This is my first attempt at making a scratch built building, did I pass or fail? Post your stuff for inspiration please. Cities of Death style terrain is what I am aiming to do.
Ork Scenery
Not the worst frame at all user, it is a bit barebones, although a proper paint job will offset that. Bulk terrain is difficult to come about, and quite often GW's own terrain is near useless for their own games, due to small holes in their ruin kits + TLOS leading to the infamous "My predator can see your warboss's nose through 4 ruins and a wood, he fires at your warboss with no penalty"
Your kits looks perfect for playing actual real games with, which is really the most important thing, and as I said, looking nice is just a matter of a paintjob and maybe some ork armour plates and glyphs glued on. What did you make it out of? I really need to make some terrain myself.
You could use some more weathering and def. some rivets on the lower plates and the glyphs.
also Ork graffiti
I'd say a flat C. Absolutely does the job, but could do with a bit of oomph.
Yeah knew I should had more stuff on it, but was impatient to get something made. Plus I haven't really seen Ork terrain very much online so I was kind of unsure what to make.
It's ok but you could make a better thing without actually improving your skills at all with 1: different colored parts 2: a halfassed edge highlight 3: designing your thing to not be just a big rectangle
it doesn't look busy enough for ork architecture. bolt more scrap and sheet metal to it.
Yeah Veeky Forums comfirmed my gut feeling that this attempted Ork fort lacks too much detail. What do you guys recommend as construction materials? I used plastic sheets and tubing for the rivets, but I'm hoping there's a better way than hand cutting the tube for rivets (sucked keeping them even).
Can we make this scratch terrain thread? Im calling it.
heres my first piece.
That was my hope when I started the thread as I need ideas badly.
Wow that looks shit. It's super obvious what everything used to be, the paintjob is horrendous (except the runoff, that looks good), what the fuck is the green stuff surrounding it even supposed to be, and what's worst is that unlike OP's it's not even a decent chunk of LOS blocking terrain with clear battlefield roles. OP's terrain at least has a clear barricade and garrison points, this just looks like an awkward lump you put on the table and play around with it barely doing anything. Maybe in a very dense necromunda or killteam game it'd be useful as one of fifty other pieces of terrain, but in 40K it looks useless.
Pretty much on level with 14 year old me, and that terrain was useless. E, at least you painted it.
The green stuff is a mixture of green paint and a lot of baking soda to try and create a grass-like texture. its not great but it does the job imo. But yea i mostly agree i put a lot less effort into this piece than the other one. It does have the advantage of giving full cover and perfectly fitting a 32mm base on top of it (40mm as well but with the outer ring) so it could be useful to garrison a sniper or something.
But yea im sorry you arent a fan. maybe ill try and improve it. Also the runoff is made with PVA glue, some water and green paint. And i kinda like the rust and iron scratch effect personally...
Pile-of-Rocks Tier
Rocks dug straight from the mines of Abitibi, Quebec!
Rust and iron scratch effects are the best, I have them on all my speed freeks. My initial criticism was a bit harsh, sorry, but it does look like a very early scratchbuild, it takes a while to get used to what a piece is supposed to look like and do, my earliest parts were hills far too steep to put models on, covered in sand that rubbed off, made a mess, and looked horrendous, along with buildings too small to put models in or to work as decent cover around the outside.
Pieces like that only really work as necromunda or SWAG terrain, a round tower can't hide a 5 man squad behind it, it's not LOS blocking enough or area terrain of any sort, so it only really serves to provide cover for a single model. looks more useful as a terrain piece, but I really would stay away from grass effects without any sort of flock, it looks like a green slime or mould covering everything.
The paintjob on both does look very amateur. /wip/ is the only place on Veeky Forums where outing yourself as a newfag helps, as it provides context. If you've been playing 40K for five years it looks lazy as shit, but if you've been playing for a year or two it looks pretty in line with everyone's cardboard scenery, made from cereal boxes, or shoddily-painted polystyrene, and we'll be more constructive than critical.
I would in general stay away from effects like rust, slime and heavy grass until you're more experienced, if that's the case. I went crazy with rust on my earlier models and now all my tau look like they're covered in shit. Thinking about where the places of highest corrosion would be and how to provide the maximum effect with the minimal paint is crucial, would the centre of the vat wall be as weathered as the joints, or base?
Also throw enough parts from your bitz bin, or use pollyfiller or something to disguise what the base parts were. Nobody could look at those pipes and not see straws, and that's only a bit of greenstuff away.
Yea thanks, thats a bit nicer to hear. I just had a bottle of shitty krispy kreme and i tought "ooh thats a nice shape that could make some unique terrain i think" however i think that shape is more common than i tought. My main tutorials for terrain has been commisar gamza's "Trash terrain" so maybe that dosent help either and yea... i really dint think about the practicality of the piece. Altough i do think i could use this as like a starting piece and then have tiles of ooze that can go trough the table. it would give it more purpose and look kinda neat i think.
Usually you need to perform surgery on your recyclables and add greebles to make them less recognizable.
Agreed. As an ork player who's tried to make a Kustom Battle fortress out of literally a tonka truck, it's fucking difficult. It was difficult for 14-year old me, it was difficult for 17-year old me to salvage, and it's difficult for 19-year old me to look at. I mean, it does look looted, but it still looks completely out of scale with the rest of my collection.
Yea scale is always the problem.
You can't get impatient with this sort of thing. Take your time and do it right the first time.
What sucks is that if I add stuff the glue will melt the paint, but very valid point. Maybe I'll start a new piece in the meantime with online references to help me.
it looks good, but you need to find some metal-textured plasticard, like diamond plate and shit. The skull isnt's great but the structure itself looks good
some easy/cheap tricks:
>use lengths of sprue for girders (either decoration, reinforcement, or just scrap heaped against the side);
>scrape/peel one of the two sheets of paper off a piece of corrugated cardboard for a corrugated aluminum or steel sheeting effect, good for armour-plates or rooftops;
>use bendy straws for vents and pipes
I'll dump a few random pics, none are mine (my scratch built terrain is mostly mordheim)
not terrain but finishing off with because it's cool. think I saw this in /wip/ but i don't recall for sure
Those are the Vultures from Mad Max.
Now smash the everliving fuck out of it, throw a third of the pieces away and glue the pieces back together. Then make it look like rusty steel covered in blood and ork graffiti.