/40kg/ -Warhammer 40,000 General

Russel Crowe Edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>List Builder
Deader than your sex life

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

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1st for purifiers will be good once they get FAQ'd to have 2 attacks again.


Third for Iron Warriors.

Fuck the Imperial Fisters.

Tell me why I shouldn't field Aetaos'rau'keres

/ourguy/ back at it again destroying games workshops shoddy and lazy design choices


You really should.

Lmao at ur life

>assblasted iron warrior
Like pottery

Go back to twatter, faggot

Do it.

>expecting an FAQ when the index has already been FAQed
Hahahahahaha it hurts


You should do the world a favor and kill yourself

Daily reminder to report all shill videos, advertising isn't allowed on Veeky Forums, neither is spamming, neither is trolling outside of /b/.

Report & Ignore!

Think of the children !

This was my immediate thought, and actually how I've run BroCaps and Purifiers since 5th, but I'm just bitter Crowe doesn't get Psychic Locus cause as is, I see very little reason to take him over a BroChamp.

>Reposting from old thread since I'm seeing a lot of termies discussion
are new terminator models (e.g., blood angels, deathwing, or the termie captain) larger / bulkier than the generic SM terminator models? The most obvious difference is the head and the crux terminator but they also seem more impressive in general, and not only because of the detail. Can anyone provide a comparison?

Stop shilling

nth for warhammer recasts and sneaky chinks selling radioactive resin

www.aliexpress com/store/1674031

No reason not to. He's a fucking beast
3++ (rerollable once per phase due to CP)

costs as much as two Lord of Changes, but more killy and durable.

Just don't bother attempting Arch-summoning, I think I mathed it out at it's like a 24% chance to succeed, but a good chance to murder your character.

Shhhh shhh, it'll all be over soon
i'll be laughing if it's still 1A in the codex lmao


Deathwing terminators are just the vanilla termies with a DW pauldron.


>Skull Faced spess murins with pistols cause fear and reduce the Ld of nearby enemies by 1

>Chaplains dont have this although skullfaced

>Bloodthirsters dont have this although their clothes are skulls and are generally tall as a house

Dubs picks my Assault Cent chapter
Be kind

>This mad over a great model



Don't reply to him, just report him for shilling and leave it.

nobody cares

Is there any reason not to run Scabeiathrax?

We also have our own heraldry I think. And cooler storm shields. But yeah the proportions and whatnot are basically the same.

>Deathwing terminators are just the vanilla termies with a DW pauldron
Incorrect. They have different Legs and slightly different chests.
For instance, you can't put DW Knight chests on Vanilla termie legs and have them just fit.

Stop shilling shit


Rainbow Warriors

Grotfuckers 40k

They have to sell this shit.
40k will be the new 30k
More marine armies than 30k a game about marine vs marines with a robot and human sidedish


dark angels :^)

I think that you're actually trying to get people to shitpost on this guy's videos.

>Codex is released
>GK are nerfed into oblivion once more

We're not allowed to have good things after what happened in 5th edition.



Holy shit this was my other suggestion.
Have fun user.

we have a winner
enjoy those checkers user :^)

>(we imagine that if a bunch of skull-faced giants were tearing up your mates, you’d be a little demoralised as well)

>be Necron Warrior
>have no personality or any "self"
>see skull-faced giants appear out of no where
>what's that? Fear.exe began running without my consent
>skull. faced. giants.
>Shit! They're gunna steal my face!
>Activate Phase_Out.exe
>Safe now.

>be kind

Hey at least you have a named character you can work from in the FW Index.

Blood Tigers

> please watch my shit (You)tube channel
Max kek. How much ad money do you get from this (You)?

>mfw when Skulltaker suffers a -1 Ld penalty from facing Reivers with skull-helmets.


>in the grim darkness of the far future the only people not scared of spoopy spehss muhrines are gay jewish spehss muhrines
Top fucking kek

Are you telling me a Knight is afraid of a dude with a long butter knife?

>be guardsman
>literal deamons just ripped my best friend since childhood apart
>no problem
>see dude in a bad imitation of a skull (which are literally fucking everywhere cause Gothic architecture )
>shit my pants in fear

Try to compare old SM to DW or BA terminators on the GW website - what I see are bulky and 'eavy termies for ba and da and slim and goofy looking termies with awkward poses. Chests seem smaller and pauldrons lower and less imposing. Heads are longer and skew the scale by giving the idea of them having a larger head than needed.
I'm wondering if it's just an effect due to the paint job.

>YFW Reivvers fight other reivvers and both are afraid of eachother

we're not going to watch your crappy channel, stop shilling it


Where's the leviathan's missile option?



Fuck off retarded shill piece of shit

>gay catholic

>be khorne daemon
>literally a daemon from hell
>part of my job description is to collect skulls for Khorne
>marines show up with skull faces.
>shit man, this is getting too spooky for me.

>all these grey knight players
REPORT IN BROTHERS. 5th brotherhood strike force 'WIP and getting there' deployed

Nigga have you seen it? That head is ugly as shit

Reivers just cause fear because everything else is being terrified of looking at the evidence that everything but chad marines will soon be squatted.

>In the grim darkness of the far future
>There is only chad marines vs chad marines

Actually in the book they cause fear because their masks make them go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE really loud like an eversor.

The FW dread looks great, its even got a real GK termie head.

Yet more proof that chad marines all suffer from weaponized autism.

The meme is getting too real.

Unlike Banshee?
Do they even have that skill?

Trips override all. Lamenters it is. What other Ass Cents would be so kind to help a Guard Company out. I pretty much just paint Fists with a checkerboard right?

Units are at -1 Ld not because "Ooh spooky skull masks." But because they think it's a unit of Eversors.

The fear isn't from the spooky masks.

They're stated to have the same technology in their masks as howling banshees which allows them to let out psychosonic screams to rattle their foes.

Reminder that Nids can shit all over Chaos

40k more marines than Horus Heresy!
Wonder if they ask 12 year old to write the new 40k stuff, because this is getting sillier each passing year

banshees always attack first because of their mask

honestly though with the loss of fearless there is no reason anything but warpfuckery should cause units to lose leadership

>in the grim darkness of the far future the only men not affected by autistic screeching are gay jewish space marines

You must be 18 to post here

There's a bleeding heart inside a circle inside the checkerboard pattern.

>everything but chad marines will soon be squatted.

Except Chad Marines are also affected. So Chad Marines are afraid of being squatted?

>8e confirmed for last edition for 40K

That's the worst part imo. A buddy of mine has one, the proportion is waaaaaay off and it looks like a big head taped on. If it was smaller and a little higher up, I'd be on board.

>SoS get scared about something they are immune too.
>SoS used to fight demons and other op crap
>Autistic marines are the most scary thing in 40k

I want new lore to die fast, this is too much stupid, even for 40k

You must be 18 to post here.

>Too many things are immune to fear

You know what, mine is coming today. I'll see how its head compares to other dread heads and the GK termie heads.

Nah they just suffer -1 Ld because they can't handle being confronted with their own mental disability.

>Chad marines break down crying
>"I don't want to be autistic"


wouldn't say it's lore
just gw's way of saying they don't understand how crunch works with fluff nowadays
we used to have fearless to counteract these kind of rules from interfering with unit's that it shouldn't effect

Well 40k technically has two more marine division than HH. Deathwatch and Grey Knights. That is not counting later founding or warbands

Every other legion is still here in smaller size but still there.

How does targeting works for a unit that has mixed character and non-character models?

Post results, dude. I was thinking of getting one to use as a base for ALL GK dreads, not just the FW one wit hthe glaive and I'd be interested to see how it holds up. That mold is fucking old after all.

Range of shock grenades plz

I wanna have a good laugh

>elites instead of fast attack or troops


You can't have characters in a unit

post Reiver datasheet

Let's not forget that on top of the checkers yellow is a bitch.

if they're elite I'm really wondering if they'll have infiltrate like scouts. They're undoubtedly going to get wargear options with their real box

Member when 40k used to be 2000 AD comics combined with Paradise Lost ?

I memeber and I wish i wouldnt because it would hurt a lot less then,

>Soulless automaton
>afraid of autism

With no exceptions it just look so silly, like flamers shooting down jets

You can

I still don't understand why gay jews are the only units in 40k that don't ever piss themselves in combat period.

but that's wrong