Compendiums need battletomes edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
old bread
Compendiums need battletomes edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
old bread
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Since the last thread reached it's limits I guess this has to go here.
Nice job playing texas sharpshooter. Now it's my turn.
Okay let's see
>Stormcast Eternals and mortal warriors fight side by side
>Sigmar must use every loyal warrior he can muster
>Devoted fight bitterly to secure sites of divine power, often with the aid of the Stormcast Eternals
Who's the 'auxiliary' now?
>Welcome the aid of Sigmar's chosen, but have staunch warriors of their own that march to their defence and that of their allies.
We're a strong independent freeguild who don't need no stormcast *sassy finger wave*
>stout Dispossesed duardin form shield walls next to sigmarite clad Liberators
>next to
standing behind Stormcasts? Stop drinking gold paint and learn basic english.
'Next to' means next to. Not behind. Next to. Adjacent; proximate; alongside; abreast of; beside. They're not standing behind them whatsoever.
>Greatswords-wielding city guard are regiments that have faced the tribes of chaos and emerged victorious
I'm sorry? I though the SC were doing all the fighting . .
>Generals on griffons with demigryph retinue
They sound pretty competent on their own
Realms of Light and Shadow. Who else is looking forward to finding out what happens there?
I'm confused by the cover of the seraphon battletome. The weapon held has lightning cracking on it, but seraphon weapons are generally sun-themed, not lightning themed like SC are.
I think it'll be very interesting.
Elves will probably get a release eventually, if only because GW has to explore those realms, and the gods of those realms are elven in origin (teclis/tyrion and malerion respectively).
It would be similar to the fyreslayer's association with aqshy and the kharadron's association with chamon.
>>Stormcast Eternals and mortal warriors fight side by side
>Vast armies muster before the gates of Azyrheim and march out into the lands retaken by the Stormcasts Eternals
>Who's the 'auxiliary' now?
Someone who didn;t fight.
>We're a strong independent freeguild who don't need no stormcast
>Ranks of soldiers and noble sons of Azyrheim have sworn their allegiance to the lords of the Stormhosts
Rememver your place chapter serf
>Not behind.
Yes, it means near/after
>I'm sorry? I though the SC were doing all the fighting . .
And where it says they won it without SCE?
>They sound pretty competent on their own
City of Secrets says no.
And all your citation doesn't invalidates mine
>Who else is looking forward to finding out what happens there?
I am, but they will need new models
Alright, maybe I asked my question the wrong way. Are Greenskinz Boyz bits like arms with shields compatible with 40k Orks Boyz?
>No greenskinz hero is usable in Skirmish
Some of you Rotten-things are alright
Don't travel to Ghyran tomorrow
they should be the same size, but you might need to do some work on the joints
>Alright, maybe I asked my question the wrong way. Are Greenskinz Boyz bits like arms with shields compatible with 40k Orks Boyz?
Don't you get it? You can cherrypick. I can cherrypick. It means nothing either way.
>I can cherrypick.
No you cannot when their fluff and novels says they are irrelevant police-forces
I want to magnetize them so I'm ready for a lot of work
Thanks mate
Question number two. What makes the Greenskinz so shitty faction on their own? Is there any way to make them usable? Maybe they are fine but only in some specific kind of games like 1000pts?
>>They sound pretty competent on their own
>City of Secrets says no.
I was talking about demigryphs. Were there demigryphs in CoS?
>I was talking about demigryphs
Okay where demigryphs and generals sound pretty comeitent, if they are literally Storhosts serfs.
Also, demigryphs literally Stormcasts light cavalry
>What makes the Greenskinz so shitty faction on their own?
No shooting, no magic
>Is there any way to make them usable?
Yes, pick savage orcs
They are still Azyr spirits, meaning they get lightning effects. Alternatively, weaponized glowsticks look silly.
>It would be similar to the fyreslayer's association with aqshy and the kharadron's association with chamon.
So basically Dark Eldars and Biel-Tan
>What makes the Greenskinz so shitty faction on their own?
They are just shit everything, like Beastmen.
And the fact the models are all like 20+ years old and they will never get an update and mostly look crap doesn't help
Sprinkle some generic boyz around maybe a spear-chukka or some Trolls, but ultimately just go mixed Orruks, add some savages, and some Ironjawz for heavy hitting, that would actually look cool and i've never seen it done
"Novels" meaning one novel now? Nice.
Acting like a lore expert but doesn't know the difference between Gryph chargers (mounts of vanguard palladors for SC) and demigryphs (mounts for demigryph knights for freeguild).
> literally Storhosts Serf
'an agricultural labourer bound by the feudal system who was tied to working on his lord's estate'
1. Learn english. Use a dictionary when you come across hard words. You can do it. I believe in you.
2. A freeguild general might have a herb garden in his city or garrison hall but he sure isn't a farmer or manual labourer.
Eldar is plural. It's like the word 'fish'. Saying 'fishes' in any context outside describing a multitude of fish species would be incorrect.
asked last thread and got no response
would an SCE force built around Castellants, Gryph Hounds, and Liberators with shields work? or did I fall for the slow melee list meme again?
here is what I am thinking
>2 lord castellants
>2 units of 10 liberators with swords and shields
>2 units of 5 dogs each
exactly 1000 points
I wrote a paper for a reputable scientific journal. Now that singular = plural, I guess I'm an expert in my field. :)
>No shooting, no magic
I understand that orruk boyz with bows and Orruk Great Shaman are not fulfilling their roles very well?
>Yes, pick savage orcs
Oh boi. I'm already playing Skaven but I wanted to jump into 40k with Orks and thought that "pure" Greenskinz might be useful in both systems.
>And the fact the models are all like 20+ years old and they will never get an update and mostly look crap doesn't help
I'm not a tipper or a snowflake but old orcs models are actually growing on me. I hated the gorilla-butt boyz but when I saw them IRL they are not this shitty desu
>but doesn't know the difference
They looks pretty simmilar, and that's was the point.
>1. Learn english. Use a dictionary when you come across hard words. You can do it. I believe in you.
It was reference to 40k.
>2. A freeguild general might have a herb garden in his city or garrison hall but he sure isn't a farmer or manual labourer.
Yes, he is servant of Stormcasts Eternals
Ordinary orcs could use a overhaul of their basic boyz though. Shame that orcs, which have always been a horde style army are relegated to the background in favour of their larger more armoured cousins.
>I understand that orruk boyz with bows and Orruk Great Shaman are not fulfilling their roles very well?
>I'm not a tipper or a snowflake but old orcs models are actually growing on me.
Shit taste, you have to work on it.
You're the kind of person who has so much 'taste' that they'd vomit at the sight of the very art GW world's are founded on.
>unironically liking WHFB models
What a cuck
the only new models that don't look like ass are the Kharadron ships and arguably the Orruk Brutes
>It was reference to 40k
No it wasn't.
>he is servant of Stormcasts Eternals
He's a servant of sigmar. Likewise in 40k, the astra militarum serves the imperium and the emperor, not the space marines in any direct capacity, except where incidentally acting as allies. Also learn english pleb. Your sentence should read 'A freeguild general is a servant of the stormcast eternals'.
> Shame that orcs, which have always been a horde style army are relegated to the background in favour of their larger more armoured cousins
Well, shit. Then I will magnetize these bits only for practice's sake so I will not fuck up the ork boyz arms
>Shit taste, you have to work on it.
Pic related but I understand you. Deff Dread and Killa Kans are the things that are pulling me into green arms - not infantry
>unironically liking WHFB models
I like Rats models - go on, call the fuckin taste police. I bet they will unrape you
wHaT A cUCk
Go drink gasoline; it has as much 'good taste' as you do.
>No it wasn't.
Yes it was
>He's a servant of sigmar.
>>Ranks of soldiers and noble sons of Azyrheim have sworn their allegiance to the lords of the Stormhosts
>I like Rats models - go on,
Which ones?
Got a citation for that? oh wait that's a personal opinion.
Lightning Cannon, Screaming Bell and Warlock Engineer are my top3. Clanrats are fine too but painting them is painful
>Got a citation for that?
Stormcast are canonically castrated, discuss.
Stormfiends much better
Aspiring Gobbo here after 15 year hiatus. I was given noce advice last thread but in regards to the giant cave squig and prodder gob warboss, is there a braindead easy conversion for it than using skarsnik?
It would feel wrong for me to use him after so many years of seeing him as the iconic Warlord to just a jimmy jim standard bloke.
Hahah that's your "proof". A fat ork shoved into fantasy terminator armour on a troll dragon?
>denial that that's not an argument.
Everyone who disagree with you is a fantasycuck? Dude get a grip, and not on your dick while wanking to stormporn.
>It would feel wrong for me to use him after so many years of seeing him as the iconic Warlord to just a jimmy jim standard bloke.
Grew up already
This thread makes me want to start Runewars.
>Everyone who disagree with you is a fantasycuck?
Nope only one who prefer old ugly models
>lego man riding a broccoli
cry more groggy
I like both old and new models thanks very much you presumptuous cunt. Unlike you however, I don't blindly suck the dick of everything new, and collectively hate everything that isn't post-AoS.
In fact I have 3 age of sigmar armies in the works, stormcast, freeguild and sylvaneth.
You're the cancer of this imageboard, and the reason GW blocks comments on their youtube channel. The only reason you're here instead of other forums is because any forum with decent moderation would've gotten rid of you already.
an apt description.
>still no response
I really did fall for the slow melee meme didn't I?
I don't want to say it but yeah, it seems to be slow as fuck but on the other hand it might end up playable. Proxy your shit and give it a try with friends. One day user told me that wind mortars are shit and I shouldn't use them but they ended up as the most useful models tho
>ge of sigmar armies
Oh you...
>unironically enjoying playing npcs without characters
Let me guess, you also IG and Nids fan?
>I really did fall for the slow melee meme didn't I?
Fucks sake man, let people play what they want. Again you're don't seem to understand anything nuanced. Hell, I bet you'd have to use a dictionary to even understand the word 'nuance'.
Quit the presumptions dickhead. The first army I played was blood angels, then orks, then necrons. I've never played guard.
>People are still replying to obvious troll shitposting
Guys, get your shit together. Stop feeding the troll and let him go back to /40kg/ or we will fuck with him like with the nidfag
Its a good model too, just would feel out of place though. Any conversion suggestions?
>Fucks sake man, let people play what they want
but then they might continue to like what I don't like!
>Fucks sake man, let people play what they want.
Fine, but stop whinning about your ugly old shit
Every time someone makes a post regarding what you personally think is a legacy army or anything resembling 'old ugly models' you come and shit all over it.
No one is whining; you are intruding.
>No one is whining;
>GW p-p-p-please gib me rules, make me relevant!
I never asked for rules . . . and as for relevance, I'm satisfied as is.
Again with the presumptions?
You can take skarsnik, the named character. He has points and rules.
Then why do you shitposted about it whole previous thread?
Stop fuckin replying to his posts
Some people don't like mixing and matching warscrolls from compendium and GA books. But it is the closest option if you must use him as a named character. If you want something similar thematically, why not take goblin warboss on squig mount?
Because of how many retards get baited by one person. Constantly.
Just ignore him already. He's not worth the effort.
The goblin warboss on squig mount is different than a warboss with a cave squig. They have separate warscrolls.
>similar thematically
Read, nigga, read.
I wouldnt mind that just the goblin on squig looks weedy. I have the special white dwarf goblin warboss on foot and was planning in using him as my leader.
Then i was recommended to use the prodder and giant squig. Im not WAAC by any means but id love a bit more kill power as well, especially what i may run into.
I do have the classic gobbla model though from the 90s so maybe if i add a pointy stick to his back that would be acceptable?
Squig mount sounds cool though and dead killy but i have no idea how useful it is.
>but id love a bit more kill power
Then pick actual army
For the warboss**. I want to stick to gobbos.
>I want to stick to gobbos.
The there is no reasons to seek
>more kill power
Since such thing doesn't exist
Grew up and pick actual army with good design and rules
If you got nothing to add, why even post?
>grew up
Also its grow.
>nothing to add
>Don't come to skavenblight tomorrow
realm of shadow would be really neat to get a release for. I would love to read the fluff about it.
>I would love to read the fluff about it.
One word: Commoragh
What points do you think would be fair for this? And/or do you think it needs any tweaking? Just trying to think of something that fills the lack of multi-wound models for Dispossessed and/or a little bit more Rend.
don't got for swords go for hammers as it's easier to get +1 to hit then it is to wound.
>One word: Commoragh
>thinks dark elves are the same thing as dark elder.
Go back to 40k shithead
10 wounds, 2 attacks per with rend and a 4+ rerollable save and a 4+ ward.
that should be 200 for one unit of five, maybe 220.
>dark elves
But we are talking about shadow aelves,
Working on some black orcs for a skirmish warband
ain't shadows dark?
But they're yellow and green.
I'll have to playtest it and get back to you. Thanks.
Realm of light too. I think that the Aelves from the realm of light are going to be really interesting.
gad damn it Vince, you're not getting a TK release. You may have more Ushabti than anyone else on earth but that doesn't mean GW is going to give you a Battletome.
this guy will be smug as shit if settra is ever released
So, Fyreslayers, SLANNESH and Ogor start collecting soon. Fyreslayers one looks especially decent.
>Which ones?
i unironically like eshin
As I said in the last thread before the slav shit it up, both sets of Boyz are the same size. I have done head swaps, body swaps, arm swaps they are all compatible.