Why do girl creatures have the "human" subtype? Shouldn't their subtype be "girl" instead?
Why do girl creatures have the "human" subtype? Shouldn't their subtype be "girl" instead?
I agree, some creature types in magic are weird. Why is this guy an elf and not a dinosaur?
Why do niggers have the "human" subtype?
Shouldn't their subtype be "ape" instead?
It should be an elf dinosaur beast warrior soldier
Girls are cancer
why is that woman not in a kitchen?
>having a girl fetish
you listen here you sonofabitch dont you ever talk shit about mai waifu APOLOGIZE NOW
>Why isn't Talia a shit subtype?
A thread died for this
And many more will. The warriors of old will fertilize the food for the soldiers of tomorrow.
Fuck off, /pol/
But he's right you know.
>not having Loli as a creature type
That gave me a good chuckle
Don't Bully my waifu mate, those sounds like fighting workds
And this is why Ghave is my Commander.
Plus, ridiculous token ramp is FUN.
Cry like a little bitch, tumblr.
well well well look who's new here.
Why is it that the badass hero of horror world, canonically probably the most powerful humans on the plane, is a fucking 2/1?
>Doesn't understand what a joke is
You're an autistic pony faggot.
Because cheap cards are better than expensive cards, and making her small means that she can be cheap.
What game is this?
This gets me thinking, is there a human swordfighter with a higher power than 2 in this plane?
Farce of Will
A pack of bears is a 2/2, and no human is going to be as powerful as that.
So I googled it and it's named "Force of will" not farce.
Why did you say farce? Is the game a scam or something?
Make me.
She becomes a 3/2 later.
Ya, Odric for one. There will be others if you go searching I'm sure.
Thalia wins from a pack of bears though
How does it feel to know that your preferred card game will never, ever entertain your racist delusions?
That "joke" is a bannable offense outside of /b/, though.
>Is the game a scam or something?
It's a collectible card game, yes.
It's really not, but trying to backseat moderate is. So, either lighten up or fuck off to whatever pansy-ass site you frolicked in from.
Read the global rules.
Read my prolapsed anus hole.
>Mooooom user is being mean again he said the pony-word!
How does it feel to be wrong?
>le /pol/ boogeyman
when did this board get so butthurt?
Maybe on a few boards like /co/ with some ideologically charged mods but not really on most boards
Veeky Forums is for children, I guess.
Probably after the quest removal and the /pol/ invasion of the election.
I notice the combination of those two shitpost cascades formed some kind of permanent scar on the board.
Scar? Try festering gangrenous wound. And it's continuing to spread.