When you think about it, men are degraded a bit more than women in 40k fluff

When you think about it, men are degraded a bit more than women in 40k fluff.

I mean think about it:
SoB are a glorified female stereotype
SM are a glorified male stereotype
most armies are mixed or gender-neutral
And there's just as much sexual objectification going on for both genders.

And then there's orks. Orks are a cheeky, comedic caricature of male stereotypes. They portray masculinity as silly and ridiculous.

So where's the female equivalent of that?

Where's the all-female army of airheaded, vacuous bimbos who make femininity seem funny and endearingly stupid? Where are the Kelly Bundys in 40k?

Can we not do this today?


not all-female and not ditzy at all

cmooon it'll be fun


You can pick one and only one.

> not ditzy at all

No but

They are a bunch of petulant, entitled, vain fops with a keen interest in fashion and hair care products who don't consider the needs of anyone but themselves.

It seems pretty much an all female race.

>hair care products
not anymore, now it's all topknots

And they aren't fops, they're new romantics.
They're a race where everyone is David Bowie including the girls. That's very far removed from all-female.

>And they aren't fops, they're new romantics

So fops with access to hair spray.


hey come on

I just want something to complement the Orks

Orks are gender neutral fungus beings that actually breed from violence.

Don't confuse the pure genderless violence of the Ork with your anthropocentric ideas of masculinity, you fucking specieist pigdog.

Fucking alt-righters these days. Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.

they're mushroom BOYZ
they're asexual but certainly not gender neutral

Their violence is rowdy ol dudebro male violence

I want some catty bitch female violence too.

So you saying that Warhammer 40k canonically states that gender is a social construct?

Ohhhhhh I am a young Shitposter
I've got nothing left to say
But since I am a Shitposter
I'll say it anyway.

Now if you pay attention to me
I'll never go away!
Oh, I am a young Shitposter
And this is what I say:

Of female rights and male abuse
I'll set the board arage
And Quests and General Threads accuse
Of ruining the first page

And impotent martial power
I'll gloat towards as a mage
Oh, I am a young Shitposter
I'll never go away!

Now, of Gurps and D&D shitposting
There's a never-ending supply
And though you'll wish it upon me
I'll never ever die

So pack your bags and leave the board
I've made it go to Shit!
I am a young Shitposter
I'll never ever quit!


Where is your God Emperor now?

They're the imperial planetary aristocracy. They spend their time seducing lovers, plotting intrigues, enjoying their power and prestige, and prepping for the right marriage to someone else in their class.

Then come the Orks. Or the Tyranids, or Chaos or whatever.

Usually, these are the fops who screw things up and are why the Imperium doesn't mount an effective defense from the beginning. Often because they skimped on planetary defenses to fund their parties and clothes.

If they survive and are lucky, they end up on a refugee transport filled with marketing consultants, pundits, and telephone sanitizers. The VIPs who got off-world first, and who are why the engineers and scientists and scholars and entrepreneurs got bumped to the transport that got eaten before takeoff. From there, they'll end up either starving to death learning how to farm on some colony world, or dumped into an underhive somewhere. Or, if they're VERY lucky, cherry-picked to be some other planet's noble's courtesan.

If they survive and are not lucky, then being an aristocrat means they get earmarked for a Schola. Hottie McBouncypillows now studies 16 hours a day, having learned the hard way that offering to blow the headmaster only lands you in the Chair of Correction. She might die in the Schola. Or, her mind blasted by the chemicals and pain treatments, she might end up In the Sisters or Administratum. There to worship the Emperor as a grey, dour acolyte, barely remembering her past except with the occasional disturbing dream of mostly-forgotten pleasure.

A few rare ones with combat potential might even end up in the Stormtroopers or Commissariat.

I should add since the OP decided to shitpost by shoe-horning all the armies into gender stereotypes, that none of this applies exclusively to women. This whole story could apply just as much to an air-headed, vacuous gigolo who makes manhood seem funny and endearingly stupid.

So Fulgrim then?

user, that's sexist. You can't have that

Shit son, gonna need some balm for that burn.

Men are degraded more than women, period.


The sad part is, this is the best thing I will read on Veeky Forums for years to come.

If you're looking for vapid ditzy females, the Imperial nobility ought to have a good supply.

oh man end the thread this is great.

just kidding OP needs to make sure everybody knows men are all victims in society and then go post on back to posting on pickup artist message boards.

Naw, the Ork gender is a genetic construct.

Take your own advice and shove your trump brand dildo back in your mouth with the gag so it can't slip out.

Just came here to say Kelly Bundy is such a babe.

Nobody gives a shit about your forced "everyone gets objectified equally" bullshit. I swear to god, in the 90's it was the feminists, but now it's your annoying ass.

Maybe your assumption that violence=male is retarded.

Maybe Orks are just funny, and you should quit being a whiny little bitch.

Damn, that's a good post.

Are you really that oblivious? It's a satirical comment bringing attention to the lengths to which many feminists will go to construe everything as sexist.

Of course, nowadays, what would once have been funny is nothing but a tired troll attempt. Luckily for the troll, there are still retards like you who not only fall for it, but get genuinely upset at the premise (without even understanding it).

I hope no one in this thread procreates.

Have you ever noticed how its only a troll after the argument gets shredded.

If you are the OP, stop trolling. This isn't /b/ and proving that a political movement you don't like is stupid is way off topic.

If you are not the OP, I am skeptical this dude was even trolling. A lot of people think this way.

>everyone I don't like is le ebul alt-right

If it walks like a bitch and talks like a bitch, the math says they are a bitch

>I was only pretending to be retarded.

Like. Fucking. Clockwork.

First, what you're describing is PARODY, not SATIRE. Maybe read a book.

Second, when your parody is more prevalent, unavoidable, and annoying than what you are parodying, and you keep going, you're not some heroic comedian come to shine the mirror of ridicule upon the world, you've just become a shittier version of what you're parodying. Go back to /r/MensRights/ and continue to circle-jerk with people who still give a shit.


Orcs are truly the best people. They don't discriminate and they aren't sexist.

There has never been a high-ranking female in the Imperium of Man who, through their own agency, went on to make lasting changes of any kind. Discuss.

it's not the imperium of woman for a reason

You do know that's Man as in Humanity, not man as in men, right?

English is like third language and I understand the "man" is used as humanity.

>And there's just as much sexual objectification
Yeah, no.