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Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4 - New models
Book 5 - Just announced

Discord voice chat for malifaux chat and memery:

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives

New Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Link to the previous general: Thread topic: What models are you guys painting today? And what schemes are your favorite for GG2017

Nightmare box for gencon is alternate Hamelin, a crazy cat lady and her crew of cats. Sisterhood of the Cat is presumably incoming on black friday.

>What models are you guys painting today?

"Today" would be a bit disingenuous, as it's taken a good two weeks, but I'm about to reach the 'gluing together' stage of my seconf Katanaka sniper.
He's already painted bar the highlights and inks, for the record, it didn't take me two weeks to cut things off sprues.

He's to let me flesh out my 10T Mei Feng, because I love a good sniper and I play Arcanists.

>And what schemes are your favorite for GG2017?
I like Accusation, personally.
For all the complaints that it's too easy to deny and too AP-inefficient to score, against most factions you can reliably get a point by chucking something in and marking up two models.
Burn up a few cards to keep it a live a little while, and they either dump their hand on it or kill their own model, and hopefully you still have something to go.

Maybe that's because strategically I usually play for 3/2/2 rather than 4/3/3, and try to deny and jank my opponents' plans as much as work my own.
Admittedly, my W:D:L suggests it doesn't actually work anywhere near as well as I'd like.

>Nightmare box for gencon is alternate Hamelin,


I'm not a Hamelin player, but I'm also not that taken with it.
I'll hold off final judgement for the renders/models, but the style doesn't do it for me.

Though to be fair, relatively few of the Nightmares do.

Mr Cooper, for example, which everyone seems to love, looks like shit bar the titular character.
In this case the inverse looks true - the children and some of the cats/Cat Kings look pretty good, but Nix, Hamelin and the fat guy look crap.

Well i disagree on your analysis of dark carnival entirely, but i have to say the fat guy does seem a bit lame. Nix is interesting (notice the box marked "schrodinger") but looks a bit small compared to the original and if they were going to do schrodinger's cat i would have preferred a literally "half dead, half alive" rather than undead cat. As in straight down the middle corpse/alive split.

Initially i was impressed with GG2017 but the more i play it the more i hate every single fucking scheme in it. They all are much harder to score than they used to be, i find most games end on stuff like 4-2 rather than the 8-6 you used to see in the vanilla schemes.

>someone reposting my Banasuva
Neat. Haven't posted here in a while, and haven't played Malifaux in a while too, sadly. Last thing I painted was these fine folk. Decided to make Cassandra an Indian (not native american) so I could practice a different flesh tone than I'm used to (since most characters are white.)

Maybe I went a little hard at the Dark Carnival - the Flying Monkeys and Mannequins are pretty nice.
I just think the Performers and Coryphee look crap. Not even funny ha-ha sculpts, just lame and bad.
The strongman Performer could so easily be a Joss and it would at least make some sense.

I don't want to talk about what they did to my beloved.

Back to Hamelin:
Any idea who the fat guy is supposed to be?
And I agree that Nix is a bit uninspired.

>They all are much harder to score than they used to be
>most games end 4-2 rather than the 8-6 you used to see in the vanilla schemes.

They are a bit harder to score and a lot easier to deny, but I don't think that's such a bad thing.
Maybe there's a little less of the reward drip of getting to tick off multiple points earend every turn, but I'd take that any day over "we both know this is a fight to see who wins 10-9".

The vanilla schemes were not fantastically balanced, and a lot of GG16 was too easy.

I'm glad people got over whining about Frame For Murder though.

You paint good shit hombre.
That's a decent brown too.
Picked up Sandeep?

Looks like the fat guy is the Obedient Wretch,so say the forums.
Makes sense as the rest is a direct port.

God, I hope so.

>Sisterhood of the Cat is presumably incoming on black friday.
They confirmed on the forums it was one of the following event sales, but not this GenCon and well before the next.

Gencon models

I LIKE that.
Really dig the new sympathetic yet sinister rather than gross angle that the Ressurs are getting post-Reva.

Is that by 7th September?
That cuts it pretty fine, unfortunately, but I'd love to add her to my faux-Colette triumvirate - new plastic, old metal and this new severe version.

Now Disappearing act can come with a costume change!

For those who don't know, this is a major character, though tragically i forget her name. I'm actually very sad to see her get a model, but not her own rules. She is a french agent of lucius with skill in charm magic and writer of the through the breach bestiaries from the supplements, she also appears in hoffman's story in book 4. She dies partway through writing her bestiaries, but she doesn't let that stop her, nor does she let it stop her using her "charms".

Alt Taelor

Would spending $60 on their webshop count? Like, say I buy the alt-Hamelin and Tarlor during Gencon. Could I then get the alt-Sybelle with that receipt?

Oh boy another Hamelin to add to my collection.

Anyone mind sharing some Resser McMourning and Nicodem core builds? Just curious how others go about list building for them.

>Mr Cooper, for example, which everyone seems to love, looks like shit bar the titular character.

The mannequins and strong man performer are pretty great. Nightmare Cassandra is shit, though, and the monkeys I could take or leave.

I ended up with Dark Carnival, an alternative performer, and a Cassandra that I purchased individually which seems like a pretty good way to do it.

Unless they change their policy from previous years, yeah, ordering from their webstore during Gencon gets you the alt sculpt they are offering.

Rad. Thanks.

I'm really not a fan of the new inhouse artists style, there's something off about it compared to the older stuff.

So I like a lot about Arcanists visually across MOST of their themes but I really dislike some of their more gribbly M&SU stuff. Specifically Howard Langston who to me looks like something out of Cryx from WMH.

I know he is super good though. Are there any suitable proxies? Mostly for casual games?

>For those who don't know, this is a major character, though tragically i forget her name.

Emily Bellirose?

I did pickup Sandeep, but honestly I wasn't too keen on his model so I did a super fast paintjob on him just to have him on the table. I hope he gets a cool looking alt model that isn't him in some odd pose like the model is.
One of the things that I like about Malifaux models is that they're typically in a fairly neutral pose. Sandeep sort of broke that rule.

Miss Step is an official proxy.

Just as ugly as Langston desu
I was thinking about getting an Anathematic from Infinity and making it look a little more steam-punky. But lazy and Anathematics are a little expensive.

Agreed. Still looks like a steampunk zombie basically.

It's so hard to pick a faction, haha. There's so many individual Masters I like the look of.

Oops, meant to respond to this post:

I honestly see it in a different way. Collette has always been one of the more uninspired masters design wise, while Cooper and friends actually look creepy, interesting, and fit the setting very well. Though part of that is because I am a sucker for Irish rock references.

>Only local game stores count
So no

Fuck, missed that. Time to see if we have a local store that even stocks Malifaux.

Does anyone actually take Wastrels? I think that they have a purpose with McCabe in that they can up the saber's damage via Bravado, but as I use Mounted Guards more and more often I find them to be dead weights.

I am liking the look of Seamus's Do You Know Who I Am upgrade. I have always wanted to have him focus on Horror duels, and this looks like the perfect way to do it by making them a lose lose situation for any model that has to take them.

Any suggestions for purchases to bulk out the Reva crew box? I have no idea what to add, lol.

Get the emissary to put more corpses on the board. Speaking of which get mindless zombies for the emissary to summon. You can be pretty flexible otherwise, but Philip and the Nanny are great for cycling cards, and Yin is often take to debuff the Wp of models you don't like to make them easier to hit. You probably want general scheme runners like Necropunks as well.

Not much better

True. With denial being easier, so many games can come down to not interacting.

They look like they are doing well with the Alts this year.

I like the Strongman model, but it's just all wrong for a Performer's role/rules.
Better suited to a Union Miner or Rail Worker.
The bearded lady and Lola are shit though,and the Coryphee are just over-done.

>Collette has always been one of the more uninspired masters design wise
True, but I think with some of the Cooper set they missed creepy and landed in silly.
The metalEd. Colettel was a bit more characterful.

They get free Defensive, no?
Good for holding points as a second line.
Looks a little too sci-fi for my tastes.

I took off the flailing cable claws and he looks a lot less "evil monster"-y.
Doesn't fix it perfectly, but he looks more robot man than zombie death construct.

They can heal, dont costmuch and do a variety of things most other models are more specialised.
Have they posted full thing?

Yes. Shes cool.

It's confirmed to be Black Friday, so a full Cat-melin crew will be avilable by the end of the year.

Yeah, they showed off the final version in chronicles. It is exactly the change in playstyle that I am happy to see them pursuing.

I have to say, this really fills me with hope for them patching the somewhat lesser masters. Great additions.

Do models immune to horror duels count as automatically passing, or do they neither pass or fail since you didn't even make the flip?

Neither. That is why guys like Witchlong Thralls who automatically pass the duels would still get pinged by the 2/3/4.

I'm not sure what master should I pick as a first master. Could someone recommend a fun master (fun to play, fun to paint, good theme etc).
I'm thinking about:
Dreamer, Lilith, Titania
Jack Daw, Leveticus
McMourning, Kirai.

If none of the above are that fun, can I get an alternative?

Lilith - the otherwordly queen of demonic entities Nephilim (who look like classic demons with hooves, horns and wings), mythical creatures of blood and life who inhabit Malifaux and claim it to be their domain, murdering the invading humans.
Dreamer - a child who somehow managed to bend a mighty nightmarish entity to his will to some extend, manifesting all across Malifaux and wrecking chaos, thinking it to be just another dream.
Titania - a returned master of Malifaux, undying Fae queen who is about to take back what is hers.
Jack Daw - a mysterious figure who appears to a seemingly random locations wiping out whole towns. Not much known of his goals or what drives him.
Leveticus - cant say much about him, something like he is the one to define the destiny of Malifaux, according to some prophecy, and the one who cheats death again and again.
Mcmourning is the mad scientist fascinated with the magics of death and constantly experimenting with it.
Kirai - asian girl whos lover was accidentially killed, and that have driven her previously inert magical talent to commune with the spirits of the dead. Very rare and very powerful talent, i must add.

Hope that helped.

What's the archetypal Ramos build?

Like that a lot.
Can Seamus cheat the Damage flip to get Infamy?
It doesn't say he can't, but I'm not sure where the permissiveness of the rules apply in Damage flipping.

This is a really good summary.
As far as what you want models-wise:
Kirai and maybe Dreamer might need more models bought for them before they get 'good'/playable properly.

Titania's box is apparently a huge pain in the cockhole to build, due to many spindly pieces.

Jack Daw is pretty weird and complex to play, and maybe not the best first pick.

His box plus Mech Rider and four to eight boxes of Steam Arachnids to summon.

Apparently yes, Seamus can cheat it unopposed.

More seriously, Johan is good (M&SU heal), as are Union Miners for scheming, and the big spiders (Brass Arachnids?).

You can totally afford to go hard elite though, as you'll be kicking out spiders to get to at least parity of activations by Turn 3.

Traditionally, the Turn 1 algorithm involves either an Electric Creation (cheaper) or Mobile Toolkit (doesn't explode) running as far up the board as it can while remaining in Joss' charge range.
He then chops it in half, and it drops two scrap to provide two turns of summoning.

Mark squares with: Helicopter.
That's a Windmill you fucking retard program.

This leaves you with 5ss to spend on upgrades before you start eating cache, which is maybe a little tight.

Bleeding Edge Tech on Joss heals Constructs, and he'll probably be at the centre/head of that ball.
Imbued Energies on Howard is just sort of traditional.

For the boss himself, I'm less sure.
Field Generator keeps your crew alive very well but Under Pressure makes them very killy. Problem is they are both 2ss each.

50ss Crew
Ramos -- 7ss
Brass Arachnid - 4ss
Howard Langston - 12ss
Joss - 10ss
Mechanical Rider - 12ss
Mobile Toolkit - 3ss

Thanks much, that was quite helpful

Just to be clear, that spec list I put there is probably actually a terrible idea outside of Inspection with a non-killy Scheme pool.
There isn't really much need for a potential nineteen summoned spiders (or fiteen and four Metal Gamin), and it hard limits your upgrades and model flexibility.

A Union Miner, a Rail Worker, Bleeding Edge Tech and Imbued Energies is probably a better way to spend those 12ss.

Why do a lot of people say McMourning's better in Guild than Ressers? It seems to come down to some sort of point about his playstyle but I don't understand it.

Other way 'round bud.

No, I really see Guild McMourning rated much higher. Granted, it's on the Wyrd forums...

He plays as more of a support master, letting you interact and ignore defenses, as opposed to relying on poison. There are some shenanigans you can pull with witchling stalkera and nurses. I wouldn't say that he is strictly better, but perhaps he does better in Guild under more circumstances.

There is some website where you can keep track of games and McMourning seems to be played by more experienced players hence his win loss ration was very good.

Honestly I'd say they're strengths seem very different between the factions. In guild at least he can do has a lot of utility. He's very fast with plastic surgery and can reposition other models which is pretty uncommon in guild. He can be a bit of a beater and actually becomes proficient at it if buffed by promises. Further nurses are fantastic at providing healing or damage buffs and in a pinch can be used to debuff the opponent.

McCabe and Nellie are his only competitors as utility masters, in my opinion they are both better than him currently but the wave 5 Jury makes nurse healing that much better.

If one were to pick one or two other Masters to run alongside Collodi, who would best compensate for his weaknesses?

So, Seamus' new upgrade. Too good? With Sinister Rep, Hard to Kill, Impossible to Wound, and heals off failed WP duels, he seems ridiculously good at tying up the board.

Do we just have to approach him like Pandora now?

He's fine. He needed this because as it is now he is completely blown out of the water by Reva. I just hope Wyrd have given some thought to the balance of the masters before all this and keep it down a bit for the better masters and focus more on alternatives.

I like it but it's going to be a hard choice which upgrade to drop for it, to drop red chapel killer or the hat. Decisions, decisions.

Out of all of these McMourning and Lilith are really the only ones I can recommend to a beginner, the rest are either a tad more complex or require a serious buy in to be effective.

I was going to contest Lilith, but I suppose the hardest thing about her to learn as a beginner is that the living blade doesn't mean she's a beatstick.

>Guild McM better than Ressur McM
>In guild at least he can do has a lot of utility.

It's probably that.
Maybe in a RvG game, the Ressur doctor might win, but it's the speed and flexibility that Guild lacked without him that makes him a good Guild Master.
Of course, now Nellie is a thing.

>I just hope Wyrd have given some thought to the balance of the masters
I'm all for cool playstyles, but what the game really doesn't need is a regularly rotating set of unequivocally better Masters.
It might be cool to artificially force Lady J and Seamus and Kaeris to the top this year, and then Yan Lo and Mah Tucket and Zoraida next year, but that's no more sustainable than releasing six models per year per faction is.

Pic unrelated, for those lucky enough not to subscribe to the bad place.

Personally id rather see new sculpts, redone rules for models, a new mini faction or two, redone ht rules or mostly dual faction content from now on. It annoyed me akaname were the only dual faction in 4 and bunraku only in 3.

>ML 7 3/4/6 damage track with positives to attack and damage
>4/5/7 with no positives if you charge through terrain
>Not a beatstick

Sure you're not confusing her for someone else?

My brother started dreamer he is notbad for a starter but you wontbe able to play his summoner style at first until you het more models.

You pretty much have to cheat in severe and its only once per turn, to be honest compared to swordfighter its dogshit.

I'll never understand why bronies have to inject their weird obsession in to every hobby they do. Unfortunately with AWP being the biggest hub for the game it attracts some real trash.

Pandora and lillith or lynch and lillith.

I'll never understand why *any sort of obsessive fanboy* have to inject their weird obsession in to every hobby they do.

I don't think mini factions would work very well, and I don't know how well they can make dual-faction pieces given how many interactions they have to balance around now.

I wouldn't mind Guildball-style 'Veteran' versions of stuff though, new rules with a new model.
You can avoid confusion by only allowing a crew to hire from one 'season' of models, even though old and new models are both still legal.

>Using Lilith as Nekima
>Not focusing on positional play

Sure you aren't?
If you use her as a beater you are wasting a lot of her potential.
That's what he means.

Yeah. Ordered the new TTB rulebook.
Would be nice if I got to play it too.
Though I guess that applies to the whole of Malifaux...

How is guild Lucius? Thinking of picking him up as I think he's the best looking master, but have no interest in playing him neverborn.

He is better guild, plus stealing a few neverborn mimics, particularly the doppleganger. He got a big update that improved him, but you might get his old statcard in his box so be sure to print the good one if that happens. You may want to pick up witchling thralls, wardens and hoffmans box along with the doppleganger to get him some great choices, with brutal emissary, guild pathfinder, guild riflemen, guild austringer and nellies box as other cool shit. Oh and he can take terracotta warriors too if he wants.

So I am starting and was thinking of getting Ramos and Hoffman crew boxes since Hoff uses so many Arcanist constructs. What models should I get if I plan on playing in a competitive meta and focus on Hoffman more then Ramos? Also is Hoffman really that inferior when compared to Ramos?

About to trash my Jack daw crew after losing with him continually.

First crew I bought. Love the models, but can't for the life of me understand what I'm doing.

Thinking of getting Kirai and Sandeep instead.
Any input, am I heading into another pitfall?

Hoffman and Ramos are in entirely different factions, so you can't directly compare them, but yeah Hoffman isn't as good as Ramos.

In the Arcanist faction Ramos has always been pretty high tier, and his ability to summon multiple models a turn still makes him the best choice for some strategies and schemes.

In the Guild Hoffman is generally considered to be weaker than some of the more generalist support masters, and he suffers in some schemes and strategies since his mechanics encourage you to keep his core crew close together.

If you want to play Guild competitively, look into playing McCabe or Nellie and bring some Wardens, Hunters, or even a Peacekeeper if you're attached to constructs.

If you want to play with Constructs competitively, go with Ramos or Levi but have a second master in your faction available as a backup plan.

If you want to play Hoffman as competitively as possible, the Hoff and Ramos boxes are a great start. I've also heard good things about the Emissary with him, and you might want the Brutal Effigy or some hounds if you plan on running an elite list and want a few cheaper activations.

If you haven't been getting the hang of Jack, Sandeep might not be the best choice. He's another sort of generalist/toolbox master where you're going to have to evaluate each of his activations as best as possible without a basic gameplan to fall back on.

With Kirai on the other hand, even if you're not sure what the best move is it's usually pretty safe to just summon more stuff and hopefully shoot a guy. On the other hand, buying all of Kirai's good summons is pretty expensive (although if you already have Hanged and/or Drowned that'll help a bit).

Really, though, you should pick up another Outcast master if possible since it'll be much cheaper to stay in faction. If you haven't got Von Schill yet he's a lot more straightforward to play, and the Librarian and Trapper from his box will get a lot of mileage in a bunch of other crews too.

If you are selling your daw crew posters it in the wyrd trades Facebook group

Aw man, the sikhism theme looks so good tho. Got a Marcus crew that would like the poison gamin addition.

I got Hanged, Drowned and Jakuuna. So i thought Kirai would work out at least.

I try to run my crews as themed as possible. Vchill with a bunch of spooks just feels wrong. But he seems fun either way and o good fit for me.

Thanks for the pointers annon

I can never take Kirai seriously.

"Hello, I'm HATE DARKNESS. And you?"

Don't trash your daw crew, i play daw and whilst im pretty shit as a player generally i do well with him. What models do you have other than his box? How do you tend to try and play him?

I still don't understand why they decided to make the new Nekima so ugly. I guess that they want to make her look like a "Real woman", but the model is still worse than the first edition one (At least, based on the 3D print).

Von Schill isn't fun on his own, he's fun when you realize its not about what he does, its about what he doesnt have to deal with. The absurd willpower of his crew, avoiding pulse/blast damage, charging despite engagements, not having to randomize thanks to his emissary etc etc leave him ignoring all the bullshit that normally gets in the way of your fun.

Hanged, Jaakuna and Drowned all crossover well to Kirai, so consider picking her up. Then grab Shikome and McMourning's box to have a good McMourning crew and have nurses for jack daw to use! If you get Von Schill then the hodgepodge emissary can let him rip off his shirt over and over, causing lots of horror duels for Montresor's "comfort in fear" to turn into lose/lose scenarios whilst the freikorps specialist from Von Schill lets you remove the paralyze caused by a nurse's healing!

Also if you don't know yet, there's a patch upgrade + errata to buff montresor.

Nekimas lore has her specifically not wearing many clothes because she rejects human clothing, only wearing traditional nephilim garb, which is just tattered loincloths and wyrd didn't want to model her topless so they gave her a bikini. Its actually a major point of contention between her and lillith, lillith dresses like humans and it pisses nekima off. Whoever made that "clothed nekima" model is fucking retarded. If they really wanted to cover her skin up (which there is no reasonable way to do without also covering up all the other nephilim, even black blood shamans barely wear anything) they should have made it some ridiculous obviously neverborn outfit, not rusty alyce's clothes without shoulderpads.

I'm kind of interested in getting into Malifaux (or trying to, assuming I can find people to play against. I'm thinking of getting either the starter set or a master box, but I'm undecided on who to go with. My favorites just from looking at them are McMourning, Von Schill, and Parker Barrows, but I'm open to suggestions.

Now to the meat of the matter: I'm, in a word, a dum-dum. I've played enough 40k to know I'm not very good at tabletop games, but I still play them because I have fun anyway. I'm hoping for a master/faction/crew/what-have-you that's straightforward and easy-to-use on as many fronts as possible (assembly, painting, actual playstyle, etc.). Case in point, in 40k I picked Necrons because they're basically idiot-proof across the board.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a player like me? Obviously I'm doing my own research on the side, but the posts in this thread seem pretty well-informed on the game, so I'm hoping to solicit some new opinions. Much obliged!

Go with shill. He's the easiest to play.
Parker is swapping upgrades all game

Malifaux does require quite a bit in the way of actual thinking, and there is going to be quite a bump ahead of you in order to get good. That said Von Schill is super straight forward. You just ram your blob down the center and laugh at your opponent. If you are going by assembly then Von Schill wouldn't really be it (Assembling the Steam Trunk is a painful experience). Otherwise he is the best beginner option of what you have mentioned.

I guess Sonnia would be more up your alley in the case of assembly. She is all about just chucking fireballs down range, and plays very straight forward. The witchling stalkers that she comes with are the easiest models to assemble in the game, being sculpted as on piece each.

When assembling the Steam Trunk, obsessively check with the build instructions. The track pieces and wheels have a specific way they must go!

Thanks for replying! I did say "as many fronts as possible," but I'm willing to deal with a few bumps in the road if necessary (try building a Triarch Stalker sometime if your sense of self-worth is getting too big for its britches). The way you guys describe Von Schill makes him sound right up my alley, but I hadn't even considered Sonnia. I'll look into her as well. Thanks for the input!

One other thing: is the starter set worth it at all? I have a buddy who might be interested in splitting one with me since it has two groups/decks in it, but is it worth it?

Unless you are running one of the factions in the starter set, no. So for Von Schill it would be pointless. For Sonnia it wouldn't be that bad of an idea, as the Guild side of the set is made up of Witch Hunters that can take the Witch Hunter upgrades Sonnia comes with. The decks and tape measurers aren't worth it on their own. They use floppy tape measurers instead of hard ones, and paper fate decks instead of the nice plastic ones that Wyrd normally sells. The learning scenarios are far from comprehensive as well.

Good to know. Thanks again, friend!

Which master is subjectively the most fun as an obeyer?

Pic related?
It certainly is ugly as fuck.

If you mean the sculpt of the pic in then you're on crack, it looks great.
Maybe it isn't fluff-perfect, admittedly, but it looks good as a model.

>try building a Triarch Stalker sometime
Oh shit, maybe Malifaux models are not for you.

Von Shill and Sonia are both definite possibilities.

There's no harm in the starter set if you can split it - as you say, it's got all the shit you need.