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I found Re: Style of Life, so I'll dump it just in case anyone wants to see it's majesty again.



This is an intelligence test. Please complete the following statement

"The best two pieces of advice you can give to a CYOA-maker are _____________"

Willpower and lubrication

Prepare to invest a lot of time and learn your way around photoshop.

>"The best two pieces of advice you can give to a CYOA-maker are to never feel rushed or you'll exhaust yourself and there is no such thing as too many waifus."



To not force yourself to write, but know not to give up.
Also dont make 'em to please other people. Do it to have fun.

Well, in the spirit of amateur-tier cyoas written by people who have no idea what they're doing


>To not force yourself to write
This is will quickly lead to you quitting, though it's close to the truth.
The best way is to force yourself to write at least a little bit every day, even if it's only one sentence. You'll have some days where that's all you can manage, but you'll find that after one sentence, you'll know what to write for the next, and the next until you've done way more than you expect.
Don't force yourself to do more than you can stand or it'll become work instead of fun.



I've been waiting for you. Expectations are high.

1. disregard any and all advice
2. pander to my fetishes

they really shouldn't be. I know I posted a version of page 1 earlier, but it became a convoluted overwritten overdesigned mess since then.


o god

Which ones

That depends on the person. Some people may quit but others can go a long time without updating everything. Just look at Italics or Bliss.

I tried the "write a little per day" thing and it doesn't work for me. When I work on something, I need to commit a lot more than just a sentence. So, my work effort is sparse bouts of heavy work. A lot of my work is dedicated to re-reading what I've done so far and correcting things I don't think are quite right, so it really only feels adequate to do it in large chunks.

Basically, if I don't feel like I have the energy to set myself down and hammer away at it, I simply won't. But that's just how I do it, and I can see why others won't work like that.


All of these are trash except Mortimer.

>Not wanting to unlock the secrets of the universe with berb

What's this?
Could this be the Battleborn to my Overwatch I've eagerly been awaiting?
I'm fucking pumped! Don't be so apologetic user, it already looks great!
Build incoming.

That must be why your CYOAs are so consistantly well done.
I can only offer advice based on what has worked for me though, I'm can't say for certain it'll work for everyone.

>elf royalty
>qt barbarians
>intense super mysterious waifus
Seriously it's like we share dicks or something.

>Could this be the Battleborn to my Overwatch I've eagerly been awaiting?

That it is. I remember saying it would only take a few hours to get the image hunt done. Lmao as if.

Berb is good.

That's actually a pretty good comparison. Yours has more depth, and more going on with it, but the characters are less unique -- despite ZB's being takes on the old archetypes, obviously.

I mean I drew most inspiration here from the fall of the roman empire. So the Boundless Flame is Not!Paganism, Cosmech faithful is Not!Christianity, Xern is Not!Brittannia. Rest should be pretty obvious.

Alright. So this will be my side project while working on my monster one. Any suggestions or pics to use for them?
It's an author cyoa based more on adventurin' than waifuin'.

Chuyi - nice(r) Kitsune? i dunno
Italics - Grand Wizard that's too old for this shit
Imaginos - Ghost
SDA - Smug princess
Ruse - Shunned and mad monk…or just a tree in a pot.
Sybiobro - Guess
Rosanon - Alex Louis Armstrong of the Armstrong Family
Space - Trap/Link
Bliss - Kitsune
Beri - Slime….thing
Tok - What’r ya buyin strangah?
Me - This is your notepad retard. You already know.
ZBG - king w/ 12 swords
Angel - demon lady
HL - Traveler (lol)
Box - Secretly a cultist chair
DSA - Innkeeper

>Secretly a cultist chair

>cultist chair

>It's an author cyoa
yeah, throw it in the trash

Box is a chair.

/trash/ would totally dig it

Alright, that was fucking funny.

What program was used to make this?

Looks like mspaint to me.


Is Bassalia not supposed to have any Prerequisites? Because she doesn't.

Yeah, she isn't. Didn't have any science skills (figured they wouldn't really be that relevant to an emperor) so I didn't figure I'd have any that fit.

photoshop deluxe edition

I like the idea, but IMO it's way to math heavy if you want to get a desirable outcome in all (or even many) areas. I don't want to have to open a spreadsheet and two calculators in order to have play a waifu Cyoa.

But that's just my 2 cents. Like the idea though.

Bless you user, I have always wanted to be a merchant. I hope you finish your CYOA and I hope it will be glorious and stand on a pillar beyond compare.

Yeah, you can ignore the "Impact of betrothal" bit. That's just there to give you a rough idea of how much each faction hates/likes each other - I had quantified it to lower confusion about which were the most loyal and rebellious, probably a mistake.

Like the whole skill system... till I found out that you need specific ones to get specific betrothals. Now if I want to get a certain wife I need skills that I didn't want to get. Sad day :(

>not having space fantasy for fantasy/scifi options

Tok wishing me well.
I think I need a shower.

>"I am all but certain you have many questions."
Well yes, actuall-
>"And I am totally certain that none of them matter."
...Well fuck you and your silly name too.
>"Suffice to say that you are now old than all human civilization was the time of your... internment."
My what now?
>"With such time having passed..."
Okay, just moving on I guess...
>"After the Fifth Age of Chaos, the congress of the Koren-Ten systems rose to preeminence-"
...Should I be taking notes?
Is this going to be on the test?
>"...burning those that could not be saved..."
Wait, what?
... Okay just glossing over that bit too, guess.
>"What of Earth, you ask?"
Actually, no that is one of the few things I haven't as-
>"Scoured beyond habitation during the fall of the Third Federation. As I said, irrelevant."
... Uh no, it's fucking not!
Oh, you're still going... Alrighty then.
>"Or we would be, if it had not been for your revival."
Okay, I have several questions, but you're not going to answer them apparently so just keep going and I'll try to keep up.
"-unless you know of a way to inject skill through a shot in the arm."
I'm gonna ignore that.
Good one, I chuckled.
>Hmm? Oh yes, you may now ask your questions."
Just give me the course list, I don't care anymore...

[Course List]
>Personal Combat Skill Level Two
I want to be able defend myself, but I don't think I need be a complete war machine on my own, so this should suffice.
>Patrician Politics Level Five
>Plebian Politics Level Five
Alright, my first order as Emporer or whatever is going to be to rename these, because these are some condescending ass names.
But I've always wanted to be able to solve my problems with words rather than violence, so I'll emphasize these.
If I'm gonna be the big cheese, I can hire advisors for tactics and strategy, so I'll put them on the back burner for now.

Alright, where's the school house?
Do I get a crown?
I hope I get a sweet crown

>Good one, I chuckled.

Thanks, that was what I was hoping for.

And as for the name, well, "Nahr-eytor", phonetically, is Narrator.

That was even worse than the "through a shot in the arm" one

Fantasy (26)
Castle (20)
Educator (18)
Social Status (10)
Richalle I
Family Hobby
Family Reunion
This & That

I like this CYOA, whats the tech like?

advice disregarded

As in the tech level? Well, this whole setting was supposed to be diet 40k, so I'd say at 40k levels except without the lethal unreliability and less of a reliance on slave labor to make ships go.

That was the feeling I was getting, cool beans.

Man I feel like if I wasn't already included then I haven't done anything awesome enough to deserve to be included but...

I gotta ask. I'm TextAnon, can I please be in your CYOA?

What have you made?
Not to be rude, just curious.

>Italics add in Chalice
>There is no Mox or Nero
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>Man I feel like if I wasn't already included then I haven't done anything awesome enough to deserve to be included

>Someone is planning in making an author CYOA
>Want to get in but to get in you have to obviously be an author
>I still have much work ahead in finishing my first CYOA
>If i rush it i would never forgive myself

Put in kit. A pleasant and well-meaning friend with low opinions of himself and disturbing psychological problems.


I'm not that new...
Sorry user. Us cunts in discord brainstormed since I'm bad at names and thats what I got.

>I'm not that new...
>puts in newer authors

>Sorry user. Us cunts in discord brainstormed since I'm bad at names and thats what I got.
I'm in the Discord and nobody mentioned me. I dunno which is more depressing: That nobody mentioned me or that I'm hung up about it.

>people gave 14 votes to my OC in the Traveller poll despite me never shilling her

O-oh, thanks, guys. Love you.

You haven't been included because your not a shitposting namefag. You should be somewhat proud of that.

Well ... why didn't you tell them who you are?

I never meant to hurt you...

Alright kids, the poll is finished and the results are in. The initial 48 spots expanded to 52.

Yet, we're still locked into a tie.



What if I'm just a shitposting author?

Minor Conveniences,
Moderate Conveniences,
Major Changes and Minor Troubles,
Highschool JRPG (Update in the works)
and a Super Heroine Waifu picker that nobody liked. Gonna turn it into a superpower picker at some point.

Also working on Isekai'd Father, and a few others I haven't been talking about because I'm not quite sure when/if I'll get them done or what exactly they are going to be.

I'm a tripfag, actually. I just don't usually post with the trip unless I'm giving a content update or specifically doing something relevant to something I've made.

I'm sorry but I've never seen those.
Based on them however you seem a seasond author. Tell me what you'd be in a fantasy land. Based on your cyoas.

>Hercule, Vegeta and Android 18 make it through easily
>Piccolo doesn't
Some people haven't had a dose recently.

You only get recognized if you shitpost with a trip.

>You will never be beri's apprentice
It hurts

the only author better than the serene serendipity guy is the stardust guy

Oh well. Good thing I'm making it and can add myself then.
You mean SDA?

>my joke President build got the most votes


I'm really not, actually. Kinda started this whole thing about a month ago, and my speed os caused by my total lack of image work. Here's some CYOAs of mine though, two of which had image work done by Imaginos.

>You mean SDA?
no you newfag

Which authorfag is the Nasu of /cyoag/?

>serene serendipity

what's so special about it?


I suppose it's to be expected with anons voting based on names alone, but it's interesting that basically only references to history and fiction got voted in.

>Super Heroine Waifu picker that nobody liked
I liked it. Wasn't something absolutely amazing, but it was decent. I think the biggest problem was posting it while some shitstorm was going on (I don't even remember what it was exactly, either fortune cookies or the genie dlc, I think).

They actually get posted quite often. It's just that they are pdfs so everybody skips them. I didn't even realize they were oc when they were posted.

>fortune cookies
Did not mean to do that. Sorry Text.

Do House Renon's together/betrayal options supplement or replace the default effects? I assume supplement, but I've been wrong before.

depth, openness, and variety that allow you to build any kind of life you can think of, and then come up with where that will lead to later in life. most people would rush through it, focus on the fetish stuff, and be done with it, i think the fetishistic qualities are its downfall

Primarily this series about getting trinkets and powers from a budding goddess is basically the only good CYOA I really have at the moment.

Guess I'm... Some magitech inventor? Cyoas are about mundane powers and items that let you do cool stuff, slowly building up to genuine greater powers and things, so yeah. Inventing odd semi-useful gadgets slowly increasing in power.

If magitech isn't allowed in this setting, then maybe like, low level stage magician like thing with some actual magical skill?

Kinda coming up with all of this on the spot.

S'all good. I actually often skip PDF CYOAs myself, depending on my mood. One of the reasons is that I don't know what I'm getting into until I've downloaded the file onto my phone, which is what spawned a conversation about using giant text on the first page so people can see what it is, which is a great idea that I'm currently the only one doing.

Makes me feel like my PDFs have a distinct style, which is all very cool for me.

Yes yes, factions, scores, blah blah, hurry up and show me the ladies!
>[Telia of the Boundless Flame]
..This is a straight up cult.
I don't do cults.
Especially ones that sacrifice people.
Plus, I may meet her "prerequisites" I'd rather have an Empress who makes up for the skills I lack.
And there are other guys in those orgies, right?
That clinches it, I don't share.
Throw in the bin, Nahry.
>[Christina of the Cosmech Faithful]
...They that's not how you spell "cosmic," right?
Also, are these all gonna chicks from cults?
Fine fine, I'll keep reading, stop giving me that look.
Wait, "undue tolerance for aliens?"
Nobody told be we were racist!
That shit won't be flying if I have anything to say about, Nahry-Poo.
Regardless, I like these guys. I know I just said I don't do cults, but these guys are optimistic and altruistic. I want to encourage that.
Plus, if there's one thing Dark Souls has taught me (don't worry about it, it was a thing from before I went to sleep), it's that there's no point in keeping a fire lit when it's time to let it die.
I think the Temple's burned long enough.
Plus, Christina seems cute.
Put her in the maybe pile, Nahry-Pants!
>[Kalkani of the Crucibii]
You're making these names up, aren't you?
Really? Fuck, the universe is weird these days. Anyway...
By "saurs," do mean actual fucking dinosaurs?
If so, that's pretty sweet.
That being said; I don't like them and I don't care for her either.
I don't really care that I don't meet her Prereqs.
Too violent. Too... simple.
And if they're on the Flame Fuckers side, they ain't on mine.
Also, does this want me to rape people? Because it sounds like she wants me to rape people.
I can't go for. No can do, Nary-Poon.
Toss it, it's garbage.

Yeah I think some of the more interesting ones might have made it higher with more information listed.