Is anyone else aware of this? They had a kickstarter campaign. Its post apoc sci-fi setting with furries...

Is anyone else aware of this? They had a kickstarter campaign. Its post apoc sci-fi setting with furries. They have this new initiative wheel thing. I'll post some of the pdf's they got on their website. Early access and all that hoo ha, I just wanted to see if anyone else is interested/playing this game since it looks neat.

Other urls found in this thread:!5EZmUZia!j3QH9XN4v0lDx36WPgW7j1j6RLz8OcMtb8GwQEZUpLc



Core rulebook

Wait sorry thats not the rulebook, the actual file is way too big. I guess Ill post art now.

Gatormen confirmed

I'll stop here for now. I'll DM this shit if people are interested. Just wanted to see if theres any interest at all here.

>kickstarter campaign
>post apoc sci-fi setting
>with furries
Well hot diggity dog count me in.

What? How did they manage to stick all the continents back together?

man I don't fucking know, still reading through the rules and chargen

Put it on Mega or something and post a link.

Given that Wrestling is apparently a key fighting method, I'm tempted to call this the official Wildlife Wrestling Foundation(WWF) game.

They probably put it in the far future, when the continent's movement vectors smush them back together again. (Physics? Plate tectonics? What are those?)

It looks like Pangaea Ultima.
Which might happen in about 250 millions years due to plate tectonics.

link requested, link given!5EZmUZia!j3QH9XN4v0lDx36WPgW7j1j6RLz8OcMtb8GwQEZUpLc

Should I set up a room in roll20 maybe? How many people are interest?

Continents go through cycles of breaking-apart for around 300 million years, then sticking together for 300 million years. Pangea is probably the 6th supercontinent, and we will likely see a 7th one form in the next 200 million years or so.

>post-apoc sci-fi setting with furries
I like our homegrown one more.

nice rulesheet

>post apoc sci-fi setting with furries
>"alright, this could be interest-"
>actually just a couple of animal races mixed in with generic humans, not-elves, not-dwarves, and multiple kinds of robot people
Kind of misleading there, OP. This went from a potentially interesting setting to yet another, "here's your bog-standard post-apoc with a hodgepodge of shit thrown in".

>just a normal girl with rabbit ears and a tail

>checks corebook
>page 5

There's something cringeworthy about authors who want to establish a mood with vulgarity, but who cannot avoid censoring themselves.

>page 12 : "The Grand Master is like a Master, but Grander."

What. Is that the best explanation they can give?

>Space elves and space dwarves

Well, that's one way to get your fantasy races into your post-apocalyptic game.

>No bras on non-ape furries, only on ape- and monkey-based furries

Huh. Not bad.

>Ex-slave space ghosts that double as duracells

This is somehow more snowflake-y than the furries.

>implying catgirls aren't patrician-tier

>No bras on non-ape furries, only on ape- and monkey-based furries
This desu. it's not really "Furry" setting, it actually does anthro races semi-well.

>I'll stop here for now. I'll DM this shit if people are interested. Just wanted to see if theres any interest at all here.

>200 million years of plate tectonics

>Central Africa and Central/North Asia still going to be river- and harbor-less backwards hellholes


>Only offer stats for two of the four listed simians


>Humans actually below the 16-rank average dicepool for stats(1 rank docked from senses); the 'average guy' is a wolf thing

Vaguely insulting, and implies the dev's preferred race, but understandable.

It's called 'truth in advertising', sweetheart. For some, catgirls aren't furry enough. (For others, they're too furry. Right, Commissar?

>For some, catgirls aren't furry enough. For others, they're too furry.
For some they're just right.

But more seriously and more on topic, props to game for actually trying and not making furries generic sparkledogs. I'm still trying to drown out the abomination that is Hc Svnt Dracones.

For furry RPG: Ironclaw (and Albedo); for setting, Eclipse Phase or Mutants in Orbit(maybe; it's Palladium-based).

For trying to wield them together in a painful, unseemly fashion: G*RPS. (Biotech, Transhuman Space, post apocalyptic, etc. worldbooks)

For having given up on trying to make a workable system from that mess: Lasers and Feelings.

For something new to try, there's Ultimum.

For everything else, there's Mistercard.

>For trying to wield them together in a painful, unseemly fashion
I wanted to link you their wishlist of fanbooks, but they've taken "Furries" out of the list.
Maybe someone did it and it'll be released soon.

>that supercontinent
is this going to be some Wizards bullshit?

>everywhere except africa and india are desert wastes

gee I wonder what political opinions the authors are gonna try and ram down my throat

Maybe they were the only places too stupid to make weapons to nuke themselves

Yeah I can't help but feel this map ignores weather. I don't think rain shadow works that way.

If enough time has passed that Pangea is back then there's been enough time for the environments of the rest of the world to play catch up since the nukes went off.

It's pretty strange that the only green lands are surrounded by mountains. At least the coastal U.S. should be fairly green.

>Ironclaw IN SPACE
hard pass

Something else funny I noticed on page 120. (Pic related) Look familiar?

That already exists. It's called "Albedo", and it came out before Ironclaw did.

Funny fact: The comic it was based on, "Erma Felna: EDF", is apparently considered one of the core causes of the furry fandom. This will cause it to become the hardest pass you've ever taken.