Looking for polearm users (preferably with shield) or female tinkerer-like character.
General thread otherwise, go wild.
Character Art Thread
Going wild
Elves & Asians are the best for polearms
>OP Makes character thread
>doesn't do a dump of his findings
wew lad
Yeah that was my bad, I had to go afk right after I started it. Will dump some now
unfortunately with the Female tinkerer I chose one of the more obscure things to find character art for, only 2 in a lot of searching kind of worked and 1 was too much armor and didn't fit the vibe of my character well
This is the best one I've found and its growing on me but I'd still love to find additional art if there was any.
polearm number 2
numero 4
Number Five is alive
and number six is the chub knight
number 7, getting lowborn
Anyone got some battlemages/spellblades
number nine
A Pict with a pike
Oh, this one might work for my polearm character, I had originally wanted him to be a half-orc who watched spear lines fight off a horde of monsters and became enthralled with the fighting style of polearms and shields
Going for a phalanx soldier archetype
I like this art for Nature Domain Clerics in 5ed.
Hello there ! I don't have much to do and I have a 6000+ image collection.
Ask me things, if I don't have what you're looking for i'll search myself to complete my collection. I'll post some dragons until then. I love dragons.
Well, Polearm fighters, female tinkers, any kind of automaton/robots you got can be a start I guess
Polearm fighters coming
Only male or are females welcome as well ?
I plan for my character to be male (maybe orcish but that art is rare) but feel free to dump what you want, this isn't just for me.
I'll see what I have in terms of orcs, tell me when you've had your share
I have some !
I think I'm good, you can post whatever now, if you come across any polearm along with a shield I'll take any of those though
Female tinkers now, what do I have...
And a few robots for you
Awesome, I appreciate the help
The same goes to everyone else who has posted things.
Feel free to keep posting anything you want to share, related to whats here or not, I've gotten what I've needed so.
Alrighty then, waiting for requests, will post the weirdest game art I have.
Looking for a younger, non-dwarf craftsperson (builder, blacksmith, etc).
Also looking for a lightly armored Viking youth with a hand axe.
Looking for art of very lightly armored and ragtag characters. Someone you can see as a poor peasant who's been forced at arms.
a gun one
Maybe not peasant, but certainly lowborn
Scottish levy
Buddy is looking for royal twins, male/female pair. They are knights so armored is good if you have anything along these lines anyway
Elf Version
This good?
Arabian days?
Yeah he likes that, post any others you got if you don't mind but he thinks he can make that work.
The Automans never had rifles like that.
Cultural appropriation, I tell y'all!
Does anyone happen to have the image that I'm looking for?
Lower left hand corner has a human male with a one handed sword and a lanter. Right corner of image is a tombstone with an undead perched on it.
I know this is an old thread but I'm looking for guys who could be Belmonts.
I'm playing in a Castlevania game as that era's Belmont and need some pics
Maybe I missed the boat, but this would really help me out