"My character wears only clothes from the recently deceased, which they were wearing at the time of death

>"My character wears only clothes from the recently deceased, which they were wearing at the time of death.

>"And they have to fit and be cute girls' clothes."

Would you let this character in your party?


"Okay, but why though?"

Depends on the setting.

Depends on so many other factors that they reduce the question to a simple bait.

But if it's a lighthearted game that doesn't look into things all too much, and either the character is actually a cute girl themselves or they're played by a good friend whom I know, then why not.


That's mobid, terrifying, and slightly Norman Bates tier.

I love it.

>First sentence
>See the image before reading the description
Pic related.

Well, if there wasn't any limits for this specific gimmick, considering how much killing and dead NPCs happen in a generic plot...

he needs to go

No, but my shithead players would be giggling their tits like niggers all of.

>"My character wears only clothes from the recently deceased, which they were wearing at the time of death.

>"And they have to fit and be cute girls' clothes.

>"And my character is a boy."

Would you let this character in your party?

Yeah, can work with that. The tricky part would be sneaking the clothes on things we're about to encounter, but I'm sure we can figure something out.

Why would you sneak the clothes?

Not as written, but I would try to work with the player to develop a more traveling adventure party friendly character.

Because natural probability of looting pair of high-cut stockings with matching skirt is way too low.

Welcome to my Slasher game

So, are they killing these people to get their clothes or what?

Or are they just under a really specific curse where whenever someone dies -and is wearing something that fits them- it just materializes in their luggage?

Have they just been digging through all these tombs, coffins, etc.. Looking for fitting clothes? Did they go through an awkward period where they had to wear ill-fitting or shabby clothing because they couldn't find anything appropriate for days and we're just finding them after they've gotten GOOD at stealing from dead people?

How many cute dead girls are they finding?

I was under the impression they mostly went nude.


You knock out enemies, dress them up, and THEN execute them.

So, like a female version of those ghetto niggas who kill each other to loot high-end sneakers?

>Would you let this character in your party?

Warning flags would be shooting up all over the place, and I'd subject the player to a more thorough examination of their playstyle. I get even a whiff of That Guy, and they're gone.

Imagine the high heels you could find on dead girls.

More importantly, who is killing all these cute girls, and are we on an adventure to stop them?

Yes. Every NPC they meet will refuse to deal with her(him) going by the fact that she(he) is wearing clothes that reek of blood, sputum, or the evacuated waste of the deceased and the town guards will immediately arrest her(him) on suspicion of graverobbing.

>ok, but prepare to roll for stealth checks while you dig up, and rob graves. Also burial clothes have like, AC 3 so I hope you like being a punching bag.

I'm against it, but god I'll make this player jump through hoop after hoop to pull this shit off to amuse me.

>What is Prestidigitation?
>What is Mending?

>What is being a full caster?

Checkmate, atheists.

Why not take clothes from enemies?

In that case, I'll just have every enemy relentlessly mob them whenever combat begins, because they can smell the immense girl-power coating their body.

What are the odds that you're going to fight a bandit wearing a maid uniform or some shit?

>mfw FATAL

What's being a full caster have anything to do with this? Besides making the person a ACless glass canon

Wrong shit, sorry. I meant For the last one.

"I'll allow it. Just remember, armor that leaves you half naked isn't good armor."

And proceed to have all my ranged enemies to target the half naked woman with the unwieldy scythe to make an example out of them. After I'd give them two more chances to roll up a non Mary Sue before I kick them out.

>Wanting to play a cute girl in a medieval-era game of pretend
Seems like an occupational hazard unless you're already playing a tabletop korean mmo

I'd tell them to go back and read the fucking setting brief because there's no way in hell I wrote something that made that abomination of a gimmick seem appropriate.

That's a serial killer. That's what a serial killer does, OP.

The only correct answer is: if you already play with the sort of faggot that would come up with this kind of crap you brought it on yourself and should deal with it

Please tell me you don't go around killing people for their outfits. Also, no.

>caring about occupational hazards in a game of pretend

Depends, really:

The Dark Eye? Absolutely not!
D&D? Hell no.
Star Wars RPG? No.
40k RPG? No.
Shadowrun? Ehh, depends on the campaign.
d20 Modern? Also depends on the campaign.
World of Darkness? Also much to do with tone of the campaign.
Unknown Armies? Sounds fitting.
Feng Shui? Knock yourself out.

>special snowflake characters
Its not about what you put in a character, its what you decide to leave out

I bet you play Pathfinder, if you play at all

Also, do you have a backstory explanation why, and I hope you don't like changing your cloths. The party doesn't kill many fashionable little girls.

>do you go around killing people for cloths
Well gang looks like we found an encounter.

>Please tell me you don't go around killing people for their outfits.
Worked in pic related.

If it fits the tone of the campaign, sure.

Considering how loot works in DnD, the only thing different from this PC and literally every other PC is A) They refuse to use Ye Olde Magic Shop to get gear and B) They aren't going to do the "one size fits all" looting chainshirts mentality.

Wizards don't care about armor.

>Not just saying "no"
>Wearing clothes of the recently deceased, which probably smell awful among other things makes you a Mary Sue
>Mage Armor exists

I don't think you're a very good GM.

You actually raise a fair point there.

They'll still use Ye Olde Magic Shop for rings and bracers and crap like that.

Why not?

Yeah, but to be able to wear it, they have to put it on someone and then kill them.

>>What is Prestidigitation?
>>What is Mending?
If you repair your sock enough times, is it still the same sock?
[Muzak starts playing]

>playing anything derived from D&D
Why tho?

Knock people out, put clothes on them, kill them.

Yes, because Mending is better than patchwork.

When was it established that the OP character was a wizard?

Not to their argument, but what is OSR?


>I resolve my out-of-game problems in game!
>Guys I'm so great at this, this is why I post on Veeky Forums complaining about NGNL.

You complete niggers!

OP is obviously making a joke about how murderhobo PCs always loot equipment off of dead enemies and not a serious suggestion about a character.

But NGNL is a good anime.

Seems like a great shtick for an Abyssal.

Continuing, that seems like it could be legit cool to play as either a really specific curse or a really specific OCD-like derangement in regards to recently deceased and worn at time of death, and the character just really cares about looking fashionable despite their handicap.

This is a great workaround as well.

So this is the new "anime character in game wat do" shitposting?

What about the variant in ?

> Shitposting
Better than another MTG thread.

It's a crap anime, but the LN is patrician-tier.

What does NGNL have to do with wearing the clothes of the recently deceased?

Agent 47 tier

>the first one

sure thats actually kinda unique in a morbid way and could be played a number of ways; for laughs, stone faced serious edgelord, creepy and morbid.

>the second one

eh maybe, could still be amusing, especially if its a light hearted fun setting

Sure, who gives a shit? Increase the number of evil girls that wear cute clothing. Unless it offends someone else in the party, I don't care.

It WILL offend a paladin.

Especially if he's the healslut

>Be a passive aggressive asshole
>Not just saying "No" like an adult
Shit DM/10
I would play with a faggot like OP before I'd play with you

>And they have to fit and be cute girls' clothes

I'd agree except for the second line here says otherwise

Couldn't you make any piece of clothing fit a cute girl with high enough sewing skill?

Or at least high enough bluff?