What's the best way to give a motley crew of strangers and rejects powers?

What's the best way to give a motley crew of strangers and rejects powers?


Specifically a centaur alien appears after his ship crash lands. He offers them the ability to shapeshift in exchange for their service in a war against another race of aliens, these ones being parasitic slugs that are slowly taking over the world.

Sounds' like shit you'd turn into a book series for normies. Clearly should have it be a mutation caused by an explosion at a nearby research facility.


have the driving goal for the group being to find out how it happened.

Drugs, they did a bunch of drugs that turned out to be military grade combat enhancing drugs. Now they are all unwilling participants in the CIA's secret program.

X-Men style woke up one day and boom, superpowers.

Parents where part of secret government tests on the population, which while providing no results in them affected their kids.

Ancient Alien seeks 5 teenagers with attitude.

Take your pick.

These would work together pretty well.

Watch misfits

Through the holy virtues of idiocy, superstition, greed and stubborness, they ignored everybody telling them the stories were just stories and actually dug up the incredibly well hidden power/artifact under the hidden shrine hidden in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, becoming the chosen ones?

They all took some shit they got from a weird Jamaican at a party.

I like it, but there needs to be a weakness. Like it takes a few minutes to "morph" into the chosen animal, and that you can only stay in that form for a certain amount of time.

OP here. Thanks for the suggestions, but I was hoping to hear something original from you guys. I know it's an old trope, but something new could be done.

What if all these kids bullied or mistreated someone in school who so happen to be into occultism? The victim had had enough of their shit and decided to try and curse them all with his/her own life. The spell isn't exactly as it seems and the victim is now a part of all of their lives as a telepathic hub. The kids are cursed, but they work around their curse as their own powers depending on how they messed up their victim's life.

How does that sound?

My favourite version of this trope was Chronicle. Damn that was a good movie.

In Freedom Force, an alien emperor decides that conquering Earth is too boring. Instead, he decides to make Earth destroy itself - he seeks out the vilest villains amongst humanity and gives them superpowers with a substance called Energy X.
One of his underlings is horrified at the plan and steals a large quantity Energy X, deciding to give superpowers to the most noble and heroic people on Earth - but his ship crashes, and Energy X scatters, randomly empowering people all across the world.

Or if you stay in that form for too long you're stuck in it forever.

Superhero (maybe a not-shazam) with multiple fantastic powers is killed while defending the city. However, when he died, his various powers get embedded in the nearest random citizens nearby. Lady at the coffee shop who hid behind the counter instead of running when the battle landed gets super strength. Construction worker who go trapped under some rubble gets lazer eyes...so on and so forth. Non of them know each other, and the BBEG flies off to continue his conquest else where, unkownly leaving behind the only people that can stop them.

They all slowly realize their powers, and one decides to take the fight to the BBEG because they feel its their responsibility now. He/she can't win on their own with just one power, but manage to get away, but this inspires the other empowered people to step forward as well.

Yeah, thats good, but just make certain that over the course of the campaign to don't go off the rails and introduce anything then resembles a Star Trek "Q" character/space deity. It'll probably just make shit weird.

Oh boy..

magic blowjobs

They're outcasts and rejects. Why would they be bullying instead of being bullied?

Maybe it gives you powers based on what you were doing at the time. like you were screaming, so you get screamy powers

Exposure to experimental industrial substance during a gang war

Oh you mean fuck it, idk what that even was but watch me curve this baseball like I'm in Wanted

>but they work around their curse as their own powers depending on how they messed up their victim's life.
>How does that sound?
It sounds like that sentence makes no fucking sense whatsoever. "They work around their curse as their own powers depending"? What the actual fuck?

You got me! I'm illiterate! Hahaha..

Meant to say that the curse works like a double edge sword. The victim meant to make them suffer, but those cursed works around it for their own advantage.

Rejects can still bully others.

>"Duuuddeee, I don't think that was weed"

Read Gen 13.

>You're drug dealer is a witch doctor.

Poor Tobias. Does he even have a dick now that he's a hawk forever?
