Cyoa thread


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You forgot the link to the last thread and the pastebin, op

Never mind

>>Archives and other resources:

We need more waifu cyoas.

Forgot? What do you mean?

I mean OP didn't include the link to the previous thread or pastebin, so I did it for them. They also didn't manage to name the thread right.

I'm taking a break from writing waifus for a bit.
Pumping out 25 in under a couple of months nearly killed my entire desire to make CYOAs.
So I'm trying something different while my Waifu Forge cools down.
I'll let someone else make some for a while and we'll see if the drive comes back once Guardian Spirit is finished...
It probably will. Can't very well have a Mad Scientist CYOA without Mad Scientist Waifus, can we?

There are rules... to making a thread.... on Veeky Forums......
There's "Cyoa" in the name. That's literally all you need.

It's okay to make mistakes user, just keep it in mind next time.

>once Guardian Spirit is finished...
How is that coming along?

Ah shit


Getting Kingdom of Loathing vibes from this for some reason.


I like that.

Anyways I have one more page with things to do and a mystery box planned. Should be not long (1-2 days)

Have you never seen a general thread before? They always have links to old threads and resources.

And you're supposed to stick with the old /cyoag/ naming convention so its easy to find in the catalogue and so that other posters know its a general and thus likely full of autists.

>There are rules... to making a thread.... on Veeky Forums......

Also maybe don't do this

This is absolutely charming.

So I'd like to bounce a couple of ideas off you /cyoag/

For next weekends dose of OC, I had a couple of things in mind. No guarantees on any of them of course, but some feedback would be good.

One would be a urban supernatural setting using a lot of the spare assets from the Hidden World Tournament; so gangs, super power kung fu, maybe some vampires and stuff like that. At the moment it'd be pretty standard in terms of actual choices; build a character with skills and perks and drawbacks, choose some companions, choose some factions to work with or against, choose some events/jobs/missions; anything else you can think of that would be good?

The other one would be a bit shorter and it would be about being the last human left alive. There'd be four (at the moment) different scenarios, a few perks and penalties and a few questions about what you'd do with yourself. Not high on danger, more just about living out a life after the fall of humanity, one way or the other.


Female sneaker

>They can work for only you or for others as well . . .
So...they work for everybody?

I like the apocalypse one, if only for the interesting tone we don't see very often.


I'm guessing that means it's up to you when you make them.

So if you're going to create a unique magical item of immense power for your own use, you'd be a fool not to make certain it would only work for you. Bad enough if you should happen to lose it, far worse if there's a danger of enemies then using it against you! But if you're crafting magical swords of Slay Orc Also Nifty Blue Glow then you can let them work for whoever.

Thanks, I'll fix these tomorrow. Im going to sleep now though

I like the first one. Second one doesn't really appeal to me, really. Like those comfy CYOAs about choosing how you want to live in some house or pocket dimension. Just doesn't click with me.

I had guessed that was what he intended, so I was just surreptitiously hinting that he needs to reword it.

Is there a good reason to choose to slowly lose your sanity every time you level up?

>lose your sanity
The hell are you saying. You're clearly getting saner with each level up, user.

But really, I don't think you'll devolve into a blithering sense. You probably just get quirkier, the degree to which will be dependent upon how self-conscious you are of your own behavior in front of others. It's not like you don't understand how to act, it's just that you start understanding how things work in a different way. You do things in a specific way and it produces a specific effect. What looks like a leap in logic to others would be a simple matter of connecting point A to point B for you. That kind of thing.

You call it losing sanity, I call it gaining insight. You don't expect the underlying nature of reality to conform to what we naively call common sense, do you?

Female speller, Secrets, Sanity, Magus. Increasingly convinced I'm the only one to truly understand the nature of what we're dealing with here. I'll prove it to the Council!

I'm thinking bloodborne, you start seeing things that were there all along.

Well that certainly makes more sense

Motivational Speaker

Sweet CYOA, m8. Reminds me of pic related.

This is one convoluted monstrosity

Hang on, you mean Guardian Spirit won't have waifus?


I imagine that it's the above characters take on ethics after a few years of growth.

It's like you're not even trying.

If someone wanted to take field leader and put some form of offensive magic, would they just say "Destruction" like TES, or?



If it ends up the way I'm imagining it I think the tone would be along the lines of creepy/comfy stuff that was in vogue a little while ago.
>Second one doesn't really appeal to me, really. Like those comfy CYOAs about choosing how you want to live in some house or pocket dimension. Just doesn't click with me.
To be honest, they normally don't do much for me either, but I've been trying to branch out with my last couple of projects.
I'm writing for both of them in any case; lets see how they look closer to the weekend.

TokHaar senpai, how long until i'll be able to create my kaifu?

>Deciding that it would be a good idea to anger the weebs by stepping on one of their bizarre idols
Does the man on the picture have a deathwish?

Okay, so far, this is how the mission will look like. With some branching paths for longer missions.

And a list of terrains, and enemies for freeform missions.

Feedback is welcome.

The images for the ground only mission enemies feel a bit out of place i don't know why

Long, I donno, have no plans on any kaifu CYOAs. Especially since I made Infected a while ago and where you can kinda create kaifus.

The memory death autist is raging over in the thread on /trash/
Fitting, really

He's finally home.

This is really shit, almost everything is white. You're an idiot.

girl caller
obedience connection construction

I'm a simple guy, ordering them to gangbang me day and night is amply sufficient to grow my powers while 10% of my minions are busy doing construction work.

I'll wait for the finished version.

Of course almost everything is white, I barely started.
That's probably because they are from the game wiki. Couldn't find any other animal cyborgs, that were smaller than a skyscraper



Dungeon delving build. Raid some tombs, dodge some traps, become a master of trickery.

Honestly, Loot would probably be better than Sleight for this, but I kind of like being able to pull off some bullshit

Okay this is fucking brilliant.

>a bunch of random references shoehorned in where they don't make sense half the time

>where they don't make sense half the time
Read a book fag.


As suspected, you're a fucking idiot.





Hey, big boy.

In Infected, does your offspring gain your benefits?

I ask, because I'm the Dual Strain type of guy. I intend for the Secondary Strain to be spread via impregnation, with the infected females being non-contagious. Here's the rub, though. I'm not taking the option to make males unable to be infected, they just logically couldn't be since they can't get pregnant. I want to know if males birthed by Infected females will not only retain the same powers as their mothers, but also have the ability to infect females themselves.


Op you are retarded.

>hey, big boy
>In Infected, does your offspring gain your benefits?
The offspring will inherit the same strain of the D-virus as the parent or parents (unless you took a spawn option for the relevant strain). If that strain is sexually dimorph then the offspring will have the same weakness and benifits as the sex they have.

Nice, thank you.

In the case of Dual Strain, is the Progenitor Strain inheritable if the partner has the Secondary Strain? I'd prefer the Secondary to be the one my kids get, as I very specifically do not want to be less or equally as powerful than my people

Like where you're going with the missions, maybe some more points to flesh out a mission just a bit more, and hopeful for more missions

>In the case of Dual Strain, is the Progenitor Strain inheritable?
Nope, the progenitor strain is only compatible with patient zeros body.

Beautiful, thanks tok.

Now to start revising my build with this in mind...originally I was going for an Immortal Harem, but it would be a shame to lock the rest of the world out of this power. So I'll just have a bunch of kids with this power and the boys will be able to spread to girls. Shame for any men who aren't my progeny, but at least they'll get to enjoy watching the world ascend into busty, super powered nymphomania

Yeah, there will be about 10.

Base buildings receive damage instead of girls

Offense - Enemy has been located, we must eliminate it.
Multiple stages with diff. reqs, can have 1+ bosses. 2-3 stages is short, 4-5 medium, 6-7 long.
Some branches have certain gadgets as prerequisites

I like this one because balancing the powers I want with the waifus I want means I have to make some tough choices, which I dig in a CYOA.

>Endurance (Flawed: Radiant)
>Perpetuity (Flawed)

Not the exact set I would have chosen if it were just a matter of giving myself powers, but it should be enough to make both myself and
happy; I like a good sub and a teenage space elf sub is extra good. By the time I need to go into my Adam Warlock cocoon to de-age I should have broken Zammy in nicely and she can amuse herself with toys for a month. Radiant damage (which I'm assuming is lasers, maybe fire?) shouldn't be too dangerous while we're living as NEETs.

Might and Intelligence are there to make Zammy happy; Perception is there just in case she's right about there being people after her, Endurance is to exhaust her and Perpetuity is so I can match her (presumably) long lifespan.

I was talking about the nomicon cyoa

Hey, so I tagged out for a month or something and missed out on Fortune's Cookie and probably some more good stuff. Could anyone hook me up?

I'll post a couple of things from the last couple of weeks.

Stat names.



Kaifus will be present in Eronomicon, they won't have a big part but they will be present.



>tfw your oc gets reposted by not-you in less than a week since you posted it


>Fortune's Cookie
>good stuff

You did good man, I liked that one.

Think this was new?

There is some other new stuff too, but most of it has been reposted multiple times in the last few threads, so we could do with a break from them I think. Go back 2-3 threads and you'll find some more.

I think its old

Wasn't that one done a while back?

Oh, looks interesting.
>"all nightmare callers are young wome~

I'll go take a peek at that then. Thank you!

Hey, I like ZBG's stuff. I can see why people wouldn't, but I like it. It's basic wish fulfillment, but with enough effort and love from the creator put into it to make it entirely the kind of thing I can get behind when I want something simple and fun

Sorry, that one's pretty old, at least a couple years, I think. Oh well, thanks for putting in the effort to try and help

ZBG did his best, but ... well ... he didn't create that cookie on his own, and that's the problem. The two didn't mix well.

It's ~dlc to a previous CYOA wherein said girls were waifu/enemies. In order to be waifu/enemies they had to be all girls, so, now they HAVE to fulfill the Little Girl third of the sacred triforce.

Oh... Oh well, I'll still take a look at it for posterity's sake and see what I think. Never know, could still be fun

Also, Cassandra is best girl, with Scarlatina, then Vignette, then Lucianna being the closest competitors

>Occultist: Familiar
Good doggo.
Lots of bones for said doggo, as well as flammable vampires and mummies; also my negotiation skills should come into play here.

>Sherry Marple
Probably the best place for her to put her trap/secret finding to use, and her lack of combat power should be alleviated by the doggo to a degree.
>Cassandra Archstar
Going to be very difficult to get along with, but simply the best fit for party construction; heals, tanking, anti undead stuff; hopefully Sherry can keep us running smoothly.
>Randall Stonecaller
Should be good for funneling enemies and protecting myself and poor squishy Sherry.

Lets hope his abs can't compete with the sexual tension I have with Cass.


>Oh... Oh well, I'll still take a look at it for posterity's sake and see what I think. Never know, could still be fun

Cookies was alright; not perfect, but what is? It mostly has a bad rep because it was the spark to a particular storm of autism.

after cookies i think

>Do you think you could take one of us to the Ball?

>Fight 2
>Int 3
>Guts 2
>App 1
>Rep 2

>Weird School
>Bleached Hair

>Death Glare
>Great Teacher

>Rivals: Yoshidayama, Harry, Tennouji, Taro, Fujimoto, Takenoichi
Harima, Yamaguchi and Mechazawa have my number, and I just feel bad for poor old Maeda.


I could see Hotaru being a very dangerous influence that goads me to greater heights of eccentricity and reciprocates in kind. This only gets worse when you factor in my crazy teacher.

Every single time this CYOA gets posted i swear someone says this has it become a meme of sorts? because i was not aware of that

This one is fairly new and as comfy as dark-comfy can be.