SDCC Promo Planeswalkers

Would you pay $180 for these and a Bolas poster?

Here's the print, for reference.

No, I would do what I did last time and buy one only to sell it on ebay for $500. Which is still cheaper than going to SDCC for most

No. If it were LotV and JtMS hell yes. One or the other, MAYBE.

The print is apparently on MTG Card Stock.

>chandras boobs twice as big as liliana's.

What is this ancient alien bullshit?

>Would you pay $180 for these and a Bolas poster?

I wouldn't pay 1.80$ for brightly-colored cardboard & paper.

>A fool and his money are soon parted.

Absolutely not. I don't understand what WotC was thinking with invocations and now these eye sores.

No, but enough people will.

I actually like that print a bunch, and I'm already sick of Nicky B. That said, hell no I wouldn't pay 180 for that shit. Thank god they didn't do another unreadable black-on-black promo though.

Unraveler Of Secrets again? Why can't we just wait for Ixalan Jace

Bolas' horns around Liliana or am I tripping?

But sauce


I feel like how Chandra looks.

Why can't they just put Mind Sculptor and call it a day?

I'm sure more people would be happy with a promo alt art Wallet Sculptor even if it looks like crayons but they had to reprint the 5$ one

Anyone else repulsed by jace's thumbs? I don't think that's historically accurate. Shouldn't he have 2 left hands?

Love it for the theme... EXCEPT bolas... why couldn't he be a hieroglyphic depiction as well, the story one with trespasser on it and false god pharaoh would really make the set unified, but having the 5 and a random 1 is weird...

Why is gideon the only one with a crack in it?

although looking again, the cards are supposed to be a landscape picture, when placed side by side, jace/lily/nissa/chandra/gideon/bolas you see the pictures match up and bolas is doing something extra on the wall... so i guess it makes sense, jsut wish it was more unified.

gideon was told by hazoret that she forsaw his death and everyone belive he will die very soon.

He's the one painting the hieroglyphs. He won, so he's making history

Okay, that's pretty great.

I am tempted as hell, I will admit. But I'd probably just sell it.

Sause, google gives me nothing

>Gideon the only one broken

Is this foreshadowing for his death?

bolas looks neat, the rest look like they needed another couple of weeks in the art room.

why is Chandra giving a thumbs up

It's neat how they're being portrayed in their downfall art like Nissa getting tentacled.

This reminds me, what in the hell is going on in Chandra's defeat? Like Gideon, Nissa, Jace, and Liliana are pretty self explanatory, but what about Chandra?

With WoTC pushing Gideon tribal there's no way in hell.

I think because Bolas is a dragon so he's resistant to fire, ad because that's literally all Chandra can do he simply picks her up and squishes her

I think she's blocking her view and looking away from Gideon's death. You can tell Gideon's is on the right of hers from his wrist whip thing.

Jesus fuck did they get yoshitaka amano to draw this?

Prerelease or fat packs?

Prerelease HOD is 30 bucks for 6 booster packs. Fat pack is 10 for 35.

If you're not actually playing in prerelease, obviously fatpack.

I thought it was Bolas removing the air/oxygen around her so she can't create fire and suffocate

>STILL no new art of him reading his book

You're allowed to acknowledge he's not just a big damn monster tyrant, MTG. It's okay.

Well, he's touching her so her mind should be erased and her body should be rapidly decaying, but we all know they'd never have the balls to kill off She-Jace.

>Gideon broken
Probably will die
>Lily has Bolas' horns on her head
Probably will betray the Jacetice League
>Nissa is pouring sand from every hole
Uh ... maybe Emmy has something to do with this?
>Jace and Chandra pretty normal
We already know they planeswalk away safely after getting raped by a giant dragon cock

anyone else notice that all the wall portraits look to be all on the same wall. look at the edges of the stone.

Also, if the glow of magic lines up on the top left and top center cards then Bolas is creating (or destroying) these wall carvings.

These are an absolute mess. They look terrible, like a shitty photoshop filter has been done to them, then Bolas is somehow in a completely different style. The print is the best part but it's too bad it isn't on a card.

So this is basically Bolas writing a fanfic after scaring the faggots away.

$180 for painted cardboard. I just don't get Magic players, man. You could buy a bunch of DnD/Pathfinder books or board games for that price, and have several months of fun with friends.

> hur dur my toys are better than yours

Learn to ignore these posts.

He won't die here.
Everything they've been putting out is hinting at him biting it at a Theros return

Gideon's broken where Bolas stabbed him.

Here's the actual full mural.

>Jace is fighting the horns/got mindfucked by bolas, art depicts him in a doorway (or captured)
>Liliana has Bolas horns behind her and sideart depicts her kneeling with the zombies
>Nissa is trapped by sand and has horns and a wall behind her
>Chandra is in the dark in front of people with torches making a fuck off gesture
>Gideon fighting and broken

Jace got mindfucked and planeswalked away, Liliana gave up and agreed to work for Bolas, Nissa got captured, Chandra fled with Hazoret and joined the resistance, Gideon died.

That was hard.
