R8 my stack Veeky Forums
R8 my stack Veeky Forums
A fun time with some friends/10
>forbidden island
is that like Forbidden Desert?
the font, and tin are the same...
Just played Codenames for the first time on saturday and I absolutely loved it. I'm shit at free association though so I found it a bit challenging, but we were all stoned with a bottle of wine so it was great fun.
As for your stack would definitely play with/10
>tfw you lose on your first guess
>R8 my stack Veeky Forums
>Scrambled States of America
Never played, but it looks like educational games for kids. Pass.
>Forbidden Island
Fun, but I like Forbidden Desert more. Still, I'd play it.
>Sushi Go
Also fun, as long as Sushi Go Party! isn't any different than Sushi Go.
Great game. We like to mix the word version with the picture version for even more complexity.
In the realm of Family Games, it's one of my favorites, and a lot of fun if you've got some clever folks.
>Beat the Parents
Kids vs. Adults Trivia? Hard pass.
>Ticket to Ride
Babby's First Euro along with Settlers of Catan...but it still doesn't stop it from being an entertaining play that's easy enough for first time players to understand.
Don't know it.
Don't know it.
So out of all your games, there's five I'd play, two I wouldn't, and two I have no idea about. Which is pretty good!
Total rating: Pretty Good/9.
This is all well and good, but do you Catan?
I only know one game in your stack, but you have it and NO MONOPOLY
R8 mine...sadly, I only have it handy because the usual hosts of my weekly game-night broke up the group collection back to its original owners...
Forbidden Island was the first game, Forbidden Desert was the sister sequel with new mechanics.
Looks like a great start, mate!
Be honest with me here, how often do you actually play Frag? I'm a fan, but it just never gets any traction with my groups.
>Forbidden Island
I see.
>how often do you actually play Frag
not as often as I'd like, for much the same reason as you. but I bought it and it went into the groups shelf with the rest and we at least played it a little
The most play Frag got in my group was when we home-ruled it into the Rick and Morty Combat Simulator.
how is that different?
You add a new stat - 'Morty'. For every point in 'Morty', you get a baseline Morty with a pistol. Every player controls someone elses Morty, and your Rick is invulnerable as long as your Morty(s) are alive.
so, nobody is killable so long as thier morty is on the field?
and nobody knows who has which morty?
>and nobody knows who has which morty?
Control of your Morty was randomised on your turn. We had a gal get a good run and control a few consecutive Morty's and popped them one after the other in a nice line.
rate my humble collection
You are adorable like tiny baby, but show some promise.
Not bad for a small collection, once you set fire to CaH and Munchkin. And TTR. And Catan.
>Eighteen (18) munchkin expansions.
Justify this nonsense.
>wait, more Munchkin!!!!
how is new angeles?
I am curious if it is
1. thematic
2. easy-ish to teach and understand rules.
I like it quite a bit, it's quite thematic and fairly easy to teach. Mechanically feels more like a Battlestar Galactica sequel than I was expecting, and play length can fluctuate wildly depending on how aggressive everyone is with negotiation. But yeah, it's quite solid, recommend.
Different guy, but I also give it a recommend. Someone on Veeky Forums explained it very well in that a mistake is thinking that this is a cooperative game. The game may start cooperative but by the end it invariably turns into "I either run this ship now or by god I will pilot it into the rocks". I've had players do alright up until the deciding moments of the game, then hold the board state hostage in return for more power.
I'm sort of rambling, but the whole focus of the game is outdicking the other players while still putting them in a position where they want to/have to help you.
Accurate. The free trading of victory points is a little mad and a little brilliant, and absolutely lets players in the rear hold the game hostage if they're clever. Very rarely doesn't end on a knife edge.
what is your beef with Ticket to Ride or Catan?
I don't find TTR very compelling, especially the basic version. Turns are very rarely interesting, just hoping RNG hands you the cards you want and no one takes the routes you want. Player interaction is limited to blocking and even that is more often than not accidental outside of very high level play. At no point while playing it am I excited about what might happen next.
Catan will invalidate entire turns based on RNG and has zero mitigation elements for it. I'm perfectly willing to put up with random elements in games when implemented well, I fit the stereotype of an ameritrash gamer pretty well, but Catan? No. It doesn't justify it's use of a dice to dick you over with theme or drama or tension or any other redeeming quality.
Pretty much all of this is of course subjective, I don't begrudge other people enjoying stuff I don't.
I can explain. It's like a pokemon thing. Gotta have them all. Be in a LFGS and see a new expantion. Hey, I don't got that one yet!
Then I eventually realised that I never play the damn game, especially with every expansion.
I stopped buying that shit and started buying xwing instead
consider, in either game. the RNG factors are evenly distributed. with your actions as likely to block someone else's as someone else's are likely to block yours from time to time.
in Catan you mitigate by placing settlements such that they cover a broad range of numbers. I like my Catan to be EXTRA random, my group always shuffled all of the pieces, including the numbers and the coastlines.
and in TTR you mitigate by having alternate planned routes. play for the priority target but keep a weather eye on routs and carriage counts and opponent hand-sizes. cause usually if you cannot get the elegant long-legged rout you can brute-force your way round that to the goal.
and you sort of do begrudge it a little if you want to see the sets burn...
Just because I want to see the sets burn, or would burn them if I owned them, doesn't mean I think user is wrong in some objective universal sense.
Given sufficient sample size of games, all players will have been equally dicked by RNG is certainly an accurate statement, but it doesn't do anything to improve the amount of fun I'd get out of each game in that sample. There's no shortage of things I'd rather have taking space on my shelves.
>Given sufficient sample size of games, all players will have been equally dicked by RNG is certainly an accurate statement,
and yet, given a sample size of several hundred recorded games for both Catan and Ticket amongst my gaming group I consistently win both. more amusingly in 90% of recorded games she participated in another player achieved the longest road/longest rail bonuses.
to me it makes the games more interesting when you simply expect the RNG to give you the dick and plan the most cutthroat path to victory in spite of it.
so here it boils down to different strokes for different folks
Why do so many of you guys have Cards Against Humanity?
Battlemasters, fuck yeah!
My introduction to war games.
cause it's a good fast "getting to know people" sort of game. it breaks the ice before the higher order games other activities when you have new participants.
that and, so long as everyone is still vertical, nobody is ever too drunk to play it.
as a game it's simple to the point of being boring, BUT as a social tool it is quite useful.
>no Candy Land
where's the exit
>quiver mat.
Muh nigga
Also nice collection. Basically mine with a little deviation.
Actually not a quiver mat, those were way too rich for my blood, and they didn't make a size that divided down to cover a 4'x8' table well. But I totally ripped off their pattern idea, so thanks!