>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
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>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
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>Before arcana releases
Kindly kill yourself.
How is a low level party supposed to defeat Venomfang?
They aren't.
At the level that they're "supposed" to be at Thundertree they aren't. At 5th level with a few magic items they have a decent chance.
isn't there supposed to be a new arcana today
Reposting this here because why not:
I'm looking to make put together a Warforged battle-chef but I'm a little hung up on which class would be the best fit. He was created for the sole purpose of preparing meals for a senile old wizard who is now deceased. Now he's out adventuring to become a better chef/unravel the mystery of what killed his master/whatever. I wanted to make sure I could get the character to function mechanically before I committed to hammering out an interesting story for him.
Here's what I was thinking:
I could just go the alchemist route and flavor his alchemist abilities as various food items. This seemed like the most natural fit but until artificer is in a better place I don't really want to bother with it.
Maybe he goes into a culinary trance when he whips out his meat cleaver, I don't know. I just thought this might be a good option because Warforged get a +1 to strength and I'd hate to waste it on a class that doesn't care about strength at all.
If he's preparing meals for the wizard, he's probably hunting for the meat and foraging for the fruits and vegetables.
Similar to ranger. Maybe he had a garden that he tended or animals that he formed a bond with while searching for ingredients in the woods.
Someone actually suggested this to me the last time I asked. He could be a sort of hibachi chef who performs by juggling knives and inspires his group with his unbelievable cooking skills.
If he's preparing meals, he's probably butchering meat. If he's butchering meat then it's likely he has a fairly strong knowledge of anatomy which would make him a pretty potent assassin. Pair that with his apathy towards human life and I could see it being a pretty good fit.
I don't know. I'm too indecisive to sort this shit out. Please help me.
Does Dragon+ ever have anything interesting or worth reading?
Barbarogue with Expertise in Artisan's Tools (Cooking).
Huh, I forgot about that one.
I should consider it actually since it works well as a simple thing for certain sorts of online games but the main problem I'm seeing is it places too much value in having one guy with ridiculous initiative (alert swashbuckler) and if you ever go against a single monster that single monster never gets to go first.
It's Mearls' shit initiative system, I guess there is a small possibility that it will be less shit though.
How would this work mechanically? Which class should I start with?
>Le barbarogue memes
Similarly, my new character is a warforged forge cleric. He was created as a battle medic and learned healing magic through religious study and certain background events. His increase in wisdom over the years has caused him to question his nature and set out to find his creators, become a master of the forge through maintaining his own body, and figure out if he has a soul.
Always start with a level of barbarian unless you dseperately crave skills.
Then take a level of rogue.
And from there your main aim is to get both classes to 5, and then after that get rogue beyond 5.
Strength with two shortswords for damage+grapples or dexterity with rapier+shield.for defence.
Thoughts on fighter 2/rogue 2/wizard 16 grapple build?
Yeah it generally favors the players unless they're really careful/afriad to initiate combat, and the few features that alter your initiative work differently - biggest within that is that it punishes low initiative less though, which I like because dex is too good anyway.
They just need to drop him to half his HP, but they should be able to talk their way out of it, really.
I'm running my chef character as a drunken master monk, since he experiments with brewing his own alcohol as well as cooking.
As a warforged, though I prefer the idea you came up with for the Barbarian or rogue, they make the most sense for a warforged.
DEX Barbarogue is so bad that STR does shield+rapier better.
>Muh initiative
>Muh dex saving throws
>Muh better skills
None which make as much of an impact as Reckless Attack and Rage bonuses.
Whats would a kenku's preferred form of flying be?
You need both at 13 anyway so I'd go str focus with 14/16 dex. When you have to invest in both to some degree, might as well make both useful instead of having 13 in a dump stat.
their own wings.
First character got killed last night, thinking of making a Fallen Aasimar Warlock. Anybody played one? Do they work? If so, what's a good pact/patron?
So moon druid level 14?
Planeshift Amonkhet Naga Immortal Mystic, focusing on their unarmed bite/grapple.
How do?
high str and athletics would probably be a good start.
>tfw today's UA is an initiative variant
Why? just why?
Laziness? Too close to Xanathar's printing? Who knows.
This man gets it.
>DM recites 4 paragraphs of room description
>have no idea what he just said because that's not how you explain things in words
fighter 2/rogue 1 or rogue 1 fighter 2 for a wizard that's gonna wear heavy armor and focus on grappling?
>a wizard that's gonna wear heavy armor and focus on grappling?
uh...you gonna throw some wizard in there, somewhere?
What time is the UA probably going to be up?
best guess? probably noonish PST
It's surprisingly legit
The implication is that every other level is wizard. Do I really have to write wizard 17 even though literally nobody ever actually makes it to level 20?
>It's surprisingly legit
Well explain
>Not casting Enlarge on yourself and then suplexing all the tiny insignificant ants
>The implication is that every other level is wizard. Do I really have to write wizard 17 even though literally nobody ever actually makes it to level 20?
no, but adding something like fighter 1/rogue 2/wiz X helps you not look like a retard.
also, going through all that effort instead of just Dwarf with heavy armor feat
Just write wizard x
Quick question. I'm a level 9 sorcerer/level 1 fighter. Do I still take the metamagic options I'd get at tenth level sorcerer or do I wait until next time I level up?
you wait.
It's for level 10 sorcerers, not level 10 characters
wizard with heavy armor + shield and shield master feat
cast enlarge to become huge, walk up to man and grapple. shield master lets you use bonus action to shove someone prone.
someone that's both grappled and prone is basically fucked, specifically they automatically fail dex saves so you can cast whatever spell in your non-shield hand and gank them with it
dwarf with heavy armor feat doesn't give you proficiency with con saves or second wind/action surge and this build wants variant human really bad
What's the difference between "wizard", which I wrote, and "wizard x"?
Thanks dude.
You're still going to miss the point that at lower levels STR barbarogue is practically the same as DEX barbarogue and that at higher levels the difference is damage / defence.
And as usual I'll accept 'You don't need more defence so therefore it's shit' but denying that dex barbarogue is tougher seems more like a lack of willingness to comprehend.
>What's the difference between "wizard", which I wrote, and "wizard x"?
Tell me what you think of my Paladin:
Barbarian 4/Druid 3
Do you see now?
An additional gimmick that you can do if you take sorcerer 3 is to grapple TWO people and then use subtle spell to ignore that you don't have any hands free
>Do you see now?
No, because your example is distinct from mine. The context of what you wrote implies that barbarian 4/druid 3 is the whole build, while I was asking on what dips to take
but I SAID Paladin, user!
The implication was that the other levels would be paladin.
Are you ESL or just a moron?
I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate some things. Go cool off, order your thoughts a bit.
Well, first you're making yourself a big target so, hope you can maintain that Concentration.
Second you still crap Wizard HP.
Are you STR-focused? INT-focused?
How does this work better than a Barbarian with a level or two of Rogue?
Hell, how does this work better than a Valor Bard with Heavily Armored?
Does Moon Druid level 14 Alter self at will let you sprout wings
theoretically yes, but they would not grant you flight.
Rate my character:
>He is an orphan who saw his entire family being butchered in front of him, a group of the rival noble house
>Even though he was raised by Dwarves his Drow instincts sometimes kick in so he is prone to being evil
>Because of his dark past he is kind of a loner and doesn't talk much
>his goal is to get revenge and reclaim his birthright as the heir to his noble house
I was thinking of going bladelock so I can use my charisma and dex bonus
There was no denial of DEX Barbarogue having better AC/DEX saves, though, just that it's worse and not worth talking about.
And if you're conceding that ultimately it's a worse option, and doesn't provide any meaningful distinction in playstyle besides having slightly different numbers, why even present it in the first place?
>Brooding drow raised by foster parents, who's also a warlock (but with a sword!!)
>He's EVIL (but that's not his fault) and wants REVENGE
10/10, if he's intended as a parody
But its an extension of wild shape, why wouldn't it
However, I'll inform you that good Bladelocks don't use DEX. You either 8-10 it and wield Heavy Armor with a Greatsword, or 14 for Medium Armor with Hexblade.
because Alter Self doesn't do that, that's why.
8/10, would be better if related to drizzt
>There was no denial of DEX Barbarogue having better AC/DEX saves, though, just that it's worse and not worth talking about.
And the increase in damage if you aren't planning on using reckless a lot because you're just focusing on being tough is also not worth talking about because it's shit.
It's a worse option for the role it takes, not what it's good at.
If you went by 'only choose the best options' we'd all be playing whatever the latest meta is, because while, say, a wizard isn't the best at anything, people can agree it has a lot of good points.
What matters is doing the playstyle you want well.
If you want to be a proper full-on tank, you don't go strength barbarogue and then use a shield. You go the dex barbarogue route.
The problem is that 'being a really tough tank' as a role isn't the most useful of roles to have unless the tank guy has a way of keeping enemies occupied.
Str barbarogue is better not by numbers, but because they're more well-rounded.
Rival noble house has to also somehow be a blood relation to him. Oh, and demons are afraid of him for some reason.
the question was "why not?" The answer is Alter Self doesn't grant flight. The ability just lets you cast Alter Self at will.
>Drow instincts sometimes kick in so he is prone to being evil
Literally breaking canon about why they're evil, it's taught not in their blood.
Recommendations for a fighter/rogue? I guess I'm forced into being a dex build, but besides that I'm not quite sure what to do, or if there's some other dip I should take.
>Recommendations for a fighter/rogue?
Wizard, apparently.
Battlemastermind is an interesting build. You'll probably have your bonus action free a lot of times, and you can use it to give advantage to your allies. You'll be a warlord!
get rid of the edgy "watching family being butchered" aspect of his story, just make him an orphan, instead of being dark and brooding have him be a bit more eccentric and brash (for fucks sake he was raised by DWARVES), and have his goal to simply be to find out what actually happened to his parents, and bam, you've just subverted the whole edgy orphan drow stereotype.
I had a thought for a Fighter/Rogue the other day, but I didn't write it down and now I can't remember what epiphany I had. It's bugging the shit out of me.
don't need any more than 13 DEX if you just use rapiers or short sword. lets you get plate+shield for 20 AC, go dueling for damage, and sneak attack lets you keep up in damage while still being hard as hell to hit. go 5 or 6 in fighter and the rest in rogue.
Can a Magic Mouth give a blowjob?
21 November, 2017 is too close?
>Shield and shield master and grappling and casting spells.
You have two hands. If you're grappling someone and holding a shield, you can't cast most spells. Even with warcaster, assuming warcaster works with "stuff" other than weapons and shields, there's still spells you can't cast.
>someone that's both grappled and prone is basically fucked, specifically they automatically fail dex saves
>Prone creatures auto-fail dex saves
Wanna try reading it again?
>dwarf with heavy armor feat doesn't give you proficiency with con saves
So what?
> or second wind/action surge
Again, so what?
>and this build wants variant human really bad
>What do you think of my Ranger?
Issue of Dragon, #367 I know for a fact.
You could also google it and find other sources, I believe the Forgotten Realms wiki has it in there.
You don't need to go dex. You can up strength and aim for shoving with shield master along with athletics expertise.
However, the best thing to do would be to go ranged and either use EK's level 7 war magic, champion at level 5 with extra attack and higher crit chance for crit sneak, battlemaster at level 5 for extra attack and riposte or level 11 for extra attack (2) and battlemaster.
You can also do champion3/ATrogueX and use GFB/BB along with a shield and hope for crits.
Also you can use action surge to ready an action to attack off of your turn for a second sneak attack, particularly good for champion 3 as you lack extra attack.
eldritch knight/arcane trickster with 2 levels of wizard for a school power and a spellbook to write all your lower level spells in
Swashbuckler and battle master makes for the ultimate dirty fighter pirate type. Additionally, riposte lets you get sneak attack damage when it isn't your turn.
You're better off being a barbarogue teamed up with a wizard who casts stuff like haste or enlarge person on you.
If I can turn into a bird at level 8 why can't I grow wings 6 levels later
I can already tell that's fake.
>TFW we waited one month and one week to get 5 pages of explanation of Mearl's initiative.
Oh, oh this is the patience he asked for.
Genuine garbage.
Oh hey, it's those lame initiative rules that have already been covered in a few popular YouTube videos that everyone already knows about.
I sure am glad these only come out once a month.
They just stickied a name to initiative so it doesn't sound underwhelming like "Initiative, revisited"