Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Grand Cultivators when? edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>List Builder
Its not coming back.

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

Other urls found in this thread:


Playing a 1000 point Highlander (No copies of any dataslate except troops in this guys version).

Apparently people are going to take hard lists instead of fun, so I'm going to do some imperium soup instead of pure sisters like usual. How does this look, and what else should I stick in?

Daily reminder that this guy is stronk.

Whom's he?

Is that a nurglified tyranid?

Generic Deathwing Knight Master.

How the fuck do I kit out my Crisis suits besides triple flamers?

>2 damage

>8-10 damage

>playing blood angels

No, but the army does ;_;7

Go OG and run Fireknife



Ion blasters?

>Do you suck dicks?

Don't you mean '>playing dark angles?'

Don't ask, don't tell.

Try looking under "Warboss". You can even pay for the wargear so that he's WYSIWYG!

Hey anons, I made a list themed around old timey hunts, but with Daemons! What do you think?

Khorne Daemons Outrider Detachment
•Karanak, 116
•Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut, 100
•2x3Bloodcrushers with Icon and Instrument, 176 (352)
•4x5 Flesh Hounds, 100 (400)
Total, 968

im bored and in need of something to do whilst sick

>•Karanak, 116
Here (You) go, user.

Shitposting isn't the right answer. Just sleep forevermore.

>just use the rules for a warboss with power klaw, kombi-rokkit and attack squig
>t. FAQ writer

Where the fuck did the Dark Angels are gay meme originate?

How's this for fluffy yet decently powerful?

Since their inception.

They did once, and now they're trying to hide the evidence it ever happened.

>no LC Termies


I don't feel 3 bloodcrushers get enough out of an icon, for the 25 points it costs.

I don't understand? That's what my index lists his points cost as? Was it errata'ed?

Only feminine ones

Seems pretty Wild Hunt-y, I like it.

'The Rock' was a gay bar around the corner from GW HQ at the time of their inception

You, or someone else has been posting about Karanak for at least a week straight.
Nobody would EVER take him in a serious list.

Yeah, true, I just did that to fit in more points.

Thanks user. It's a shame Skulltaker doesn't have rules for his Juggernaut anymore, or am I misremembering?


their primarch was named after a gay poet
their legion name came from a poem by said poet about struggling with a dark secret... being gay
their mobile base is named after a gay bar somewhere not too far from GW hq or something

There's a gay bar in Nottingham called "The Rock". Their name comes from the Poem "The Dark Angel", by Lionel Johnson, gay poet. They are trying to hide a shameful secret.
Now go figure.

I think Karanak's cool. :(

Seems like an obvious choice but Flamer or Melta for Ass Cents?

>no red brethren
>no assault marines and tactical marines despite those being their main attack force
>spamming scouts who are only used for recon
>more devastator support spam than actual attack forces
>no assault elements whatsoever
>completely long ranged shooting
Try actually reading their damn fluff


> being gay is a shameful secret
> in the 21st century

>get called to do my duty for the emperor
>end up facing hell itself for years to shine his light in the darkness
>actually survive while seeing the imperium win
>get executed because I saw chaos/sterilized and sent to a concentration camp
Imperator dominatus.

Now post the tactical marines and chainsword and bolt pistol and chainaxe that's on the same goddamn page that you cropped out faggot

Being a traitor is a shameful secret in the 41st milennium.

Ok so its only as deep as the names

The lion is a king arthur rip-off

DA were created in the 20th century

You want flamers. Anything meltas will reliably take down they can handle in assault already. They are vulnerable to hordes in assault, go figure.
Flamers are also a good deal cheaper, which is nice.

WOW Those Umbra Pattern Bolt Guns(TM) with Chainblade Combat Attachment(TM) are cool! Where can I buy them?!?

Daily reminder that if you pay GW prices instead of buying chinese recasts you're literally a cuck who enjoys throwing money down the drain

Forge(R) World(C)


First test model.

Acceptable for a warboss?

They never made a model for Skulltaker on Juggernaut, so he can't take it anymore. Thank the ChapterHouse faggots.

>WTF why did they squat my army?

>can't afford to pour rare vintage wines down exotic storm drains while laughing

It is you who are the cuck, poorfag!

Forgeworld I think.

Recasters sell next to no lotr stuff and eBay is retarded so I have little choice.

Also anyone else weirded out that we live in a timeline where Assault Centurions are GOOD if not BETTER than Dev?

>buying direct from GW
We're rich, not retarded. Here's a (You) for effort - don't worry, it's on the house.

Thin your paints.
No really.

Well, yeah, sure it's mostly the names. But you know exactly where you are, do you?

Liek if u cri evrytiem

I threw up in my mouth.
user that model is like 30 bucks.
Jesus Christ thin your fucking paints. But DEFINITELY strip it and try again.

>all lists must be WAAC
>fun and fluff are for faggots

Wtf is with the colors man?


Lose about 70% of the paint on that model and then yes.

Thin your paints.
You forgot to wash and highlight.
>age of shit
But it looks like a big boss with shit bolted on which is what mega armor is like. Maybe you should have picked metal instead of bone.

Grav cents are still better than assault ones except vs hordes until the assault cents make it into combat

Thinning your paints is not just a meme, you know.

No, he's not even getting cucked by his best knight. He's a frat bro that rages out about everything because of his raging, repressed homosexuality. His name, while directly the name of a famous gay poet In English, means In the language of Caliban, "Lion of the forest". Which means that their language Is fucking hilarious.

El'=of the

Johnson means forest In the language that the repressed homosexuality chapter called home.

Oh lawd.

Okay. So. The leadbelcher (well, most of the paints) is far too thick. The armour looks like soft cheese - try to focus the wash into the cracks between armour panels rather than slathering it all over. And, generally, the model's a little bit dull, it could do with a second colour on the armour to break things up a bit, currently it's a big area of the same colour.

No, you read their damn fluff. IA10, says right there that they have 'considerable contingent of terminator armour suits' and are 'counterbalanced by considerable numbers of scouts used to flexibly assay targets for attack'.
They were also 'observed to maintain and utilize a sizable arsenal of armoured vehicles and heavy siege gear' and used a 'mixed force of tactical, assault and support troops'.

The bloodlust shit comes into effect in close-quarters fighting, but they don't have a preference for it. You got meme'd.

This is correct, you are playing to win. It's boring for both sides if one just stomps.
You want fluffy go play Horus Heresy.

It always makes me sad when people ruin a perfectly good fantasy model by gluing some shitty gun on it. It makes me even sadder when those same people then slather inch-thick layers of paint onto said models.

> add more paint to the abortion
user you are not helping

Are grav-cents actually worthwhile still? Las and missiles looks like a tempting option for them now. Admittedly I haven't done the math on either though.

Well if you have Flyrants and Carnifex and Trygons going right for your guns every game, what's better?

Not even memeing, those paints are in need of thinning.

All baited.

Taking my (You)s straight to the bank.

>age of sigmar
>perfectly good fantasy model

>hahaha I merely pretended to paint like a retard

>deathstar heresy
>where everything revolves around primarchstars and how to counter them
>also anything to do with ordo reducor
user I know it was better than 40k 7th but come on now

I'm actually liking Heavy Bolter + Hurricane Bolters on Cents right now. I mean, they're cheap and pour out a metric ton of shots for such a small unit. I mean, 18 Bolters and 6 Heavy Bolters for barely more than Inceptors?

t. T'''aufag

>Not putting 5 centurions with heavy bolters and hurricane bolters in a land raider crusader for maximum dakka


At that point, neither. Spend the points on a dakka flier of choice instead.

Clearly HBolters plus Hurricane Bolters are the way to go

I didn't crop out anything, I found it on google images. The point is that they use the weapons in the picture.

>merely pretending

That's right.

Its not my model, got it from shitposting in an older thread.

Yep. Say what you will about Age of Sigmar, but even the oldest of WHFB oldfags agree that the Megaboss he mistreated up there is a fantastic model. He's big, he's beefy and his amour and weapons look banged up yet sturdy. He's everything he should be, except cheap.

>not using twin AC stormraven with hurricane bolters and additiona twin heavy bolter
>implying I don't already play dakkataurox scions
>implying I'm not going to be investing in a vulture real soon

>Took out the tiniest legion (after said legion spent the first 50% of the battle without their primarch and all their ground-to-orbit defences switched off)
>Got so rekt they played no further role in the Heresy

Most overhyped legion evar.

That's been posted before. Y'all got baited.

Oh ok, good joke.

But seriously thin your paints, that model is a disgrace.

>damage controlling this hard

>implying deathstars matter

Just because every autist who plays that games loves to jack off to their primarch doesn't mean that they are good at taking objectives.

>Post shitty paintjob, ask for opinions
>Get opinions

That doesn't count as baiting m8

>tfw cuckstodes


Inferno was a mistake.

Well I got a half price box of them so I figured I'd use them on Bug squishing duty for my big guns.