What happened in your last game, Veeky Forums?

What happened in your last game, Veeky Forums?

my gm was a smug asshole who has no idea what he is doing

How awful!

Care to elaborate?

I created a clone of myself with my own homegrown bodyparts that I had. She hates me for ''stealing her face'' and hates me even more for not properly taking care when I build her.

We circumvented literally everything the gm planned/threw at us
It ended up being kinda boring thanks to that and a 3 way party split

Star wars game, characters helped rescue some hostages from the droids, called for gunship to evac them from top of building. They meta-knew order 66 was coming since the campaign was meant to be Jedi & force users surviving order 66. Well long story short there is not a republic gunship shooting at them so they might be fucked.

A high level one-shot for the pals I dm 5e for, took them on acrerak's wild ride. The rogue stuck her head in a big hole on the wall that looked suspicious. It was a sphere of annihilation. Whoops. Then the party spent 30 minutes working out how to open a trick false door. Just the first of many.

They almost cheesed their way past at least half of the dungeon with a clever passwall spell, but they had to go back for a latecomer and took a different route back in.

what happened in YOUR last game, op?

I'd be pissed too if someone forgot to grow me a face.

MnM 3e game, was put under service by Darkseid, and the summoner scholar was figuring out what was plaguing Apokolips. Not only did the scholar figured out that they were going up against a cosmic horror telling from the mutations of the slaves but also that Desaad might be intentionally trying to utilize the mutations against Darkseid's wishes to use as bioweapons[/spoilers]

Said scholar's life was also saved by the tough as fuck Meteor Knight just getting Interpose with their power point bonus the session before. Guy tanked a Damage 22 Effect with the effect of critical bonus on it, so he had to spend a hero point Ultimate Effort to get a roll of 36 against the creature's 42. Anything less than a 16 would have had the Scholar in massive damage death territory, and even if he rolled a 20 it would have left him incapacitated.

The Meteor Knight also managed to hit the creature with a toughness of 22 with a Weaken that sent said stat to 12 with his Falling Star Punch crit. Honestly if it weren't for that and his Reaction Damage Explosive Armor Runes being so good, as well as the Dwarf's hammer Takedown 2 throws taking out so particularly nasty mooks (with Damage 10 linked with Weaken 10 effects on top of Afflictions with Stunned and Disabled), the party would have probably been feeling the pain if not a TPK.

I killed one of my players, and had another chop up their favorite npc.They've sworn a quest of vengeance or something. Good times.


>I killed one of my players
Are you posting from prison?

Not yet, user.

Not quite my last game but we did acererak's tomb too. We got through it with no deaths since we knew it was a traphouse and just had familiars/minions check everything. We just all died because, while we would have normally ran after figuring out where acererak was, we kinda wanted to see if we could take him. But we had just made these characters and forgot some of our abilities, so he clobbered us.

>summoner tries to save our monk from the area of a spell’s ongoing effect by rushing in, grabbing him and casting dimension door out
>the target square was occupied by an invisible enemy
>they have to get teleported to a random place somewhere in the 3D space in a 20ft radius
>gm rolls for where to put them
>they end up back in the spell’s area

easily the funniest game we've had so far during this campaign

It was a one-shot. We were a party of level 4 characters (a fighter, a barbarian, a cleric, a paladin, a ranger, a rogue and a sorcerer) investigating a magical plague (evil necromancer gal sold her soul to the dark gods yadda yadda. Pretty classic dungeon crawling under an abandoned graveyard).
The barbarian was super zen, he never raged, listed carefully when the ranger and the rogue talked about their expertises, tried to confort the q villager who had her children eaten by zombies, etc. Pretty chill guy, surprising for a barbarian.
The fighter in the otherhand was always searching for something to kill, kicking down doors, etc.
However the Paladin was the best one. When we were right outside the "boss room" (his detect evil sense was exploding) and trying to decide who to buff with what and how to ender the room, the Paladin simply openend the door and walked in as if he owned the place. We didn't even manage to settle on a plan or buff anyone...

It was really fun

We did a get together before the first session starts to roll up characters

We'll be playing Spelljammer in 3.5
I rolled up a Bard and will be the main magic device user and mouthpiece

Would it be feasible for this situation?
>NPC: "What's your name?"
>"Why do they call you fist puncher"
Then I'd punch him in the face and then use Diplomacy to talk him down by saying "It's just a prank, bro"

One of my players got their bike stolen, so they went to the house of the only black man in town beat him to the ground with a baseball bat. He didn't have it.
Then they went back to the place where the bike was stolen, found clues that led to the real thief, and threatened him until he cried and peed his pants.

We fought a cute nanny while we were suicidal babies are then it got werid

Grimwyrd AAR (gurps game, 1 year in and counting. ~350 point PC's, earning 4 per session)

The Party is on the hunt, for ELVES

>After the mages are healed, the group camouflages them in a copse of trees
>they strike West on foot into the wasting marsh
>by midday, they located the Crumbling Keep
>they debate tactics, decide on a tight quiet frontal approach
>they make said approach
>they discover two "guards" in mid-fuck; an elven Fury, and a Satyr
>Syviis puts an arrow in each heart, rolls near Max damage twice
>then a fifteen foot long GATOR crawls out of the swamp, blocking the entrance
>Syviis puts an arrow through it's eye
>Collective sigh of relief, group opts to delve on foot

>The place is one giant bramble briar, thorns the size of kitchen knives
>They opt to go in on foot, gray first, cannon in hand
>First hall leads to "a heap of flesh the height of a man, topped with a glowing orb of green glowing tadpole things the size of trout."
>They ping as spirits to Gray; newborn souls
>They ping as pure magical life to Syviis; elemental life magic
>Bomrek suggests burning the place down
>Suthri notices the places' architecture matches old Dwarven empire work; this could be the lost colony of the last knights of the Empire
>Fuck, okay, let's not burn it down then

>Party begins poking side corridors, Suthri notices some movement to the tunnel full of webs
>Party gets ambushed by a giant spider!
>It dodges two of Syviis' arrows, and a shank from Roderick!
>It's also apparently made of metal and carved with gold Dwarven runes!
>Suthri pulls a hail Mary, invokes the name of the last emperor, and holds up a coin minted from the time, imploring it to halt
>It complies


A PC ended up trapped in hell and brainwashed to be the slave of a demon lord.

The party betrayed a dragon, selling it out to be the slave of the same demon.

Another PC killed their nephew in a duel.

My group, which includes a Revenant Warlock/Rogue, a Goblin Pugilist, a Human Monk, and a Dwarf Ranger killed some monks that picked a fight with us, and then we killed a purple worm that showed up not too long afterward.

Gray : 8'11" half-forward man with big beefy arms, regeneration, and the hunters habits
Syviis : Elf of the storm, fucking legolas when it comes to bows
Roderick : knight-swashbuckler-wizard. Very good at Vietnam napalm solutions to Eldritch horror problems
Suthri : dwarf streltsy. Naive
Bomrek : dwarf musketeer. Angsty. Drunk.

The players blew there way through the town guard, took down a priest and his devil minions after a bit of trouble, and then finally defeated the BBEG by both stunlocking him and insulting him so much that he just kept getting disadvantage on everything.

The campaign ended with them saving the day from devils, but not doing enough to stop the evil empire from using the invasion as an excuse to come into the country and take it over. Some players fled with their waifus, others stayed to fight for the innocents in the crossfire, one guest player's character got brain damage after the major fight.

All the players agreed to give their NPC bandit friend all the credit for saving the day because he was a funny, and now that NPC is stinking rich, but also is a propaganda puppet of the evil empire. Might wind up using that character again in a later campaign.

evil campaign?

I cannot handle such memery.

I received multiple visions from my deity, which is a dragon named Kaigerai and from his children. Then the DM cut the game off. Time to cut

The group finally sold their excess gear, split up their loot, and got back on the road to the next leg of their adventure.

Then they got ransacked by a Dire Coyote and the rest of its pack in the middle of the night, because the Rogue failed her perception check during her watch. The next person on watch succeeded, and there was a short, fun combat.

All-in-all, a good session.

players said fuck it, charmed a guard, looted a medium towns armory, loaded it onto a stolen cart, abandoned it in the woods for no other reason than, meh, stumbled into a jailhouse, freed an orcish prisoner and got him killed, cut off his junk beat a man to death with it, then we all went home.

I got cleaved by a greataxe, and made a deal with a fire god to be resurrected in exchange for 2 days service. Oh, and we managed to kill less than half of the monsters guarding the smith's daughter we were trying to save.

After a counter observation revealed that the Vory are planning to take over the PCs' nightclub, they all went home. Except for the sniper who secretly followed the hacker, snuck into his apartment while he was sleeping and rummaged through all his stuff and generally being a creepy bitch.

She loves to bully the hacker in more and more elaborate ways...

Found myself really bored and left after a couple of hours.

DMing for one person at the moment. We ironed out distribution deals for his magical whiskey business and he is currently trying to resolve inter-city district jurisdiction issues to catch a bunch of robbers associated with a cult. Good times.

I got a weapon upgrade at one point, and the party pulled together to outwit shapeshifters and pass through a tower of trials, one of the party lost an arm. I built a small army of gangsters, and kicked someone who was wearing a kick me sign.

Not really sure what else happened, fire season means a lot of missed sessions, with only footnotes to catch up with.


While in a walled off human city, we're searching for some religious relics to stop a psychopomp from gaining godhood. The city is extremely xenophobic and no one in our party is human. The closest is a half-elf hunter that so far no one has noticed she's not human. We were able to talk our way into the city but have to be escorted everywhere.

The good news is we found one of the relics! The bad news is our escort stole it from us and then captured me because I have an amulet that prevents me from dying (if I die whomever is closest to me dies instead) Party attempted to save me but their plan did not work so this week they're going to try again. Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how to bust myself out of jail.

two players played smite while the rest of us were mid game, said it was fine since they dont roleplay.

The strange white witch lead an army of undead at night to storm the only town the adventurers had found and rested in.

The warning signs were there, an attack earlier in the evening had just finished as the adventurers returned from stopping and killing the witch as she ransacked a farm on the outskirts of the trading hamlet. Bodies lay in the streets and the town guard could be heard driving off what the party thought was another skirmish of the half hearted siege the town had been enduring after the sickly blight ruined the forest nearby.

As the party rested and recuperated in the temple of tymora a lone scout ran into the town and could be overheard yelling to the captain of the guard. "They're here, the undead are coming"
"where from? Replied the guard captain Stoutbeard.
"Yes... everywhere..." replied the scout.

The temple bell was rung and the adventurers rallied the guard but the sea of undead interspersed with giant zombie monstrosities was too much. At the north and south end of the town were twin copies of the white witch. The one the party has killed twice now, each time she leaves behind only a pool of water.
This time she would win the day driving the party west out of the town as they fled, leaving it to burn along with their captive bugbear from the farm and town guard captain screaming with rage as he had lost his brother the blacksmith in the earlier raid that night.

Battered from the rain and the loss of their safe haven they head to old ruined keep west of the town where they believe the original spread of blight started from. They have seen it frowning again there anew through a mystical orb stolen from their first encounter with the witch.

forgive typos and formatting from the dirty phone poster

I was a DM for 4 11 year old girls as a sort of story design lesson. The smallest one was very talkative and would describe every attack with gory detail. One was a necromancer and insisted she seduce the female BBEG. We all learned something about ourselves that day.

The GM raged and alienated everyone.

This was six years ago

>Been playing solo game by myself
> Having a lot of fun with a self-insert character wandering around the wilderness
>A while back, defeated a sorceress, and was awaiting priests who could free the minds of those she enslaved
>While waiting I wandered the wilderness until I found an abandoned monastery
>Eventually priests arrive but I say, "Hey, after you free them, I found this place to check out."
>Get some supplies and we set out for the monastery. I already found out that the building was empty, but there was a door that was locked to the cellars below
>We head down, single-file and find an old burial chamber
>In the first room, a mummy-like creature attacks us. One of the priests is mortally wounded in the encounter. He won't make it long. Even the other priests magic isn't enough
>They want to run, but after a few minutes of angry, whispered debate, I urge them on.
>In the next room, there are several of these mummy things, we are quickly overwhelmed and take flight
>As we're leaving, we notice that the fallen priest has risen to his feet, his eyes are bulging out and a yellow mass of worms is undulating from all the holes on his body
>As we run by, he grabs one of the other priests, I throw my torch on the thing and swing madly, but it's too late
>He claws and grasps for us as the thing pulls him into the darkness. All I can do is plunge my sword into him out of mercy
>We then run up the stairs and slam the door, we lock it, but as we leave the door Bursts open.
>A half dozen of these mummy things are roaming the countryside because of my dumb ass.
Next session, I gotta try and find a way to fix this...

Shit got really weird, and it started off in the fae realm. Bodies (and minds) were swapped with people from other dimensions, timelines were used as ammunition, and we ended with us teleporting out of a collapsing bubble of reality-cancer into the mind of the demiurge's poor self image


My parties fighter fought a Pugilist in a fighting pit and was defeated, the party lost around 800 Gold for it. The party almost TPKed to an encounter with 13 gnolls (It was designed for 4 of them but they left one guy behind), but survived and got 4k Gold for their efforts. The parties bard lost a musical competition and for the second time got arrested in the same city in less than 2 days, this time for attacking a knight, and almost killing a civilian.

why did you punch him in the face instead of his fist?

The party had a dramatic, tense, drama fueled showdown against a suit of armor full of spiders. The spiders had gotten into it, gotten stuck, and didn't know how to turn off the armor's targeting system. They also spoke to us through a text-to speech program via a tiny in-suit keyboard.

That motherfucker nearly killed the entire party.

Lvl 1 thief attempts to pick warriors pocket. Died. Character lived for a total of 2 minutes


nigga don't get me started
>character inflicted by enfeeble mind at the mercy of my retarded comrades
>that guy """""neutral"""" dwarf fails his last corruption test and becomes evil
>brain dead barbarian leaves me in the custody of some gypsy we know who has powerful enchantment magic
>ooops she's a hag
>beats me up, steals my magic items and cast me out a window
>luckly an npc i had previously helped took me in and returned me to my church
>brain dead barbarian returns for me and finds out im gone
>attacks hag
>only person who knows me is that guy
>get returned to church and play with orphans like the brain dead halfling i now am
>scrape knee
>turn into wererat
it gets better

We were searching an abandoned bell tower, rolled a 36 on perception because lol pathfinder...didnt find any traps or anything susp.

5 seconds on to going up the stairs, notice dust coming from the air....bells start to fall. Dm asks for a reflex save from everyone, everyone fails. Dm rolls damage for each bell, my inquisitor takes 51 damage. At the time my health was 40, con 11. I'm the only person that dies out of the party....

The party ended up bringing me back to life once they escaped the tower, but I'm still mad (and laughing).

>oh cool i get my intelligence back
>why are all church employees looking at me
>barbarians new character attacks me because: DATS WUT MY CHARICATURE WUD DOOW!
>get ran out of my own church
>barbarian's new character puts alot more effort into hunting me than he did into looking after me
>all friendly npc's run, attack me or just dont want to be near me
>take refuge in graveyard with the Grounds keeper who knows me
>im the only person who can save dmpc in order to move his plot along
>cant go back to my church
>will lose my intelligence again if i return to half ling form
>two comrades will either kill me on sight or try to mind control me
fuck me

running dark heresy, feral world guardsman tried to 1v1 world eater berserker. rest of the acolytes ambushed an aspiring champion and led him to a space wolves sergeant

>as per Episode 523 of my notes folder

>While walking through the forest, David met a strange creature in white robes, known as the Foreteller.
>She warns him of the destruction of the world, and that he will need to make a choice – to leave and continue his old life, or to stay and save the world.
>He attempted to hone his premoniscience skills in response to this grave prediction, and got a lesson about the nature of time from Jennius.

>Meanwhile, Mitchell went on patrol, and is now a triple ace, after destroying two interceptors.
>During the patrol Kalis, (Mitchell's Psidar Intercept Officer) discovered a strange signal, which Mitchell was suspicious of being the Ghost of Tambor V, an infamous fighter ace who was presumed killed at Mitchell's hands.
>Later, Kalis revealed her secret to Mitchell, that she was a smuggler pressed into service.
>He then discovered that the mysterious contact may have been a stealth fighter, and proposes a theory that it may be a prototype Orion Syndicate vessel.

The players were given the task to figure out what killed the great wyrm black dragon that washed up dead on the beach.

Those quints must not go unchecked.

>Roll a decently above-average character for Pathfinder. Use Half-orc for that darkvision and +2 ability score.
>Fuck it, Klingon expy honorbound paladin it is. Never played one of those.
>Come in late to the session because I had the wrong directions. Join just as party is about to enter cave.
>First encounter is with some giant bugs. Roll badly for initiative. Eventually get my turn and whiff my shot with my fucking greatsword.
>Can't wait to hit something with that 2d6, though.
>Bugs can hurt me through armor!
>Pointy-eared hippy ranger bastard friends can, though, if they miss the bugs.
>Shit. How much damage? "1d8+4" What'd you roll? "8"
>Instantly at -1 HP because level one. Barely stabliized, and narrowly avoid being bug-food.
>Unavailable for literally the rest of the cave, which includes loot.
>Given a healing potion and some shitty greaves upon reaching safety.
>Taken out of commission literally before I could hit anything by my fucking friend firing into melee.

Later I proceeded to continue to roll like shit in combat until such a time as one love-tap from the greatsword I'm using kills our targets, of which there are several. I finally get to kill something and it's barely worth the effort, and there are a bunch of them.

We had our rouge die 40 seconds in on a run of undermountan. she dident want to pay her gold so she just jumped down. boots of spider climb apparently dont work well on greased walls.

I played a wizard.

The DM is still new to DMing so I played a pacifist wizard, using sleep and stuff to make the encounters more interesting.

The party ended up just coup de grace everything though.

DM's a cool guy though, he does art for a living and drew my character.

A sort of chaotic good antihero campaign which sounds incredibly edgy but is generally played quite lighthearted most of the time.

The party comprised at the time a crooked cop turned vigilante, an improperly summoned demon who believes she is in fact just the hammy redeemed minor villain of a kids Power Rangers-style show, a robot with no sense of right or wrong and a pulp adventure style jungle queen.

The demon had ended up being reintroduced to her family in Hell, and was not going back so began smiting. Starting with her utter bastard of a nephew (who due to time moving differently in the underworld was older and more senior than her).

The dragon was supposed to be helping the party escape the underworld in exchange for his freedom. However, the party realised he would be a major problem if he got out into the modern world, and so at the last minute put back the chains that bound him to hell, trapping him there. It was the robot that stayed behind to do it, and she ended up a slave of the demon lord in charge for trying to help others escape.

The player had wanted to change his character, so this was how they left the party.

His replacement character is a more advanced robot who takes the appearance of a sexy older businesswoman whose arm unfolds into a chaingun and whose glasses are a targeting visor.

jesus christ
you play a thicc white haired brown female wizard?

My evil ex-boyfriend showed up as an undead abomination, having hunted me down to kill me in revenge for breaking the arranged marriage and causing his family to murder him. I talked him down to mud wrestling instead. We sold tickets, winner gets admissions.


found your problem

Eldritch horror ripped off a player's head in a military sci-fi game. rest of the party except one had mental breakdowns from watching it happen as they fled, barely escaping with their lives. The party is so fucked up they've asked to time skip to after their weeks of mental therapy but hey, they asked for it.

I Dm'd a post apocalytic game(Atomic Highway) for the first time with stranger at my lgs.
They told me they had a lot of fun , it felt warm in my heart

Mouse Guard 2e.
If you're unfamiliar it's burning wheel lite in a medieval setting where everyone is mice. More player vs environment than anything - it's been pretty neat so far.

>Party of 5 with me as the DM.
>We have a smith, cook, bookie, hunter, and a general tough guy.
>They're currently in a port city where a few mice have gone missing recently.
>They've been dicking around the city for about two sessions, looking for clues.
>Eventually find out that one of the mice who went missing had informed the mayor about peculiar stones he had found along the beach.
>Only clue they've found so they decide to follow up on it.
>Collecting some general supplies they make their way to the beach and begin traipsing along it.
>After interviewing some local fishermen they learn of a nearby bed of reeds during lowtide.
>They agree the next best course of action is to enter - maybe the mice are lost somewhere in them.
>A few ingame hours later and their search turns up empty handed.
>As they're about to turn around and make their way back the tide begins to roll in.
>They figure they can climb the cliffside next to them and weather out the storm on higher ground.
>A few rolls later and they begin climbing out of the forest of reeds.
>Drops begin to smack against the cliffside, unbeknownst to them a storm had rolled in during their wandering.
>Each climbing check becomes increasingly more difficult as the rain pours - and below them the water has risen pretty high.
>None of them have swimming as a skill.
>After a bit of deliberation they dig into the side of the cliff, turns out the rock there is pretty malleable at least.
>One small cave later and they huddle inside trying to figure out what to do next.
>They had been warned that this cities storms are known to last for days.
>One of the players, the hunter, keeps a small pet centipede.
>He sends him out onto the cliff to look for caves.
It was a small one since one of our players was delayed

Meant to say "wait for the tide to withdraw" instead of "weather out the storm on higher ground". Rip.

I am GM for a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure campaign, and we just had our finale.

The party eliminates the magical statue that could take away the villain's Stand powers, and said villain, Herman Zi, blasts them with his Stand, [Dragon Force]. They are sent to the opposite side of the Sun, clinging to the remains of the landscape and atmosphere that got sent with them.

They get rescued by a Temple filled with Hamon Monks, using their energies to maintain breathable atmosphere. The head monk just happens to be Georgina Joestar, mother of the protagonist Joshua "J" Joestar, and just happens to have her own Stand, [Wayward Son], that can send them back to Earth.

While there, they conspire with Herman Zi's former boss, Dr. Grull, who explains that Herman Zi is a Vampire, and that if he's in danger, Dragon Force will activate [Through The Fire and the Flames] and automatically send the threat into space, with the radius doubling each time, eventually enough to cut the Earth in half. Fortunately they have some antique Speedwagon handheld UV rifles at hand.

So a plan is hatched, and they charge into battle with Herman Zi. After being sent back into space a few more times, they manage to hit him with attacks in both Earth and Space at the same time, causing [Dragon Force] to attempt to teleport him back and forth at light speed, eventually rendering him into quantum dust.

The actual battle was pretty short, due to time constraints and me vowing to make this session the finale. I wish I could have spent more time designing the encounter for more wacky space shenanigans.

>Party going up a river to reach a town
>come across a girl floating down the river on a log
>rescue girl, she tells us she was kidnapped and experimented on by an evil alchemist
>we go to the place of the alchemist by backtracking where the girl fell in the river and where she had been pursued
>proceed to send in our drunkard good for nothing character as a scout
>brilliant idea, fueled by our booze-addled brains
>he manages not to screw up everything after his first round of the village
>comes back, tells us what he saw
>we go to the hamlet, they deny us entry because we are armed people nobody knows and we sent someone to scout out the village beforehand
>drunk insults the guards, barbarian joins in with threats
>they close the gates and get out their bows
>wait for nightfall
>barbarian and sneak climb the fence of the hamlet
>drunk goes after them after a bit
>some time passes and they are found out
>drunk proceeds to punch one of the militia guardsmen to death with his knuckleduster applied to the face over several rounds
>we don't witness this ruthless pummeling as a few orcs come out of the hamlet to investigate what the noise outside is and promptly get slaughtered by hammer to the face from our healer and sword to the gut from our elf wizard
>meanwhile, barbarian and sneak are dropping enemies like crazy inside with quarrels and greatsword.
>now notice that the drunk has started a fire for some reason
>the keep is barred, can't get in from the front door or course
>have to climb a rope after throwing the grappling hook on the balcony
>barbarian and sneak go inside, rescue more kids, avoid a giant knight that is sleeping somewhere
>alchemist isn't home
>dump a chamberpot filled with chamberpot feces onto his bed for good measure
>get all the kids out

The finest murderhobos you will find, for sure.

>killed one of my players
And THAT is why we use coasters, people.

I gave the PCs a chance to make peace with all of the NPCs.
Then I killed all of the NPCs off and had the entire area turn to ruin as the PCs barely escape with their lives.

She's a bitch, so its not all good.

says you

Do tell more.

Well she's a wizard who's seen some shit, and is very jaded and bored with the world, especially with people.

There's nothing quite like a fun party of murderhobos.

You need a disguise.

My players entered a room with a portal. One of them got sucked into the portal into a room full of illusory enemies and a pressure plate and three braziers.
After 10/5/2 seconds of standing on the pressure plate the braziers started lighting up.
With each brazier, the monsters in the room noticed/ran towards/attacked him.
Once all braziers were lit, he would get teleported out of the room.

Of course, they were just illusions and could never hurt him, but he panicked and left the pressure plate three times, which resurrected the enemies in the room that his friends were trapped in (where the portal was originally).

Very simple, but counterintuitive puzzles are fun.

I even made him roll initiative for no particular reason after the second brazier lit and the enemies started running towards him

That's not a puzzle. That's just pure assholishness.

Maybe if you're a little bitch.
He was simply able to step off the pressure plate and investigate the entirety of the room. He noticed very early that the enemies didn't move/react/his attacks went right through them.
It also fit in with the dungeon they were in thematically.

Not to mention, my players loved it.


>Pet centipede

My Nubian compatriot!

It's sort of adorable. He wears it like a hat usually, idly passing up small crumbs to it during the session.

I know originality isn't everything but, c'mon

I prefer playing campy stereotypes actually, I prefer to build my character through the game sessions rather then through some overly elaborate backstory.

Party got separated for individual missions to get new weapons/abilities.

The monk had a close and badass fight with a samurai spirit to get a sword.

The warpriest laid the smack down on the spirit of a disgruntled general and got a nifty new blessing without taking a point of damage, or using any spells.

The druid thunderstruck the fuck out of a were-croc from hiding and got a splint bracer that could break pieces off and transform into a magic weapon, also without taking a point of damage.

The rogue (me) got drunk, roofied, and kidnapped by the bad guys for plot reasons.

The druid and warpriest did too well, so they are going to get ambushed on their way back. I swear, those two need to drop to at least half health at SOME point.

we saw a bear and lost 2 people. then we saw slime and had to put down our dude that lost his arms. welcome to stonehell.

It was yesterday

I was the GM, the party intelligently avoided all encounters save the boss.
The times they wasted coming up with plans and ways to avoid the enemies would have been the time they would have spent fighting them, with the added bonus of not having wasted HP and resources

GM who hates puns, introduces an Ent NPC.
We all proceed to make horrible puns.
Asked if it was chlorofull after it eats. Told it that it was aborable. That we would root for it when it leaves. But moss of it was just jokes.

GM was visibly pissed*

We did odd jobs like getting mob protection money from people so we could pay out guardsmans medical bill.

We accidently got our tour guide (now party scum pc) wrapped up into our misunderstanding turned high treason.

Investigated an hold gain holding facility and found a bunch of freshly cremated bodies. Guardsmen found a locket with a picture of him and some little girl he doesn't remember on one of the dead bodies

Avoided a riot of mutants and the responding tide of arbities by hiding in the sewers. Found some sensible mutants and chilled with them while talking about disappearing people and asked for directions.

My psyker bonded with a pigeon in my ever growing attempt to make him 40k Radagast the Brown.

Odd, in my campaign it's the GM that sets up for the puns and the players groan. :^)

Leave the group. It's the only way for you to regain your sanity irl.

Ops and tactics
>Players go from standard fantasy setting to modern day
>Transported to a farm
>Spends the day training to use guns
>PC gets mad over NPC remarks
>Same PC starts to vandalize property
>NPC calls police
>Police comes
>Situations escalates
>National Guard called in
>Entire party arrested and put in prison
>Campaign now reworked for a suicide squad like campaign

Party infiltrated a super open-air prison to rescue one of the player's estranged father. Spent most of the session just wandering around, crafting weapons (they left their loot behind before they let themselves get arrested), learning the lay of the land and meeting the leaders of the 3 major prison gangs. Party seemed to have fun.

And that's why you sometimes work with your DM. Don't let him railroad you, but fucking hell, throw him a bone and follow his plot hooks.

t. salty foreverDM

My players met the god of the universe. The god ended up being extremely apathetic. One PC was pissed off that god doesn't give a shit, the other thought that made him cool.

In the game I GM?
My players came across Binba the traveling masksalesman, the party rouge, a goblin named Midas stole a cursed mask from the man as he slept and failed the will saves to not put it on and became possessed by an ancient evil.

In the game I'm a player in? My level three fighter died to a trap because our rouge is a piece of shit that at level three still had no points in fucking Disable device

We just had the first session of our 2e game in FR. The set up was they had accepted a quest bulletin to see why there hasn't been a messenger from a local outpost. Turns out outpost is being raided and mercenaries were harassing caravans on the road. They got in, outpost went to hell, and rode out on fast courier horses.

The party escaped the feywild to find that a local leader has made himself king of the new continent they have been in for the last 4 years (real time) and probably about 2 years game time.

When they were called for a visit the cleric kept mentioning how she hated all the "pomp and circumstance" she saw surrounding the life of a noble. At the end of the visit the king offered a large stipend of gold along with protection of the parties town if the cleric accepted the title of Lord and started actually taking care of the town they started (as of now they have been out adventuring pretty much ignoring the town as far as a governemt goes.)

She surprisingly accepted with no arguement. Now the party has to go tell their drunk "wild-west" style town that they are now part of a kingdom and have to basically split everyone up into feudal classes...

I think for some reason it so be the easiest part of their newfound position.

Gotta love those nice surprises