40k armies thread

40k armies thread
Let's see, what armies you guys have got, and what armies do you wanna collect.

I wanna see how many armies people like to collect on top of what the armies are.

Alright to start things off

Got some Tau, want Grey Knights and Noise Marines+pals
Don't want to overload self though

I own tzeentch daemons
I would like to die

I like to throw copious amounts of men at the enemy until the enemy drown in blood of slain soldiers. So Astra Militarum for me.

Chaos Space Marines are my main army
also do Dark Angels and maybe Skiitarii in the future (but not my main focus)


>I would like to die

Does that have to do with Tzeentch or not?

I play Orks

Easier answer would be what armies I don't have, which are Space Marines barring Deathwatch, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and Tau.

I have a problem, pls help me.

just finish what you already have at home

Your only reason for existing in life is to make everyone else feel better about their backlog

Trying, but progress is slow.
>tfw I bought 2 boxes of Raveners and a Tyranid Warrior box few days ago.

At this rate, they will be assembled in 2020.

>Trying, but progress is slow.
I know that feel (and my mine focus is just Chaos Marines)

If 8th had allying like 7th, I'd be down your path too

>mfw I only buy one or two boxes to put on the backlog each year
>but I paint even slower

Play nids and im still focused on just building on what i currently have which is not a great deal. Although when the time comes ill either do a deathwatch army or deldar on the side. Also r8 my nid scheme

neat scheme, soooo, what hive fleet is that

That's some boss painting skills user, would you oblige a request for pics at different angles/close ups?

Infantry focused astra militarum

Here are the armies I play and collect
>Renegades and Heretics
>Death Guard
>Nurgle daemons

Nurgle Rotbringers
Nurgle daemons

>Renegades and Heretics
My condolences
After the release of the FW indices that is

I hope the FW indexes will get better, if feels like they were rushed.

Or at the least
Not worse

I've got some tau, both farsight and Kel'shan sept, though recently I've been running everything as farsight enclaves.
Also got some D-99 that are now Elysian Drop Troops now that D-99 got squatted (why FW why).
>tfw playing 40k for combined arms
did I make a mistake?

You got tau
But the only combined arms being farsights merry anime crew frolicking locking arms

I thought drops troops were pretty combined arms-y, resembling ODSTs from Halo with mass flyers and small teams of vets with specialised weapon support

I play and collect
>Space Wolves 40k and 30k
>Black Templars
>Khorne Bloodbound
>Nurgle Demons

I wanna play and collect
>Blood Pact
>30k Talons

Orks main (it's over 6000)
Death guard secondary, used to be 1850, post-index I can only use about 900 points
1500 points of Deathwach I've been trying to unload
1200 points of Eldar likewise
Used to have 1500 point of Nurgle daemons only a single plaguebearer squad remains

Nurgle themed CSM
Necrons (About 1000 points assembled but unpainted)
Blood Angels
Couple of Ork units

I'm also looking at another vanilla SM chapter to paint.

I have far too much WHFB stuff still in boxes. May keep some and sell some though.

I also have problems.

What fantasy stuff do you have? You can have stuff I am looking for.

> no one on tg does have a fully painted army

Gee, would've tought. No wonder average tg player is cancer.

About 2000 points of Ogre Kingdoms and some Tomb Kings. (all on sprue) Some Lizardmen stuff, Dwarf stuff and my Empire, although I'm keeping them.

The Empire I mean, not necessarily the rest.

Plenty do, just not in the /40kg/ crowd.

I play nids

this pic is a couple of years old but I don't really have any new stuff added

I play:

Space Marines (Ultramarines)

Space Marine Legions (Imperial Fists)

Imperial Knights (House Teryn)

Because fuck you all, vanilla is the best flavor of icecream.

Egads! a Tyrannic wicker basket!

Joke's on you, I only assemble models while painting on them, so I can't have an unpainted army. My army is just small as fuck.

My current main force is Dark Angels and I'm building up a Mechanicus army. I also have some Assasins and an Inquisitor as a HQ for them.

Ey! It's that one fucker from the most retarded box set ever!

>Chapter Master Calgar, the entire gene-seed stocks of the Ultramarines (which fits in a lunchbox, just go with it) were on a plane that got shot down on a tyranid infested world!

>lol itscoolbro just send like... A tactical squad. Like ten dudes. That should be enough.

It's all resin except for the "lid" which I rushed at the last minute. I need to remake that part one-day. It's roughly the same dimensions as an imperial bastion.

MASSIVE Chaos army that is mono Slaanesh, I've now spit it up in my Deamon focused and my Dark Mechanicum (Artistic warpsmiths) again Slaaneshi.

A large Sisters of battle army with Inqusition elements since it used to be a Witch Hunter army.

And lastly a fairly big Eldar force based around Wraith Lords, lots of them.

I'm building a chaos space marine army made of mostly 30k models, since they are much cheaper for me to get and I think they look nicer anyway.

R8 muh tyranid scheme.


Trying to look like movie alien? You might need to modify the scheme a little to include more contrast, have a lighter red on the flesh and make the blue go almost up to white highlights on the carapace.

Yeah, working the contrast is something I still need to improve upon.

Needs more highlight

I have an entirely painted and mostly based Guard army which I've learned apparently makes me both the a huge piece of shit but still better than almost every other user here.


Flesh tearers and GGrey knights

Dont really have much more or really any close ups on hand but here is some different angles bro
Its my own design and havent got name for the hive fleet yet but was thinking something along the lines of hive fleet Mantis

I have a wolves with imperium friends army, a 'chaos' space marines army (kitbashed with Skaven bits, tis a silly idea) and a Blood Ravens army. I want to start Ynnari


Unironically Ultramarines, also got some Orks and Eldar.

for Fantasy/AoS I have some Dorfs and Skaven.

Honestly, Ultramarines were my first army ever back when I first started playing like 6 or 7 years ago, and they have swelled to become the biggest army I have. The others armies being chaos and tyranids, but I have always held a special place in my heart for Ultramarines. It's become more for nostalgia for me rather than for the rules.

Well pic related WAS gonna be my OrkDar alliance, until 8th fucked that idea in the ass. And Paul, go sit on a rusty nail, the orks are less than 500pts and there's already like 50 of the bastards, I'll paint them when I'm good and ready

>I can't do a retarded idea
Oh noes.

I've bought the boxed set and want to make my own dudes for numarines, I want to make a doom guy-esque chapter. Anyone have a good colour scheme?
I'm gonna be getting some imperial guards soon, bought my first 5 for cheap since they were an old box.


What would happen if one drank the paint water?
Would one gain Duncan's skills?

I have IG and I'm thinking of buying orks once I find a new job.

I plan to make a Veitnam G.I. styled ork army based around 3-4 dakkajets/burnabombers, 2-3 chinorks and as many lootaz, boyz, and Kommandos I can to support them.... and maybe some nobs in a Naut.

I have a lot of Guard but my first army was Dark Angels.
But I really don't enjoy playing Space Marines at all so they don't see much play.

I've played Orks since 4th, getting back into the game after skipping 6th and 7th.

is it worth digging out the whole collection or do people not care?

Definitely, Orks are a ton of fun this ed. First turn charges, still can't shoot for shit, mob rule is back and actually a strong rule this time. As for people not caring, I've actually seen a lot more enthusiasm for 40k since 8'th hit, people seem to be loving it. I say do it, if the new game isn't to your liking they can always go back in the attic.

oh haha, I'm def back in the game. I meant digging them out for pics

Oh kek, well in that case post em faggot, I need some inspiration to start painting mine! I'm this guy btw

Man i knew that i had a problem but i didn't know that it was this bad compared to the rest of you lot.
In pic:
10000+ pts orks
8000+ pts of eldar
3000+ pts of crons
2000+ points machanicus
1500 pts harlequins
inquisitor + ride and friends
star of a sob army, don't know how many pts.

Not featured in picture is:
3000+ pts of warriors of chaos
3000+ pts of ogres

Most of it is unpainted
You are a sad person user

Money will never fulfill you

I just started getting into 40k with thos new edition, and I chose the starter kit of Necrons to begin with.

Any advice for a new guy? Also what do you think of a bronze themed army?

saddest part is that i have the most stuff painted in my entire gaming group, and i'm fuckiing drowning here.
Life is agony


Jesus, you are even worse than I am.

In order of #units
Orks (main, a few thousand points last edition)
Tau (past main, about 2-3k points depending on upgrades)
Admech (secondary, was building warcon but no idea what to do with them atm until codex drops)
Thousand Sons (Ahriman, termies and 1 squad of rubrics)
Black Templars (6 painted BoP marines)
I like a lot of stuff in 40K, I also have a small AoS skellington army. I don't win games often because whenever I have money I buy a random useless unit I like from an army I barely play. I'm having fun though.

I dont know about that user. At least his is assembled

Yeah, but he has far more stuff, and so much of it unpainted. I at least strive to paint everything I assemble. I will never bring grey models to the table.

>i had a problem
lmao, stop complaining about being rich.

I play Orks. I have an army of Chaos from the DG and Chaos half of the last two starter sets, but I've literally never played them and have considered selling them for Necron

I need a pic with my vehicles

Can't be arsed dragging my armies out but I recently sorted out all my WIP projects into tubs. Some have as little as one Blood Bowl team or Necromunda gang in, others have quite a bit, there's one with the entire miniature content of Heroquest packed in, another with about 40 1st-2nd ed Terminators that I want to give some love at some point.

Might start a blog to keep me motivated. I seem to go through patches, but doing all this sorting I haven't painted in months, when the idea was making it easy like this would help me.

A near company worth of babby's marines in all kinds of poorly colours, 200ish guardsmen Nam themed, and a bunch of unassembled chaos marines and daemons.

Pirate themed orks in battlewagons modelled as pirate ships plowing through the ground, alternately Nam orks because they actually have rules for open topped helicopters and planes dropping fire.
IG based on a mix of 8th army, LRDG and SAS in North Africa. Tank commander being handed a cheese sandwich, other russes being obviously captured tanks, scout sentinels fucking everywhere made from jeep model kits, tauroxes everywhere too.
IG army based on African militias, catachans with dark skin, scout sentinels and tauroxes everywhere made from toyota model kits. Conscript blobs and massed missile launcher teams standing and shooting or running rather that sitting and using supports.
IG heavily mechanized based on the USMC in Iraq, particularly early on. Ghetto humvees, hilbilly armor, gun trucks, wrong camo and all that jazz.
Clusterfuck of Gallian French, German, and Danish militaries from mid 19th to mid 20th century inspired IG, using either an Edelweiss model kit for a russ or just painting up a knight to match.
Eldar from craftworld Yu'Essesar with just hordes of tankodesantniki guardians on wave serpents. Everything in drap green, whites and grey, wood furniture on shuriken catapults.
Haemonculus deldar army.

That fucking briefcase guy. Lol
*record skip*
*freeze frame*
"You're probably wondering how I got into this situation."

>small collection of Space Marines (basically a bunch of spare "start painting" sprues they gave out at a tournament plus a librarian
>Tyranids in 5th edition (had a good deal)
>Tau in 7th edition (I just didn't want to play riptides and Railgun Broadsides just weren't the same, and I was not satisfied with the lack of focus for auxiliaries like Vespid, and no new non-Tau models so I sold it off)

The number of total models I've painted is long past 1,500 but for friends I've painted
>Dark Eldar
>Wraithknight and Scatter Bike Heavy Eldar
>Space Marines (these were later sold off)
>Chaos Daemons
>Chaos Space Marines
Most of these were the collection of a best friend who's a good player but unwilling painter. Would often buy me paints/materials and take me to tournaments. When I started painting Dark Eldar was about the time I started getting notably better at painting.

Obviously don't have a full picture of all of the armies together so here's a small killteam I took in one campaign.

I see some of you really like to amass variety

here, decided to take pic.
Pic related is all of my more recent stuff, and a decent chunk of older models. I was going to take a picture of it all, but fucking phone cam could barely capture the table, never mind the bookshelf of models behind. Pretty much all of my unpainted models are in the picture, and I'm repainting some of my older ones like the battlewagon. As you can see, one of nearly every ork and tau unit, and no more. I have 4 lootas, 4 burnas, 6 bikes, 6 stealth suits, 10 pathfinders, 1 deff dread, 1 trukk, 1 hammerhead, and so on. This is why I liked warcon as an idea, you had to make 1 of every skitarii unit and no more.

I have Space Marines- Contemptor and a Ven Dread, 20 tac marines, unassembled Assault.

I really want to get some Dark Angels vet heads and some tacticool bits from Anvil to make a hooded, tacticool Sternguard squad.

I tend to burn through projects; done an army of all the Blood Angel special characters, 2000pts of 30k space wolves and just finished this 30k dread army (bar a display board / case)
2000pts of terminators is next!

Here's a skidmar army

are the tau from the bling bling sept?

And my chads. I have a dick ton of guard but no pics

Nicely painted, shame you bought into such a shitty game.

I will never stop being salty

>Brass and Blue
You betcha, although after I was so happy with how farsight turned out I'm now translating it into full matte colours.

what shade of red is that exactly?

nice glow work, shit looks incandescent

I feel you. I got into it with my buddy so he and I had fun with it. However, other than with him it does kinda suck

Any social game like most of Veeky Forums is only as good as the people you play them with. If my only experience of 40K was my college's game society I would have quit in weeks, but cracking a cold one open with the lads over a game of 40K is a great way to spend an afternoon.

it's ok dude, it's alright to have an opinion.

Debt too

I've got about 8000 points of Orks (haven't used them in 8th yet)

Have a developing faction of Dark Eldar and Harlequins.

I've noticed a few Ork players in this thread seem to have Eldar on the side


I've been swapping between MT and Nids, but like playing the stormtroopers more these days.

They're usually red with gold but I wanted to try a different color scheme.

Iron hands
Imperial fists
Dark angels and now flesh tearers.
I cannot get away from Spehss Mahreens.