>that DM that makes it so that hamburgers exist in the setting
That DM that makes it so that hamburgers exist in the setting
Dog bless Ameriga :DD
>play in a setting where hambagahs don't exist
>invent hambagahs
>get rich
But does he give them a fantasy name, like "grilled smerp buns" or something?
Yes, and?
Really I'm surprised sandwiches weren't invented sooner. Maybe it's like the stirrup, such a simple thing yet not created for such a long time.
>Is there access to beef?
>Is there access to cheese?
>Is there access to bread?
>Are there hipster nobles willing to try every little thing a chef will cook at them to make it seem like their palette is more refined than their peers?
I see no issues.
Tons of good ideas just weren't thought before just because.
Some others, like forks, just don't catch on until way later.
Humanity is weird.
>The fuck is a fork?
>It's like a pitchfork, except for your food, into your mouth.
>That seems dumb.
>Yes, but surprisingly effective.
>But it's dumb.
Wait the pitchfork came before the fork? Judging by the name that kinda seems unlikely...
Why would I have a fork when I could use my fingers?
The Old English word for pitchfork was "forca" or "forka", which meant any tool or weapon with tines. These "forks" were used as agricultural tools going all the way back to the middle ages (~400AD). It wasn't until the 13th century that they came to be called pitchforks, which is just a mashup of the OE word for pike or pick and the aforementioned word for a forked implement. Forks for eating did not hit it big in England (and most of Europe) until the 1600s.
So you don't burn your fingers.
>DM makes it so that you are the hamburger
>that player who grills burgers for the group before the game begins
I have that GURPS splat.
I'm seriously skeptical that brits invented it, people has been eating bread with stuff since roman times at the very least. It's not even called sandwich in most countries unless it has the anglo style or "bread".has
A random brit inventing it is probably a legend that got popular thanks to anglocentrism.
Mandatory reminder that Kim Jung-Il invented the hamburger.
American hero.
I find it highly amusing that at one point in time the fork, out of all things, was the equivalent of rock'n'roll/TV/DnD/videogames/whatever concerned parents and religious leaders are complaining about nowadays. One of the first written accounts of the fork in Europe was basically "the nobles in Constantinople (or wherever) are so decadent they don't eat their food with their hands like God intended and instead use a tool to pick food from the plate and place it in their mouths". And when the city got ravaged by the Plague people considered it served them right for using forks.
Even centuries later religious leaders opposed using forks because the fork clearly looks like a pitchfork and you know who uses a pithcfork? The Devil, that's who! And besides, if God intended people to eat with a fork and not with their hands, then we'd have been born with forks in place of our hands!
They were invented sooner, putting things between bread is not very new. The only thing is that we don't have a lot of cooking manuals so for finding things about food it's quite hard, but with the internet it's way easier.
For the "it's not new" you have to take my word for it, I don't remember where I saw that and honestly I don't want to research it again.
>tfw my medieval high fantasy setting has pizza, hamburgers, chocolate, coffee shops, cigarettes and trains
Do you even comfy
I once had a pizza served to my D&D PCs. Fite me.
Steamed hams
"Pizza" (or at least hot flat bread with toppings on it, which could probably pass for some kind of pizza to modern people) was actually invented by (who else than?) ancient Romans.
Which made it all the more funny to me when one of the players sperged put for breaking his immersion.
Well, but it didn't had tomato which is a quite important part of pizza. Just explain romans and others had bread with stuff on it, which is actually logical, and nobody will sperg. I'm sure there's even an english name for it, if outdated.
You just wanted to post a cute girl eating a burger, didn't you?
How ya gonna eat soup, stupid?
Why would you call them that? Please give your etymological reasoning.
It's spelled "palate".
Sandwiches were invented sooner. So early in fact that we don't know when or where they were. It's just that specific name that's new.
it sounds cute. CUTE
imagine trying to pronouncing it properly while eating one
Food wasn't generally very hot by the time you actually could eat it before electricity became common in households.
Yeah, if you go beyond really simple tools, there's a lot of technologies that were discovered, then ignored until an environment existed that could support them. Steam is a great example.
I stand corrected.
But why would you have hamburgers without potatoes
>not having Zwiebelkuchen
Why would you call them hamburgers in a world where there's no Hamburg?
Was it red dragon pizza?
This is kind of the problem with going "STEVE INVENTED PIZZAS." Is flatbread with honey on it a pizza? Is flatbread with cheese and spices but no tomato pizza? What happens when you fold the flatbread? Does it become a sandwich and pizza simultaneously or can it only be one?
I think pretty much every culture to ever exist has stuffed some animal parts into some starchy shit.
While the concept of cooked food served on bread isn't new, the modern conception of what a pizza is didn't exist until after tomatoes were brought to Europe.
Found the Mother Fucker.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but that's hard to believe considering that fire has existed for quite some time, and cooking anything over a fire so it's ready for consumption leaves it pretty damn hot.
>that girl stuffing the whole hambagah in her mouth
I'm impressed. And slightly terrified.
>not having a city called Hamburg in your setting
Are you even trying?
The few times when peasants ate meat they didn't or couldn't make fires large enough to keep the food warm. Instead it was often just put there long enough to be edible. And even if they had been able to make the food warmer there would have been no point to it as you then wouldn't be able to eat it with your fingers.
Nobles were probably more able to prepare warm meals, but the servants who made the food were often in a completely different section of the palace or mansion, or even in a different building all together, from where the dinner guests were, which meant that the food had ample time to cool down.
Why wouldn't hamburgers exist in "the setting"?
You aren't being very specific in what the setting is
Accept your place beneath your betters you 'orrible little man
You want a cute girl eating a burger?
"Aye, they be a burg, a type o' dwarven fare. They prefer these more compact rolls down in the mines yeh see. Now th' dwarves usually fill their burgs with mole meat and mushrooms, but this particular type wit th' ground up bit o' beef 'n cheese and whatnot was first made popular in the Halfling town o' Hamshire so the name "Hamburger" just kinda stuck ovah th' years"
That looks like a infected wound with pus.
Reminds you of your mother?
You mom's pussy really.
Only because you think it's missing the pineapple, I wager?
She is.
But Diana is cuter
Its missing everything. that just flatbread with sauce.
Pizza is basically a kind of toast.
It has cheese, tomato and bread.
American pizzas only have so many toppings because they're low quality and lack flavor. Instead they try to compensate with simple quantity of ingredients which results in a thoughtless mishmash of dulled and conflicting flavors.
European pizzas, and Italian ones in particular, instead focus on quality ingredients. With good tomatoes and mozzarella you don't need put all that other crap on it to distract your mind from how bad it actually is.
Nigger what? The most commonly eaten pizza in America is Bread/Tomato/Cheese/Pepparoni.
>I want to be a snob but don't know what I'm talking about
The biggest difference between Pizza in the states and Pizza in Italy is the bread; most Italian pizzas would be called "Thin crust" by burger standards, and might even be flimsy at that, it's (part of) why they're typically eaten with a knife and fork. You might make a quality-of-ingredients argument regarding the delivery or frozen garbage that bachelor neckbeards cram in their greasy maws that's coated with jalapeno, five cheeses, three meats, and a little more jalapeno because there are people in this world who like it when a plant attempts to deter mammals from eating it, but i you get a pizza at anything resembling a decent restaurant, even a chain like CPK, they're going to use good ingredients whether they're making plain cheese or some fruity everything-but-the-kitchen-sink abomination -- naturally with the degree depending on the quality of the place in question.
We don't have a million topings in a billion combinations because all pizza built like that is low end, we have them because we have a low value placed on culinary tradition and a high value placed on culinary innovation and individual choice.
It's not snobbish pizza behavior, user.
It's CHILDREN'S pizza behavior.
Kids fucking love plain pizza.
It's an uneducated weeb's romanization of 'ハンバガ’
Because they where named after the inventor - The great Wizard Hambagah.
I've had American pizza, my man. The ingredients were not of good quality.
The strip clubs in my D&D setting all have a spaghetti bar
You might have just had shit pizza mate. There is shit pizza and there is good pizza.
The question is not whether or not the Pizza was american, but what it's actual source was. If you had Pizza hut, of course not, there's no major fast food/delivery place that uses quality ingredients, for any cuisine.
Try eating at better restaurants the next time you're in the states (assuming you're not native)
>Pizza snobs in this thread
Oh boy I am laughing at this eurocuck cringefest. Next you'll tell me the best way to prepare your steak is cooked medium. Are you finished? Aren't you embarrassed yet?
America is many, many, many times the size of any given european country.
There will be some variance.
>this thread
fitting that I opened Veeky Forums today as i was eatin a cheebsburgah
American fast food is especially horrendous. Like, people here often say that McDonald's burgers tastes like cardboard, but after attempting to eat at one of their American restaurants I am prepared to say that ours are comparably serving gourmet burgers.
My god, the cyber-future is going to tear your poor digestive system apart when it hits you.
The bread isn't the issue. The minced meat and the sauces are. The first sauce sold by itself was Worchester Sauce. And from there to Ketchup and Mayonaise to whatever the fuck the 'murriburgers put on their burgers nowadays is a pretty large step.
And minced meat for the patties requires specific equipment. You can't just chop the meat like that with a knife, that'll only make a mess.
This made more chortle more than it should have.
Some people even put pineapple on it.
>That player
>Not This player
If you think stirrups took a long time, look into buttons.
Thousands of years and everything was pins and toggles.
[name of a rich trading city]-ers is the only way to name them.
not sure if baiting or retarded Ameriburger
The trick is really to avoid any chain you can get a full meal (Main course, drink, and possibly side) out of for less than $10 -- varying regionally, probably, but it's a decent ballpark. Independent places usually have to be a LOT better to survive against the brand recognition of some place like McDonald's, even if they're still cheap, and the more expensive chains will at least sell you something worth eating. But (for reasons too complicated and likely to trigger a shitstorm to discuss) vast swaths of America are bottom-of-the-barrel poorfags who can't cook and things like McDonald's exist to supply them with calories in a form that will mash the buttons in the lizard parts of their brain that say anything with grease and salt is worth eating. Go to some place like Fatburger and you'll have a better time for higher price. Go to an OK Sit-down and you'll have a better time yet. Happen upon some rare place like The Corral (located in Gardiner, Montana, where they can source their meat -- be it beef, bison, or elk -- from a specific ranch) and you might be pleasantly, rather than horrifically, amazed.
Or, if you're surviving long-term as an american, know how to cook. I can get ground bison, bread, cheese, and desirable condiments at my local supermarket and eat like a fucking king for what some folks pay for shit. The best restaurants will still be better experiences, but I don't eat out very much and for good reason.
... On topic, I see no reason why a fantasy universe could not figure out how to put hot meat and toppings on bread though I have a feeling "period/fantasy hamburgers" would look more like waht we tend to call a Tavern Sandwich.
You ate shit pizza or have shit taste.
>see this thread while currently eating a hamburger
Medium is the best way.
It basically lets the chef cook it however works best for the seasoning and cooking method.
There's no such thing as "American pizza." Our country is as big as the entirety of Europe. You would not say you had European pizza. You cannot say you had "American pizza."
Not with a fork.
Akko a cute!
Just dig up, stupid.
>tfw almost every single country on the planet happily gets on their knees and swallows down American culture, including food, and thanks us for it
Oh yes I will never argue about that, American corporate fast food places have been adding more salt into our food for generations, and the oversees corporate still has to provide some sort of quality as they are more of a niche thing. For instance, compare american kfc to any japanese kfc. I swear they dont clean them ever here in america, we dont like it as much as the japanese like theirs.
user, one of the reasons you take american culture is because you can take it standing.
Who wants to order Wayne lunch?
Construct a burger for me and I'll find a place that'll serve it to me...
Actually there's a dive bar restaurant near me that is probably amazing for this.
1/4 pound bison burger; Bacon, Avocado, and Swiss Cheese; Lettuce and Mayonnaise optional but recommended (depends on how dry your bun is likely to be and how much avocado you'll get)
found the hipster noble.
Fuck. The Hell. Yes.
Brb, I'll post pics of my burger like some teenager on Instagram. We Veeky Forums now... which is unsurprising really because Veeky Forums already does the jobs of every other board that has even worse shitposting than us, like Veeky Forums
What the fuck is a toggle?
The little stick thingy you use like a button.
A shitty-ass proto-button. Really, it's an oblong solid tag that you can slip through a matching loop to secure something.
You might still see them on... what, ren faire tents? Not a whole lot.