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Adeptus Titanicus as an Actual Army Edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>List Builder
Like your pet dog after you fed it chocolate.

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

Question of the day: A local tournament is having a 1500 point tournament in a couple of weeks. A local, not a powergamer by any means necessary, asks that, since a Warhound is exactly 1500pts on the nose if he could just bring his Warhound as his army and try to win with a Warhound. Judge organizing the event is thinking about it.

Do you think a Warhound would actually do well or would it get tabled at that points level? Its just a single Warhound with a Plasma Blastgun and Inferno Cannon.

Warhound Statline for discussion.

Why do Slavs like 40k so much?

Slavs are essentially the Imperium irl

Getting tabled seems unlikely. What is likely is that you'd absolutely murderize 2 units per turn. So if the enemy has more than 12 units he can win through objectives.

I just got 12 Bretonian Men At Arms for $25, new on the fucking sprue.

Would it be a crime for me to convert them into the following?

At 1500pts this feels a little too crazy.
It will kill two units a turn and, since people bring lists that can handle many things, will kill the 3-4 units that can actually hurt it before having practically free reign on the table.

But if they have alot of units, more then twelve especially, then they should be able to hold more objectives.

So I think it loses to guard and orks, who both spam lots of units, but will annihilate any kind of elite army that goes out there.

Overall, not that broken, but probably not that much fun either.

Needing to have the most models within 3'' of an objective in order to claim it is one of the best changes. Really makes stupid meme armies like nothing but Imperial Knights less similar to using hacks and cheats.

And instead makes meme armies like conscripts unstoppable

>can't out-contest them
>can't even get near the objective due to all the enemy bodies
>can't template them more than 6 hits anymore
>they all get auras now

without any support I'm pretty sure you'll get tabled if he brought a decent amount of heavy weapons. it's only W35.

>only W35
>not just 35 wounds, but 35 T9 3+ wounds

It's only going to die to people prepare for vehicle spam or titanic armies.

Well unless you bring nothing but lascannons it's not that hard to have enough shots to clear at least one unit of conshits in a turn. And each gap you shoot in their lines will need some time to be filled back in, with only move 6

Anti-horde weapons like flamers should've copied the grav flux bombard rule. If their squads are retardedly oversize, you should get bonuses against them.

How autistic are you guys about painting space marine chapters different colour schemes?

Oh definitely. Blast weapons should also get double the amount of hits on units that have more than 10 models in them, or maybe a bonus on to hit rolls. Just some kind of 'Shooting fish in a barrel' rule would be nice.

>tfw this December I'll have been involved with 40K for ten years
>tfw still collecting my Tau army, replacing my terrible older miniatures with newer ones
>tfw I can't smell plastic glue anymore

Hey which mega link has the Dark Imperium novel? I can't find it.

Should I paint my necron characters as they appear on the box art? i.e. Anrakyr and Illuminor Szeras
Will people freak out if they match my dynasties colors? Only reason I ask is neither have a keyword. I wanted to paint Anrakyr like boxart anyway but Szeras would be too out of place color wise with my dudes
Better question, are any of these characters worth a shit? I see they have better stats/weapons than overlord/cryptek but realistically how many times does an overlord get into melee combat in a game anyway?

I'm 200% autistic when it comes to my army and being lore accurate with accurate military markings. For someone else's army, they can do whatever they want because I'm not going to tell someone how to paint or play with their army. Red Ultramarines with blood drops everywhere led by red Guilliman with angel wings? Go nuts. It's just not something I would do myself.

If it's a nice paintjob and people freak out because you're adjusting a model to be more fitting for your army, then they're probably autistic. If you want to avoid that though, you could always just paint your necrons to match the characters or create a fluffy explanation as to why they're helping some other guys instead.

reivers rules yet?

Since I got no replies last thread, what should someone who has Celestine and 3 Immolators look for in 8th to supplement bolter bitches?

Necron have been too fucking tough on me. I dont know if its the guys luck or what, but they seem to get back up all the time.

Any tips for necron fighting?

5-10 per squad
18 ppm
MC stalker bolt rifle for 5 points

Only thing we don't have rules for is heavy bolt pistol (probably just a pistol heavy bolter), shock grenades, and for some reason their melee weapon isn't listed.

focus one unit to death at a time, before beginning to attack a new unit.

You need to focus fire and kill the entire squad before switching targets. Necrons are the most durable army in the game. Their only weakness is they can't hurt heavy vehicles very well and I think they don't have any psykers.

Their melee weapon doesn't do anything, it's just a combat knife.

Also, what about their masks?

Also, the Stalker is from the Captain, why would reivers have a master crafted weapon?

You don't even really have to kill it, 6 wounds takes the edge off most of its guns and 17 wounds will reduce its effectiveness enormously unless someone actually bought the titan flamer.

And unless they take either a flamer or a mega bolter its ability to kill infantry is pretty limited. Granted I'm thinking the vulcan is near mandatory now.

The plasma blast gun will kill a mere 4.05 MEQs on normal and 4.86 if overcharged. 3.24 MEQs and 4.05 if they have cover, respectively.

The turbo laser destructor is even worse at 2.31 or 1.85 in cover.

The vulcan will kill a pretty respectable 9.26 MEQ or 7.4 in cover.

Inferno gun will kill 7.78 MEQs or 6.22 in cover.

So yeah, the age of the double turbolaser warhound is over. Its only good at killing vehicles or monsters and really only excels at killing other titans or deleting knights.

Warhound anti vehicle numbers. I'll be using a Russ as a target.

1 arm Turbo laser destructor against russ: 16.2 wounds without cover AKA instant death on average rolls.

Titan plasma blastgun (normal):7.29
Titan plasma blastgun (overcharged): 15.56

So the overcharged plasma gun is nearly as good against normal vehicles as the destructor, which only pulls ahead when its macro rule pops.

Vulcan mega bolter: 9.25. Still really respectable, it'll do over half of the HP of a Russ per turn if you run out of marines to shred.

Titan inferno gun: 15.55

Surprising turn of events but the titan flamer will actually shit all over normal tanks due to its 4 damage.

So yeah the fluffy plasma gun + vulcan warhound is completely viable and the inferno gun is actually good.

The turbo laser is still good because it'll fucking delete one knight per turn and has a good chance of crippling another warhound but its specialized anti-titan tech now instead of just a no brainer.

They only show the points for the MC stalker rifle on that page because thats for the captain m8. They only get heavy bolt pistols and maybe power swords as upgrades

There's art with one of them with a regular bolter, too.

>Also, what about their masks?
What about it? Do you really expect a dollarstore Halloween accessory to have rules?

Space sharks are all grey
Carcharodons use grey paint
No paint worries here

More bolter bitches. Seriously, we're really good this edition.

How to sex a Shark Marine:

Step 1: Restrain the Marine.
Step 2: Flip the Marine over.
Step 3: Closely examine the genital area of the Marine.
Step 4: Marines from the Space Shark genus will have a red dorsal stripe on their head. Carcharodons will have white coloration on the lower face, and/or white/black markings throughout the fur.

they have vox amplifiers in them like Howling Banshees or Night Lords. They literally deafen their foes before attacking.

Just normal bolter bitches? I'm surprised. Is nothing else worth their points in the ministorum?

I wouldn't be surprised if they had something similar to pic related.

Nah those look cool

>What are the best fluff changes of 8e so far?

>What are the worst fluff changes of 8e so far?

Primaris Marines.

Primaris Marines.

How many of the new Easy-To-Build™ sets did y'all preorder? I'm getting 4 of the new Reivers™ kits

>Black Templar have thousands of marines again
>Primaris, it should have just been a new armor mark

Zero, because I'm waiting for the REAL MATURE ADULTS' kits. You're not the guy who was gonna buy 2 Reiver boxes then spilled your spaghetti and bought twice as many after seeing how cheap they were, are you?

do we have fluff about how Primaris marines act?
they were trained subliminally while in test tubes, so do they even have personalities? are they basically just robots because of the way they were grown and deployed?

5 reiver boxes, 3 squads of 5 men.

I'll end up having to buy another easy to build set, as I'm giving it away on my youtube channel at the end of this month.

They're like 30k legionnaires. Basically just regular guys turned into superhumans.

Sisters are 9pt models with access to BS3+ meltas along with flamers and heavy flamers. If you're taking other Ministorum units, Arcos and Crusaders are nice, especially Arcos, but they have to reach melee first. Personally, I think you're better off just buying more sisters with IFlamolators. A squad of 5 sisters with combi-flamer, flamer, and heavy flamer inside an IF immolator with an extra storm bolter is 187pts.

But they aren't regular guys, they weren't recruited, they were grown artificially. They have no lives prior to being marines.

Literally every assertion you make in that post is false. All four of them.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. Source: Dark Imperium.

They are regular guys
They were recruited for Cawl's project
Those were stasis pods not cloning vats
They were normal people hoping to join the legions

>They have no lives prior to being marines.

You sound like a recruiter.

So, just spam Dominion?

Using Tau you'd want to just throw as much Str 5 at it as you can possibly muster. Which is alot.
Basic gun wounds it 1/3 times and titan fails its save 1/3 times
As well as smart missiles plus ATS

Son I got a job for you, there's travel and adventure and a lots of fun, we'll even teach you how to shoot a gun, there's room and board and a plate of food, and a brand new tailored business suit!

>this whole post
How can one user be so right?

I don't understand why Primaris couldn't have just been new gear. Like how bolt rifles are way better than bolters, the Mk X can simply be way better and give +1W and +1T +1W for Gravis.

This way the only thing barring chapters from accepting or rejecting them is really how good at resupplying they are instead of this whole new schism between Primaris and old marines

You get to keep the "different rules, forcing sales" part too.

Best way to run a Crusader Squad?
Thinking EC, Grimaldus, and his Servitors, plus a full strength blob of the lads.

what chapters aren't taking Primaris marines?

How good are Hellions against Tau? How about vs Tau in Planetstrike?

Orks had the best game of their life today. I was hitting with over half my shots every time

Absolutely krumped some necrons

How good is the thunderbolt? I want a small attack fighter for my guard

I don't think they listed any, other than saying some chapters reject them and their current acceptance rate is like 94% so there's at least 60 chapters out there that don't want them.

No canon that have been stated. Apparently the Raven Guard distrust theirs, but I have no source on that and it might be bullshit.

The Carcharodons didn't actually get any, since they are kind of outside the Imperium and are doing their own thing, but their author stated they are somehow going to acquire the capability to make Primaris through some secret connections.

Are Icarus arrays any good?

>want to stay fluffy by deep striking LC assault/tartaros termies into my opponent's face
>getting a 9" charge is laughably unreliable
>they briskly walk away from me after that

What do?

I dunno about you but I usually spend my command points on getting at least 1 squad into that first turn 9" charge.

What do you think rebooted IG are going to look like?

I'm in the same situation. So far all I can think of is using your command re-roll to make that 28% success of a 9" charge to a 52%. I'm looking for other ways still.

Further proof that Veeky Forums doesnt read anything except memes.

Blood Ravens haven't gotten any so far [spoilers] because Crawl hasnt started using heretic gene seeds[/spoilers] [spoilers]but they will just steal a bunch in cryo sleep anyway and re spray their shoulders[/spoilers]

Pretty sure some old marines were "upgraded" to chads

Emperor's Manlets
Unplanned Obsolescence

As far as I know, all Dorn successors of course


Too many huge warp rifts

buy me the book and I'll read it.

Have the Black Templars and the Iron Warriors ever gone toe to toe because that sounds like a damn cool conflict due to them being a fist successor

Imperial Fists got them though


Fingers crossed that they are trenchcoat guard with heads to make valhallans and death corps

Imperial Fists are obviously not true Sons of Dorn.

Don't read the Beheading series.

say it to my face, space nigger!

>it's just a combat knife
It's referred to as a power knife, I'd expect some form of AP

pity gift for the special needs legion

GW confirmed on their FB that it's not a power weapon but it is 9" long and made of solid titanium.

How many conscripts would it take to bring down a Warhound?

GW's never referred to it as anything but a combat knife. Just yesterday, their FB admin went off on a rant about how it's a 4 foot long knife and how cool that was.

It's been implied that the Carcharodons might be "acquiring" the ability to create Primaris. Perhaps they are not the only ones obtaining this ability, and that a few more secretive Chapters have their ways of getting the ability.

I fought a dude with custodes and a reaver titan at around 2000 points as my first ever 40k match, i barely won but only because of objectives

I'm sure this has been posted already but I think this is a new Hellblaster model in this months White Dwarf.

So I finally got to see Renegades in action tonight.
It was not pretty. Now, a lot of this may come down to me not being good, but they just get wrecked. First game at 500 was against guard, He had a tank against my three units of Disciples and two squads of cultists kitted for melee, and while I got his infantry a few times, I couldn't hurt the tank or keep him off the objective(It was a sabotage mission).
Second was against mechanicus, and it was completely one sided as his Kastelans blasted a unit off the board each shooting phase As Cawl fed them rerolls. For elites, Disciples have no staying power. The Guard player I was up against had vets, and with the amount of flamers and grenade launchers he had I stood no chance in the shooting phase.
The points for games is supposed to rise next week, and I have no idea how to match what else is around the store, seeing as there's Tyranids and blood angels running around, I don't think running with a melee focus is going to work.
It's just frustrating to have never won a game, this edition and last, when I played Skitarii. It's killing my enthusiasm for my army.

depends, did they fix bayonets first?

The ability to upgrade existing marines into Primaris is being shared to the chapters now.


yeah, that's new. The cable goes to a backpack or something, interestingly

>but it is 9" long and made of solid titanium.

That's not even impressive. I would HOPE it was at LEAST that long and sturdy. Maybe they meant a 9" blade. A full tang fixed blade knife is already longer than 9" due to the length of both blade and handle (usually 6"+ for the blade and near 6" for handle, and a full tang inside is easily half the length or more). Titanium is also a terrible steel for a knife's blade.

You need 1890 conscript lasgun shots to kill a warhound, so 473 to one round it withFRFSRF and rapid fire

4 foot long sorry. My brain screwed up.

Prolly fewer than than you could buy for the same cost.

The really funny interaction would be warhound vs doomsday arks.
They'd be invincible to its most powerful weapons.

Glad they made the multi-part Hellblasters look a lot cooler and glad I waited for the non-easy to build ones.

>a lot cooler
they added a cable, faggot.

So I started recently, but have watched battle reports since mid 7th

Are my bikers allowed to shoot both their bike weapons and their held guns? Sorry if it's a stupid question