Warhammer 40k 8th Edition is

I haven't made a tread on here in a very long time, post every so often and read a ton.
I have been playing Warhammer 40k for a few years now I started at the end of 6th edition. I played all through 7th and felt the power creep of wacky ass formations. When they said that 8th was coming i was excited because I was hoping it would help unfuck the game.
BUT I have always felt it was the codexes that fucked 7th not the core rules. Because 30k used the same core rules and its remains to be one of the best, balanced, fun, tactical, and well written war games I have ever played.
I was not excited when I heard that things were getting simplified but after reading all the stuff that GW has put out, and how the community helped write it I was very impressed. I played game after game and really loved it but the more the rules were clarified and laid out I became less satisfied.
Flamers auto hitting flyers, only a negative 1 to hit flyers from normal guns. Funny meme I thought... But then more apparent problems arose. A vehicle can be placed behind terain all but say the back track of a russ and fire all its guns from that tiny track... wtf.
And finally the other week, me and my friends went to a tournament and spoke with ATC players and of course played. I did not know it at the time but apparently you can just walk through walls because of the way terrain works now. Ive seen the darkness that Warmachine and hordes. When I was at gencon you could see across all 30 fucking warmachine tables flat since there was no terrain. That was more or less the final straw. For all the really awesome stuff they have written for rules that work like perfect little cogs in a large machine in this new edition, these more blatant things are really what is hurting it. BUT. It's not just that, the abuse of the new charts they we were given so that people can play fluffy armies is not ok. To be continued next post.

You think this because you started in 6E and 7E, the shittiest and worst rules in the history of the game.

I seriously feel like this is said for every fucking edition of these games.

>because every edition is shit


It is our jobs as Gamers to show some fucking bit of sportsmanship. Do not fucking take advantage of rules because it will win. I know you have to do what you have to do at a tournament setting but at the end of the day the game becomes so fucked that they have to write another goddamn edition because of you. It hurts the game. If you love it you won't do these things to it. If you are willing to do anything like take advantage just to win. Find another game please. I love this game.
The older guys I play with always tell me that they took a break and they have come back to it. Is that time for me now?
Am I over reacting?
Will Warhammer be ok?
Will all my time and effort be for nothing?

If they were the shittiest rules then why would I not feel only improvement?

6th and 7th were hard to enjoy because of how fucked they were. 8th will give you fun, reasonable games under normal circumstances.

Yeah, bring back 5th, when tanks ignored bullets and power weapons cleaved terminators.

All his complaints are dumb memes and are entirely worth abstracting if it means saving the game from the ridiculously convoluted rules of the previous edition.

Flamers hitting flyers? Tanks not using true LoS? Who gives a shit? True LoS wasn't even a huge deal until 5E and brought all sorts of arguments and modeling for advantage. He talks shit about Warmahordes when they've historically had a tighter ruleset before Mk3 just because they use flat terrain when GW shows no signs of removing 3D terrain as it makes money for them and is still required for 40K despite the tanks not requiring LoS from weapons. He calls fluffy builds abuse.

The fact is everyone bitching about 8E is either a complete scrub or a complete retard for preferring the absolute shithole that was 7E, or probably both. 8E has people who ragequit because of 5E, 4E, or even 3.5E, as well as Kirby, and yet they come back just for 8E.

I have had a lot of fun playing it is the thing. I really like it but how does some defend being able to walk through walls?

Because you're a dumbass. And also because you've only had rotten apples and think oranges suck, but you've never tasted fresh apples anyway. You can't compare 8E to 7E they're not even the same fucking game with how many base rules have changed.

Because Terminators were so viable in 7E? And every tank should die instantly?

These posts are proving only the most retarded faglord dipshits are complaining about 8E. It's not perfect, but from GW, it's the best we're going to get. Otherwise you're going back to 7E.

Why is everyone shitting on warmahordes all of a sudden? Is it because PP are now comparable commercial competition to GW?

I like 8th. I do not prefer any other Edition over it. But the core rules are lacking. They are only 8 pages long.
Also Magnus and 3 imperial knights isnt very fluffy...

You could walk through walls in 7th Edition you stupid faggot

idk. There's a lot of shit thats hard to defend. We usually houserule impassable terrain ect. but that's not an excuse.

The models are Goof, And I have heard grown fucking men talking about jacking in public way to many times. Also 2 pieces of joke ass terrain per game and you run at each other and fucking moosh your models together.

>Is it because PP are now comparable commercial competition to GW?

lol they've never been even close to GW's market dominance. Like, not even 25% of GW's market share. And then just when they were becoming the biggest #2, X-Wing shat all over them.


Read the fucking 7th edition rulebook you absolute stupid cockmongler

Moving through Terrain:
" ... models can move through, up or over any terrain they encounter, unless the terrain is noted as being impassable."

I never once saw a nigger walk through a wall

It's Age of Sigmar adapted for bullet.
It's washed out lip service bullshit.

If they wanted to make a mix between 7th and 4th, they should've just done it that way.

So you dumb faggots didn't know how to play the game. Great, just another reason for why you're full of shit and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Because Land Raiders climbing 10 story buildings was such a better and realistic game than flamers hitting flyers.

>hur dur mix 7th and-

No. Shut the fuck up. 7th was fucking garbage. Do whatever you need to do, ANYTHING, if it means getting rid of 7th.

What building had floors a land raider could fit on?

Are you fucking retarded? Stop posting stupid ass fucking questions.

1. There's no fucking size limit to a building, all you have to do is build a building that can fit a LR on the top floor.

2. Even if you CAN'T fit the entire footprint of the LR, as long as you can balance it there, you can still put it there. There have been plenty of stories of teetering Leman Russes on skyscrapers or Soul Grinders hanging with their crab legs off towers.

Once again, you prove you're just fucking ignorant.

Never seen that shit and I've been playing for 3 years...


That's because nerds lose all their critical faculties when something's lucas -liscenced?

Now that is a good fucking well written game.

Nobody cares dumbass your shitty personal anecdotes from your game store full of retards who didn't even know you could walk through walls doesn't mean shit

Bet you never saw blacks being hosed down and getting the shit beat out of them, that doesn't mean we should go back to slave plantations.

You ok?

Any real advice or insight? Or just shit posting?

Being able to walk through walls is pretty stupid.

So you've only ever known the two most horribly bloated editions where vehicles were horrible?

As to your two specific complaints:

Vehicles are plenty tough without covers saves now.

Infantry have been able to walk through the walls of ruins in previous editions as well.


Disagree. If they are ruins it should be easy for infantry to move through holes in the walls, break holes themselves, etc.

The datasheets in the book are for the citadel ruins. The walls have windows, doors, etc. Infantry can find their way through.

If that isn't appropriate for your ruins then make your own datasheets like the book tells you to do.

Just to chime in amidst the shitposting, but... Even with TLOS being introduced, and at least in 4th (my own experience only goes that far back) and onwards, models have been expressly permitted to walk through the walls of ruined buildings as just difficult terrain- something about troops breaching walls or not having to define entryways in the rules or some shit. Point stands, past four editions (at least) this has been a thing.

Like building walls that are solid

Sure, but as fast as walking over open ground? I can see a space marine or a tyranid warrior or something sprinting *through* a crumbling wall, but guardsmen? Eldar?

Plus, not all walls are ruins.

That... Depends. I mean, if we're talking complete building walls, then the building should either be impassable or garrisonable, in either case moving through the walls wouldn't happen.

Fences and shit, though, yeah totally.

>make your own datasheets

Here's some insight: stop being shit at the game. You've already gotten two rules wrong in this thread.

Loss of facings is a shit. Before you might have actually had to think about positioning versus vehicles. Now it's just picking the right weapons and shooting at something until it dies, where "it" is anything heavier than an elite infantry unit.

Granted vehicles in 7th (which weren't Imperial Knights or free transports) were shit, SHIIIIIIIIT, but losing it entirely is sad.

As opposed to picking grav and shooting at something until it does, where "it" is anything with AV or a decent armor save.

Just give +1 to hit or wound or -1T from rear facing or something, it wasn't even complex or special enough to matter.

That combined with the loss of firing arcs has completely removed any strategy and tactics in placing and moving your vehicles.

Discuss. Will we get bigger vanilla marines (TS size) or will they be gone altogether? The point is, primaris marines have 2 wounds so they can't technically be superseeded easily unless chaos marines get 2 wounds either.

It specifically said in the ruins section that you and your opponent should discuss whether it was assumed infantry would have the equipment to put a whole to cimb through a ruin wall or not, on top of the general rule at the beginning of the terrain section that said you and your opponent should agree what terrain is what.

>turn the best armor towards the other guy
>strategy and tactics
don't pretend they ever came up unless you were drop podding meltaguns behind a tank and "put the melta on the side with the worst armor" is hardly a tough strategic decision

It was an issue of how to place your vehicle in order to maximize the firing potential with least risk to the vulnerable points it had.
Now there is not even that.

which, 99% of the time, either meant keeping the rear armor against the table edge for artillery tanks, or simply facing the front armor towards the enemy
I can count on one hand the number of times it was ever a real decision and not just "well no shit this is how you face it"

That still involved some fucking thought and gave opportunity for the opponent to potentially use bad placement to his advantage.
Nowadays, there is zero thinking in how to place your vehicles.

I really like the streamlined version of the rules 8th brought forth, but the cover rules are goddamn stupid. It'll be house rule everywhere

Yeah, and sadly with wobbley model syndrome, you dont even need to be able to balace it

A friend of mine in a game of 7th edition positioned a wraith knight on a 1mm thin wall that he argued he could put there with wobbley model syndrome.

I agree but i think there should be entry points like doors and such for terrain. Also you should only be able to scale buildings if there are ladders and such (which gw does model their terrain with)

Chosen may quietly gain an extra wound when then codexs come out, which might solve that.

What heavy weapon should I give to veteran squads with plasma rifles ?
Autocanons or missile launchers ? Or lascanons ?

Too bad the Fantasy and Star Trek Versions are shit.

Starfleet Battles is at least historically significant, and was one of the main inspirations for Master Of Orion.

They defended it in the rulebook itself, though I admit that it might look weird on some pieces of terrain

No idea, for all I know they could make a new sculpt of the same size with better proportions
(but I don't know wether that would break too easily or whatever)

>A friend of mine
>wraith knight
>on a 1mm thin wall
One of these things is not like the other.