Rolled 4 (1d10)
ok lets get rolling.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
ok lets get rolling.
I'd rather not.
Oldcrons didn't really have dynasties. It's a Newcron thing.
You forgot the table of outcomes
1 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
2 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
3 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
4 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
5 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
6 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
7 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
8 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
9 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
0 A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
It appears your dynasty is
A mysterious and silent host of killer robots bent on killing everything and don't die easily
Hey cool.
Now try a newcron dynasty, op. You know, when things are actually interesting.
If by interesting, you mean shitty Eldar fanfic, then yes.
ok i guess i should of been more specific
what I meant was a Oldcron THEMED dynasty, i.e killbots that still have a dynastly but no individuality or since of consciousness or individuality. even the leaders[/spoiler
>should of
Fucking really?
look man i just wanted to make a Dynasty that acts like Oldcrons, is that too much to ask for?
Yes, you Satan.
Why not do the smart thing and completely ignore that Newcrons ever happened and just make some cool looking Oldcrons.
Yes, Newcron lore makes the old crons impossible.
Newcrons are shit, Oldcrons are dead.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die
Newcron here.
Stop that.
I mean, Stop tHaT!!!!!!111!11! XD :^)
Why do people associate Space Tomb Kangz with lolsorandumb? Tomb Kings were the best part about WHFB.
Pay attention.
People associate Newcrons with lolrandumb, not tomb kings.
Dose anyone else like old old crons when their were hinted to be Men of Iron.
Do you also like chewing tobacco and protesting prohibition?
>associate Space Tomb Kangz with lolsorandumb
Because they are exactly that, Space Tomb Kangz. They took the worst parts of Oldcrons and the worst part of Tomb Kings and made Newcrons.
Oldcrons are one possibility of a dynasty on the tables, you can still play them. They're just emotionless loyalists.
But as that is already a fulfilled outcome there isn't anything to roll
I'm I the only one who likes the idea of undead robot lords driven mad by the weight of millennium.
dude there fucking undead mummys and zombie robots in space. who gives a god damn that there based off a anchient culture that no longer fucking exists.
Personally I prefer my Necrons to be more British than Egyptian
i dont know why i'm making so much grammar mistakes lately
I prefer millennia of pure hatred and contempt.
Like Daleks, but less memed
Can we please just make a oldcron themed dynasty already please for the love of Christ
No. Fuck you.
People with good taste who want engaging lore in their factions that doesn't shit all over the previous established lore.
They're called the Boretekh.
They come from planet Snorebekh.
They're killer robots who kill because they're killer robots.