Board Game General /bgg/ - last OP image was too messy edition

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Gaming budgets; do you have a set amount you allow yourself for spending on games/cons/upgrades/etc? Monthly/yearly/whenever there's disposable income? Do you hoard it and do massive orders or just buy the minute something interesting pops up? When there's no game you're interested in, is there something else related to the hobby you put your money towards?

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>Gaming budgets; do you have a set amount you allow yourself for spending on games/cons/upgrades/etc?

Nope. It's more a matter of what's out there that I'm interested in.

I limit myself to $100 a month on BG, and I tend not even to hit that.
I also play Pokemon TCG, after the $100 for consistency and draw cards every additional deck is like $20.

Since me and my playgroup are about 30 kilometers away from Essen, we usually save our mobey and go on a haul at the annual SPIEL fair. We have no set limits ourselves so we'll pick whatever looks good and plays nicely at a demo game if available.

>Gaming budgets; do you have a set amount you allow yourself for spending on games/cons/upgrades/etc?
Not really. I just try my best to hold back. I failed this month thanks to a convention, but I've done well the last 4 months not getting anything but Hive Pocket so I don't feel bad.
>Do you hoard it and do massive orders or just buy the minute something interesting pops up?
I tend to just go nuts every so often. I have a wishlist, and I just pick and choose some amount from there every so often. $100 or less of games every 4 or so months.
>When there's no game you're interested in, is there something else related to the hobby you put your money towards?
I'm rarely someone to upgrade my components, so while I should keep my eye out in thrift stores for better dining room chairs, not much beyond games that can upgrade game night. I did however spend some of my gaming budget this year on a Terraforming Mars insert. Holding the components is pretty neat but the playerboards with indented points for the cubes sold me on it. It's so nice compared to just keeping them on the wobbly thin mat.

I usually try and keep it to $60 every paycheck but recently I've been spending it on x-wing

I want them all so what budget?

I played a drak pack board game when I was a kid.

Help. Help me, bgg.

No budget, just buy something when I have nothing to do.
Usually balanced out by video-games, Gummycraft is launching soon so I'll have extra disposable income for a while.

Luckily theres a boardgame cafe in my city with shitton of boardgames where i can invite friends to play without cluttering my house with shit that gets maybe 3 plays a month, would be handy to own some but my time is so limited and their prices for what are is ridicilous (thx asmodee for the "premium")

i have 80-100€ per year just because I don't want to have games with little plays

>Xia looks interesting
>Manage to find people playing it
>Get taught game
Get last place with 8/10 points
>Lasted 3 hours
>Feel incredibly drained
Yeah, this isn't worth it

How do I git gud at 1000 (card game)?

My gf is apparently some kind of card nerd and she kicks my ass like I was a minority and she was the police.

I've never played it but maybe this can help:

Is it not worth it because you came last? Or because it took three hours? Or because it's draining? Or some other reason. How did you come to this decision? Many questions.

Playing games in your or a friend's home is much more comfy. But that's only one factor among many.

Never played it, but trick taking games are about card counting, figuring out who has which cards while trying to conceal which you have (by playing weirdly).

Whenever I kick someone's ass in a game I'm usually happy to tell them what I did right and what they did wrong. Ask your gf.

Which of these (abstract) 2-player games do you recommend owning? I already own The Duke.

Onitama. Fast, deep, no randomness and great replayability.

It depends on what are you looking for

I have two of those:
Excellent game that appears to be simple but is much deeper than it looks. Like chess, Hive has a meta to it and it rewards anyone who takes some time to learn it. There's no randomness in Hive and the pieces build the board so you can play it anywhere

A really simple and beautiful little brother to chess. The game comes with 16 move cards but you only use 5 per game, leading to 5000+ (I forgot the exact number) different combinations you can play with. Onitama forces you to alter your strategy every game based on the move cards at your disposal and to pay attention to what impact your moves are-this is because once you use a move card it goes to your opponent to use against you. Aside from the quality of the board and pieces, my favorite thing is the win conditions: you can capture the opponent's "master" (king piece) or get your master into your opponent's "home base" (where their master started). The second win condition is great because it forces you to balance offense with defense. Onitama doesn't have a meta so there's not really anything to study, making it a more laid back abstract

Way off, there's 43000+ plus combinations.

Hive. The rest of them didn't stand the test of time. (For some 'already', for others 'not yet'.)

Will check out, thanks.

Yeah started looking for memory-systems for card counting and I'll start with that. We went over one game with her but I kind of learn better when I can experiment on my own and try out different things and not "under pressure".

Do Quantum and Raptor really count as 'abstract' games?

Yeah. Raptor, at least, is an unholy child of chess and Citadels.

Thank you. I'll have to work on my understanding of what constitutes an 'abstract' game.

If by unholy child you mean wonderful and an excuse to play with dino models yes yes it is.

I'm getting real fucking tired of L99 continually re-releasing their games with small improvements.
They've already got Devastation and Argent due for a revision.

>understanding of what constitutes an 'abstract' game.
Basically if the theme is, at most, pasted on. I mean, Chess techincally has a theme -- Medieval Warfare -- but the mechanics at best sort of support it, and as is proved by all the bizarre sets you can get it's easy as fuck to reskin (though since Chess is such an old standby people still call the variant pieces by the same name)

The boxes of Quantum and Raptor don't look abstract but neither do Onitama or Santorini even though the games pretty much are. You don't have to be part of the fucked-up-name-and-triangle-grid series to be abstract

>Gaming budget
I try to play fairly conservative with my spending, but I have a weak spot for interesting kickstarters that don't look likely to get a second print run.
Conventional orders is usually ~$100 two or three times a year.

Really not sure where you're getting that number from. I was only talking about the base game without expansions. Pic related is how many card variations you can have

If you add the Sensei path expansion then the number of combinations jumps to this

>Gaming budgets
set household monthly budget for all Entertainment. Most of it goes to gaming pursuits since we'll go to the movies 0-1 times and eat out something like 0-3

Those 5 cards could be the same 5 cards but distributed in a different way. Instead of player 1 havin cards A and B, and player 2 having cards C and D, and card E in the middle, there could be the same 5 cards with a different one in the middle.

Your calculation assumes that a beginning like


is the same as


which it isn't.

Is raptor any good

Fair enough, I wasn't talking about the number of starting combinations, just the number of different cards available. But here's the number of different starting card combinations

>like asymmetry?
It's good
>enjoy perfect information and trying to out-think your opponent?
It's good
>fan of short 2p games?
It's hard to AP this game into lasting more than 30min
>want to play with dino models?
It sold out it's first print run for a reason

That's too bad. I know it can go on for a while, but I'm always surprised when people describe this as one of the heavier games. Maybe my friends and I just generally don't think too hard about our turns, maybe I just have a knack for teaching it in a way people understand, but I've never had the issue of anything coming off as exhaustingly confusing or anything.

Slav roots detected
120 points in the cards, you usually can only get one marriage tops. Count how long the whole chain of guaranteed tricks nobody can interrupt is, then subtract 30 for every trick you can't get. That's your safe bid.

Wait! We can't have knowledgeable conversations on 4chins! I might have to learn things, and thinkin' makes mah brain hurt.

Any recommendations on a good book for beginners when it comes to understanding statistics and said calculations?

4 Science! (And better board gaming!)

As long as you don't get triggered, this Reddit thread seems like it may be what you want

Thanks! (And no - reddit doesn't trigger me. People who say that Lima Bean taste good is a whole different story...)

>Wait! We can't have knowledgeable conversations on 4chins
Apparently not.

So, anons, any games you'd be embarrassed to set up in front of unknown company?

>Lima Bean
Acceptable in some soups, or for pelting siblings.

>games you'd be embarrassed to set up in front of unknown company
I'd probably get excited enough setting up Heroes of Normandie to worry normal people.
And the previous owner of my Yomi set has daughters who drew more conservative outfits on all the scantily clad ninjas in there, which somehow makes it MORE weird.

>Gaming budgets; do you have a set amount you allow yourself for spending on games/cons/upgrades/etc?
Not really, the only board game "news" I really follow regularly is GMT's monthly updates and the ocassional look at some of the games mentioned here. If a game shows up that seems interesting I'll look into it and then maybe P500/buy it. This ends up making my game purchases pretty uneven from year to year, for example bought three games from GMT last year, not bought any new games this year. Also it helps that with the folks I usually play games with we already have a decent amount of games.

When I've run out of new games to buy I know I've spent too much.


I boxed the ones I have played and liked. Green = probably a perfect fit. Yellow = recommended but read up on it and watch videos to make sure it's what you're looking for. Ther others I haven't tried. I keep hearing good things about Hive, Tzaar and Yinsh. Never heard of Tak.


Not even Nintendo could turn this garbage fire into something good.

If you like LYNGK you'll enjoy the other GIPF series quite a bit because they all feel very similar. I actually prefer YINSH to LYNGK but they're close for my tastes.

Tak is a Cheapass Games creation based off of a vague description of a game from Pat Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles. The design is ok, it feels good, but I don't think you'd see it posted all over if not for the book tie-in. It's not mind blowing, and the production is meh. The style of the pieces is nice, and the capstones are cool turned knobs, but the board is fucking atrocious and if it's supposed to be this great table game that you want to keep out you need a better board, or a more refined look to the box. Wyrmwood did a bunch of sets as part of the kickstarter, and you can still get some, but then you're talking $300, and honestly the game is barely worth the $50 Cheapass is charging for it.

To all the abstract talking people. If chess were released today, how do you think people would evaluate it? Would it still be considered a great abstract game or does it have its position due to age?

If you mean today as in TODAY, it'd have a hard time catching on. Go back 40-50 years? It'd do better and might last. There's been plenty of games that haven't lasted as old as chess, and plenty that have and are older. Backgammon traces it's roots back what 5000 years? Chess is like 7th century AD, it'd still catch on but with the glut of abstracts (especially in the last few decades) it'd have a harder time. The question is would you see a reprint 20 years after it first came out where it gets themed and overproduced like Santorini? That might help it catch on

>The question is would you see a reprint 20 years after it first came out where it gets themed and overproduced like Santorini?

You mean like Lord of the Rings chess? Harry Potter chess? Warhammer 40k chess? Lego chess?

I meant one that looks good

There are plenty of games out there with cringe-worthy art or theme. Out of the games I own, maybe Love Letter since I'd probably get some looks trying to get people to play a game with that title that comes in a red felt bag.

I managed to play the entirety of the introductory scenario of LotR LCG with my girlfriend the other night. Teaching her the rules was painfuly hard, but once we got to playing everything went smoothly, we had a blast, and managed to win by a landslide. She even told me she enjoyed being the badass fighter (she played the Tactics deck, i played Lore)
I also enjoyed the hell of it in solo play, so I say it was very worth it, and I'll be looking to get some expansions in the near future.
Thanks for the recommendation, lost user. Thanks a bunch.

I played Quantum with 2 friends last weekend. It was great fun. I would love to see more expansions to it and new set of rules.
Santorini has great components but I would not recommend owing it. Raptor is lot of fun but I would not see it coming off the shelf too much either. I have yet to try the rest.

I haven't played it but I've seen people say that it's not complete garbage since it isn't a textbook version of monopoly

wtf I want to play monopoly now?

>Any recommendations on a good book for beginners when it comes to understanding statistics and said calculations?
You need to already have a decently strong single variable calculus base. Otherwise when you get to probability distributions you will sink like lead.

Here's a few introductory books, they are all called "probability and statistics" or similar but have different authors:
By Paul Meyer. Ed. Addison Wesley Longman
By Morris de Groot. Addison Wesley.
By George Canavos. Ed. Mac Graw Hill.
By Jay Devore. Ed. Thomson.
By Douglas Montgomery. George Runger. Ed. Mac Graw Hill.

>Roll and move property aquisition is still there
>Player interactions depend on randomness
It's still shit.
Although probably better than regular monopoly.

How is Qwixx? I need games for a ferry trip. Already thinking of bringing Love letter.

Very meh. Rolling Japan/America/World is a better option of the same style

Seems like an okay activity to kill some time but quite dull as a game.

play with expansion

>Prime Day launches
>all "sales" are only slightly better than CSI regular pricing
For once I'm thankful Amazon is trying to rip people off, more money saved for Gencon

It's cheap, but is it good?

I'd say 70/30 it's not bad, they seem to have figured out how to do licensed games that are good.

I'd be open to trying it on TTS

Played Eldritch horror not too long ago and fell in love with it. Just bought the first expansion for it yesterday from paizo for $40 after shipping after seeing how ridiculous the prices are everywhere else. Did I make a mistake?

Fuuuck no (if you like EH that is)
That expac is essential.

>licensed games that are good
I don't believe it

BSG is apparently the best hidden traitor game on the market, and Star Trek games have a damn good record.

Sons of Anarchy is a solid euro with combat. STEEV can tell you about Spartacus, which is supposedly good. Firefly/ST Ascendancy are both decent. Hell I've heard their WWE game is pretty good, though any pro-wrestling game that doesn't have Hogan/Flair/Savage/anyone pre-2015 is a mistake.

I've got
>sushi go party
to come out to just under $100, while the same stuff on CSI is like 115. Not too bad

You bought a tinned game from amazon? Oh the dents on that are going to be terrible

>STEEV can tell you about Spartacus, which is supposedly good.
It's gone a little stale on me, the combat SHOULD be the highlight but there's just not much strategy to be had. The rest is solid enough though.

Oh fuck, you're right. I'm never shy to send them back shit that's fucked up though.

We do it on purpose.
Fuck you brick-and-mortar killers.

Played Unlock: Squeak and Sausage yesterday. Island of Dr. Goorse is still my favorite, but this one probably has the most overall appeal. I wasn't expecting a direct homage to Lucas Arts adventure games. They managed to nail the art style, the soundtrack, and even wholesale ripped off at least one classic Lucas Arts puzzle/gag. I have no nostalgia for those games but this is great for someone who does

Just bought 7 Wonders for $22.65 of Amazon. How likely is it to be a Chinese counterfeit copy?

>Nooo don't kill my obsolete business model
I hope you still ride horses everywhere and own an ice box instead of a freezer.

>oh please mr bezos let me suck your cock more

If you did the first result, its likely the publisher of the game.

It's sold by TOYCENTER which raised red flags after I looked at it, but it's fulfilled by Amazon and there are about a half dozen other listing at around the same price. I guess I have to wait and see what it looks like when I get it and hope it's just a pricing war.

You're safe, prime day has a bunch of prices deflated so 3rd party sellers that run on bots to drop prices and keep in line with current trend have gone down too. Besides counterfeit isn't the current Chinese scam, they're on the fake tracking/no item for sale scam due to how Amazon relaxed account creation in late 2015. As long as the seller isn't "just launched" it's fine.

>mfw actually own an ice box
To be fair I got it for free and just use it as a booze dump at the hunting cabin.

Thanks for the tips.

Any relation to the computer game(s)?

>fake tracking/no item for sale scam
What? How do they scam money if there is no item for sale?

Simple: they charge your card without actually sending you anything.

The Paradox games started as direct implementations of the EU board game.

Are the Arkham Horror LCG expansions worth it? After looking through the base game, there only being three scenarios makes it seem like the base game will get repetitive quickly

>Short version
what said

>Long version
Amazon made it much easier to open an account as a seller a little while ago, all you need now is an email address, a place for the money to go, and you're in business. The current Chinese scam is to open an account saying you're somewhere in the states, list dozens (more likely hundreds) of items for far cheaper than average (50% off or more) and then hope someone bites on it looking for a deal. Once you pay, they will send you a tracking number that either shows up as Chinese post, or item already delivered just to keep the system moving, they might even send multiple shipping infos if you complain. Meanwhile your payment clears, they get the money in their bank accts. When you finally get fed up and file a claim with Amazon's A to Z refund service, they've already withdrawn funds, and after a month you get refunded. The CC company or your bank, or Amazon get hit with the fee (maybe even all 3), the seller's account is suspended, but they've already opened a new one with another fake email and started all over again. You might lose a couple bucks in service fees/unrefundables but in the meantime you've got a massive headache and all because Amazon decided doing simple checks to make sure their sellers actually exist and have items for sale was too big a hassle.

Thank you! The Clue x 4 to the brain stem is appreciated.

A footnote to all this, Amazon did start cracking down on these accounts towards the end of the first quarter this year, new accounts can't list thousands of items anymore until they prove they're real. Shit part, scammers got wise and bought or hacked older accounts with strong ratings. Unless you see "fulfilled by Amazon" or a Prime logo, be careful.

>If chess were released today, how do you think people would evaluate it? Would it still be considered a great abstract game or does it have its position due to age?
Frankly, I think if it was released today it'd be *more* popular, not less. Chess is still, hands down, the most fun and most thematic abstract of them all. It's a fantastic game to play with kids and with family.

The hate chess gets is because its metagame is absolutely toxic, especially if you play competitively in a tournament style. If chess came out today it wouldn't be played competitively and people wouldn't have the bad vibes they get from chess today when they try to learn the 'correct' style of playing chess.

Tyrants of the underdark is bretty good. Its not perfect by any means, but i liked it more than blood rage or scythe, for example.

Kind of strange to imagine people dedicating their entire lives to Tak. And Tak matches being points of contention between the U.S. and the Soviets.

Better than Connect Four I guess.

Slav roots acknowledged.

Thanks, didn't think about the bidding phase yet, currently in process of doing a memory matrix for remembering cards.