Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Has your character ever undergone a major physical transformation? A major mental transformation? Did they inflict it on themselves? Pic related?

/pfg/ Link Repository (Pathfinder):
/sfg/ Link Repository (Starfinder):
Current Playtests:

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From previous thread, the Solarian Iconic:


Apparently he's a four-armed Jedi Fox Mulder.

Anyone got the four pathfinder playtests in pdf format? Curious to see if anything is actually different between then and now.

I can dig it. Also nice to know that nonhumans have a stake in the conflict against XCOM ayyys trying to infiltrate society.

What do they use to remove wisdom teeth in Golarion?

Pic related?

4 teeth

Anyone else following TPKs newest venture?
Apparently they released two PoW Disciplines.
>Brutal Crocodile
Grapple based
>Lead Hyena
Bluff based?

Lmao, 3rd party designing PoW disciplines that ISN'T DSP? What has the world come to

Recruiting games (Closes in 18 hours) (Closes in 3 weeks) (Closes in 5 days) (Closing in 12 days)

What do you think of the current crop of games, /pfg/?

What's the current status of traps in /pfg/ meta?

Replaced by Ungermaws

>Hey, PoW disciplines are pretty fun and I'm interested in a grapple based discipline, let's take a look at --
Dear lord

basically useless as traps, useful if the system is HEAVILY abused to its limits as decent-ish weapons.

Oh, christ, it's Thealtrusiticorc. Anyone with a brain, PLEASE read through this latest batch of drivel and tell him he's an idiot; the dude does not know how to balance.

... pins, and deals 3d8+ 1.5 times your "grappling modifier" (tell me that's not the fucking CMB or a fucking skill)?

So, it's never fucking heard of balance, huh?

Iron gods is standard Paizo campaign, though one of the best. Village is voice, so it's shit. Pretty sure Tuvarkz is a living meme. I don't know anything about dominions of vice though.

All in all? 4/10. Ladyknights and spaghetti memes will only carry it so far, and though IG is a good AP, it's kinda meh compared to the recent campaigns we got.

Have any traps EVER made it into a /pfg/ game?

Rorymei made it

So let me get my head around how Kasathan society operates.

They live on vast Generation ships and are organized into families, and seem to be fairly traditional? While I love it, something about the Generation ship thing with our first encounter with Kasathans being on an unrelated generation ship in Iron Gods feels lame

what's grappling modifier?

>He thinks voice in VTT is shite.
What are you, an anti-social faggot?

And what a trap he is!

Your ability modifier plus any bonus that gets added into grappling.

I don't know if that means your base attack bonus as well; who the fuck knows.

>voice, so it's shit
Not as shit as this post.

Nigga, I don't have a mic and am not about to buy one just to apply to a game that I might not get in to.

>(also /pfg/)
Why, user?

Just because you won't do something doesn't make it shite. It just makes it something you won't do.

I don't want to discover that the person who's playing a fat-chested sorceress in another campaign has a deep, baritone voice and thick Southern accent.

>don't have a mic
point and laugh at this faggot
This guy too

You already know it is. You just want to pretend otherwise so you can get a quick wank off.

>tfw you will never play with a fat-chested qt player whose character has a deep, baritone voice and a thick Southern accent

Why even live?

That is kind of cool. I wonder if the whole solarian thing is left up to varying interpretations (i.e. humans happening upon it themselves in the form of martial training versus how the Kasatahan's do it)

That said, I want to do my younger Gouken seeking out and fighting Gouki/Akuma

I don't want to hear your terrible voices. 'Oh, I have a fine talking voice!' No you fucking don't. I talk to people all fucking day, when I come home I shouldn't have to hear another person unless I'm fucking them.

Not to mention you guys either use it to make up for the socializing you didn't get (meaning it's full of inane, useless, distracting chatter) or you use it for the ENTIRETY of playing the fucking game, leaving the one dumbass who isn't paying attention (or understandably can't engage with voice) lost, OR you butt in constantly with your CAN I ROLL X FOR Y nonsense.

'But text isn't fast enough!' TYPE FASTER THEN, YOU TWAT. I've never had a text game that felt 'too slow', but every voice game I've ever experienced had someone who could never master turning off their mic, someone who insisted they had the 'best' voice, or someone who was an incomprehensible dick, filling the air with their mouth noises.

There's plenty of reasons to not like voice, and nary a one lands on 'antisocial'.

I'm a tenor but I have enough range to bring it down to a soothing baritone
My southern accent could probably use some work though
So hey
apply to village

Is that so bad?

Hypothetically speaking if I were to run a very lewd version of an AP to help syphon some of the lewdness out of the other games not looking for that sort of thing which AP would people be wanting?

Is it just me, or has this write up made you really want to make a Kasathan now?

Wait, I read that completely wrong.

Why do you want a girl to imitate a southern baritone, user? Are you drunk?

>there are people in this thread right now that haven't taken vocal lessons
>I still hate playing voice because of how some people feel the need to put on their fucking awful impressions of their characters, and text works just fine

Sauce on the artist?

>haven't taken vocal lessons
>spent literally 12 years mastering every single aspect of it
Yeah, about that

Has anyone ever considered that voice is used just to shoot the shit while text is for gameplay? Christ alive, especially you, last guy I'm quoting; you remind me so very much of an annoying little twit that insisted everything was someone else's fault and that they were being persecuted for being without voice.

Does being polymorphed into a cat and left heart broken after being catfished by a disco-wizard count?

I used to do professional theatre. I don't like playing voice though because my voice is sexy and people develop weird expectations of me and my character.

There are too many games. Half of the ones up right now aren't even getting attention


Oh, I have voice. I've even used it. Did you consider my complaints might have merit due to how often gameplay has drifted into voice during my experiences? Or how all of the other ones are not outruled by your statement there? I mean, don't worry, you'll get enough people for your voice games. But they'll likely be at least one of the things I outlined above.

The Kasathan have brain readers. They have sensoriums. Kasathan regularly upload and process their memories or those of other people.

I feel like there's some massive backstory potential there, as well as Kasathan SpaceTube celebrities who are culturally inclined to share their footage of experiences to the world!

>It's just a prank, bro!

>Have to go to the "private" section of the generation ship to expereince the memories of famous kasathan porn stars

That or their tech gets out and people star doing shit like that


>Attach a 20 ft wire between two small balls.
>Hold one ball, use mage hand to move the other ball around.
>Pull the wire taut for trip wire anywhere, or circle the wire around a limb as a lasso.

Is this remotely workable?

I think human women might appreciate a man with four arms.

Doesn't this mean you could have a Kasathan whose mind was "replaced" by another, or is so fried from constant Sensorium use they can't quite tell if reality is reality, or just another bottled experience?

That's always been a character I've wanted to play, the guy who's so hooked on VR they can't tell if they're in an extremely advanced simulation anymore.

Men too

Several. My cleric began life as a dwarf, was slain and reincarnated as a female undine, slain again and raised back into his original form, died a third time and was reincarnated into a female elf only to be turned into a rabbit and awoken.

Suffice to say their memories and personality are far from what they used to be

This is it. This is the punishment for our sins.

This is literally just the Society of Sensation from Planescape.

at the very least it means size mods, grappling feat bonuses, probably equipment too...

Man, now I kinda wanna play as Dr. Girlfriend

In my experience that's been the biggest problem. It not only gets used to shoot the shit though, it's also the only way the GM will hear something other than what your character says in character, eventually.

But the shooting the shit means the only person paying attention to the game is probably lacking a mic or deaf, and it's somehow his fault anyways when half the game stops being on the fucking screen.

>grappling modifier

What kind of fucking retard designed this shit?

Don't forget THREE DEE EIGHT ontop of all of that!

Don't forget it also does 3d8 as its base damage.

That's EVERY female character in a voice game, actually.

Kinda badass when Brock Samson, Doctor Girlfriend and Darth Vader's voices talk in character, but less fun when one of them suddenly demands you pretend the player's a girl too.

Everyone can type at the same time.
Only one or two people can talk and be understood.

When game bleeds into voice, things slow to a crawl.

Anons, I regularly make characters with grappling CMBs in the 70s. 3d8 is nothing.

... yeah the 3d8 will be nothing compared to the 1.5x grapple mod that comes with that damage.

That 70, what's it from? bonus-wise?

Because I bet you a big chunk of it will be multiplied into damage.

At level 1 though?
If so kys scum

>Only one or two people can talk and be understood.

Or my favorite thing that happens in voice chat. When the DM and someone else tries to speak, so they both stop talking to let the other speak, and then when nothing happens, they both start to speak over each other again.

Yeah. Just the absolute best feeling in the world right there.

Mostly massive strength boosts, courtesy of being an Alchemist. There's also a shitton of random magic items that grant stacking bonuses to grapple checks, plus as many stacking bonuses to attack rolls with unarmed strikes as you can manage.

They store the information for cultural and legal concerns, not some philosophical/religious reverence.

Wait a second, isn't that what the Quarians did with their ancestor worship?

Fair point. Level 1 the top CMB you could manage is probably... around 15-16? So let's say 24 damage, plus the 3d8 which basically doubles your damage dealt to 48.

At level 1.

That or one person's not getting their way and they start "choking up" or even outright bawling, and everything stops dead as half the group tries to console the only female (or "female") they've ever talked to in their life, assuring them it's not their fault even if it is, and that everything or everyone else is at fault, because oh god please make the crying stop or I'll cry too

... meanwhile anyone with a wife or girlfriend in the party is probably thinking they'll have time to go buy some coals, light up the BBQ and have burgers before their next turn comes by in 2 hours, since this was mid combat.

Yup. All of those are getting multiplied and added as damage... several times a round once you've also got the style and the right stances.

Man, who balanced this shit? Used to be the big dumb damage thing while grappling was adding several times your level in nonlethal sneak attack dice.

there's feats at the end of that 'codex' that also turn ability damage into ability burn, and a feat that outright cancels targets having any immunities to your ability damage/drain rolls
(and another one that adds +2 to those things).

It's a feat that needs 5 knowledge of arcana, engineering or religion, that's all.

So basically stuff PFG would be all over, amirite?

>buy some coals, light up the BBQ and have burgers before their next turn comes by in 2 hours

I usually cook while I'm playing because of shit like this. But I have a Bluetooth headset.

Sensates do it for cultural concerns too.

one quiet player I knew would have to wait until a voice user actually relayed even his own turn to the GM because the shooting-the-shit had not so much spilled over as flooded the region, and the GM would pay no attention unless his chatting was interrupted by other voices. Shit degenerated between them pretty quick.

>new dominions of vice app
>literally a trap

Better than the one with the Skyrim picture, I suppose.

I think the fact I can't stand this, and I can't even stand text-based bullshit, makes me feel like I should just give up Pathfinder entirely.

This is literally the opposite of what happens though.

>GM is typing...
>Everyone is waiting and has to wait until they can start thinking about a response
>Everyone's responses come in a huge cascade and pay no heed to the timing or what the rest of the party is doing
>Nobody knows what the fuck is going on

>GM presents what happens
>Some guy takes initiative first and does something in response
>The rest of the party adapts or debates actions relative to this
>Eventually settles on a course of action
>Everything is faster than text only

You're such a fucking faggot user, gods help me

That's not a trap, just the art is.

The player confirmed in Discord that the character is a trap.

Gorgonop's Jaws for grab on all attacks and a free [G] maneuver upon initiating a grapple. One of the many counters that allow you to immediately initiate a grapple, and Jaws of Death to immediately kill them with no save as long as they aren't immune to crits and precision. That's pretty powerful.

Why does every character have to have some sort of retarded gimmick? Fuck's sake

I kinda prefer a half-and-half.

Voice for more important stuff, text for background noise.

Depends on the chargen, size of the party, and how much you intend to change the AP in question, and what "style" of game you wanted desu. If it were a 2-3 player gestalt game with the "usual" chargen plus Eros Unleashed I would at least be curious.

Shattered Star pumped full of lewd, with heavily modified encounters, might crowd out the fact that it's pretty fucking stale otherwise.

Just try war games or something mate.

Yeah! Fuck characters that have gimmicks! I like my characters with no distinguishing features whatsoever.

It's so fucking tacked on, though.

'durr dey got a dick too' Lazy writing.

Got any suggestions? I've already mined out what I could from Subnautica, Crusader Kings 2, DOOM and Stellaris.

Seconding this

That's the theoretical advantage of voice, not what actually happens.

>Gm presents what happens
>stops 2 sentences in as someone makes a comment
>five minutes later things are still on a tangent
>one or two people try to get things back to the game. They'll be getting a talking to if it's always the same ones in a few weeks
>the avengers movie, jojo's bizzare adventure, breaking news suddenly on FOX
>nobody notices the GM's been gone for the past ten minutes
>finally things start up again
>but no one's settled on a course of action yet, the description has to start again because we can't remember any of it
>some dickbag mentions the GM should put those in the chat instead so we can remember what was described or said
>this is not actually done, text games are for faggots

go fuck yourself you lying sack of cancerous shit.

Are there any characters you think that had a "good" gimmick?

Have you tried not playing with a bunch of retards with ADHD? Because I've plyed alost exclusively voice, and this never happens.

Maybe either the people you know are all assholes, or you're an asshole who doesn't understand the social aspect of ttrpgs

Am I being retarded in trying to build a character that is capable of using tech weapons for Iron Gods? They seem like garbage (energy damage) insanely expensive, and super rare. Am I not only gimping myself but making the party weaker by soaking up hugely expensive items that are worse than muskets?