Pauper is a format without Planeswalkers, Pushed Mytics...

Pauper is a format without Planeswalkers, Pushed Mytics, ((Financial Value)) that has actually good spells like Bolt and Counterspell.

>MTGO Pauper Guide

>What are some top tier decks I can get on MTGO/Paper?


>Which rules should I follow?
If you don't already have some homebrew version with friends, follow the MTGO card pool and banlist (and please spread this to your friends that start playing with you). Currently the only place Pauper is officially supported by Wizards is online, and they have a card pool and banlist, therefore that is the format we should be using offline on paper as well, since decks and cards can transfer to games between each other with no confusion.

The bottom left has a box, select MTGO Pauper, all cards in the card pool and banlist are taken into account.

>What deck should I use?
Ask in the thread!

>Is MTGO worth it?
If you have no local paper competition, but want to play a vast amount of Pauper, it can't be beat, even if it is a clunky GUI, you learn quickly.

Other urls found in this thread:

i keep toying with buying into mtgo and i figure pauper is a good way to get in.

whats the cheapest pauper deck you guys think is fun? not necessarily good.

Decided to look into this for nostalgia's sake. The URL for MtG Hunter doesn't work, the www should be removed.

Pauper is great, shame wizards doesn't want to print good commons any more so there's not much to look forward to in the future in terms of the format developing

> ((Financial Value))

Maybe Kuldotha Boros or Delver. They both have plenty of lines of play.

Masters sets always have a chance of making big impacts on pauper because wizards is much more likely to downshift powerful cards in rarity. I don't think we need to bring up the peregrine drake fiasco. But besides that, off the top of my head both augur of bolas and dinrova horror came from the most recent masters set and are seeing good amounts of play.

They just slowly downprint ex-legacy staples for us. At this point legacy as of 1999 is just about all common online, it is just that mongoose and nacatl cannot compete with delver of secrets.

is it uncommon to have a paper pauper scene?

It is, but you can always talk to an LGS about starting a league. It's what I did, and it's amazing what 5 dollar entry can encourage people to do. 5 dollar entry and it all goes right into the prize pool, and we have weekly pauper tournaments now.

My pauper decks are this really nice and shiny Selesnya populate deck and shitty b/g infect.

>Pauper is a format without Planeswalkers, Pushed Mytics, ((Financial Value)) that has actually good spells like Bolt and Counterspell.

Pauper is also a format without any interesting cards. All the cool cards with complicated effects are rare or mythic.

>t. someone who has never played pauper.
Go jerk off to jace.

have you ever played a deck with 4 ponder 4 brainstorm

There is a reason why there is 78% aggro and 1% combo. Is because Commons are simpler and duller, they purposefully make them weaker and remove complex interactions thanks to NWO

>A lack of combo means that commons are dull and boring
there's various 2 card combos in pauper. they're just slow. The format isn't welcoming to combo because of the existence of the powerful control options at common.

NWO also only effects new commons, not the ones already legal in the format like Counterspell, Ponder, Preordain, Brainstorm.

No it is because pauper has nevet been anle to deal with combo so they ban it when it appears.

At one point or another pauper has been dominated by:
Temporal fissure storm
Esper combo (super janky but tier 1)
Drake combo

Even banning 5 decks out of existence, affinity still requires atog fling to be dominant.

A 76% of aggro shows that the format tends towards dumb aggro strategies because the interactions of synergy between cards have been pushed away put dumb beaters and token generators at common. If I wanted to play a shit format full of aggro I would play modern, at least storm is legal there

Damn thats a nice sentence. Crisp af

Pauper is welfare Legacy which is completely great.

Is the Empty the Warrens ban made sense at the time, and the Cranial Plating, Frantic Search, Invigorate, and Treasure Cruise bans still do.

But is "combo is painful to playthrough online" the only reason Cloud of Faeries, Cloudpost, Empty the Warrens, Grapeshot, Peregrine Drake, and Temporal Fissure are still banned?

I got into it with a b/w tokens deck that cost under $5 and wins plenty of games

I think the problem really is that control is much better than aggro anyways, combo just tops that off.

If they wanted to include the combo-control decks they would need to take cranial plating or invigorate off the ban list to offset it.

Must suck being a poorfag

can someone explain why why the drake and faeries are banned? is there some combo?

Yeah, sucks to play a format that feels like 90s magic but more balanced and approachable.

It very easily allows you to make infinite mana, and is in one color and is in the color with the best ways to protect the combo.

in short, the answers to the deck are so much weaker than the answers the deck has itself, in the form of hard counters and bounce spells.

Flicker and archaemoancer makes an infinite mana combo, cloud of faeries also requires familiars to reduce the cost of flicker.

Cloud of faeries ban also dropped U Delver a bit in power.

ah i understand cheers
really wish this format was more active irl :( really baffled by the fact it isnt

If it were sanctioned in paper I think it would have a huge following. Sadly it's only sanctioned online so many people don't know about it.

It definitely should be supported in paper.

Exhume decks got a bunch of shit with all the new cycling creatures, at least.

>He posts the Uncommon version for the Pauper General

Do you reckon that could ever happen? Or would WoTC have no desire to promote an inexpensive format

>tfw multiple 2k+ EDH decks
>tfw love Pauper

Yeah NWO has errata'd so many old cards.

We have a decent sized scene in Seattle. Card Kingdom is up here and runs big Pauper events regularly.

post memes

Yeah you can do snarky comments, but you cannot negate the fact that the format is extremely unbalanced and unhealthy with three quarters being aggro and one being control.
People here are either poorfags or Delusional miraclefags that still feel bad for the top banning.

Pauper Burn i some of the most fun ive ever had playing magic. And it made me better at counting!

Nice meme but it needs more Bushwhacker.

What's wrong with them other than their price?

Local bar I play at has a pauper league with $.50 entry. First prize is a plate of hot wings.

I hate them. As simple as that.

>value machine permanent that protects ifself
>protected with claws and teeth by WoTC, everything that targets them is rare, never prints hate that hoses them,

they're just lame

Some people are not intelligent enough to play around them.

They just printed a sorcery spell that's not entirely unlike electrickery and a one mana 8 life spell for sideboard. We usually get 1 good card each set. More from the Masters Sets.

>Planeswalkers die to fucking creatures
>plenty of black killspells that hit Planeswalkers
>Planeswalkers can get countered
>Planeswalkers die to burn
>Planeswalkers start at cmc3
>plenty of Planeswalkers with no built-in survival (though you don't see them as they're too shit too play as they die to creatures)

when they print a 1 mana Black Destroy target planeswalker, a 2 mana White exile target Planeswalker and 4 Mana Destroy all walkers we get to talk.
Also Burn dosen't kill anyone but Tibalt.
If you think that 2 bolts is a fair trade you are a cuck.

>i will only accept planeswalkers when they become entirely unplayable and useless
No John, you are the cucks.

You know what stopped Saherli cat combo while it was legal in standard? Fucking shock.
You forgot burning-tree waifu.

I think that Torex is one of my favorite decks in any format, even its not very good.
I'm also partial to UW tron.

You mean, WotC banlist?

storm is back guys



Ur tandem combo is pretty sweet now.

I need advice, started brewing these a week or so ago but never got a chance to play them

Delver and 8 alchemists plus Thunderous Wrath and bolts

Lots of removal and card advantage, 8 alchemists to get more value out of removal and card advantage and 2 anglers as finishers

I don't like Stompy but i like efficent creatures anyway so i brewed this, not really sure how would fare in a competitive environment

what color sleeves should i use for snow delver

Solemnity should have hosed planeswalkers instead of all else but.

White? How is it even a question?

This, give me Plating back, you can ban Atog too if you want i hate it anyway, he's not a robot and doesn't fit with the rest of the deck, he just hurts my robots

Most things that target PWs are rare and up because they dont want cards talking about a permanent you rarely see in limited occuring more often. The Support keyword used to buff loyalty as well as give +1/+1 counters but that was one reason why it got changed. Imagine that world where Support buffed walkers.

is mtgo worth it if they are making a new thing?

There is no plans to get rid of MTGO for a good long while as theyre still actively supporting and programming for it, and if they did they wouldnt just make everything you did on it not transfer over to the new platform. Thats why they havent pulled the trigger yet in the first place. Way too many people are way too wrapped up in MTGO right now to just say fuck em no matter how shit it is.

w2c those sheets senpai. I always mire your photos desu

while it is a cheap format and a mythic-less one. pauper feels incredibly boring. being stuck to commons limits what you can make greatly, just play EDH if you want more fun.

Red pill me on dredge. Why should I play it over other strategies and decks?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I enjoy both.

Anyone else here start playing pauper from EDH because legacy was just too lofty to get into? I just finished my legacy deck, too, but pauper just seems a little comfier, anyway.

I can only black pill you. It suffers a lot from Relic of Progenitus, and I really mean it.
Otherwise, Spore Frog is fucking king.

Can you undying evil an evoked mull drifter?

yes, while the trigger is on the stack

Yeah, and it is awesome. There is also angelic renewal, which costs 1 more to do the same thing in white.

what pauper deck will make me feel like this :)

>to do the same thing in white
Won't make it a 3/3.

Not only can you, you can draw the Undying Evil off the Mulldrifter.

>think building a -1/-1 counters deck might be better with AKH block support
>realize almost all good stuff for that is uncommon or above

God forbid they actually print playable commons in the NWO. Just republish "when cards go bad v.3505943"

Well I just came. I have been looking at this deck every time you post it. It's just value.dek. Looks fun mind if I try it out bro?

Currently playing Mono-White Soldiers.
It's a very comfy deck, it's fair and have awnsers to everything.
I also play a Exhume list eventually. I planning to make it Grixis, I'm not sure.

Some guy posted about big red in a prior thread, if you're still here, could you post your deck list?

Play Paesant my friend

>4 mana destroy all walkers
What is "Hour of Devastation"?

5 mana

Friend, you haven't lived until Dreadbore has been in your life.

Currently building UB reanimator, i see a lot of people played Mental Note/Thought Scour + Brainstorm, why not use Careful Study or now Strategic Planning? They are basically that card combo condensed in one card.

Planeswalkers die to fucking BOOMPILE.
Oblivion Stone, Eye of Doom, Coercive Portal, Perilous Vault. Plague Boiler. Ratchet Bomb.

Also Hour of Revelation


I meant...
"Hour of Revelation."

Stupid hours.

It's 3/6 mana then

I'm a modern and standard player. I want to get into pauper. Grixis with gurmag and cantrips will be my thing. How good is that kind of list going to be if I attend a pauper event. Would grixis exhume with a 1 mana cycle creatures be better/more fun. I see exhume lists use an Eldrazi as a finish. I kind of hate he Eldrazi and would prefer not to play with them.

It's a shame combo is pretty dead in Pauper. I love combo.

Nobody would play 1 mana destroy planeswalker or 2 mana exile planeswalker, those cards would be trash because planeswalkers aren't good enough to dedicate deckslots that do nothing but kill a single walker

I'd been considering an idea with auramancer and angelic renewal. This sounds even better.

Hard to beat annihilator. Striped riverwinder is an option that fits with your cycle plan though.

UB delver might be your thing. It casts cantrips and anglers. Competitive deck too. The 3rd colour is a stretch with pauper's mana but not impossible

Not him but i have a question on current reanimator lists: is it necessary to run Thought Scour or Mental Note now that all the targets for reanimation can dump themselves in the graveyard with cycle? Wouldn't it be better to run Augur of Bolas, Brainstorm, Ponder and maybe Preordain to dig for Exhume instead of risking to mill it? And also why use Brainstorm and Thought Scour to avoid this happening when you could have used Careful Study or Strategic Planning to achieve the same effect with a single card?

I'm the previous user and I am thinking strategic planning is probably going to be better. I wanted to go grixis for faithless looting.

What targets with cycling are we looking to use. Knee ally don't know the format all that well tbhf

Striped Riverwinder and Greater Sandwurm, also Twisted Abomination in 1-2 copies is useful vs removal heavy lists or to offer a sticky blocker and Gurmag Angler is evergreen in black so there's zero reason not to have a playset of it as well

I believe Thought Scour and Mental Note are more played in Gurmag Delver lists, as they can fill the bin for Gurmag and help Delver flip. I wouldn't run either of them in a reanimation list.

Careful Study and Strategic Planning could possibly still be useful- they dig deeper than just drawing one from cycling. If I was building for eldrazi reanimation and running U I'd consider using them, but when the reanimation target has cycling, I'd probably focus more on the better draw/selection spells.

FWIW for Exhume style reanimation I prefer a slower BUG build that runs forbidden alchemy.

Hey pauper general, looking for some help with a matchup. It's been driving me up the wall, because I face this matchup pretty much 1-2x a league, if not more.

I've been on a fairly stock version of Kuldotha Boros. i do pretty well in most of my matchups, excepting tron variants, but I have an extremely hard time playing against U/R delver. I have no idea whether I'm supposed to be favored or not, but I have been going under the gameplan of plopping down early blockers and riding out their tempo with my removal.

Sometimes it works, but most of the time, they end up finding a shitload of counterspells or removal anyways. What should be my general gameplan? Should I try to force the race?

I'm packing 3x pyroblasts in the side, but they end up bringing in 2-3x stormbound geists as well. Are there other good sideboard options I should bring in?

Any other advice?

Thank you.