EDH/Commander General

"Coinflip Tribal" Edition

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
What do you think of the latest ban announcement?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What do you think of the latest ban announcement?
Not a whole lot, under the circumstances.

This is the previous OP.

Some people were sure Protean Hulk was going to go right back on the list. There are no uncharacteristically problematic cards in my meta but I can't speak for all metas.

Ghave is just gross, man. I was just fucking around with Undying stuff

I felt kinda bad since my group isn't super-Spiky and usually just turns creatures sideways

How fun is RG Omnath? I'm thinking of building him but I'm on the fence.

Fuck, there's really no substitute for Imperial Recruiter in mono-red, is there?

What ban announcement?

Omnath is for boys
Thromok is for MEN

MTGO. Nothing you need to worry about.

He knows. He posted in that thread to advertise this one. He just linked back to an archived edh general that had the discord server in the op. Probably the last one he personally made.


Vela ninja trick or Pharika shining'stars ?

I can't decide...


he know, he is linking to that one cause it has that cancerous discord he is trying desperately to shill


>"Coinflip Tribal" Edition
i want so badly to make this work in my arjun deck and i'm probably going to waste a lot of time, money, and effort before giving up.

not really unless you're looking for a goblin. they need to reprint that shit...altho i guess maybe it was a total color pie mistake...

>What do you think of the latest ban announcement?

No one really cares about MTGO 1v1 commander, but since 1 person in this thread might actually give a shit, I'll chime in with this: WotC is terrible at managing it and are making bannings based on a poor knowledge of the format.

>Rules Committee
Unsurprising, in every way that matters. Of course they weren't gonna re-ban Hulk, since it is clear no one in their playgroup abuses it like it can be abused. Sheldon's group needs one or two really serious commander tryhards to come along and just shit on them for months to get them to reevaluate the banlist appropriately.

Are there non-creature Zombie spells?

All of the Tribal spells with Changeling

Blades, Shields, and Wings of Velis Vel, Crib Swap, Ego Erasure, and Nameless Inversion.

Sadly, they're not in golgari or dimir colors

>linking the wrong thread to advertise illegally on Veeky Forums
That's some malicious bullshit. Would you like if I started posting screen caps of how objectively terrible the discord actually is?

That isn't the previous thread you retard.

Jesus Christ how do you manage to fuck up the OP every time?

>Ego Erasure, Nameless Inversion, Wings of Velis Vel
Don't be dumb.

I'm actually wanting to play an infect deck. Of course, it would be more of a bored control based deck

No one in my meta has played infect, but I am pretty sure it will be competive.

BEHOLD, the ultimate in boros technology.


or at least it would be if I wanted to throw more money at it, but keeping it around $400 is ideal.

for an even cheaper version, are there some spicy tutors/wheels I may be forgetting?

Also, stax cards are surprisingly expensive, so it would be interesting to find some very low cmc blow out cards like silence, and then beat all the combo decks with midrange after they run out of steam.

They need to make another Krark's Thumb effect un order for coin flip strategies to be viable.

What is ComboA? I don't get it.

Thinking about throwing this in my GW elf deck, essentially turning any elf that taps for 4 or more into an infinite source; is this a dick move?

>pull out first ever deck to do some overdue editing
>tappedout is down

I swear to fuck.

Anyways, a pertinent question for /edhg/: how many cards of one type do you put in before considering cards that only work well with that card type (Affinity, Convoke, Constellation, etc.)?

no, play what you want

It's a backup Umbral Mantle. As long as you actually have something to do with that mana then it's fine.

Nevermind, I see that is how you win with infinite mana. It looks like a good Boros deck.

So, Solemnity prevents creatures from entering with counters, right? Does that mean Murderous Redcap can go infinite with a sac outlet?


Any secret tech for Mayael?

Yes. Kitchenfinks too.

Yeah, that'll work.
Yes. Persist and Undying creatures can be sacrificed infinitely with Solemnity on the field, and cards like Reyhan and Ghave that have 0 toughness and enter with counters will die.

My playgroup's gonna hate my Marchesa deck even more than it already does


aside from being considered an infinite, is it really that much different from dropping craterhoof behemoth?

das pretty busted, look out modern.

You might like geralfs messanger too.

There are already several ways to do that in Modern, so it won't really shake up the place that much.

Its fucking great, elemental tribal is fun and strong with omnath at the helm. I just wish anger was an elemental and I wish we had a new koth so my planeswalker theme isnt gay shipping.

Modern already had something similiar with this.

If you're running wheels, Bruna, The Fading Light can pull some good shit out of your yard alongside her. Greenwarden of Murasa is a bigger E-Wit and Woodland Bellower can grab a smaller utility creature like Khenra Charioteer or Archetype of Courage to make your fatties hit a lot harder.

>Anthology life counters don't fit in the satin tower

Keep in mind Bruna is a cast trigger, so hitting off Mayael doesn't work

I was disappointed too. I haven't tried it, but I think with a bit of filing work you could probably squeeze it in.

How is this secret tech?

If you want some real secret tech, check out dragon arch, elvish piper, that green exert guy who does the same thing, mirrowood tree folk, where ancients tread, changeling colossus, ogre battledriver, garruk wildspeaker, pathbreaker ibex, and overwhelming stampede.

I also really like Harrow and Primal whatever where you sac a creature and get to fish two basics. Tragic Arrogance is also fantastic in that deck.

True, but you can't always rely on Mayael. Bruna's a good option if she gets plinked off the board. Nobody ever expects an OG Gisela out of the yard without access to black.

...Ehhh, I'm already in Mardu, so his casting cost is a bit restrictive, even with black being my main color. Thanks though.

Those cards are all much more commonly played than Krosan Drover so they are not super secret tech.

Planar Gate has the same effect of him for 2 more mana in artifact form.

Mentor of the Meek works too

Yes, but what does it do?

You might as well run semblance anvil at that point. Arcbond + lifelink is the holy grail in Naya, and deflecting palm in a sunforger package is great, but that's all generic nonsense.

Wrong card? How does it combo in any form?

explain to me why you wouldn't include this over any other budget black tutor

Makes Redcap come back with a +1/+1 and removes the -1/-1?

After I pointed it out you couldn't be bothered to RTFC? Juust in case you were mistaken somehow? Fine, here, look.

Mentor of the Meek is a card draw engine that has you pay whenever a small creature ETBs.

He probably meant new anafenza.

Sorry. Misremembered what it did

too much mana

is there no way to duplicate the effect without mirror gallery?

Insidious Dreams is far superior.

How about a mono-red chaos commander that lets you pay a cost to flip another coin and choose one?

I do though. It is a bit expensive though, mana not money

also, Increasing Ambitions is ok

strionic resonator or a similar card

Agreed, at minimum you're paying 6 mana for a tutor. I guess if you have 7 or 8 to spend you can fetch a combo for the next turn, but I'd be ready for some hard hate after tutoring for 2+ cards.

Krark, the 9 fingered
Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman
Whenever you flip a coin you may flip two instead and ignore one.
Whenever you lose a coin flip you lose half of your life rounded down.

It's furries and /pol/shit, everyone knows it's autistic

Zada bros: do you guys prefer the "play a combat trick for huge team boost" route, or the "make horrifying amounts of tokens" route

Well yes but no one has to see it. It's exactly as bad as everyone worries, but worse because they like to pretend it actually accomplished something. They have a /ccg/ there for fucks sake...

>that steep of a penalty

Yeesh. At least give him an upside for winning. Maybe he "wins the bet" and gets to take control of a permanent an opponent controls?


What's a good "knife-edge" deck? I mean like, "you play it well, you win spectacularly. You fuck up once, you die." I guess a glass cannon type of deal but in an EDH deck



Mono Black Sidisi Storm.

That's not really a knife's edge. That's "Do you have it?" the deck.


You forgot Angel's Grace Ad Naus.

>you share a thread with Discord kiddies

riku of two reflections

huge mana sink but your group can only pray if they let you untap

You guys have any ideas for this as a commander? Ive never really played abilities like this one has. Any suggestions?

>isochron scepter exiling angels grace
>any mana rock that produces two or more
>paradox engine

Unkillable. until someone kills my artifacts.


Wait whoa hold on now where the fuck did this come from

Ixalan spoilers. It's been available for weeks.

UG merfolk commander, something voice of thunder. It'll be good but boring.

Did you start playing magic a week ago?

Nah I've been working. I didn't really take a look at the Ixalan sheet

Any good red legends?

you'll still die from commander damage/poison when state-based actions are checked upon passing turns

Oh well, I didn't consider this.

There's a pirate that makes Lotus Petals when it swings.

Speaking of spoilers, does anyone else think this enchant might get banned?

>combos with any board wipe

>0 or less life

Does this mean negative life is a thing? You continue to take damage even at 0 life?

Yup. You keep track of life into the negatives. I've seen someone abuse Platinum Angel+Death's Shadow HARD, it was hilarious.