user

It's a good setting with a lot of meat to discuss and I'm not just talking about yukaris chest there, so of course it's good to have a discussion on it.

In short, its really not that bad.

The only way gensokyo can move forward is human and youkai stand equal to one another.

While that doujin is fairly immersion breaking, I do hold that byakuren as on the right track to some extent- the current situation is one which, while it works, is not perfect and could stand to be improved, either by finding a way in which both sides are able to take a more mutual relationship, or by changing the game entirely.

She also sees thorough the hypocrisy of human

In my opinion, we're probably not gonna get much in the way of anything going anywhere. There's lots of meat because ZUN's adding more than he's resolving, because he doesn't seem to be planning on stopping making games any time soon (which is fine). Something might actually happen another decade from now though.

there are no half breeds

Awww yeah.



What has he resolved?
Youkai still want to act like nothing has change.

I play with some ideas, hobgoblins are human half breeds, bugbears are orc goblin half breeds, and both are sterile. Elves and dragons are the only ones who's mongrel offspring are able to breed

So they are sorta like mules?

I'm totally on your side dude.
Touhou has facinating roleplaying potential in my opinion.
Sadly there aren't any well developed games. Phantasmal Lands is fine (and I do play it) but yuugi flowers is fucked oh my god.
Well. Guess I just gotta deal and make my oqn homebrew that will never be done

in my 'original' setting, half-breeds don't exist.

Different races CAN interbreed, but the resulting child will be the same race as the parent they share a gender with (so in a male elf/human female, a daughter will be human) while taking on a few traits from the race of their other parent (dwarves with non-dwarves tend to be taller, etc.)

Why can the different races interbreed? The Elven and Dwarven Gods (who proceeded to also make orcs and a few other races) explicitly arranged that in gratitude for when ancient human empires allowed the elves, dwarves, and their respective gods to call the human world their home as well.

Indeed, it's also why elves and dwarves are now human-like. before meeting humanity, dwarves were lava rock/gem crustaceans and elves were winged, bipedal elks made from plant matter.

I thought it was generally agreed that touhou has little to no roleplaying value, because as pointed out, the only thing that gets resolved are incidents. Characters don't really develop much and the world hasn't changed at all and is actively attempting to stay status quo, which would cause issues if some players decided to fuck with shit and basically ended up causing an incident.

But sanae is right

Touhou has the potential to be grimdark


Can you drop a link to Phantasmal Lands? I tried google but all I got was MtG stuff. Also, if you wanted to adapt a system to Touhou, what would you try to use?

It doesn't even have to try that hard with some people honestly.

Predominantly it's because "muh Tolkien!" There have been settings to try a more diverse approach - Kingdoms of Kalamar, for example, has half-dwarves, half-gnomes, half-goblins, half-hobgoblins, and half-gnolls - but WoTC tends to lean away from that.

I had to find the character in OP by looking for a matching hat and got Keine Kamishirasawa. Went for Touhou + Keine + Mind Break + English and found it.

But didn't tolkien half breeds needed to pick a side?

I was working on one actually. I worked on my own system, based on shadowrun and Phantasmal Lands. The emphesis is (or was) on giving ways to easily create content like playable races yourself. The problem I saw with phantasmal lands is that it is kinda ridged with the races. You have your set of common things, but if you want to play, say, a jiangshi or another form of undead apart from ghosts, you need to think up special rules that basically could be anything. Giving guidelines for this would have helped....
So yeah. That is basically that

I disagree.
When roleplaying, you just gotta think of it as if it was a parallel universe version of gensokyo and all the roleplaying doors open, since the status quo is only as important as you want it to be.
Of course ZUN wants to preserve the status quo somewhat because it works and major changes would potentially alienate fans. For example, if he decided that reimu or marisa had to die, there would be a shitstorm even if it would make perfect narrative sense.
It would be interesting, maybe, but he would ultimately hurt his IP.
In roleplay you could do whatever the fuck you want. Your players might murder the fuck out of reimu and marisa, plunging gensokyo into chaos and starting an incident like never before.
Like, who cares. Its just the narrative of your table. It doesn't affect touhou lore outside of it.
This is how I learned to play RPGs anyways

I was working on one actually. I worked on my own system, based on shadowrun and Phantasmal Lands. The emphesis is (or was) on giving ways to easily create content like playable races yourself. The problem I saw with phantasmal lands is that it is kinda ridged with the races. You have your set of common things, but if you want to play, say, a jiangshi or another form of undead apart from ghosts, you need to think up special rules that basically could be anything. Giving guidelines for this would have helped....
So yeah. That is basically that

Reimu is above ageing, and Marisa is a witch.
Also they're Japanese so they never visually age

Halfbreeds are infertile. Much like a mule would be when a donkey and horse are crossbred.

This is where the real stigma of halfbreeds comes from, they can't be married into a family as they won't be able to continue the families line.

They also have a limited population as they can't breed themselves, hence many of them end up as adventurers due to a reckless view of life stemming from not being able to have a family.

Reimu needs to start looking out for a man to continue the Hakurei bloodline.

Stop racemixing.

Fuck you Rade you misbegotten son of a whore and a two-bit sailor. I do as I please

Half breeds only happen as a result of humans and another race (ex there's no dwarf/elves). There's no real deeper purpose to this than including any other fantasy race.

It is touhou, ya really think reimu needs a fucking dude to do that?
Yukari could get reimu pregnant without any form of lovemaking taking place at all, so what need is there for a dude?

Zun already made a joke about it

Mules are known to sire children